Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 240 Ying Zheng: This thr1 should be handed over to Qi'er

Inside the Palace of the King of Qin.

Hundreds of officials are solemn, and the civil and military forces of the Qin Dynasty gather.

Each one is dressed in the official uniform of Daqin, holding a Chaohu.

The entire hall presents a majestic scene.

on high.

Ying Zheng was sitting on the throne, Ying Qi was sitting half an inch lower, the father and son, overlooking the court.

"Chen and others see the great king, see the prince. 95

"May the Great Qin live forever, the King will live forever, and the Crown Prince will live forever.""

Manchu civil and military shouted in unison.

Today's Daqin world.

Although Ying Zheng has not yet abdicated, Ying Qi is already a king in the hearts of every courtier.

No one can shake the position.

"Your Excellency, calm down.

Ying Zheng raised his hands and said arrogantly.

"Thank you king."

"Thank you prince.

Manchu civil and military shouted in unison.

Then they took their seats.

"With the original performance, there is no original retreat.

The temple people shouted loudly.

"King Qiu, Prince.

"Now I am in the world of Qin, and it has already been settled.

"The new word has been implemented all over the world."

"The 15-character national policy set by Your Highness has been fully implemented, humanities are unified, and Da Qin is unified.

"The divine object bestowed by His Highness has also spread throughout the territory of Great Qin, and the people of the world will no longer suffer from famine.

"In such a great world, the founders are the king and the prince."

"Now in Daqin, all the people in the world are grateful for the kindness of the king and the prince. Countless people have built shrines for the king and the prince. The hearts of the people all over the world are in Daqin."

"Today's world, today's great world, create my Yanhuang Eternal Prosperity."

Feng Quji stood up and said excitedly.

"The ministers and others congratulate the king, and congratulate the prince.

The civil and military capitals of the Manchu Dynasty shouted in unison with excitement on their faces.

Eleven years have passed since Da Qin sent troops to settle the world, and nearly four years have passed since the destruction of the Six Kingdoms.

Now the Great Qin Dynasty is prosperous.

Ying Zheng and Ying Qi are in charge of guarding.

Manchu civil and military have participated in the creation of the merits.

Such a great world deserves the honor of every Qin courtier.

Hear the sound of congratulations.

A smile appeared on Ying Zheng's face as well, and he looked at Ying Qi from the corner of his eye, and his eyes were full of relief.

This party was created by the great world, and his Yingzheng only occupied the name of kingship, and the person who really implemented it was his own son.

Such a prosperous and prosperous world through the ages was created by Ying Qi.

Cars are on the same track, books are on the same text, and all countries are 493 policies.

The divine food to solve the famine of all peoples in the world, all of which came from the hands of his own son.

"The world of the Qin Dynasty has been settled, and the great responsibility that the ancestors of the past dynasties have entrusted to the widow has also been completed.

"The burden of making Da Qin transform stronger must really teach Qi Erzhi, after he truly controls the kingship, there will be no more constraints, and the world is under his control.

Ying Zheng thought to himself.

This matter, he has decided for a long time.


It is also time to make a real decision, Da Qin should also be handed over to Ying Qi.

"The world is settled.

"Limin is peaceful.

"No more wars.

"People's livelihood is stable.

"Da Qin has created a great cause that has never been seen in ages, but the merit of all this is not the widow, but the son of the widow, Ying Qi.

Ying Zheng looked at the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty and said in a powerful voice.

For this.

There was awe in the eyes of Wen and Wu of the Manchu Dynasty, and no one refuted it.

Because what Ying Zheng said is true.

Since winning the power of Qi Zhang, Da Qin's daily changes are refreshing and reassuring to all people in the world.

"The old widow once said. 35

"When the world is settled, it is the day when the widow and Qi'er ascended Mount Tai to enshrine Zen.

"Now the world is settled. 95

"The words from many years ago should also be fulfilled." Ying Zheng said again.

The voice fell.

Han Fei stood up immediately, and respectfully said: "The king, when Taishan was enshrined in Zen, the minister has already arranged it, and has issued a document to the Taishan County Governor, asking him to prepare the sacrifice to heaven and enshrining Zen, only the king and the prince. Going to Mount Tai, you can complete the mountaineering of Zen.99

"Han Xiang did a good job."" Ying Zheng praised immediately.

Then he turned his head and looked at Ying Qi: "Qi'er, when do you think you will go to Mount Tai?

