Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 242 Ying Qi: I am Emperor Wu of Qin, and I am in charge of Qin

Ying Zheng stared at Ying Qi and gave Ying Qi the greatest hope in his heart.

Father's love, fully revealed at this moment.

To win Qi.

Ying Zheng, who was in his prime, could give up his position to Ying Qi.

To win Qi.

Ying Zheng even handed over the title of the first emperor to Ying Qi.

One emperor through the ages, the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty.

This honorable title will accompany Ying Qi throughout his life.

And his Ying Zheng will be the last king of the world, and his son will be the first emperor of the world.

For his Yingzheng, he was absolutely proud of himself.

This is what Ying Zheng had in mind.

Although he was unable to help Ying Qi in the way of the heavens and the way of cultivation, but in the control of the empire, and even in the world of Qin, Ying Zhenghui would give absolute help.


"Emperor Qiangu, the title of Qin Shihuang, belongs to you, and no one can take it away, not even a son-in-law.

Qin Shi Huang's honorable title, in Ying Qi's heart, represents Ying Zheng, and the existence of one emperor throughout the ages also represents Ying Zheng, all of which belong to his father and king.

Ying Qi never thought about this title.

Even if his father wanted to give it to him, Ying Qi would never accept it, because the glory of Qin Shihuang was attributed to his father.

This is worthy of the "497" and remembered through the ages.

Don't wait for Ying Zheng to speak again.

Ying Qi walked directly to the center of the altar and stared at all the great Qin Wenwu: "My father has succeeded the throne since he was thirteen years old. He has eliminated traitors, beheaded disobedient ministers, taken back royal power, and strengthened Qin's national strength. Book."

"Father's achievements in the Great Qin Dynasty, in the world's Yan and Huang's achievements, in Qianqiu, in eternity, even if thousands of years have passed, they have to be wiped out. 99

"The merits of the father and the king should be handed down to all generations."

"The merits of the father and the king, the two emperors of Gai Yan and Huang, surpassed the monarchs of the ages."

"It should be called an emperor through the ages, and it should be honored as an emperor."35

"Father, you should be my Great Qin, the first emperor of Yan and Huang, and the first emperor of Great Qin."5

"One emperor through the ages, Qin Shi Huang.

Ying Qi shouted with a serious look on his face.

One emperor through the ages, the name of Qin Shi Huang.

Surrounding the inheritance on the top of the entire Mount Tai, rushing to the sky, shocked by the sky.

After Ying Qi's words fell.

All the civil and military officials of Daqin bowed towards the altar.

"Chen and others see Shi Huangdi.

"May the First Emperor live for ten thousand years and the Great Qin for ten thousand years.

All the civil and military chanted in unison.


Hearing the high-pitched voice of the courtiers, Ying Zheng was also very moved.

own son.

Whether it is in terms of ability or filial piety, Ying Zheng is very recognized.

Since ancient times, Yan and Huang have inherited loyalty and filial piety.

With a son like this, what else could he ask for in Yingzheng?

"Win Qi my son."

"The merit is unparalleled, and he should be the next emperor of Da Qin."

"Win Qi and use Wu to destroy the six kingdoms, set Yan and Huang, and Wu will rule the world. 39

'You should give the emperor the honorary title, Emperor Wu.

"Said, Qin Wudi. 35

"After being a widow, the second emperor."

Ying Zheng did not reject Ying Qi's good intentions, and immediately stood up and announced with prestige.

"Chen and others see Emperor Wu, wishing the Great Qin a thousand years and Emperor Wu a thousand years. 35

Manchu civil and military shouted in unison.

"Yan and Huang are unified, and there should be a seal of the state.

"Ying Qi and my son will take the throne. When you change into the emperor's crown, wear the emperor's crown, and match the emperor's sword, you will be majestic in the world. 35 Ying Zheng announced in a majestic voice.


on the stairs.

Several attendants appeared with brocade boxes in their hands.

On top of a brocade box, there is a seal, in a brocade box, there is the emperor's crown robe, and another brocade box is the emperor's crown.

"Change Qi'er's clothes.

Ying Zheng said loudly.


The palace maid who arrived immediately picked up the emperor's mian robe, walked to Ying Qi's side, and changed her clothes for Ying Qi.

next moment.

Ying Qi was wearing the emperor's crown, the black emperor's crown, which added a kind of domineering majesty. When the emperor's crown was worn, Ying Qi's body fully released a kind of supreme majesty.

"Qi'er. 55

"After destroying the six kingdoms and ruling the Central Plains, the father and king used He's jade to create the jade seal of the kingdom."

"Now, it's yours."9

Ying Zheng took out the imperial jade seal from the brocade box and handed it to Ying Qi.

And this is also a symbol of the change of imperial power.

Ying Qi did not hesitate and took the seal solemnly.

Looking at the imperial jade seal, there are eight characters carved on the bottom of the jade seal, "Ordered by the sky, longevity and prosperous.

The imperial power is mandated by Heaven.

Ying Qi is regarded by the world as the son of destiny, so he is the man of destiny.

In charge of this seal, it is enough to show the status of the emperor who wins Qiwei and dominates the world.

After Ying Qi took over the seal.

Turn around.

Staring at all the great Qin Wenwu, he raised the seal in his hand high, with Lingtian-like coercion.

"From today.

"I am Emperor Wu of Great Qin, and I am in charge of Great Qin. 35

"I, ordered by heaven, live forever."

