Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 247 Ying Zheng: Why is it the other way around?

"Your Majesty is here.

A loud shout resounded in the palace.

Hear this voice.

"Daddy is here.

Ying Yuqi sister and brother both floated a touch of joy.

Ying Zheng turned his head, and a smile appeared on his face: "This stinky boy knows how to come to see me. 99


Ying Qi walked directly to the palace.


The two brothers and sisters immediately greeted them with smiles on their faces.


"It seems that you are not slacking off, and your cultivation base is already near the innate realm.

Ying Qi glanced at the two children and smiled with relief.

As his own son and daughter, Ying Qi really gives the greatest concern.

He personally opened the cultivation empowerment for them, and also personally concocted alchemy to give them the foundation of martial arts, and the talents of the two little guys were not weak.

Even without Ying Qi's help, they will be able to enter the Xiantian realm soon.

"It's all well taught by Daddy.""

Ying Yuqi said very nicely.

This little girl is called domineering in front of her younger brother, but in front of Aye and her father, she is known to be well-behaved and sensible.

"The devil, she really knows how to pretend."

Yingxi watched the tigress's sister act like a spoiled child, and her heart was very bitter.

Who can know his suffering.

Everyone was deceived by the appearance of their own tigress sister "503"


Ying Qi turned his eyes, looked at Ying Zheng, and immediately smiled: "Father.

"How is it? How about the state affairs? Ying Zheng smiled.

"Everything is perfect, there are no omissions."" Ying Qi replied.

"It's a coincidence.

"It's time for dinner.

"Let's go, let's have dinner as a family. Ying Zheng said with a smile.


The family entered the palace.

Various dishes have been laid out on the table.

"The Huns have violated the territory.

Ying Qi was eating vegetables while facing Ying Zhengdao.

Hear this.

Ying Zheng chopped his chopsticks for a while, and then said, "What are you going to do with it?

"When aliens invade the territory, they will be wiped out." Ying Qi smiled flatly.

"With the national strength of Daqin today, there shouldn't be any country in the world that can compete with Daqin, right?

"The largest Rome in the far west should also be powerless." Ying Zheng said with a smile.

If you don't really know the national strength of Daqin today, you don't know how powerful Daqin is.

"I'm ready to go in person.

Ying Qi continued.

"You personally? 35

"Then what about the Great Qin Dynasty?

Ying Zheng widened his eyes.

And Ying Qi didn't panic, just looked at Ying Zheng with a smile, the wink in his eyes and the expression on his face all showed something.

"Stinky boy.

"You want me to take charge of the government?

Ying Zheng frowned, and immediately said unhappy.


"Anyway, if you are idle, you are idle, just supervise the government by the way.

"I have already explained that Feng Quji and Han Fei are in charge of the government, and there will be no major issues at all. They also come to the father and emperor to make decisions if they encounter problems. Ying Qi said with a smile.

"You stinky brat, I haven't had a few free months yet, yet you are looking for trouble for me again." Ying Zheng said helplessly.

"Father, if you are idle, you will be idle. 99

"Just looking for something to do." Ying Qi said with a smile.

Hear this.

Ying Zheng also showed a helpless expression.

since ancient times.

When a king goes on a tour or fights, the crown prince supervises the country.

But when it came to Ying Zheng, it was the other way around, he had already abdicated, and he was even pushed out by his own son.

"All right."

"You just let it go.""

"Xianyang has me."

Ying Zheng said with a smile.

In the end.

Ying Zheng knew his son's ambition, how could he stop it.

"In addition to destroying the Xiongnu this time, I am going to decide the world once and for all.

Ying Qi suddenly spoke up.

"Set the world at once? 99

Ying Zheng was stunned for a moment, then stared with wide eyes: "Are you sure?

"Only when this side of the world is completely settled can I build a real cultivation empire."


"After you step into cultivation, you naturally know the impact of the thinness of heaven and earth on cultivators. 39

"But once I dominate the world, this outcome will change.

"The world will have the opportunity to transform.

Ying Qi said with a serious expression.

A few years ago, the system had already issued a mission, and if you ruled the world, you would have the opportunity to be promoted in the world.

Once the world is promoted.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the world will usher in growth. For Da Qin and Ying Qi, this will create a real prosperous era of cultivation.

"The world can actually be promoted?" Ying Zheng was a little surprised.

"Natural energy."

"But this kind of opportunity is rare." Ying Qi said.

All worlds.

in the infinite world.

Once the world is formed, the level that belongs to it has almost been frozen, and it is almost impossible to advance to a stronger one.

Unless the world has a spirit, the Tao of Heaven has the instinct to run the world, and the instinct to run the world promotes the world.

"Qi'er, in short, let go and do what you want."

"With the father and the emperor in Xianyang, there will be absolutely no chaos.

"Daqin will also overthrow all his strength to complete your lofty career." Ying Zheng said to Ying Qi.

"Hahaha. 35

"With the father and the emperor here, my son will be relieved. Ying Qi said with a big smile.

Come to the palace today.

