Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 237 Ying Qi's decision, the foundation of martial arts


"In one year, your cultivation has reached the fifth level of the acquired realm, and your talent is not bad. Ying Qi praised it.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your compliment. 35

"All of this is bestowed by His Highness. Without the Spirit Pills and Spirit Stones bestowed by His Highness, the minister would not have reached such a state in a short period of time. Tie Ying said immediately.

over a year.

Tie Ying is trying his best to practice every day.

For Assassin Detectives, Shadow-Shadow is the most suitable exercise.

With the gift of spirit pills and spirit stones, the cultivation base can naturally advance greatly.


Ying Qi nodded to Tie Ying's words.

"I don't know if there will be special buildings for training assassins in the future, but the rewards for special buildings should be random, but also have some chance.

"Perhaps it can be obtained by waiting for the size of the shadow and the black ice platform, or triggering some hidden missions.

Ying Qi thought to himself.

I got the alchemy tower because I started the power of alchemists and created the alchemy hall.

I got the Chongwen Temple because my car has the same track and the same text, which opened up a major historical event that originally belonged to the Daqin world.

I got the martial arts field because I passed down the martial arts in the army, and there should be many generals in the army who have already entered the martial arts realm.

It seems so.

The special buildings belonging to the Shadow and Black Ice Terraces may be able to be opened as long as the Anbu forces grow to a certain level.

"His Royal Highness.

"There is one more thing to say."

"Iron smelting, successful.""

The weak voice said with excitement.

"Have you ever compared with bronze weapons?" Ying Qi asked.

"Go back to Your Highness."

"The iron weapon was successfully cast, and it is more than several times stronger than the bronze weapon of my Daqin. Whether it is hardness or sharpness, it is completely better than the bronze weapon. 99

"If the whole army is popularized, it will be enough to increase the combat power of the Da Qin army several times. Dunwei said with excitement.

For the weak confession.

Ying Qi was naturally no surprise.

The process of bronze into ironware is the transformation of an era.

Iron weapons are sharper than bronze, and the improvement of the army's combat effectiveness is obvious, and as the army popularizes martial arts, with the bonus of iron weapons, the combat power will be doubled.

"Now that it has been formed, the mature iron-making methods and skills will be handed over to the Shaofu, and the weapons of the entire army will be replaced at the fastest speed. 35

"You take this emperor's edict to Meng Yi, and you must replace your weapons as quickly as possible.""

Ying Qi quickly wrote down the order to replace the bronze weapons in an edict and handed it over to Dun weak.

"The minister leads the edict."

Dun weak immediately stepped forward and took the order.

"Other than that.

"I will give you another task."

"This appointment, like iron making, is classified as a top secret."

"No one is allowed to leak it unless it is the emperor's decree.

Ying Qi said solemnly.

With a move of his hand, there is an extra scroll in his hand.

It is the method of steelmaking that is rewarded by the system.

If ironmaking is an innovation and transformation of bronze weapons, then steelmaking is a material that is harder and more powerful than iron.

If you use the words of the cultivation world to call it, steelmaking is forging refined iron.

Harder and sharper than ordinary iron.

However, this steelmaking is extremely difficult to forge, so it is impossible to popularize the entire army in the future, but it is enough to give civil and military affairs to the court and ministers of merit.


Ying Qi can bestow them as a meritorious minister.

Not only can you enhance your strength, but also show your identity.

"The minister leads the edict."

Dun weak solemnly took over the fine steel forging method, and then put it in his arms.

"What's the situation of Hei Bingtai's teaching techniques now?" Ying Qi looked at the two and asked.

"Go back to Your Highness."

"Black Ice Terrace teaches martial arts the same way as Shadow."

"You must reach the level of entering the intermediate spy before you can pass the martial arts. The spy below the intermediate level only bestows the shadow's fighting technique and assassination technique. 35 times, he said respectfully.

"How many people have actually entered the martial arts level in the Shadow and Black Ice Platform today?" Ying Qi asked.

"Go back to Your Highness."

"There are less than a thousand people who have really entered the martial arts level."

"But most of the spies who have received shadow training are far more powerful than ordinary people. If they are given martial arts skills, they can enter the acquired first level." Dun weak respectfully said.


Ying Qi nodded and thought to himself: "Does it require more than a thousand assassins to step into the martial arts to obtain special buildings?

"Entering the Black Ice Platform, if Shadow Loyalty gets the exam, he can teach martial arts. 35


"Da Qin will be based on martial arts."

"But the level of teaching martial arts, and the follow-up exercises, all need to be obtained by credit. 35 Yingqi came back to his senses and confronted Dun weakly.

"I understand." Dun nodded weakly.

"What else, let's talk about it together." Ying Qi said again.

He had been away for more than a year, and there was indeed a backlog of things related to the core of Da Qin's Shadow and Black Ice Platform.

"Your Highness.""

"The craftsmen of the Black Ice Table are fully familiar with the craftsmanship of the continuous crossbow. Will the continuous crossbow also be transferred to the government and dispatched to the entire army? Tie Ying respectfully asked.

"How many consecutive crossbows can Heibingtai make in one day?" Ying Qi asked.

"Go back to Your Highness, if the Black Ice Platform does not forge other weapons, it can make a thousand consecutive crossbows a day." Tie Ying replied respectfully.

"Well, leave the making of the crossbow to the young mansion.

"Popularize cavalry as soon as possible.

Ying Qi made a decision immediately.

Although the repeating crossbow has the characteristics of continuous firing, its range is not as far as that of a bow and arrow, nor is it as far as a single crossbow arrow.

This is also the short board of the continuous crossbow.

