Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 245: Pass on the text and teach martial arts, and start a cultivation empire.

Royal Palace.

outer palace.

As the palace of the kings of the Daqin dynasties, it is naturally very huge, and there are inner palaces and outer palaces.

inner palace.

Except for the palace maids and the castrated temple people, no one was allowed to set foot there. With the victory of the Qi Zhang Kingdom, in the inner palace, except for the palace maids, the temple people were not allowed to be summoned or entered.

And the outer palace.

The Palace of the King of Qin, as well as many places where state affairs are handled, are located in it. .

to the guardsmen.

The laws of Daqin were strict, and in the palace where the emperor lived, it was naturally even stricter.

The outer palace at the moment.

Not far from Danta.

Civil and military officials all gathered here.

But they all had a puzzled look on their faces.

"I wonder why Your Majesty summoned us here?"

"I don't know."

"Your Majesty's thoughts, how could I have been able to guess. 35

"It must have been a big deal."

The ministers stood in this outer palace and started to discuss.

However, there are also some courtiers whose focus is no longer on today's affairs, but on the towering nine-layered alchemy tower.

"This is the dan tower that Your Majesty built out of thin air by means of immortals and gods. Looking at it now, it is really a magical work. If you use ordinary power, such a majestic tower would not be difficult to build without ten years' effort, but Your Majesty's divine power, in a short period of time, is difficult to build. It was built in less than a day.”

"The means of immortals is really unimaginable. 35

"If there is a chance, I really want to enter this Pill Tower, but unfortunately, no one is allowed to enter except Daqin's alchemists.

Han Fei, Feng Quji and others looked at the Dan Pagoda not far away and started talking.

As officials of the dynasty, and they have always belonged to Ying Qi's confidants, they talked very happily, and they also revealed a lot of heartfelt words.

And in this hall.

The most embarrassing is Li Si.

Looking at Jiuqing, the two sides gathered together to talk, but he, one of the Jiuqings, had no way to integrate into it.

As the most favored person at that time, Li Si also had his arrogance in his heart, and it was precisely because of this that his originally jealous personality was magnified, and he even killed Han Fei and sent assassins.

These things are also the point that he was marginalized by the court officials.

Even though Ying Qi didn't punish him, it still made him feel tormented. After all, his ability was there, and it was of some value after all.

at this time.

"Your Majesty is here.

A shout resounded through the outer palace.


All the civil and military officials in the outer palace were all treated with awe.

"Your Majesty welcomes you.

All the officials bowed and bowed towards Luan Jia.

Ying Qi drove off from Ziluan, the majesty on his body made all the courtiers feel a kind of heart palpitations.

After returning from Mount Tai, this was the first time the ministers saw Ying Qi.

But they can clearly feel the imperial power of Ying Qi that is more repressed than his father.

"No gift, flat body."

Ying Qi glanced at the ministers and said in a powerful voice.

"Thank you, Your Majesty.

The ministers said in unison.

"Do you know why I summoned the 500 ministers to come here?"

Ying Qi smiled lightly and looked at the ministers.

"I don't know if you wait.

All the ministers looked stunned and replied respectfully.

"See that tower?"

Ying Qi raised his hand and pointed at the Nine-layered Pagoda.

The eyes of all the ministers converged, and there was no surprise, everyone was in awe.

"That Pill Pagoda is a gift from heaven, which can bring countless elixir to Da Qin and help Da Qin enter the country of cultivation.

"And today."

"I've summoned the ministers."

"It is to teach the method of cultivation.

Ying Qi said solemnly.

The voice fell.

The ministers who had never set foot on the road of cultivation were full of anticipation and excitement.


Comparable to the gods.

Since Ying Qi said this, they have not forgotten these eight words.

In the world, no one can be exempt from this.

"The ministers and others swear allegiance to Daqin to the death, and swear allegiance to His Majesty to the death.

All the ministers shouted with excitement.

"I, will grant you the opportunity to cultivate. 35

"But it's up to you whether you can grasp it or not.

Ying Qi said in a deep voice.

His eyes turned to a continuous hall in the outer palace.


communication system.

"Put in Chongwen Hall."

"Drop into the Martial Arts Field.""

Ying Qi gave an order.

"The host's order is accepted.

"Start putting in special buildings." The system prompts.

next moment.

Above the void sky.

There were two shocking vibrations, two golden beams of light fell from the sky, and fell towards the palace where Ying Qi was staring at.

The golden light fell, and the beam of light shrouded.

In front of Manchu civil and military forces, there is a vast golden light, and it seems that the palace hills in front of them have disappeared.

