Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 239 1 Year, Liu Ji, Xiao He, Lu Zhi, Han Xin

Time flickers.

in a blink.

Just a year has passed.

during this year.

The entire Great Qin Empire has undergone earth-shaking changes in just one year.

The original script of the Six Kingdoms has been completely abolished, the books of the Six Kingdoms and the annals of the Six Kingdoms have all been collected into the treasury of the Great Qin for storage, and the new Qin characters have been popularized in today's Great Qin world.

Book same text.

Not only that.

The Daqin court has fully implemented the 15-character national policy set by Yingqi, the same track for cars, the same text for books, weights and measures, and the same currency for money have all been implemented.

In addition to the unification of territory, Daqin also ushered in a real unification in humanities.

The fields originally controlled by the various countries have also been confiscated by the Daqin court, and the Daqin laws have been completely settled.

to this.

Even though the dignitaries of those countries wanted to resist, they were unwilling, but they were helpless, because some people who swore to the death and refused to hand over their fields were directly raided and exterminated by the local guarding army.

For the imperial court that has now completely controlled the land of the Central Plains, those former dignitaries are so powerless that they can no longer make waves.

In terms of humanities, Daqin was unified.

In terms of people's livelihood, potatoes and sweet potatoes have also been promoted in the world of Daqin, and every household of Daqin can receive grain seeds.

The scourge of famine.

Completely no longer exists in Daqin.

Everywhere in the world.

There is no wrong to win Qi and sing praises to the Daqin court.

"It's really good these days. 35

"His Royal Highness today is as bright as the sky, not only has we lived a stable life without wars, but he has also bestowed the fetishes of sweet potatoes and potatoes, so that we will never be hungry again.

"His Royal Highness, it's really amazing.

05 "That's not it."

"His Royal Highness not only gave us the commoners high-yield grain seeds, but also gave us fields. My son serves in the army and is a fifth-rank noble. The court has given ten acres of fields. 99

"Your boy is very powerful. It turns out that he is a fifth-rank rank. My boy is only a second-rank rank, but the court also gave five acres of land."

"The current king, His Royal Highness, is very kind to us ordinary people. If the land was controlled by the rich and powerful in the past, where would we have our own land? If we want to farm, we have to pay high rental fees, and we really can't live. already."

"It's different now."

"The former dignitaries have been targeted by the imperial court, and all the fields have been taken back by the imperial court. Even if there are no sons or titles in the family and no land can be granted, our people can rent fields from the government for planting and pay the rental fee. It's just a little bit, and it's dozens of times less than the previous leases with those big and powerful families.

"All of this is bestowed by the present king and prince, this kind of good day, there is no war, there are fields to grow, and there are high yields of food, so you don't have to worry about famine, this kind of day really didn't dare to imagine before.

"It's a pity that the court has not recruited troops now, otherwise I must let my boy join the army to serve the Qin Dynasty, so as to repay the kindness of the king and the prince. 35

'Hey, my boy is in the army now, but now that the world is settled, it is difficult to have the opportunity to recruit troops.

"If we people want to repay the kindness of the king and the prince, we should farm well and try to pay more taxes, so that we can help Da Qin.

"Yes, yes..."

Everywhere in the world.

There were countless voices of praise for Ying Zheng and Ying Qi, and countless Daqin people had completely returned to the Daqin court.

In the past, Ying Qi let the shadows swept away the remnants of the six kingdoms. Although there will be fish that slip through the net, but now that Da Qin has completely controlled the territory, those who are still unwilling and want to restore the country are all silent at this moment. go down.

The people they used to be proud of, and the fishing reels that they could mobilize, no longer belong to them.

If they dare to say a word about restoring the country again, the consequence is that they will be arrested and punished by the government.

Under these people's hearts, the world of Da Qin was completely settled.

Pei County.

"Broken Liu Ji is stealing again.

"Quickly grab it and send it to the government. 35

"This is a lazy thing to do, and now the imperial court has given us land to grow, and this bastard only knows how to steal things everywhere, and today he is just going to be sent to the government. 35

On the streets of Peixian County, angry voices rang out one by one.

"Don't...don't be like this, folks and fathers, I'm just hungry, I don't really want to steal, I'm sure Liu Ji will get ahead in the future, even if I take it today, Liu Ji borrowed it from you.

In the midst of the crowd, a middle-aged man in sackcloth, about forty years old, sat on the ground and wooed the people who surrounded him.

"Liu Ji, you rascal, how long will you lie to us?

"You're so lazy and you still stand out, just dream."

"Folks, Liu Ji's theft has not changed after repeated teachings, so he must be sent to the government and handed over to Lord Xiao He for disposal."

Seeing this man surrounded by the crowd, all the people were filled with righteous indignation, and then a few big men directly grabbed this man and walked towards the county office.

No matter how hard this guy named Liu Ji struggles, he can't get rid of it.


to the county office.

"Master Xiao.""

"This rogue Liu Ji is stealing again. He is a repeat offender. He must be taught a lesson."


"Master Xiao, you must teach him a big lesson."

"He is lazy, and only knows how to steal. Many of our villagers have been stolen by him...

