Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 246 I, I will drive myself to expedition, and start 1 day's unification

Hear the weak report.

Ying Qi's brows furrowed, and the expressions of Meng Ao, Li Qing and other military officials beside him all changed.

Daqin is so powerful.

The Huns of alien races dared to violate the border and kill ~ Daqin frontier people?

"Good courage."

"I haven't sent troops to him yet, but he has sent troops to Da Qin."

"This Mo Dun is really too expansive. I really thought that he had ruled the grasslands, and he would be invincible in the world. A sneer appeared on Ying Qi's face.


It was more of an anticipation of an impending war.

Since the six kingdoms were destroyed and the Central Plains were unified, what Yingqi was doing and what Daqin was doing were to stabilize the country and unify the humanities.

And now a few years have passed.

The world of Daqin has completed the unification of humanities, and the people of Daqin have completely returned to their hearts, and there is no famine, no chaos, and no problems of grain and grass.

Such a unified humanistic empire, looking at this side of the world, no country can compare with the current Daqin Empire.

"Under the world, the opportunity for world promotion.

"In the future, the world of Daqin will be the rear of the empire. A world with abundant spiritual energy and a world that can grow infinitely is the real world of the empire."

There was a hint of wild hope in Ying Qi's eyes.

The legendary prehistoric world is incomparably huge, with a very high level, and even the existence of saints. A world with a high level and a strong heritage has the opportunity to become a real top.

Perhaps only the Middle Thousand and Great Thousand worlds can breed the Holy Throne and exist the Saint.

Ying Qi is looking forward to the day when he will fight the Great Qin Empire in the future, and there will be saints in the future.

"How many troops did the Huns move?" Ying Qi asked.

"Go back to Your Majesty. 35

"According to the news returned by the spies lurking among the alien races, the Xiongnu mobilized the entire tribe, with a force of no less than 700,000.

"The current Xiongnu Shanyu Modun is a man with means. He killed his father to seize the throne, destroyed Donghu, and took control of the grasslands. He thinks that his troops are strong and strong, and he can compete with me, Daqin." Dunwei immediately replied.

"Both looking for death."

"Then I will fulfill him. 35

Ying Qi said solemnly.

He looked at the Chongwen Hall and Shangwu Field behind him.

"After Zhu Qing comes out, immediately come to Qin Wang Palace to discuss matters." Ying Qi said solemnly.

He walked slowly towards Luan Jia and returned to the Palace of King Qin.

Time passes gradually.


Four hours passed.

The sun that was still hanging high in the void had already set, and the night was shrouded in the earth.

Lanterns were also lit all over the palace.

Inside the Palace of the King of Qin.

Civil and military officials gathered.

This is the first time that Daqin has held a court meeting in the dark since the founding of the country.


"It seems that none of the court officials have disappointed me, and they have all reached the threshold of cultivation.

Ying Qi sat on the throne and glanced down at the court.

"I'm waiting to thank Your Majesty for the law."

"Your Majesty's kindness, the ministers and others will swear to repay it."

The civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty faced Ying Qi Yi and bowed their heads in awe and gratitude.

"All right."

"Bullshit. 99

"I won't say more."

Ying Qi glanced at it and said solemnly: "The Xiongnu in the north have violated the border."5

The voice fell.

The ministers of the Manchu Dynasty instantly returned to their senses, and each of them showed a solemn expression.

"The aliens violated the border, violated my great Qin Tianwei, and should be punished.""

Mengao stood up and said loudly.

"Sir, seconded.

Lu Buwei also stood up immediately.

Originally, the two of them were Taifu of the East Palace. Now that they won the throne of Qi Deng, their identities have also risen. Although they have no specific official positions, they can also participate in the court proceedings, and their status and status are not low.

"The aliens are young, the barbarians in the northern wilderness.

"If you offend me, Qin Tianwei, don't save it."

"I beg your Majesty to send troops to destroy this little barbarian, and praise me for Qin Tianwei."

"Several years of silence, my Daqin world has been unified by humanities, strong troops and strong horses, and sufficient food and grass."

"The mere aliens who dare to touch the great Qin Tianwei must warn the world at the cost of their clan annihilation. 99

"My Daqin's ambition is to truly conquer the world. This Huns are courting death, Daqin will take care of himself, destroy the Huns, and lay the foundation for Daqin's unification of the world..."

Hearing the news that the Huns had invaded the territory, the civil and military officials of the Manchu dynasty were all angry.

For them, as the ministers of the Great Qin, the country is strong and the minister is arrogant.

The aliens are small, and in their eyes, they are nothing but barbarians.

What to fear.


There was a unified voice in the hall.

"I implore Your Majesty to send troops to destroy the alien race.

Manchu civil and military shouted in unison.

"Is there enough food and grass for the 500,000-strong army? Ying Qi looked at Feng Jie.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty.

"Daqin now has enough food and grass, not only the state treasury granary, but the world's major camps, all the county and city government warehouses and granaries are full of food and grass, as long as your majesty's edict, the food and grass will be worry-free." Feng Jie replied immediately.

"Meng Yi. 35

"How about the replacement of weapons?"

Ying Qi looked at Meng Yi.

Iron-making has been successful, and the iron-making method has been passed on to the ordnance forging of the Shaofu.

Now that half a year has passed, Meng Yi should have achieved results.

"Go back to Your Majesty."

"Because of the iron-smelting method, the minister has already told the Shaofu's subordinate weapon pavilion to forge iron weapons with all their strength, and the first to replace the weapons is the northern defenders. 35

"Now the 500,000 northern defenders have all replaced their iron weapons."