"Miracles. 35

"It's a miracle again."

"Following Your Majesty, I have seen several miracles in my life."

Manchao Wenwu looked at the scene in front of him, and his eyes all revealed the awe of heaven and miracles.

Even after seeing many miracles, they are still the same, and it is difficult to calm down in their hearts.

Wait for the beam of light to dissipate.

Come into view.

Another two huge towers appeared in the eyes of everyone. These two towers, like the Dan Pagoda, towered into the sky and reached the sky above the sky.

The three giant towers of the human sky and clouds stand, as if connecting the entire Daqin Palace to the sky above the sky.

Similarly, like the Danta, these two giant towers also have nine layers.

Chongwen Hall, Shangwu Field, is also presented in the form of a tower.

"It seems that, like the Dan Pagoda, the Chongwen Hall and the Martial Arts Field are divided into nine floors, and the attributes of each floor are different." Ying Qi glanced at the giant pagoda and thought to himself.

"When this dan tower was formed, I never saw it, and now it is two giant towers. I have seen with my own eyes the power of immortals and gods, the power of creating things out of thin air."

"Your Majesty's supernatural powers are indeed the power of immortals and gods, surpassing the extremes of ordinary people.""

"With a wave of your hand, create something out of thin air.

Looking at the appearance of these two giant towers, Manchao Wenwu thought in shock.

"This tower is called Chongwen Hall.

"This one is called Shangwu Field.

"It will be Daqin's holy place for cultivation in the future." Ying Qiwei said.

"Your Majesty's magical powers are admired by ministers and others." Manchu civil and military all said in awe.

"Enter the Chongwen Temple first, I will grant you the opportunity to set foot in the practice." Ying Qi waved his hand and walked towards the giant tower of the Chongwen Temple.

Entered the Chongwen Hall.

The attributes belonging to this Chongwen Temple immediately appeared in Ying Qi's heart.

Special buildings: Chongwen Hall (Nine Halls).

Level 1: Possesses twice the spiritual energy of the outside world, and possesses the power to comprehend Wen Dao. Cultivation in it can double the speed of Wen Dao cultivation. There is a 10% chance of comprehending one’s own Wen Dao mystery. It can detect Wen Dao talents and help Wen Dao condense. Wen Qi, can put literary classics in the tower, turn it into the essence of Wen Dao, can evolve the power of Wen Dao, and condense the debate of first-order sages of Wen Dao.

Second floor:??

the third floor:??

"The rewards from the system really didn't disappoint me. The Qin Empire doesn't just have martial arts. This is the way of military officials, and Wen Tao is the way of civil servants."

"Writing and Taoism is cultivated to the realm of transformation, and with the vastness of literary energy, you can kill the enemy, and all evils will not invade.

"With this holy place for the cultivation of Wen Dao, Da Qin's Wen Dao cultivation will be successful along the way.""

"The first-rank sage of Wen Dao, debate.

Looking at the attributes of Chongwen Hall, Ying Qi smiled.

And the ministers entered the hall.

Each has a shocking look on his face.

"From the outside, this giant tower does not seem to be large, but once inside the tower, it is so huge that even if ten thousand people live in this tower, it is not crowded.

"Is this the mustard seed from the fairy family in myths and legends?

The ministers looked around the Chongwen Hall, all with shocking thoughts on their faces.

"This hall is the main hall of Wendao."

"Cultivation of one, there are ten thousand ways, there are ten thousand ways, each way leads to the pinnacle of cultivation. 99

"Now I have two hands."

"One is martial arts, and the other is writing."

"In this Chongwen Hall, the inheritance of Wendao can be opened. If there are ministers who are talented in Wendao, they can enter Wendao. In the past, they practiced martial arts as a Wenchen, and they can also specialize in Wendao here." Ying Qi turned around and looked at the Manchu Dynasty. Civil and Martial Arts.


The group of cars were shocked.

"Ask Your Majesty.

"Is there a difference between martial arts and writing?

"Can Wen Dao also pursue longevity and stand shoulder to shoulder with immortals?"

Han Fei asked respectfully.

"I just said that there are ten thousand ways and ten thousand ways in the heavens, and each way leads to the peak. 35

"Martial arts are based on cultivating true qi, qi and blood, smashing the flesh, fighting with martial arts, the power of martial arts, and using martial arts to connect the gods.

