Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 238 Martial Dao, Immortal Dao, Pill Dao

"Go back to the prince."

"The minister asked to see the king, but the king said that it is about the origin of the Qin state, and everything needs to be decided by the crown prince." Xu Fu replied respectfully.

"Father, this is still a shadow of being tossed by the poison pill.

For his father's decision, Ying Qi smiled dumbly in his heart.

His father had already fully identified the alchemy alchemist as a person who refined poison elixir. Even if Ying Qi established the Dan Palace, Ying Zheng still had a shadow.

If the medicinal pills are issued to the army, if it is a poison pill, the impact will be too great.

"How many medicinal pills have you hoarded over the past year?" Ying Qi asked.

"Go back to the prince.

"The Pill Palace is directly connected to Han. The medicinal materials sent by Prime Minister Han each time are enough for the Pill Palace to refine for ten days. Over time, the pills in the warehouse have piled up like a mountain. Please take a look at your Highness." Xu Fu respectfully back.

"Well. 35

Ying Qi nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

Go to the warehouse where the pills are stored.

Danta occupies a huge area.

And it contains mustard seeds.

There are not only places for alchemy, but also places for storing medicinal pills.

As the leader of the dan tower, Ying Qi can naturally know where the warehouse is.

Open the warehouse.

one look.

There are thousands of brocade boxes stored in it, and the brocade boxes are divided into three categories.

There is a class of Wenluodan, a class of body-building dans, and a class of qi-enhancing dans.

Among them, Wenluodan is the most.

"Your Highness.

"For more than a year, except for the first four months, each alchemist was the weakest and completed a few furnaces every day, but after four months, all the alchemists were proficient, and they reached more than ten furnaces every day. Xu Fu Respectfully played.

There are at least ten pills in a pot, or even more.

An alchemist can refine ten pots of medicinal pills every day, that is, at least one thousand medicinal pills.

Refining day after day, it is conceivable how much has been hoarded.


The reason why their success rate is so high is that the attribute bonus of the dan tower is the key, otherwise, they can't do it at all.

"Currently, the most medicinal pills piled up here are Wenluo pills. After more than a year of accumulation, there are more than 200,000 pills, and there are more than 40,000 pills accumulated for such a long time. Only one minister can make alchemy, "four nines three", so a little less, the minister will spend half a day refining alchemy every day in addition to instructing the alchemy masters.

Now there are about 2,000 Qi-enhancing pills. "

Xu Fu said all the medicinal pills stored in the warehouse.

hear the number.

Although Ying Qi was mentally prepared, he was still a little surprised.

"More than 200,000 Wenluo Pills are enough for the first batch of martial arts in the army to build the foundation."

"Pill Palace, I really didn't disappoint me."

Ying Qi thought very excitedly in his heart.

There are many first-order medicinal herbs.

After Ying Qi successfully opened the sub-professional alchemy, each time he improved one level, there would be a corresponding alchemy recipe.

It can be said that after the successful addition of the sub-professional alchemy, except for some miraculous elixir recipes that really exist in Myriad Realms, ordinary first-order medicinal herbs are all in Ying Qi's memory.

The three pill recipes given to the Pill Hall are the most practical for the army today.

Wenluo Dan can warm the meridians and increase internal strength.

Body Forging Pill can strengthen the body, and it can also speed up the internal force.

And the Qi-enhancing pill is naturally more powerful, even if it enters the innate level, it will help a little.

Ying Qi walked into the warehouse, took out one from the brocade box, opened it, and saw that dozens of porcelain vases were stored in the brocade box.

Ying Qi casually opened a porcelain bottle, sniffed it, and nodded, the medicinal herb was good.

Then I went to the Body Refinement Pill and Qi Enhancement Pill, and took out a box to look at it.


Under the attribute bonus of Danta, the medicinal properties of the medicinal pills are all in the middle grade.

Although the level of the medicine pill is there, the medicine pill is also in good condition.

"Xu Fu."

"You really didn't disappoint me.

"You have made great contributions to Da Qin.

Ying Qi put down the brocade box and praised Xu Fu.

"Serving Daqin is the duty of a minister, etc." Xu Fu replied immediately, but his expression could not hide his excitement.

Being able to get Ying Qi's approval so much made him, the hall master, also relieved.

"Li Qing.

Win Qiwei said.

"The minister is here. 55

Li Qing stepped up immediately.

"Summon Wei Liao.

Win Qi Dao.

"The minister leads the edict. 35

Li Qing immediately hurriedly threw the Danta.