The reason why cavalry is equipped is also to prepare for cavalry battle.

As for the archers and crossbowmen in the army, naturally they will not be eliminated.


Dun weak and Tie Ying reported everything about the shadow and the black ice platform one by one.

Win Qi's decision one by one.

Look around.


In the first floor of the Pill Tower, hundreds of alchemists are refining medicinal pills in front of their respective pill furnaces.

More than a year has passed.

The alchemy masters who were originally terrified also recovered from the initial panic, and alchemy in this dan tower also seemed to be handy.

Because it has been more than a year.

The present prince has fulfilled the promises given to them, given them titles, and also granted them annual salaries, and even brought their families to Xianyang from all over the world.

It also brought them all to their hearts.

"The key to alchemy lies in the control of the fire, as well as the grasp of the medicinal properties.

"By grasping these two points, the chances of becoming a pill will be higher."

"His Royal Highness has given us great favors, titles, annual salary, and mansion. We can only repay the great kindness of the prince by refining the elixir."

Standing in the Dan Tower, Xu Fu admonished all the alchemists.

When he first entered the palace and was named the master of the Pill Palace, Xu Fu might not be convinced by all the alchemists, but as time passed, Xu Fu used his talent to convince all the alchemists.

On the first day of the establishment of the Pill Palace, Ying Qi gave three kinds of pills, but now only Xu Fu can refine them all, and the one who is a little better is that he can refine two kinds of pills.

But at this moment, all alchemists can refine the most basic first kind of Wenluo Dan.

It can be said.

After more than a year of transformation.

The alchemist who was originally identified by Ying Zheng as only refining poison pills has now successfully transformed into a real alchemist.

The moment they succeeded in refining the elixir, they had already entered the level of an alchemist.

At this moment, the alchemists are refining medicinal pills, and the scorching heat of the pill fire can be felt on the first floor of the entire alchemy tower.

...for flowers ·

And this time.

Nobody noticed.

The two figures have already entered the Danta.

Looking at these busy alchemists, a look of satisfaction appeared on Ying Qi's face.

Dan Palace has already achieved the result he wanted.

Leave time.

The alchemy masters of the Pill Palace have really been cultivated, and the future can be expected.

Xu Fu glanced at this moment, looked at the inadequacies of the various alchemists, and then gave pointers. Now that he is completely the master of the alchemy hall, he naturally did not dare to live up to Ying Qi's expectations for him.

And this time.

Xu Fu turned around, and suddenly settled down, his eyes became awe-inspiring.

Get ready to meet you right now.

Ying Qi gestured with his eyes and shook his head.

Xu Fu glanced at the alchemist at the alchemy, and immediately understood, and immediately walked towards Ying Qi.

"My minister Xu Fu sees His Highness." Xu Fu whispered and bowed.


Ying Qi nodded, and then said with a slight compliment: "It seems that for more than a year, you have managed the Dan Palace well. 55

"Thanks to His Highness, how can I let His Highness be disappointed.

"Over the past year, the development of the alchemy hall has entered a large scale, all alchemists have been transformed, and they can all refine at least Wenluo Dan, and there are forty people who can refine two-stage medicinal pills, Wenluo Dan and exercise pill. Ti Dan. Xu Fu respectfully told Ying Qi about the development of the Dan Palace.


Ying Qi nodded and was quite satisfied with the result. In one year, these alchemists were able to embark on the right path and embark on the real alchemy road. Apart from their own efforts, the alchemy tower was also the key.

"No one can refine Qi-enhancing Pill?" Ying Qi looked at Xu Fu and asked.

"Go back to Your Highness. 35

"At present, only one minister can refine it."" Xu Fu replied respectfully.

hear this.

Ying Qi looked at Xu Fu and praised him even more: "Xu Fu, you really did not disappoint me, mastering the refining of three kinds of medicinal herbs in one year shows that you have a great talent for alchemy.

"Thanks to His Highness's attention, to give the minister the position of Palace Master, the kindness is as heavy as a mountain."

"I dare not disappoint His Highness." Xu Fu replied respectfully.

Ying Qi thought about it and glanced at Xu Fu's loyalty score, which had reached 85.

It can be seen that Xu Fu is indeed a person who knows how to repay his gratitude.

"After all alchemists have finished alchemy, they will stop alchemy." Ying Qi said.

"I understand. 35

Xu Fu immediately understood.

Arranged immediately.

About half an hour passed.

All the alchemists have finished refining a pot of medicinal pills, and all gathered together.

"The prince is here.

Li Qing immediately shouted.

All the alchemists suddenly returned to their senses, their eyes turned to the gate of the Dan Pagoda, and the figure of Ying Qi appeared in front of them.


All the alchemists bowed and bowed to Ying Qi Yi, with awe and fear: "My ministers welcome Your Highness."

"No gift, flat body."

Win Qiwei said.

"Thank you, Your Highness.

A respectful way for all alchemists.

All eyes looked at Ying Qi with awe.

"I just heard Xu Fu talk about the situation of the Dan Palace this year."5

"I have to say, you didn't disappoint me."

Ying Qi took a compliment and said to all the alchemists.

"I will wait for His Highness Xie to agree."

Hearing Ying Qi's words, all the alchemists became excited.

The recognition from Ying Qi is naturally more aggressive for them.

"Your Highness.

"I have been refining the elixir for more than a year, and the warehouse has accumulated a lot of elixir, waiting for your Highness to check whether it can be used.

Xu Fu said respectfully.

"In the past year, the father has never dispatched the medicinal herbs to the army?" Ying Qi was stunned, and then asked in surprise.

PS: Pursue the determination, ask for all the data, and thank the old irons.

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