Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 243 Win Qi's Succession, the World Shakes!!

At this moment.

Before coming to Mount Tai, Ying Qi's promise to the courtiers in the Palace of the King of Qin reappeared in their hearts.

Practice martial arts.


Comparable to the gods.

"His Majesty Emperor Wu is not a mortal person, but a son of Heaven's mandate granted by the sky, and my ministers such as Emperor Wu are all ministers of destiny. 39

"Follow Emperor Wu and create a prosperous era of the Great Qin Dynasty. 35

There was a kind of reverence in the heart of every courtier.


All the courtiers bowed again: "The courtiers vowed to follow Emperor Wu to the death and expand Qin's territory, so that the great Qin is the world, and the world is the great Qin.

"Today I succeed the emperor.

"When the favor is for all the people in the world, and the blessings for all living beings in the world."

"The first decree is to lower Daqin's taxation. Every area of ​​Daqin's territory will be taxed ten and five, so as to benefit the people of Daqin."

"The second edict, the edict of strengthening the army, the elderly and infirm in the army should be discharged from the army and return to their hometowns to serve as yamen in the countryside, or as soldiers in the countryside. They can also make a living by themselves.

"Furthermore, young men of appropriate age are recruited from the world of Daqin to join the army. Anyone between the age of seventeen and thirty can join the army and serve the Daqin."

"The third edict, the official edict, the Daqin world is determined, officials are closely related to people's livelihood, the Daqin territory is vast, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, so I can't see whether the local officials are fishing the common people, and whether they are corrupt, so I set the Daqin espionage to black. In order to supervise the functions and powers of officials in the world, Bingtai is directly ordered by me, and has the right to be executed first and then to file.

"Once corrupt officials and corrupt officials are found, and evil officials who fish the common people are found, once they are investigated and punished, they will be executed immediately, causing harm to the whole family.

Ying Qi raised the imperial jade seal in his hand and shouted loudly.

The emperor's majesty repressed 05 all over Mount Tai, causing all the courtiers to shudder.

These three orders.

Daqin will usher in a big transformation.

"Emperor Wu Shengming.

But no one objected to Ying Qi's decision, because these three orders were all beneficial to the country.

It will inject a cardiotonic into the calm Daqin now, and strengthen the country again.

Taishan Fengchan ended.

Qin Shihuang, who had been in charge of the country for 30 years, abdicated, and Prince Yingqi succeeded to the throne.

Honorable title, Emperor Wu of Qin.

The era name also changed with the succession of Yingqi, and it was called the first year of Emperor Wu of Qin.

After Feng Chan ended, Ying Qi returned to Xianyang with Bai Guan.

However, the news of Feng Chan's succession to the throne also spread to all parts of the world.

"Edict of Emperor Qin.

Everywhere in the world.

county seat, county seat.

As long as it is a city in the Daqin territory, the downtown announces where the wall is.

All have gathered countless people.

When the decree came, it must be beating gongs and drums, and the people of the whole city came to lead the decree and listen to the vast grace from the imperial court.

"My lord, does the imperial court have any edicts to benefit the world?"

"Is it the king's decision, or the prince's edict?"

"My lord, we have all come here, so please read the edict.

"Yeah, for example, when will Daqin reopen the recruitment.

"Since the unification of the world, the imperial court has stopped recruiting troops from all over the world. We young men can wait to join the army and serve the Qin Dynasty.

All over the world, where countless cities are located, and countless people gather, looking at the officials holding the edict in anticipation.


Officials from various cities saw the countless people gathered in front of them, and almost half of the people from the cities gathered. After shouting loudly, they began to read the edict.

"A few days ago."

"Today's great king enshrined Zen on Mount Tai, offered sacrifices to the sky, said that he would destroy the six kingdoms, rule the world, and create the great cause of the Great Qin throughout the ages.

"The great king's outstanding deeds have transcended thousands of years, and he has become an emperor for thousands of years. After worshipping the sky, he changed the king to emperor, and his honorary title was Qin Shi Huang."35

"It is hereby announced to the world."

In cities and towns all over the world, officials proclaimed imperial edicts.

"Change the king to the emperor?"9


"Today's great king's power to rule the world, to create peace in our Great Qin for thousands of years, and no more wars, such a power, which king in the ages can be compared?

"The title of the great king is no longer worthy of the great king. Only the honor of the emperor can reflect the majesty of the great king. 99

"Emperor Qin Shi, I am also proud of being a citizen of Qin. 35

Hearing this edict, the people all over the world were moved, revered, and revered, and no one objected to it.

after all.

The world of today's Daqin has indeed surpassed the ages.

"Another. 35

"Mount Tai was enshrined in Chan, and after careful consideration, the First Emperor surrendered the throne to His Royal Highness Prince Yingqi.35

"The crown prince succeeded to the throne, changed the Yuan Dynasty, the honorary title, Qin Wudi, the Daqin changed the Qin Wang calendar, and changed it to the first year of Qin Wudi.

"In Daqin, Emperor Wu should be in charge of the country, and Emperor Wu will flourish.

And the next moment announced the news.

It shocked the people of the world.

Even the people of the world did not expect it.

"His Royal Highness has succeeded to the throne?"

"In the past few years, national affairs have been controlled by His Royal Highness, and various national policies have been implemented by His Highness. The world is in good order. Our common people have fields to grow and land to divide. These are all given to us by His Royal Highness. of grace.