Until he leaves.

"Xu Fu, over the past year, you have shown me your ability and loyalty. 35

Ying Qi suddenly spoke to Xu Fudao.

"It is Xu Fu's honor to serve Da Qin and serve His Highness." Xu Fu immediately bowed and bowed.

He is a smart person, and he can naturally hear that this is Ying Qi's reward for him.

"This gentleman employs people.

"Loyalty comes first, ability comes second.

"And when I see your loyalty, I should use it even more." Ying Qiwei said.

This remark made Xu Fu tremble, and his face was excited: "If you can get the attention of His Highness, the minister will never give up. 55

"Xu Fu, do you believe in the existence of immortals?"

Ying Qi asked.

Xu Fu was stunned for a moment, then looked at Ying Qi with awe: "Under the world, the existence that can be called the closest immortal god is His Highness. No one in the world knows that His Highness is a man of destiny."

"Haha. Year

Ying Qi smiled and was noncommittal.

When they recognized their ancestors and returned to their ancestry, the system gave them the seal to give them a boost, and also gave themselves the title of Son of Destiny to all the people of the world. When assassins from various countries were assassinating, tens of thousands of refugees saw the seal protect their bodies with their own eyes. , and even set the status of the son of Qi Tianming for the world.

have this identity.

In this world where there are no immortals and gods, but myths and legends are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, Yuying Qi's palm has a helping hand in the world.

next moment.

Ying Qi raised his hand.

A force suddenly appeared.

The brocade box in the entire warehouse was suddenly held up by an invisible force, and it was surrounded by the void.

see this scene.

Xu Fu watched in astonishment.

"Xian... The power of fairy gods?

"Is His Highness the fairy god in the legend?"

Xu Fu was stunned and fell to his knees in shock.

"Want to have this power? 35

As soon as Ying Qi's hand fell, the force dissipated instantly, and all the brocade boxes fell back on the spot.

This is the power of the Great Movement of the Universe.

After mastering this martial art.

Ying Qi's use of infuriating energy became more and more powerful, and it was easy to control these brocade boxes.

Even if there are dozens of people in front of him, Ying Qi can lift them up in the air with a great move.

The Great Perfection's Great Movement of Heaven and Earth is so powerful.

Hearing Ying Qi's words, Xu Fu fell into a shock.

He knelt on the ground, his expression was filled with unspeakable excitement: "Hall... Your Highness, can this kind of immortal power be possessed by a mortal like a minister?"

"In Daqin.

"Those who are trusted by this monarch will be given this kind of power.

"The left and right prime ministers of Daqin, Jiuqing, the generals in the army, and the main generals all have this kind of power now." Ying Qiwei said.

When Xu Fu heard this, he didn't understand that he had completely gained Ying Qi's trust.


Xu Fu bowed his head and bowed: "It is an honor for the minister to gain the trust of His Highness, and the minister is willing to swear allegiance to His Highness to the death, and he will never quit.

"Relax your heart.

Ying Qi said solemnly.


Xu Fu responded immediately, letting go of all his body and mind, but his heart was very nervous and expecting.

He was so excited at this moment today.

Not only did he gain the true trust of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, but he was also able to receive the power of immortals and gods just like those important court officials in Daqin. This surprise really made Xu Fu unable to stretch himself.

"I gave you the attack that the alchemist has cultivated, the first level of the alchemy scriptures. If you practice this technique, you can have stronger control over alchemy, as well as control over alchemy fire. Stepping into the basic level of the technique, you can generate spiritual power. .35 Ying Qi said in a deep voice.

Directly passed the first layer of the "Dan Jing" to Xu Fu.

Dan Sutra.

It is not a martial arts technique, but an alchemy cultivation technique that belongs to the alchemy technique. As an alchemist, he naturally focuses on alchemy, not fighting.

Therefore, Dan Xiu's combat power is not too strong. If he encounters cultivators of the same level, he will be at a disadvantage.

If strictly divided.

Dan Xiu should be regarded as a kind of Immortal Dao.

The martial artist cultivates internal strength at the acquired level, while the first level of immortality is the cultivation of Qi realm, which cultivates spiritual power.


As the alchemist of the Daqin Empire, Yingqi naturally wouldn't let them fight.

They will also focus on alchemy in the future. If they use them to fight for the empire, then Daqin is afraid that it will really come to a dead end.


Win Qi employing people.

Make the best use of things, and people make the best of their talents.

Industry specializing in surgery.

Since Xu Fu is proficient in alchemy and has excellent talent, Ying Qi will not be wasted.


