Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 248: Win Qi and Destroy the Huns

Hear the scout's report.

"Li Mu led the army out of the city?" Mo Dun's expression changed, with surprise.

The Xiongnu generals in the entire camp were also the same, with shocked expressions on their faces.

"In the past, Li Mu used his troops to be prudent, but today, how could he rush out of the city?"

"Chanyu, is there any fraud in this?" said a Xiongnu general who had fought against Li Mu.

"This dan has 700,000 soldiers, and even more so in the world of my wolf clan cavalry in the northern Xinjiang. How could he cheat?" Mo Dun sneered, unable to think of any strategy at all.

Many Xiongnu generals were silent.


Li Mu's move made them unable to see any conspiracy in it.

Originally, they thought about forcing Li Mu to fight, but now it suddenly came, and they were overwhelmed.

"Li Mu sent his troops out of the city, where are the troops now?" Mo Dun asked in a deep voice.

"Return to."

"Li Mu left the main city of Daidi and deployed troops ten miles away from the city, which is no more than ten miles away from our army." The scout replied respectfully.

"It seems that Li Mu is preparing to fight our army to decide the outcome." Mo Dun said in a deep voice.

"Don't he know the strength of our clan?"

"Or is it that Li Mu has something to rely on? Are you sure he can counter the strength of our army?"

All the Huns generals opened their mouths one after another.


Looking at the noisy general, he snorted in anger.

"Shan Yu's anger."

The expressions of hundreds of Xiongnu generals changed, and they knelt down in fear.

"In a cavalry battle, I, the Xiongnu warriors, have never lost anyone.""

"What are the humble Qin people?"

"Since Li Mu is going to court death, then Ben Shanyu will naturally fulfill him."

"Since he wants to fight decisively, then Ben Shanyu will have a decisive battle in the first battle, and by defeating him, Li Mu, I will be able to conquer the Central Plains without any hindrance, and take Qin's place instead," said Mo Dun extremely domineeringly.

"My subordinates are willing to be the vanguard, invade Xianyang, behead Qin King Yingzheng, and dedicate the head of Qin Prince Yingqi to Shanyu." A Xiongnu general laughed.

"Their heads belong to me.

"I'm going to behead Ying Zheng and Ying Qi to make urinals for Shan Yu."


All the Xiongnu generals laughed and were very proud.

They all seemed to have seen the Qin state perishing under their iron cavalry, and the moment when countless Qin people wailed under their slaughter.

"My Huns Warriors 503.

Mo Dun waved his hand and shouted loudly.


All the Xiongnu generals said in unison.

"The Qin people are courting death, and this order will fulfill them. 99

"Kill Li Mu and destroy the Qin army. 35

"Invading the Central Plains and destroying Qin, I, the Huns, are the wolf clan in the hands of the Central Plains.""

"All Qin people are only worthy of being slaves under the iron cavalry of our clan. 33

"Warriors, splendid and rich, the supreme authority is at present.

Mo Dun shouted loudly.

"Swear allegiance to Shan Yu."

All the Xiongnu generals were mobilized and shouted in unison.

Inside the Daqin border.

The two armies lined up.

The desolate border line was bleak in the autumn wind, revealing a kind of icy air, making the entire sky and earth shrouded in icy cold.

Northern Xinjiang is colder than all parts of the Central Plains.

Two more months.

This side of the northern border will be shrouded in thick white snow, and the earth will become a snow country scenery.

For the Yan-Huang ethnic group, it is a city group, but for the grassland ethnic group, winter is a difficult hurdle, because their food comes from animal husbandry, or from the purchase of grain and grass with the people of the Central Plains.

But with Da Qin in the palm of the Central Plains.

Because of the famine, the grain trade with the grassland peoples was cut off, which made them very uncomfortable.

Come winter.

If they want to survive, they rely on the south to rob, plunder, and kill to seize the food of the people of Great Qin.

But this time.

After the complete integration of the grassland ethnic groups.

Modun's ambitions were greater than those of Shanyu of any generation of his Xiongnu.

Use the power of the family to seize the Central Plains.