"His Royal Highness, who was born in Weimo, knows the hardships of our common people, and His Royal Highness succeeding to the throne is a great blessing for our common people.

"Hahaha, with the blessing of heaven, I, Daqin, can have two generations of Mingjun in charge of the country, and a good day for us ordinary people is coming.

But after a moment of shock.

Excited cheers erupted from the cities all over the world.

For the people at the bottom, the replacement of the imperial power is not something they can choose at all, but the imperial power is supreme, and the people are naturally very concerned about the news of the royal family.

But he won Qi Deng's throne and took control of the empire.

This gives the people of the world peace of mind.

The world today.

The popularity of Ying Zheng and Ying Qi's father and son has reached the peak.

If there are still those unwilling remnants who want to mention the restoration of the country, they will definitely be escorted to the government by the angry people. Now that the world is peaceful, and the people of the world have fields to grow, how can they still think about restoring the country? country?

What is the significance of the restoration of the country to these civilians?

Although they are stupid, they are not stupid.

And all this is the change brought about by Ying Zheng and his son.

Shi Renzheng, benevolence to the people of the world.

The people of the world are firmly bound to the warship of Daqin.

"His Majesty Emperor Wu has won the support of the people in the world, and my Daqin will usher in greater prosperity.

Seeing the cheers of the people in front of Ying Qi's succession to the throne, officials from all over the world who announced the imperial edict were all excited.

As the officials of Daqin, they are naturally proud of it.

The country is strong and the people are healthy.

The pursuit for thousands of years has been realized in Daqin.

"Emperor Wu succeeded to the throne.

"Three decrees are issued.

"It's all about the people of the world. 39

'The first decree is to lower the taxes of the Great Qin, all the territory of the Great Qin, the taxes are ten and five, so as to benefit the people of the Great Qin. 99

"The second edict, the edict of strengthening the army, the old and infirm in the army should be discharged from the army and return to their hometowns, serve as rural yamen, and serve as rural county soldiers. They can also make a living. Young men enlisted in the army...  

Proclamations all over the world are still going on.

The three edicts set by Yingqi's succession to the throne are settled.


Entered a scene of madness again.

"Your Majesty Emperor Wu Shengming."

"Wu Emperor ten thousand years, Da Qin ten thousand years.

"There is Emperor Wu in Daqin, and the common people like us have Emperor Wu as the king, which is the blessing of our people.

"Hahaha, when Emperor Wu came to the throne, taxes were lowered. In the future, we can pay a few percent less in taxes, and we can save a lot of surplus grain, so there will be no famine."

"Emperor Wu Shengming, my father, my mother died of starvation because of the famine, or because the dignitaries in the past levied taxes, ten taxes and eight, and forced us people to death. It is a great gift for the people to live.”

"With Emperor Wu in charge of the country, I am waiting for the great fortune of the common people and the people. 35

Hearing the news of the tax reduction, the world of Da Qin was shaken once again.

Countless people heard the news that the tax was lowered, and they all praised Qi and praised Qi, and all the people in the world were in awe and gratitude for Qi.

Because taxation is closely related to them.

Ying Qi lowered the tax by 20% to 30%, which is no less than giving their family a way to live. How can the people of the world not be grateful.

"There is such a wise ruler in Daqin, the country is stable, and the remnants of the past who wanted to restore the country no longer have a chance.

"But for us ordinary people, 497 is a great thing.

"Emperor Wu should choose a concubine according to past practice when he succeeds to the throne. I don't know when Emperor Wu chooses a concubine? I wonder if there is any chance to enter the palace to serve Emperor Wu?

"Emperor Wu has reopened the recruitment order, is there still war in the world?"

"Older veterans and disabled veterans in the army have to retire. Emperor Wu re-recruited young soldiers to replenish soldiers. My chance, Han Xin, has finally come."

"In the future, I, Han Xin, must prove himself in the army and be reused by Emperor Wu."

"Joining the army and joining the army is the only chance for me and other poor families to stand out, and it can also serve Da Qin. In the past, Emperor Wu was born in Weimo, and he became the emperor of Da Qin Wu An with his military exploits. Later, he was recognized by the king, which shows that Da Qin's military system is strict.

"The opportunity to serve Da Qin and join the army has finally arrived...

Three imperial edicts were issued.

The world shakes.


What kind of sensation will Ying Qi succeed as emperor?

Inside the Zhangtai Palace.

"The prestige settlement date has arrived, and the prestige settlement has begun. 55

"Congratulations to the host for gaining 30 million reputation and 3 million promotion points," the system prompted.

"The prestige of the people of Great Qin is completely over. If you want to gain greater prestige, you can only focus on the world and the heavens. Hearing the system's prompt, Ying Qi thought to himself.

Reputation points are the key to promotion points.

Promotion points are also the key to improving martial skills and auxiliary skills, and Ying Qi naturally valued them very much.

The system's prestige calculation is based on the number, each person's prestige can only be obtained once, and the prestige in the Daqin Empire has naturally been acquired by Ying Qi once, and it is impossible to do it again.

"A mysterious treasure chest, an earth-level treasure chest.""

"I hope I will not be disappointed. 99

Turning around, Ying Qi's eyes showed a hint of anticipation, especially for the opening of the ground-level treasure chest, Ying Qi was very much looking forward to it.


"Open the treasure chest.

PS: Sorry for the lack of updates. My little grandfather has tonsil inflammation, fever, and grinding to death. I hope it will be better tomorrow.

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