In addition to entrusting his father to supervise state affairs, he also met his parents before leaving.

Daqin border.

The vast frontier of Daidi is now not Daidi, but Daijun.

Qin territory.

Hundreds of thousands of Xiongnu army company camps, the army is mighty.

in its central master account.

Many generals of the Huns gathered.

"Shan Yu."

"These Qin people are extremely cunning, and there are not many Qin people on the border.

'After we attacked the border, Li Mu has already sent troops to relocate all the Qin people around the Qinjing. 55

“It is impossible to supplement food and grass by looting the frontier. 99

A Xiongnu general told Shanyu Modun, the Xiongnu on the throne.

"Li Mu has always been the biggest enemy of my Xiongnu wolf clan. In the past, when Nichan's father was still alive, he suffered a lot from him. 35

"It's not surprising that he moved the Qin people from the border so quickly." Modun said very calmly.

Looking at his appearance, he was very young, probably only in his thirties.

Being able to decide Donghu at such a young age and take the grassland as a whole shows that his ability is not weak.

"Shan Yu."

"Only two or three months will come before the cold winter. Now our clan has a huge population. If we can't loot enough food and grass, many clan people will die of famine." A Xiongnu general said.

"Li Mu uses his army like a god. According to the report of the spies, the army under his command is no longer the 300,000 before, but has grown to a huge 500,000 or 600,000."

"Based on his previous military strategy, he will definitely focus on defense. As long as our army withdraws, he will definitely pursue and kill."

"But based on our clan's experience in fighting against Li Mu in the past, it is impossible to defeat Li Mu in just two or three months."

Another Xiongnu general said, his tone was full of fear for Li Mu...

Since Li Mu became famous, he has been commanding the army on behalf of the country. When he was the general of the former Zhao State, he guarded the border with the foreign race for Zhao State like an iron barrel.

Now works for Daqin.

I have gained greater authority, and I don't need to worry about the complicated and intriguing people in the court.

The army under Li Mu's command became more powerful.

In the past, the Huns suffered a great loss in the hands of Li Mu.

So big that they can't let go.


Morton killed his father to seize power.

He took over the power of the Xiongnu, and defeated Donghu, whose original strength was similar to his Xiongnu, and made Donghu a vassal of his Xiongnu, which is enough to show his ability.

Hearing the admiration of Li Mu from his generals, a trace of disdain appeared on Mo Dun's face.

"Li Mu."

"Or a famous general of the Qin people.

"But Ben Chanyu is not the father of the past, and the power that Ben Chanyu possesses is not comparable to that of the previous ethnic group.

A proud expression appeared on Mao Dun's face.

Young and energetic, in control.

It would be strange if he wasn't arrogant.

"Li Mu is good at defense, but what my clan is good at is riding and looting."

"If he wants to stick to that city, let him stick to it.

"Ben simply did not attack his city.

Mao Dun sneered, revealing a bit of hideousness.

"Shan Yu.

"Are you going to divide your troops to attack? 35

A Huns general was shocked.

"Ben Shan has 700,000 male soldiers and 500,000 cavalry soldiers, how can Li Mu compare with Ben Shan?

"Qin people are good at weapons and defense, but Ben Shanyu just doesn't go with his wishes. With Qin's realm so long, Ben Shanyu doesn't believe that Li Mu can stand it completely."

"As long as Ben Shanyu allocates 100,000 cavalry to loot, I don't believe that Li Mu dares to defend and fight Ben Shanyu." Mo Dun sneered.

"Shan Yu Gaoming.

"Going deep into the Qin realm and looting, not only can loot the food of the Qin people, but also the women of the Qin people. In this way, Li Mu has absolutely no way to sit back and watch, and can absolutely force him to face our army head-on. 99

"In this land of northern Xinjiang, no one can compare to my Huns and wolves.

"Shan Yuyingming... 99

1.7 I heard what Morton said.

All the Hun generals laughed excitedly.

They can naturally understand the key to this looting strategy.

"My warriors of the Great Huns.

"Now my Xiongnu is not as good as before, and now my clan is strong and strong. This time, I am not just looting Qin, but to capture Qin and destroy Qin."

"The fertile land in the Central Plains is not worthy of being occupied by those humble Qin people.

"Only my noble wolf bloodline can live in it.

"What Qin Wang Yingzheng, what Wu'an Jun wins Qi. 99

"They don't deserve to be given to Ben or to carry shoes.

Mo Dun stood up and shouted arrogantly.

"I swear to follow Shan Yu to the death.

"Destroy Qin and seize the land of the Central Plains."

All the Xiongnu generals shouted excitedly when they saw that Morton was so domineering and confident.

For the ambition mentioned by Morton, their eyes were full of ambition.

The fertile Central Plains.

Gorgeous Central Plains woman.

How they are not greedy.

at this time.


"Report to."

"Li Mu has moved out of the city."

A Xiongnu scout ran quickly to the tent, knelt on the ground, and said respectfully.

PS: Seeking for a fixed, seeking a monthly ticket, thank you very much.

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