"Now that Daqin is in a state, it can be done anytime." Ying Qi replied.

Taishan Fengchan is the most important event in the ages, and Ying Qi can also think of whether the system will reward him for participating in and promoting the occurrence of this event.

・In the history of Yanhuang.

Since Emperor Qiangu created the first place in Mount Tai, the emperors of all dynasties have used it as a symbol to show their status. Except for aliens, all emperors of Yan and Huang ethnic groups (afbh) are proud of this. How much influence did Yan and Huang have in later generations.

"it is good."

"Then set the day to set off for Mount Tai to Fengchan in five days.

"Zhuqing, you will also hand over the matter in your hands to your deputy, Taishan Fengchan, you can't miss it. 99 Ying Zheng immediately confronted the Manchu civil and martial arts.

"The ministers and others will obey the king's edict." The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty said in unison.

Taishan Fengchan, this is the most important event in the ages, naturally everyone does not want to miss it, for the courtiers, this may be the beginning of a new era.

"Qi'er, a year ago, before the implementation of the 15-character national policy, you could tell the Manchu civil and military affairs, and you will give the Manchu civil and military a surprise after the completion.

"Now you have to keep your promise." Ying Zheng turned his head and smiled at Ying Qi.

"How can I forget what Erchen said. 35 Yingqi smiled.

Stand up slowly.

Overlooking the entire court.

"It's been so many years."

"The biggest secret that this gentleman has, and the biggest secret of Daqin, should also be told to you."

Ying Qiwei said in a loud voice.

"Da Qin's biggest secret?

Except for those who had already set foot on the road of martial arts cultivation, all the other courtiers opened their eyes wide and looked at Ying Qi expectantly.

This time.

Ying Qi didn't say anything.

Just raise your hand.

A majestic True Qi surged out from both hands, and in an instant, the entire hall was stunned by a majestic True Qi.

"The Great Movement of Heaven and Earth. 99

Ying Qi shouted in his heart.

Boom, boom, boom.

The entire palace of the King of Qin set off a sound of the vibration of a void infuriating.


The tables in the entire palace of Qin Wang began to tremble.

next moment.

Except for the people, all the tables and all the documents were all swept up and floated above the void.

"This....this is?"

Except for the civil and military officials who had entered the martial arts level, all the other courtiers were stunned by the scene in front of them.

This kind of power, they really have never seen before.

If you have seen it.

That was the miracle that happened when Ying Qi recognized the ancestors and returned to the ancestors.

Although this scene cannot be compared with the miracles that occurred in the past,

"This is the power of martial arts."

"It is the power of my Great Qin Dingguo."

"Cultivation of martial arts, entering the road of cultivation, the transformation realm can live forever, comparable to immortals and gods.

Ying Qiwei said in a loud voice.

The words resounded through the hall, like thunder, and shook the depths of every courtier's heart.


Comparable to the gods.

These eight words made their hearts tremble.

Everyone showed hot eyes.

"The day when Mount Tai was enshrined in Zen."

"This gentleman will give Zhu Qing a path to cultivation."

"Zhuqing will go with Daqin to the top of the Nine Heavens, above all the heavens." Ying Qiwei said.

"The ministers swear allegiance to Da Qin to the death.

The civil and martial arts of the Manchu Dynasty were ignited at this moment, and they all knelt on one knee and shouted in unison.

"it is good."

Ying Qi nodded and said no more.

Looking at Ying Zheng: "Father, what else needs to be explained?

"The widow is fine.""


"Let's go away. 99

"Five days later, set off for Mount Tai and open the ceremony of Fengchan." Ying Zheng faced the Manchu civil and martial arts.

"Chen wait for the edict." All the ministers said in unison.


It was difficult for the civil and military minds of the Manchu Dynasty to calm down, and they paid more attention to Taishan Fengchan, who had been looking forward to participating.

Because of Ying Qi's words, the day when Mount Tai was enshrined in Zen, opened the way for them to cultivate.

For practice.

For martial arts.

They were all full of doubts, but the terrifying power that Ying Qi showed, the power of immortals and gods shocked them.

Immortal, comparable to immortals.

Who in the world doesn't want to own it?

The meeting will disperse.

Ying Qi returned to the East Palace.

And Ying Zheng returned to Zhangtai Palace.

