Taishan County.

Originally belonged to the territory of the state of Qi, but with the annihilation of the state of Qi, the Central Plains became so large that there was no longer any division of borders, and everything was the territory of the Great Qin.


If you win Qi Zhangguo.

That is where the Qin cavalry goes, all of them are Qin soil.

Mount Tai.

As the most iconic mountain in Taishan County, it is also known as the first mountain in the world, the highest peak in the Central Plains, and is known as the place where the land of the Central Plains is most connected to the sky.

Mount Tai at the moment.

Changed from the desertedness of the past, from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, all the way to climb the mountain is lined with black armor, the incomparably majestic big ~ Qin Ruishi.

Mount Tai, surrounded by clouds and mist, is like a fairyland on earth, with a peaceful scene that is rare in this world.

Moreover, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is more concentrated than other places. Perhaps it is really like the legend. The top of Mount Tai is the highest peak in the Central Plains connecting with the sky. With the gift of God, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will be many times richer than the outer world.

The top of Mount Tai.

All the civil and military officials of Daqin gathered together.

Thousands of imperial guards guarded the top of the mountain, and in the center of the mountain, an altar with nine hundred and ninety-nine steps has been set up.

"The king is here, and the prince is here. 99

With a shout, it resounded through the top of Mount Tai.

the whole of Mount Tai.

Everyone became serious, staring at the two figures under the altar.

One is dressed in a royal robe with a crown on his head, and the other is dressed in a crown of a prince with a golden crown on his head.

The father and son of Daqin, who was in charge of Wang Quan and Yingzheng, approached this towering altar one after the other.

Ying Zheng comes first.

Ying Qi is behind.

Meng Ao and Lu Buwei, as veteran officials, as veteran officials of the three dynasties, followed Ying Zheng and Ying Qi from left to right.


When the father and son climbed the stairs to the altar.

Endless clouds drifted over them, and the two seemed to be on top of the clouds and mists of the fairy family.

"Announcing the sacrificial text."

Mengao shouted loudly.

Lu Buwei responded, immediately holding a sacrificial text in his hand, he walked to the altar, watching all the Qin Wenwu, ready to read it.

For Da Qin.

Originally, it was the clan that was qualified to read the sacrificial text under such a big event at the altar, but since the clan committed a crime against Ying Zheng more than 20 years ago, the clan has been abandoned outside of its authority.

Now it is not their turn to come to such a major event of Fengchan.


As an old official of the three dynasties, Lu Buwei, who had a high reputation in the court, took on the important task of reading the sacrificial texts.

"The sky is above, and the earth is below.

"Everlasting, ever since.

"The Central Plains are chaotic, ethnic groups are divided, the scourge of wars in the world is endless, ethnic groups are fighting against each other, and there are countless deaths."

"This game."

"Through the ages, since eternity, no one can understand.

"But the sky has eyes, the earth is out of balance, the common people are disordered, and all living beings wither.

"The man who sent the destiny to change the chaotic pattern of the ages."

"Yingqi, the descendant of the Zhao family with the surname Ying, is the eldest son of the king of Qin. .."

Lu Buwei read the sacrificial text aloud.

But at this moment, Ying Qi was surprised, looking at Lu Buwei and his father in a very puzzled way.

"Why is this sacrificial text announcing my merits? Not my father?

"What does this mean?"

Ying Qi thought inexplicably.

Mount Tai is enshrined in Zen.

But it belonged to his father's King Jincheng Emperor's Fengchan Ceremony.

The one to sing praises in the sacrificial text should also be his own father, how did he become himself.

I felt Ying Qi's surprised eyes.

Ying Zheng turned his head, smiled gently, did not speak, but his eyes were full of smiles.

"Stinky boy, you always sell your father's secret, this time it's your father's turn to sell you a secret." Ying Zheng smiled proudly in his heart.

Not waiting for Ying Qi to come back to God.

The reading of the sacrificial text continues.

"Ying Qi, the prince of Daqin's supervisory state, the emperor of Daqin Wu'an.""

"In charge of the military and government, they are beyond the ancients, the king of the ancients, the destiny of heaven, the son of destiny, lead Yanhuang to unify the world, unify the territory of Yanhuang, and open the humanities to Yanhuang and Daqin."

"The car is the same track, the book is the same text, the line is the same, the weights and measures, and the money are the same currency.

"The 15-character national policy sets the foundation of the Great Qin, Yan and Huang, the eternal unity, and the Yan and Huang ethnic groups will no longer be difficult to divide."

"Heaven's descending son can be called the destiny.

"Prince Ying Qi's exploits surpassed the ages. 39

"It should be bestowed by God, respected by all the people of the world, and respected by the descendants of all generations.

"Today. 99

"On the top of Mount Tai, sacrifice to the sky and show the achievements of the prince Ying Qi."

"Look, the sky will learn from it. 35

Lu Buwei held the sacrificial text in his hand and read it aloud.

The voice fell.

Except for Daqin Jiuqing, the courtiers were all surprised.


This sacrifice to the sky also surprised them.

Now that Mount Tai has been enshrined in Zen, the most important event since ancient times, the one who sings praises is not the king of today, but the prince?

The implication of this made all the ministers ponder.

"After today.

"Daqin will change.

"The prince will become the new king of Da Qin."

The ministers who were informed by Ying Zheng in Zhangtai Palace also had a kind of expectation in their hearts.

After Ying Qi took charge of the empire, what kind of changes will be brought about, nothing is known.