Dan has completed the transmission on the first layer.

Xu Fu's mind directly added a mysterious exercise.

"This is the cultivation method of immortals. 35

"It's too mysterious.


"This practice contains endless Taoist truths."

Xu Fu was shocked when he looked at the exercises that appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, and it was difficult to return to his senses.

After half a day.

Xu Fucai came back to his senses.

"My minister Xu Fu thanks His Highness for the gift, His Highness's gift is like a remake, and the minister is willing to swear allegiance to His Highness." Xu Fu bowed excitedly.

"Running the exercises, I will guide you to build a foundation for you.""

Ying Qi faced Xu Fudao.


Xu Fu didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately let go of his mind and began to try the first-level cultivation of the alchemy scriptures.

Ying Qi directly took out a low-grade spirit stone and activated it with infuriating energy. The spirit energy was directly pulled out of the spirit stone and irrigated towards Xu Fu's body.

Dan Dao cultivation is different from Martial Dao.

The first realm of the acquired martial arts lies in the generation of internal power, which can be accomplished by using the martial arts to build foundation pills, as well as smashing the body and infuriating the impact.

But it is not feasible for Ying Qi to use True Qi to open up the meridians for Xu Fu. After all, these are two completely different ways of cultivation.

Pill Dao cultivation is the same as Immortal Dao cultivation. The first realm is to attract the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into the body.

Immortal Dao is more dependent on Reiki than Martial Dao.

The spiritual energy in the Daqin world is so thin, it can be said that it is extremely difficult to introduce the spiritual energy into the body, only the spiritual stone can do it.

Under the control of Ying Qi.

The spiritual energy of the spirit stone fell towards Xu Fu, who ran the exercises and quickly channeled the spiritual energy into his body.

Spiritual energy circulated in his body.

Began to generate the first spiritual power for Xu Fu.

Time is also passing by in this process.

An incense stick of time passed.

The spiritual energy of the spirit stone is exhausted.

Xu Fu also opened his eyes, his face full of joy: "His Royal Highness, this minister has succeeded, he has already generated spiritual power, and has entered the first realm of qi training.

"The cultivation of alchemy lies in alchemy. You can improve your cultivation through the medicinal properties of alchemy. You have to take good care of it in the future." Ying Qi withdrew his true qi and warned.

The spirit stone in his hand had lost its luster and was directly crushed by Ying Qi.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for the warning." Xu Fu said solemnly.

"When your cultivation base is stable, pass the five-level Qi practice of the Dan Dao to those alchemists who can make two kinds of medicinal herbs, and pass the first two-level exercises to all the alchemists.

Ying Qi faced Xu Fudao.

"Your Highness."

"People's hearts are unpredictable, I don't know if they are really loyal to His Highness, if they rashly give the exercises, will it be? 39 Xu Fu said a little serious.

Now that Ying Qi has such trust, Xu Fu will naturally speak his mind and think about Ying Qi.

"They, like you, have already returned to Daqin..."

"Those who are unfaithful, do you think there is still a chance in the Dan Palace? 35 Win Qi said with a smile.

Xu Fu looked thoughtful.

"Furthermore, the world is all under the Qin Dynasty, do they have the courage to betray?

"In the world of this monarch, this monarch can give and take back. It's true that people's hearts are unpredictable, but that is for others." Ying Qi said slowly.

The words fell.

Xu Fu widened his eyes and naturally thought of a possibility.

Your Highness has the power to read people's hearts.

"Do things well for this monarch and for Daqin, and this monarch will not treat you badly.

"But if you are arrogant and arrogant, betray Da Qin, and do things that go against Da Qin, no matter who he is, this monarch will not tolerate him. Ying Qi said in a deep voice, with a strong warning.

"I will never betray Your Highness." Xu Fu immediately assured.

At this time.

Wei Liao has entered the Danta.

When he came to this mysterious place in Daqin, there were many guards guarding him. If it wasn't for Ying Qi's edict that no one could approach, Wei Liao was naturally a little surprised.

"Chen Wei Liao, see the Crown Prince."

Seeing Ying Qi, Wei Liao immediately bowed and bowed.


Ying Qi nodded to Wei Liao.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Yu Liao immediately thanked him, stood up straight, and looked at Ying Qi respectfully, "I don't know what your Highness has summoned, what is the important thing?

"How popular is martial arts in the military today?"

Ying Qi looked at Wei Liao and asked.

As a disciple of Guiguzi, since he entered Daqin, he has been highly used by his father and king, and his ability is indeed not bad.