Inside the county hall.

One by one, the people pointed at Liu Ji angrily and cursed.

on the main hall.

Xiao He, the magistrate of Peixian County, was wearing a Daqin official uniform.

Look at the situation in the hall.

At a glance, I understood why.

"According to the laws of Daqin, thieves will be imprisoned for one year, and they will not change after repeated teachings. If the circumstances are bad, the punishment will be doubled.

"Liu Ji, you have a tendency to steal and must be severely punished.

"This officer punishes you for two years in prison."

From a high position, Xiao He glanced at Liu Ji and immediately concluded the case.

Heard he was going to jail for two years.

Liu Ji panicked.

"Master Xiao, I was wrong, I was really wrong."

"I will never steal again, please forgive me, Lord Xiao. 35

"Folks, I promise that I will never steal again in the future, please let me go this time.

"Master Xiao.... folks..."

Liu Ji begged for mercy with a look of horror.

But no one made any waves to Liu Ji's plea.


In Pei County, Liu Ji is already notorious.

Known as the laziest person in Pei County, he is also the person with the most unclean hands and feet.

"Come on."

"Go to jail."

Xiao He ordered directly.


The two yamen directly stepped forward and took Liu Ji out.

"Master Xiao is wise."

"Without this Liu Ji in the future, our Pei County will be able to be more peaceful. 35

"Finally, this bastard is punished.

One by one, the people were all excited.


"Today's great king, the crown prince is benevolent to the people of the world, he is benevolent, and he grants land. The peace of the people of Great Qin is not easy to come by. I hope that all villagers and fathers can respect Qin's law, live a good life, and never violate Qin's law.

"Our days are not easy to come by."

Xiao He smiled slightly and said to all the people outside the county office.

"Master Xiao is right."

"We won't give up on this good day.

"The current king and prince are wise, we are really grateful for such a good day.""

All the people opened their mouths.

It can be seen how the people's hearts in the world are today.

"The Great King of Qin and the Crown Prince can be prosperous for eternity."5

There was also waves of awe in Xiao He's eyes.

Ever since the Daqin Prince took charge of state affairs.

Not only did Da Qin give the world a benevolent government, and abolished many strict laws in Qin law, but also reformed the people with the people, making the best use of things and making the best use of their talents.

He Xiao He was not a native of Daqin before, but with Daqin in charge of the world, he gave benevolence to the people of the world.

Xiao He also completely returned to his heart.

Today's world is what he yearns for, and what the people of the world yearn for.

There is no war and the people live and work in peace and contentment. Compared with the troubled times eleven years ago, this is the prosperity that everyone yearns for.

Pei County.

Lu House.

"Pheasant, you don't have to worry about it for the next two years. 35

A gorgeously dressed old man walked into the mansion and said with a big smile.

"What's the matter, Daddy?"

A stunning woman of 28 years old asked curiously.

"Liu Jina has been imprisoned, and I heard that Mr. Xiao was sentenced to two years. Didn't he come to the mansion to harass you all the time? Don't worry about it. The old man stroked his beard and smiled.


Lu Zhi was also very happy.

"Speak up.

"Without this Liu Ji's harassment, it's time for Daddy to find a husband for you." Duke Lu said thoughtfully.


"Father, I'm still young and don't want to get married yet."

Hearing that he was looking for her husband's family, Lu Zhi's pretty face immediately showed resistance.

"You are still young, many women have already given birth to several babies at your age. Duke Lu said angrily.


"Sister doesn't want to marry those ordinary people, she wants to marry the prince."

At this time.

A woman who was slightly younger than Lu Pheasant walked over. She was also stunning, but she had the feeling of a little home jasper.

"Susu, you little girl, don't say you don't want to?" Lu Zhi said very embarrassedly when he saw the person coming.

"To the present prince?"

"Thank you for daring to think.

"Come on, Dad is too lazy to force you.

"In case the prince really chooses a concubine in the future, maybe you can really give it a try based on your looks." Duke Lu smiled helplessly.

Sishui County, Huaiyin County.

by a creek.

A young man in sackcloth is plowing the field with a hoe.

"Kid Han, it's rare to see you so diligent, how come you figured it out? Don't you dream of being a general?

"General, boy Han, don't even think about it.

"Now that the world is stable, there is no war, and the imperial court has stopped recruiting troops, how can you become a general?"

Several aunts looked at the young people who were plowing the land and laughed.

And the young man did not speak.

But there was a kind of determination in his eyes and face, and in a voice that only he could hear, he muttered to himself: "There is indeed no war in the world of Daqin now, but outside Daqin, those alien races will sooner or later fight with Daqin. Yes, they are all enemies of Da Qin."

"How can you not see it with the eyes of today's prince?

"Sooner or later, I, Han Xin, will be able to join the army. Sooner or later, I will be able to show my talents and be used by the prince. Sooner or later, I will be able to become a great general."

"This day will come sooner or later."

Han Xin had a look of determination on his face.

The world today.

There are so many changes.

But the first thing to do is to give all the people of the world the support of the people, the implementation of the Daqin's benevolent government, and the stability of the world.

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