But they can imagine that Daqin will definitely usher in a world-changing change.

Following the reading of the sacrificial text.


"Father said it at the beginning."

"After destroying the six kingdoms, setting the Central Plains, and finding your mother, the father's great wish has been fulfilled."

"And all of this, Qi'er, you helped your father to complete.

"The merits that belong to you will not be taken by your father, so the merits that belong to your father will also belong to you."35

Ying Zheng smiled at Ying Qi Ci Ai.

"Father, you..."

Seeing Ying Zheng's performance like this, Ying Qi thought of a possibility.

But after thinking of this possibility, there is a feeling in my heart, and there is a kind of expectation.

To become that high above and truly hold the position of kingship, Ying Qi will become the real first person, and there is no need to have any scruples.

A difference in position gives Ying Qi a certain change in his national policy.

Not waiting for Ying Qi to come back to God.

Ying Zheng walked to the center of the altar and looked down at all the courtiers and the entire Mount Tai.


The sky, the earth, and the sky are all under Ying Zheng's gaze.

"My son Ying Qi, the son of destiny.

"The widow Yingzheng is blessed by the heavens, and it is like having a son."

"This is the luck of the few, the luck of the Great Qin, and the luck of all the people of the world.

"My son's achievements in winning Qi depend on the future and the ages. 35

"The merit is higher than that of Yan and Huang, and it surpasses any king in all dynasties, not even the widow."35

"The widow has been the king for thirty years, and he has exhausted all his energy, only to fulfill the legacy of the ancestors of the Daqin dynasties. Now that the six kingdoms have been destroyed, and the Yan and Huang have returned to one, the widow has completed the legacy of the previous kings, and has fulfilled the greatest responsibility of the widow's reign."

"Therefore. 35

"The widow decides..."

Ying Zheng said in a powerful voice, his eyes turned to Ying Qi behind him, his eyes were full of love and expectation: "The widow will abdicate, and Zen is located in Ying Qi.

The voice fell.

Ying Qi opened his eyes wide, even if he had some guesses in his heart, but at this moment, Ying Qi was still a little unbelievable.

0.....for flowers........

When his father, the king, was in his prime, he actually handed over the throne to himself?

Not only Win Qi.

under the altar.

The civil and military officials of Daqin also revealed inconceivable.

But at this moment.

But no one made a sound.


They can all see that today's Taishan Fengchan is the Zen ceremony that Ying Zheng has prepared for a long time, and he may have long decided to hand over the throne to the prince.


"The widow has completed the legacy of the ancestors of the Daqin dynasties, cut off the six kingdoms, and unified the Central Plains Yanhuang. You are willing to take over the Daqin from the widow, strengthen the national strength of Qin, rule the real world, and set foot in the real heavens.""

"This is the high hope that your father has given you, and it is also the will that your father has given you."

Ying Zheng stared at Ying Qi and asked loudly.

There was a kind of majesty in his tone.

It is given with a father's high hopes for his son, and a kind of greater hope from the previous king to the next king.

The voice fell.

The whole Taishan fell silent.

All the courtiers' eyes were focused on the altar, waiting for Ying Qi's answer.

It seems the next moment.

The kingship of Daqin will be rewritten.

Daqin will welcome his new master.

under the watchful eyes of all.

Win Qi moved.

The heart is moved, the respect for his father and the king, and the face has an infinite solemnity.


Loudly: "My son, I am willing."

"My son inherits Daqin, and he will not fail his father's high expectations. He must focus on revitalizing the world of Daqin, and must be based on a strong and prosperous Qin Empire. He must rule the world and surpass the heavens."

Hear your own son's answer.

Ying Zheng breathed a sigh of relief.

His eyes are full of love and relief, his son has really grown up.

After inheriting the kingship.

His son will become a real king, who will control the fate of tens of millions of people.

"Good, good, good.""

Ying Zheng laughed, his voice very excited and relieved.


Ying Zheng faced all the civil and military people again, and said in a powerful voice: "My son won Qi, attacked the two emperors of Gai Yan and Huang, and surpassed the monarch of all ages. The word monarch can no longer show my son's majesty.

"From today onwards, my son wins Qi Dang's promotion to the emperor, and he is called, Shi Huangdi, No. Qin Shi Huangdi.

The words fell.

Ying Qi opened his eyes.

"Father, this honorary title belongs to you.

"You are the first emperor of the ages, the first emperor of Qin.

Ying Qi immediately spoke up.

It is said through the ages, even if thousands of years have passed, it will not be forgotten for thousands of years, the first emperor, only Qin Shihuang Yingzheng.

How could he win Qi?

How does it deserve this title?

"No. 35

Hearing Ying Qi's words, Ying Zheng smiled and shook his head.

"For a long time, King Father thought that the world was the Central Plains, and the Central Plains was the world.

"If it weren't for you, Qi'er, the father and king might still be sitting in the well and watching the sky.

"Father King has the legacy of the ancestors of the past dynasties, and it is enough to create the unification of Yan and Huang, this is the merit of Father King to the people of the world.

"But you are different."

"Your ambition is in the world, and your ambition is in the heavens. The father and the king are far worse than you."

"You are the son of a widow, and the initiator of the Great Qin Martial Arts Empire."9

"Today, Mount Tai is enshrining Zen, and Father King opened it up for you.

"Let your father be the last king in this world. Your father can be said to be the first king through the ages, but you, Qier, will become the first emperor since the beginning of time, the first emperor of Qin."

PS: Pursue determination, pursue determination, and be grateful.

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