Before the Six Kingdoms were decided, he had already made a plan for his father to destroy the Six Kingdoms.

And his official position is also located in Jiuqing, in charge of strategy and planning in the army, as well as the promotion of the title of the army, and the annual salary is given.

So much power is concentrated in Wei Liao, it can be seen that he has a high position and must be trusted.

"Go back to Your Highness."

"Yongcheng and Handan's two major camps have gone on an expedition to the outer world, and the ministers don't know the situation at this time.

"But the popularization of martial arts in the three major camps of Daidi, Lantian and Hangu has fulfilled His Highness's expectations. 35

"The chief general, lieutenant general, fifty thousand generals, ten thousand generals, and one thousand generals have all acquired this technique, and have completed the foundation of martial arts.

"According to His Highness's national policy, the next step will be to teach it to middle and middle-level officers in the army and spread it to the whole army." Yu Liao respectfully reported.

"Martial arts training lies in the root of talent, supplemented by medicinal pills, which can speed up the popularization of martial arts."

"I have established the Pill Palace for a year, and the alchemists of the Pill Palace have also achieved enough merits to refine many medicinal pills. I want you to distribute these medicinal pills to the army and give them to the lieutenants in the army. 39 Win Qi refers to Wearing the brocade boxes piled up like a mountain behind him, he said arrogantly.

"Dare to ask Your Highness, what is the effect of this medicinal pill?" Yu Liao asked respectfully.

"Wen Luo Dan can warm the meridians and condense internal power."

"Forge the body pill, refine the physique, strengthen the physical body, and enhance the internal strength.

"Qi-enhancing pill can greatly enhance internal strength and break through realm.

"This time, I will give you half of all the medicinal herbs in this room. Win Qi Dao.

Hearing the effects of these medicinal pills, and looking at the piles of brocade boxes behind him, Yu Liao's face was also shocked.

"Dare to ask Your Highness, are the medicinal pills distributed according to titles or military positions?" Yu Liao asked respectfully.

"Martial arts are first bestowed with military rank in the army, and after the pills in the Pill Palace are completely sufficient, this monarch will give all the ministers of Great Qin's lordship with titles." Ying Qiwei said.

Ying Qi is now building a martial arts empire.

Moreover, with the promotion of potatoes and sweet potatoes, Daqin will no longer suffer from food shortages. In the future, the era when the annual salary is mainly based on food will be gone forever, but instead it will be based on money. 1.7


With Ying Qi's success in building a martial arts empire.

in the future.

Money may become less important. Cultivation is the foundation of Daqin. At that time, medicinal pills will also be given out as annual salary to improve cultivation and obtain cultivation techniques. This is the composition of Daqin's martial arts empire.


It is the same as the annual salary of the title of Da Qin.

The higher the title, the greater the gift.

This is also enough for countless Qin people to pursue.

"My Lord understands.

"The minister will immediately arrange for someone to transport the medicinal pills to the three major camps." Yu Liao respectfully led the edict.

With his vision, he naturally heard the monstrous vision of Daqin's future in Ying Qi's words.



"By the way, I have a personal matter to ask you." Ying Qi looked at Wei Liao and suddenly smiled.

"His Royal Highness asks, I know everything." Yu Liao said respectfully.

"I don't know if Mr. Guiguzi is still here?" Ying Qi asked with a smile.

"Although the teacher is very old, he lives in Guigu. Now that he is still alive, the minister will visit the teacher from time to time." Wei Liao replied respectfully.

"You bring a sentence for this gentleman to Mr. Guigu, I wonder if he has the idea to serve Daqin. Ying Qi said.

"Your Highness.

"Chen's teacher is very old, I'm afraid he won't..." Wei Liao said hesitantly.

"Although he is old, his talent is still there. You can give him a message. If you want to live longer, you can come to Xianyang to find Benjun. 33 Ying Qi said.

Wei Liao was silent for a moment, then nodded: "Your Highness, I will bring it to the teacher, but I don't know if the teacher will come or not.

"It's nothing, just bring the words with you." Ying Qi smiled.


Is a talented person.

Daqin has many academies, but it has not yet reached the point of enlightening people's wisdom. If there is Guiguzi as a teacher, it may be a good decision to cultivate talents for Daqin.

If he is willing to come, Ying Qi doesn't mind giving him a longevity pill, giving him the foundation of cultivation.

After all, he is a talented person and deserves Ying Qi's attention.

PS: Seeking for a fixed, seeking a monthly ticket, thank you very much.

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