"I am in charge of the Great Qin, and I shall be strong and prosperous, and strengthen the country. 55

"I am in charge of Great Qin and will build the Great Qin Martial Arts Empire. 35

"I am in charge of the Great Qin, all the soldiers and fronts pass, and the Qin cavalry arrives, all are Qin soil.

"I am in charge of Daqin, and I will be rewarded for merit, and punished for failure."

"I am in charge of Daqin, making the best use of everything, and making the best use of people's talents."

Ying Qiwei shouted.

“Chen and others see Emperor Wu.’95

"Chen and others swear allegiance to Da Qin to the death, and to Emperor Wu to the death. 35

"May Emperor Wu live for ten thousand years and Daqin for ten thousand years.

Hearing Ying Qi's announcement, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty shouted in unison.

The entire top of Mount Tai is full of praises to Ying Qi.

The entire summit of Mount Tai is a domineering declaration of winning over Qi Yu Bai officials and all the people in the world.

"Congratulations to the host for promoting Taishan Fengchan, completing the hidden task, and rewarding a mysterious treasure chest.

'Congratulations to the host for being promoted to the emperor, and rewarded with an earth-level treasure chest.

"Congratulations to the host for winning the title of "Qin Wudi", this title attribute, the imperial courtier kills the enemy, can get one-third of the experience value, can increase the training speed four times, and can increase the speed of handling state affairs five times. 39

"With this title, the shadow of the Nine Dragons can be manifested, showing the emperor's majesty, the shadow is displayed, the emperor's majesty is increased tenfold, and the subjects are in awe. (The host can hide the shadow of the Nine Dragons by himself).35

"With this title, there is a title given to the host's exclusive supernatural power, "Kowloon Zhentian", which can explode a strike with five times the host's power in an instant. Each time it is used, it takes a year to accumulate strength before it can continue to be used."5

At the moment when Ying Qi successfully ascended the throne, the system prompt sounded.

Hear the system beep.

Ying Qi was stunned.

The reward given by the system this time.

Too rich.

Not to mention the mysterious treasure chest.

But the earth-level treasure chest was the first time Ying Qi had obtained it. Countless treasures could be opened in this treasure chest, at least not lower than the earth-level level, and even had the opportunity to unlock the heaven-level treasures.

The acquisition of this treasure box will let Ying Qi know the richness of the reward. …


The key is the title of Emperor Wu of Qin, which is equivalent to the unity of the titles of "Wu An Jun" and "Prince Prince", and becomes stronger.

As far as the attribute bonus of five times the speed of his own cultivation can be called, it can be regarded as a treasure that surpasses the heavenly rank, and this attribute will accompany Ying Qi all his life.

One-third of the kill experience.

And handling government affairs, these attributes make Ying Qi moved.


This title also comes with its own dressing attributes, surrounded by the shadows of nine dragons, and it is even more majestic as an emperor.

There is also a supernatural strike that belongs to this title.

With a blow that exceeded Ying Qi's full strength five times.

This blow, I am afraid that even the Great Grandmaster Five Realm can be killed in one fell swoop.

This title attribute is too strong.

"Wear the title of "Qin Wudi"."

Ying Qi thought for a moment.

next moment.

"hold head high.

Indistinctly heard the sound of several dragons chanting in one, resounding through the void.

I saw that nine golden dragons suddenly appeared behind Ying Qi. Like a body-protecting beast, the huge dragon body guarded Ying Qi.


"Emperor Wu is really the son of Heaven's destiny, and God has to admit it.

"When Emperor Wu succeeded to the throne, there was a scene of divine dragon protecting his body.

"True Dragon Emperor, only Emperor Wu."

When looking at Ying Qi's majestic posture surrounded by nine dragons, every courtier was shocked, and everyone's eyes were filled with awe.


"It is indeed the emperor appointed by heaven. 99

Ying Zheng looked at this scene and thought with a sigh.

Such a miraculous scene, Kowloon body protection.

From time immemorial, in addition to his own son, who can have it?

"Your Excellencies. 99

"Dading in the Central Plains, Yan and Huang return to one.

"But the world has not been completely controlled by Da Qin."

"Besides Daqin, there are many foreign countries, and they are all waiting for Daqin to conquer and control.

"Masters, do you have the courage to follow me and rule the world?"

Ying Qi asked loudly, with infinite domineering power, with the attribute bonus of the title of Emperor Wu of Qin, the power of the emperor belonging to Ying Qi shrouded the entire top of Mount Tai.

"1.7 swear to follow Emperor Wu to the death.

"Great Qin, the world must be established. 35

"Great Qin's Bingfeng will definitely control the world.

Manchu civil and military all cheered and shouted in unison.

"The world is vast, but there are extremes, but beyond the world, there are the heavens."

"I, you can tell the lords.

"Beyond the territory of Da Qin.

"My Daqin Bingfeng has taken control of one world, and everything in that world has been controlled by Daqin."

"The sky beyond the sky is not false, and the gods are not legends. 35

"All of this, as long as the ministers follow me, everything can be seen, and even you will have the opportunity to compete with immortals.

Ying Qiwei shouted.

"Beyond the territory of Daqin, Daqin controls another world?"

"Heaven beyond the sky?"

"how can that be?"

"When did Daqin attack the heavens beyond the sky? Could it be that two years ago, the two battalions of Yongcheng and Handan were suddenly transferred to Mount Li, but they suddenly disappeared? Could it be that time?

"Da Qin, actually expanded its territory to other worlds?"

Hear what Ying Qi said.

Except for a few courtiers who knew about it, all the other courtiers were horrified and unbelievable.

PS: Pursue determination, seek determination, old irons.

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