"Wen Dao is based on the cultivation of literary spirit, those who have read a lot of books, who have a general understanding of literature, and who have a strong and righteous heart, can be suitable for Wen Dao. Martial Dao uses martial arts to kill the enemy, and qi and blood to kill the enemy with true qi, Wen Dao is Kill the enemy with arrogant literary qi, mobilize the power of heaven and earth with arrogant and righteous words, and kill the enemy with literacy."

"For Da Qin."

"Regardless of Confucianism, law, and miscellaneous, many ways of governing a country can be summarized in Wen Dao, which is inclusive of all rivers and inclusive of all.

Ying Qi looked at the ministers and explained the division between Wen Dao and Martial Dao.


The civil and military capitals of the Manchu Dynasty had an expression of sudden realization.

"Ask Your Majesty.

"I'm waiting for the ministers who have already practiced martial arts, can I still practice Wendao?" Feng Quji asked with a fiery face.

For their civil servants, Wen Dao is the real way of cultivation.

After all, compared to the generals killed on the battlefield, they are indeed not suitable for martial arts.

As civil servants, they revise their writing and are suitable for writing and Taoism.


Ying Qi said solemnly, "If you have not yet entered the Xiantian realm in martial arts, you can transfer to Wendao to enter the Xiantian realm, you need to dissipate your true energy and enter the Wendao.

For Wenchen.

Today, only Han Fei has entered the Xiantian realm with martial arts.

After all, he followed Ying Qi from the very beginning.

The power of the congenital realm has made him strong, surpassing countless strong generals in the army.

It was also a choice for him.

"I would like to disperse the true energy and cultivate the text." Han Fei said directly without any hesitation.

"I gave the Daqin Empire a decision, (afbh) military ministers to cultivate martial arts, and literary ministers to cultivate literature.

"This is the future of Daqin."

"If you want to practice Wendao, you can accept the inheritance of Wendao, and I will teach Wendao exercises, and you can condense Wenqi in this Wendao Hall." Ying Qiwei said.

"I beg your Majesty to grant me the Dharma.

All the civil servants faced Ying Qi Yi and bowed with eagerness in their eyes.

"Relax your heart.

"I, teach Zhu Qing Wen Dao exercises." Ying Qiwei said.


Start teaching exercises.

All the civil servants are looking forward to it and relax.


Every courtier has an extra exercise in his mind.

It is Wen Dao Gongfa, "Wen Dian".

"The first realm of Wen Dao, comprehend the vastness of Wen Dao, and condense the spirit of Wen Dao."5

"It's all up to you in this matter."9

"If you have talent, you can condense the spiritual energy in this hall and step into the threshold of Wen Dao. If you don't have talent, you can also switch to martial arts. 35

"Zhuqing realized it by himself in this Wendao Hall.

"All military officials, follow me to the martial arts field.

Ying Qi glanced at the ministers, waved his hand, and left the hall.

And many warriors followed suit.

For most of the courtiers who have never entered the practice, they are naturally looking forward to seeing all the civil servants being given the Wendao exercises.


As for Wenchen stepping into Wendao.

All of this still needs to be realized by themselves, after all Ying Qi has not practiced Wen Dao.

Although he still has an opportunity to start his major career, he can choose another major in Dao, but Wen Dao is not Ying Qi's choice.


Ying Qi wanted a more powerful way of cultivation, who was good at attacking and killing the enemy.

This is the pursuit of Win Qi.

If there is an opportunity to increase the main occupation in the future, perhaps Ying Qi will include Wen Dao in it.

In Shangwu Field.

Different from the quietness and peace in the Chongwen Hall, there is a kind of killing power of warriors in the Shangwu Arena.

Special building: Shangwuchang.

Level 1: Possesses twice the aura of the outside world, increases the understanding of martial arts and martial skills by 10%, and accelerates the mastery of martial arts. Cultivation in it can double the speed of martial arts training, and there is a 10% chance to understand the martial arts itself. It can detect martial arts talents and help martial arts condense. Internal power, you can put first-order martial arts books into the tower, turn them into the essence of martial arts, and evolve the power of martial arts

Evolve the first-order Houtian realm puppet battle, the highest Houtian realm peak. )

Second floor: Possesses four times the aura of the outside world, increases the comprehension of martial arts and martial skills by 20%, accelerates the mastery of martial arts skills, increases the training speed by twice, and has a 20% chance to understand the martial arts itself, and can put second-order martial arts books into the tower, Evolve the power of martial arts, evolve the first-order Innate Realm puppet battle, the highest Innate Realm peak. )

Level 3: Possesses six times the spiritual energy of the outside world, increases the understanding of martial arts and martial skills by 30%, and speeds up the control of martial arts.... The third-order martial arts secret book can be placed in the tower to evolve the power of martial arts and condense the third-order master level. Puppet battle, the fastest can evolve to the peak of the master realm.