The two armies, with a total strength of more than one million, were lined up three hundred meters apart. Looking at it, the vast northern Xinjiang was already shrouded by soldiers.

North direction.

Countless Xiongnu cavalry were displayed, and the Xiongnu's wolf flag greeted the sky.

Look at the army formation of Da Qin.

Countless Great Qin's flags stand against the sky and dance against the sky. Qin and Lin are listed on the ground, and their might is soaring to the sky, and in the middle army guarded by countless flags, there is a flag that is even more visible at a glance. It is the emperor's flag of Great Qin. , There are nine horses (afbh) pull the emperor's chariot.

The armies of the two sides were in formation. Compared to Daqin's army formation, their armies were very scattered and had no military discipline.

"Shanyu, look. 35

"That is the king's flag of Qin.

A Xiongnu general opened his eyes wide and pointed to the front of the Daqin army, his voice a little surprised.

"The flag of the king of Qin?"

"Could it be King Qin's personal expedition? Mo Dun's face also showed a hint of interest.

In the end.

The information about the Central Plains from the alien race is too bad. Now the Central Plains has ushered in the change of imperial power, but they still don't know it.

But this also shows the power of Shadow and Black Ice Terrace.

There will be no chance for aliens to spy into Daqin to spy on intelligence.

"Shan Yu."

"According to the information returned from the Central Plains, the King of Qin is a very powerful monarch. Otherwise, he would not be able to control the Central Plains in less than ten years. 39

"The King of Qin personally went on an expedition, and Shan Yu must not be underestimated. 35

The general beside Modun reminded.

But Mo Dun sneered, disapproving: "King Qin, Ben Shanyu really wants to see what kind of character he is.

The voice fell.

Mo Dun directly rode his horse.

He rushed out towards the two armies.

When they were in the middle of the two armies, Mao Dun laughed loudly and shouted: "Ben Shanyu is the lord of the grasslands, and the King of Qin, Yingzheng, dare to meet him? Of course, if you don't have the guts, that's fine. 99


Great Qin Front Army.

on the chariot.

Ying Qi glanced at it calmly: "A clumsy aggression.

"His Majesty."

"This Morton killed his father and seized the throne, destroyed Donghu, and took charge of the grasslands, but he is still a hero.

"However, he was too rampant.

"I thought that the Central Plains were the former Central Plains, and that Daqin was still the former Daqin.

On the side of the chariot, Li Mu said with a smile.

"I, go and meet him for a while."

Ying Qi sneered.

A horse.

Nine horses galloped towards the formation with the chariot.

In an instant.

He came to the front of Mo Dun.

"Who are you?"

"Aren't you Qin Wang Yingzheng?

When he saw Ying Qi, Mo Dun's expression changed and he was a little dazed.

"I, the Lord of the Great Qin. 35

"Win Qi.

Ying Qi glanced coldly, looking at Mo Dun as if looking at a dead man.

"You're Ying Qi, who was passed down by the Qin Kingdom like a god?"

"Hehe. 33

"I heard that you Laozi is very powerful, but you are not worthy of being Ben Chanyu's opponent?" Mao Dun looked at Ying Qi and smiled sarcastically.

"After today.

"There will be no more Huns in the world.

Ying Qi said coldly.



Mo Dun laughed, looking at Ying Qi with sarcastic eyes: "I have been in the grasslands for many years, but I have never seen someone so maddened as you. 35

"Your words.

"This receipt is also sent to you."

"After today. 35

"It was the beginning of my Xiongnu wolf clan's destruction of your Qin state, and your head, Ben Shanyu, would be cut off by himself.

Morton laughed.

"I hope you'll still have a good laugh when you wait."

Ying Qi glanced at it, turned the horse around, and returned to the formation.

And Mo Dun is also in the army, but the sarcasm on his face is even more serious.

"I originally thought that Li Mu had some kind of plan for my army, but now I see it, but Ben Chan is thinking too much.

"Ying Zheng has already abdicated, so Ying Qi will succeed."

"Abandoning the advantage of defense and confronting our army of Huns head-on, this should be the masterpiece of the monarch who just succeeded Qin."

"Ying Qi, what was said in the past was a god, but now it looks like a vain name."