Meng Ao, Lu Buwei, Feng Quji, Han Fei and other important officials of the imperial court and nine ministers all gathered in Zhangtai Palace.

Obviously, Ying Zheng has something to explain.

"Your Majesty.

Numerous important officials bowed to Ying Zheng, and then all cast inquiring glances at Ying Zheng.

The meeting will disperse.

They were all summoned to Zhangtai Palace individually.

"Mount Tai has been enshrined in Zen, the widow has made a decision, and is going to give all the ministers a breath of air in advance." Ying Zheng smiled slightly and said to the ministers.

"I also ask the king to issue an edict, and the ministers will swear to obey." The ministers said immediately.

"Count the time.

"It has been thirty years since the widow became king at the age of thirteen.

"Over the years, the widow has thanked you Aiqing for your assistance.

"Especially Father Zhong, if it wasn't for your help back then, perhaps the widow would not have the chance to reunite with Dong'er's family now, let alone have such an outstanding son as Qi'er."" Ying Zheng smiled at the ministers.

"The ministers are Daqin ministers, and they should serve for Daqin." The ministers replied immediately.

And Lu Buwei smiled and said: "Your Majesty, it has been so many years, if it weren't for you, Your Majesty, how could this old minister be alive to this day, if you and I can be today, the old minister has nothing else to ask for.

"Being a king for thirty years."

"Although it's not as good as the widow's great-grandfather, it's enough." Ying Zheng said with a smile.

The words fell.

All the ministers in Zhangtai Palace opened their eyes wide and looked at Ying Zheng in disbelief.

They all heard a special meaning from this.

Ying Zheng clearly meant to abdicate.

"Your Majesty, you..."

Lu Buwei's expression changed, and he stopped talking.

Because he didn't know what to say at the moment, Ying Zheng said this today, obviously after careful consideration.

The other courtiers also opened their eyes wide and hesitated.

for their servants.

Whether it is Ying Zheng's reign, or Ying Qi's succession.

all the same.

Because both Ying Zheng and his son are powerful kings, not kings that their courtiers can guess.

Once they make any decision, obviously it cannot be changed.

"Since the widow took the throne, he has worked hard for the unification of Da Qin, and has never had any pleasure."

"This is the legacy of the previous kings of the Qin Dynasty, and the widow, as a descendant of the Ying surname, has to inherit it, and it must be inherited.

"Great Qin destroyed six kingdoms and ruled the Central Plains of Yan and Huang. The important task entrusted by the ancestors of all dynasties in the hands of the widowers has been completed. Qi'er's hands.

"For the widow."

"Being able to find the queen again, and being able to have such an outstanding son as Qi'er, the widow's life is worth it."

"In the past, when Qi'er was at his best, the widow was envious of which family's son was so brilliant, but after a long time he was the son of the widow, you don't know how happy the widow was when he knew that Qi'er was the son of the widow.

"Furthermore, Qi'er also gave the widow the chance to live forever and be on par with the immortals.

"In the future the widow will have far more than kingship.35

"For many years as a king, it is totally worth it for the widow.

"The future world belongs to Qi'er.

Ying Zheng smiled, he didn't care so much about the throne at all.

"Your Majesty has decided?

Lu Buwei raised his head and stared at Ying Zheng.

"Of course it's decided."

"Giving this world to Qi'er will be the most correct decision made by the widow. In the future, the widow can also thank the time to accompany the queen and make up for the more than 20 years lost. 35 Ying Zheng smiled.

"Since the Great King has decided. 99

"Old minister, obey." Lu Buwei bowed and bowed.

"Wait, please, obey.

The ministers in the hall all bowed.

"If Qi'er can have your assistance, Daqin will have a stronger and more prosperous scene.

Ying Zheng laughed.

If it were any son except Ying Qi, Ying Zheng would not be able to be so relieved at all, and the throne would be released as soon as it was released, but Ying Qi was so outstanding that Ying Zheng had no reason to be worried.

Above the court, who among the ministers would dare to disrespect Ying Qi?

Except for him and his son Ying Qi, who can do this trick?

"Qi'er, the widow will give you a surprise when Mount Tai is enshrined in Zen.

"The widow will let you truly control Daqin, and display everything in your heart."

"Father will not be an obstacle for you, as long as father can do it, he will definitely do everything to help you. Ying Zheng thought with a smile in his heart.

PS: Pursue determination, seek determination.

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