Fourth floor: ??

Fifth floor: ??

"It wasn't what I expected.

"Whether it is the Pagoda, Chongwen Hall, or this martial arts field, if you want to open a higher level of authority, you need to cultivate and reach the realm. 95

"Now that I am a master, I have opened the third floor of the martial arts field.

Seeing that Shangwuchang had opened the three-tier authority, Ying Qi completely understood.

"The spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this tower is the same as that of the Chongwen Temple just now, and it is more intense than the outside world. 39

Once you enter the martial arts field.

Many military officials can sense the changes in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.


"This is a martial arts field, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is twice that of the outside world.""

"Similarly, training in the martial arts field can speed up the training speed.

Ying Qi turned around and looked at the ministers.

And the gazes of all the military officials are extremely hot, especially for the ministers who set foot in the practice, they naturally already know what the effect of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is.

Looking at the fiery gazes of the ministers.

Ying Qi naturally knew the expectations for martial arts in their hearts.

In the present hall.

Those whose loyalty is lower than 70 have been cleaned up. It can be said that those who can live in the court are all loyal to Da Qin and loyal to their own officials.

The popularization of the way of cultivation is about to achieve results.

"I just said it."

"The Great Qin Empire in the future will be a cultivation empire.""

"The military ministers cultivate martial arts, and the literary ministers cultivate literature.

"Masters, relax your mind.

"I teach you and other martial arts techniques."

Ying Qi also did not have the appetite for these courtiers, and said arrogantly.


All the military officials responded with excitement, and they all released their hearts and looked forward to it.

next moment.

Ying Qi directly imparted the basic internal skills to the ministers, who were bestowed on the basis of rank and title.

Among them, at least they have obtained five-level cultivation techniques, and the most have obtained all basic internal skills.

"The real cultivation method."

"Martial arts."

"Longevity is immortal, comparable to immortals."

The eyes of all the ministers are full of expectations and longing for the future.

"Thank you Your Majesty for the Dharma. 35

When he came back to his senses, all the ministers shouted in unison.

"The realm of martial arts."

"The Houtian realm is the realm of entry into the martial arts, strengthening the body and condensing the inner strength."

"In the innate realm, open up the eight extraordinary meridians, and transform the inner energy into true qi. 55

"The Grand Master Realm has the power to control the sky for a short period of time, and his lifespan has increased by hundreds of years.

"The specific mystery, all the ministers will understand by themselves."

"In this martial arts field, I hope that all the ministers can seize the opportunity to step into the martial arts." Ying Qi said to the martial ministers.

"The ministers will never disappoint His Majesty." All the military ministers who had never entered the martial arts respectfully said.

In Ying Qi's mind, he had already made plans for Chongwen Hall and Shangwu Field.

Like elixir.

It will be included in the annual salary in the future.

Not everyone wants to enter these two holy places to practice anytime, anywhere, and they must obtain qualifications and opportunities to encourage them.


The same is true for the establishment of the Fallen Heart Fireworks Tower in the military.

"His Majesty.

"Look at it now.

"The road to the cultivation empire that Your Majesty has framed has already been rolled out.

"Given time, the national power of Da Qin will surely usher in a transformation.""

Shangwu outside the field.

Meng Ao respectfully turned towards Ying Qi Dao.

In addition to his accident, Li Qing, Xin Sheng and other military officials who stepped into the martial arts accompanied him.

"I can't wait until the cultivation empire is fully opened before starting the war." Ying Qi said in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty's ambition, the old minister understands.""

Now the major battalions are already carrying out His Majesty's decree, the old, weak and remnants have been discharged from the army, and the recruitment of young and young soldiers is also underway. Meng Ao said with a smile.

"Furthermore, now my country in Daqin is prosperous, and there is no problem of grain and grass."

"War, for Da Qin, is the basis for promoting the growth of national strength." Xin Sheng's eyes were also filled with awe.

Great Qin's national power has transformed like this.

All this was created by Ying Qi.

It was at this time.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of Ying Qi.

Ying Qi's eyes narrowed, and he landed on this figure, which was just a moment of weakness.

"His Majesty."

"Something happened. 35

"The Xiongnu in the north gathered a large army, and Mo Dun personally led the army to invade our Daqin border. Some border residents have been killed by foreigners, with countless casualties. Dun said solemnly.

PS: The big chapter is here, and the third watch will be resumed tomorrow. Thank you brothers for your subscription support. Brothers and sisters, please follow up.

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