Mo Dun laughed at his subordinate generals.

After a while, Mo Dun became even more confident.

"Where is my Hun Erlang?


Mao Dun drew the sword from his waist and roared loudly.

"Hoo, ho, Huo.

The 700,000 Xiongnu army shouted in unison, shaking the northern border of Daqin.

"My sons and daughters of the Xiongnu wolf clan."

"The Central Plains lie ahead, and wealth and glory lie ahead. 35

"After defeating the Qin army, the Central Plains belonged to my Xiongnu wolf clan.

"Give this single to kill.

Mo Dun roared loudly.


One command.

The 700,000 Xiongnu army shouted angrily, and hundreds of thousands of cavalry rushed towards the Daqin army formation.

For a moment.

The whole earth was shaking, moving, rising, and roaring.

Compared with this battle, the thousands of troops and horses are insignificant.

In the face of such a situation.

Hundreds of thousands of Huns cavalry swept in.

Ying Qi was very calm, and Da Qin's 500,000 Rui Shi was also very calm.

The Huns rushed to attack.

When it crosses two hundred feet.

Ying Qi moved, staring at the alien army, the Zhan Lu sword at his waist has been pulled up and held high.

"Where is Daqin Ruishi?

Ying Qiwei shouted.

"Wind, wind, wind. 35


The 500,000-strong Qin Ruishi shouted in unison.

The sound of the wind drinking from Daqin resounded throughout the world, shaking the void.

this moment.

All the murderous intentions originally hidden by Da Qin Ruishi broke out and came out.

"Anyone who steps on the alien race in my Great Qin territory.

"Not a single one.

"Kill all the intruders and alien races to death.

Ying Qi shouted coldly.

next moment.

Li Mu raised the sword at his waist high: "Emperor Wu has an edict, aliens, not a single one."

"Attack the battle formation, kill.

Li Mu shouted.

Hundreds of messengers quickly dispersed.


Da Qin Ruishi moved.

The cavalry rushed forward and charged towards the alien army.

During the cavalry advance.

They took out the repeating crossbows that were attached to their waists.

as they quickly approached the enemy.

"Kill. 35

The Daqin Pioneer General shouted.

Hundreds of thousands of Qin cavalrymen raised the crossbow at the same time.

Volley radiation.


Hundreds of thousands of crossbow arrows turned into a deadly storm of arrows and scatters toward the alien army.

Arrows rained down.

Countless aliens were killed by random arrows.

They didn't even give the alien army a chance to mount and shoot.

To know.

In the past, Zhao Guo was the best in the world in horsemanship and archery.

It is also learned from the alien Hu people.

But the rain of arrows given to aliens is far from over.

With ten arrows loaded on the crossbow, it can be fired ten times in a row. More than one million arrows are emitted by an army of hundreds of thousands.

Mo Dun looked at this scene with a shocked expression: "How can Qin Jun's arrows shoot continuously?"

"Subordinates don't know.

The Huns generals were also stunned.

"The whole army will attack and kill with all their strength, and the army must not be disturbed."

"Fire arrows."

Mo Dun growled.

The Huns were able to destroy the Donghu, which shows that their combat strength is not bad. In the face of the overwhelming arrow rain, although they were frightened, they also pulled their bows and arrows to fight back.

The arrows volleyed into the sky, with endless murderous intent, the entire void was shrouded in arrows, just at the moment when the two armies were about to collide in the century.

The Daqin army formation suddenly changed.

For a moment.

Thousands of tiger troops rushed out of the bee chrysalis from the Daqin army formation.

When the moment is about to collide with aliens.


The roar of a tiger soared into the sky, resounding across the land of this northern border.

The tiger roared earth-shattering.

For a moment.

The alien army is in chaos.

As if the war horses of the alien army met Tian Di, the entire army formation became chaotic in an instant.

The tiger roared continuously and rushed directly into the Huns army.

The Xiongnu's cavalry was easily advanced, and the attack formation was defeated.

On the other hand, when the Daqin cavalry rushed into the formation, there was no change.

Killing moment.

The moment to kill the alien army is coming.

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