"The next step is to replace the Lantian camp guarding the southern border." Meng Yi replied immediately.

"well done."

Ying Qi praised happily.

In the court of the Great Qin Empire, there are countless capable ministers.

It is also much stronger than that of the Three Kingdoms era.

Heroes emerge from troubled times.

Not to mention the important ministers who assisted Daqin in completing the unification in this chaotic Warring States period.

"Feng Jie. 35

"Holding my decree, allocating grain and grass to the borders from the prefectures and treasuries in the north, so as not to lose the grain and grass. Ying Qi immediately said.

"The minister leads the edict.

Feng Jie immediately took the order.


Ying Qi made a sound and glanced at the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, as if he had made a decision: "The battle to rule the world begins with the destruction of the Xiongnu.

"I, I'm ready to go on a personal expedition."

"Go to the Northland.

"Li Qing, Xin Sheng, and the 8,000 Tiger Army are with me.""

Hear this.

All the ministers were shocked.

"His Majesty."

"The matter of war can be dealt with by all the generals, and there is no need for Your Majesty to go out in person.

"If Your Majesty leaves Xianyang, what will happen to state affairs and government affairs?"

"Also ask Your Majesty to take your life back."

Feng Quji, Han Fei and other ministers' faces changed, and they persuaded them immediately.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty also opened their mouths to persuade.

"All right."

Win Qiwei said.

The entire courtroom became quiet in an instant.

"I was originally a war emperor, who emerged from the battlefield and established the Qin world from the battlefield.

"I don't want to let me stay in this palace all the time without knowing the war. 39

"I am in charge of my own expedition, and it is related to the foundation of Qin's domination of the world. 39

"As for all things in the courtroom.""

"At the disposal of Prime Minister Feng and Prime Minister Han."

"In addition, although the father emperor has abdicated, he is still in Xianyang. 95

"Today, I honor the father emperor as the Supreme Emperor, and have the power to supervise the country. If the courtiers have various matters that cannot be handled by themselves, they can make a decision in the Taishanghuang Palace.""

"Zhen and the father and son are of one mind. With him sitting in Xianyang, I will have no worries." Ying Qi said directly.

0.....for flowers·

As Ying Qi said.

The battlefield is his destination, and killing the enemy on the battlefield and becoming stronger is what Ying Qi pursues.

Trapped in this court, trapped beasts in the palace.

Ying Qi would not be willing.

Anyway, there are many capable ministers in the court, and there will be no major event at all. Besides, his old father is still enjoying the happiness of a family in Xianyang. Qin Shihuang, the first emperor of the ages, such a good labor cannot be wasted.

He wants to enjoy it, but Ying Qi can't let it go.

Hear what Ying Qi said.

Seeing Ying Qi so serious.

The courtier knew that Ying Qi would not take his life back.


The ministers could only respectfully lead the edict: "The minister waits for the edict. 35

"it is good."

"That's how things are arranged.

"If you have nothing to do, then leave the court. If I have something to do on the battlefield, I will fly the pigeons and pass on the book."

Finally leaving the palace.

Ying Qi's expression also relaxed.

"Father, I have a surprise for you this time." After leaving the Palace of King Qin, a smile appeared on Ying Qi's face.


Directly set the palace where Ying Zheng is located.

outside the palace.

Ying Zheng is in the palace.


"See, I've already reached the seventh level of the day after tomorrow, and I'll be able to catch up with Aye in a short while."

A handsome young man said to Ying Zheng very proudly.

I saw him mobilize his inner strength, and his whole body has a martial artist momentum. .

"Stinky boy. 35

"I think your skin is itchy, do you want my sister to scratch you?

When this young man was chattering, another little girl who was slightly shorter than him came out, beautiful and cute, with the outline of Ying Qi.

"Sister. 35

"You can do it well. 35

Seeing this little girl, the boy who was stunned just now shrank his head in fright, as if he had seen the nemesis.

They are Ying Qi's sons and daughters.

So many years have passed.

Both of them have grown up.

One became a handsome boy, and the other became a beautiful girl.

Born in the royal family and loved by thousands, they also have a royal majesty temperament, but under the guidance of their Aye, they did not move towards that kind of playful character, but were very sensible.


"You are all stronger than Aye, you have only been cultivating for so long, and you are almost catching up with Aye.

Ying Zheng smiled and looked at his two grandchildren.

So many years have passed.

Ying Qi is naturally not only the two children of Ying Yuqi and Ying Xi.

There are also many concubines in the palace who have given birth to children for Ying Qi, but compared with the identities of Ying Yuqi's sister and brother, those concubines are not comparable, and they have no chance to come to Ying Qi. The government's palace, has always accompanied Ying Zheng.

This is the royal family.

As the number of children increases, it is impossible for Ying Qi to give his father's love completely, and he can only visit occasionally.

But born into the royal family, they are already a great gift.

"Brother Zheng, it's time for dinner.

At this time.

A woman in palace attire walked out of the hall, still graceful and luxurious, very beautiful.

"Grandma called you to dinner.


Ying Zheng immediately patted the heads of the two grandchildren, held one in each hand, and walked towards the hall.

Looking at Ying Zheng's heartfelt smile, it was obvious that he enjoyed the comfortable life these days.

Accompanying his wife, accompanying his grandson, practicing every day, this is the joy of a family.

Just after the grandfather and grandson turned around and walked into the main hall.


"Your Majesty is here."

PS: Old irons, please pursue it, thank you.

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