Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 236 Ying Zheng: Dong'er, I'm going to give this world to Qi'er

Afang Palace.

"Mom, I'm back.

As soon as he entered the palace, Ying Qi shouted with warmth.


Inside the palace, Dong'er raised her head, and a look of joy appeared on her face.

Ying Qi has been in the Wuhu world for more than a year, and Donger is naturally very worried.

The child travels thousands of miles and the mother is worried.

And his son still went to another world, although it sounds very mysterious, but it is all true, Donger is naturally very worried.

"The son pays his mother a visit to the mother. 35

Ying Qi walked in and bowed to Dong'er with a smile on his face.

For Ying Qi.

His mother is still alive and has been found. This family affection is worth cherishing for Ying Qi for a lifetime, and he will always remember the feeling of getting it back.

"Qi'er, sit down.

Dong'er immediately said kindly.

"Mother, it seems that you have been raising well during this time, and your complexion has improved a lot." Ying Qi looked at his mother and said.

Compared to when I just came back.

My mother's complexion has improved more than a little bit, and she is no longer the kind of weak search.


This is also raised in the palace, and it is also the function of practicing martial arts to strengthen the body.

"Your mother is in the palace, and your father can still treat you poorly."

Ying Zheng also walked in at this time and said with a smile.


Ying Qi smiled.

Ying Qi was also very happy to see his parents get together again and enjoy the family happiness.

"Then everything in the world has been dealt with?" Ying Zheng asked.


Ying Qi nodded: "All the alien races that invaded the Central Plains have been dealt with, and the incompetent court that caused the suffering of the people of the world has also been destroyed."

"This can be regarded as an explanation for that world's suffering tribe. 99

Ying Zheng nodded: "That's good. 35

For that world, what are you going to do with it? Ying Zheng asked again.

"That world is not as big as my Daqin world, but there are enough resources. I plan to first control the Yanhuang territory of that world, and then use Ruishi to devour that side of the world territory and completely turn that world into a subordinate world of Daqin. 35 wins. Qi said.

The system gives the opportunity to enter the dungeon, which is an opportunity to win Qi and become stronger, and it is also an opportunity to expand the territory for Da Qin and obtain endless resources.


Although the Wuhu world is comparable to the Daqin world at the world level, 490 does not have the same territory as the Daqin world, and it is not that huge.

If it is said that there are four Great Qins in the world of Great Qin, the territory of the Great Qin is now as large as that, then the size of the Wuhu world should be only two under the Great Qin.


"Thanks to you, otherwise my father's vision is really not wide enough. In the past, my father thought that if the six kingdoms were destroyed, he would control the world. As a result, the countries and territories outside the Qin Dynasty are still so huge."

"Outside the world, outside the sky."

"Sure enough, it subverted my previous imagination of the world. 35

Ying Zheng said with a sigh.


"If these are overturned, then you must bear it when you encounter a real fairy in the future." Ying Qi said with a smile.

Hear this.

Ying Zheng also had a look of longing on his face.


"The Jade Emperor, Sanqing, Pangu, and the goddess Nuwa who created humans, do these all exist?" Ying Zheng asked with great interest.


For myths and legends, Ying Zheng felt illusory.

But now I feel that these myths and legends are very close to me.

"It doesn't exist in our world, but it exists in the heavens and the world." Ying Qi said with certainty.

The myths and legends of the Daqin world, these are all the avenues from the stronger world.

Although all heavens and ten thousand worlds do not belong to the same world, but under the jurisdiction of the Great Dao of All Heavens, the stronger the world, the greater the mapping to the lower world.

Jade Emperor.

Sanqing Saint.

The pioneering Pangu.

There is also Nuwa who made a man.

These are all reflections from the higher world, and this is the reason for the myths and legends of the Daqin world.


Apart from legends, these legends have nothing to do with the world of Daqin. For example, Nuwa, who created a man and made a saint, is limited to other worlds where there are real gods and Nuwa.

In the world where Ying Qi lives.

Humans are all born from heaven and earth, not Nuwa.

"Fairy god.

"It really exists."

"I really look forward to seeing the future. Ying Zheng said with yearning.

Even if you control the high kingship.

But in front of the real immortals, they are like ants. Ying Zheng yearns for immortals, how can Ying Zheng not desire.

"Father King, Mother Queen."

"You have to practice hard."

"If you want your family to live together forever, you can only rely on cultivation. Ying Qi looked at Ying Zheng and his mother and said seriously.


Ying Zheng and Dong'er nodded.

Their son has already given this chance to live forever, how could they miss it.

At this time.

"His Royal Highness.

"Han Xiang, Feng Xiang is already waiting at Zhangtai Palace."

Xin Sheng came to the main hall and respectfully began to play.

"Father King, Mother Queen."

"I'll go to Zhangtai Palace first." Ying Qi bowed to the two of them.


Ying Zheng waved his hand.

For his son's diligent management, he has nothing to say other than gratification.

My own son is the same as myself.

For women, they don't care so much about pleasure at all.

Compared to his previous pursuit of destroying six kingdoms and dominating the world, his son's ambition is much greater than this.

I just want to annex a world.

His own son was thinking of annexing the heavens.

This is not a level of ambition at all.

After Ying Qi turned around and left.

Ying Zheng looked at Dong'er and smiled: "Dong'er, I have a decision.

"About Qi'er?

Dong'er smiled softly, and seemed to see what Ying Zheng was thinking.

Ying Zheng nodded, then said: "Qi'er's ability is even better than that of me as a father, if he controls Daqin, he can open the foundation of Daqin's eternal life, and only if he controls Daqin, can we fulfill our family's dream of eternal survival. ."9

"He wants to really let go and create the Great Qin Empire he wants, only Qi'er can do it, I will hinder Qi'er on it.

"So I decided to hand over the throne to Qi'er on the day when Mount Tai was enshrined in Zen.

"Brother Zheng, have you really figured it out?" Although he knew that Ying Zheng was for Qi Er, Dong Er did not expect it to be so decisive.


Once he is in control and has the authority of the world, it will be very difficult to step down from above. If it is not for birth, old age, sickness and death, it is impossible to step down from that position.

Ying Zheng was in his prime, and he also took Yanshou Pill and practiced martial arts. He didn't know how many years he would live in the future.

But he is willing to let go of the kingship, which is impossible for anyone.


"You think I'm so reluctant to take this position?

Looking at Dong'er's surprised eyes, Ying Zheng smiled and stepped forward to hug Dong'er directly.

"When I was in Handan, I desperately wanted rights because I didn't have the power to protect you. When I returned to Xianyang, I wanted to make you the queen and make you a woman the world envy, because I loved you. I'm ashamed, I want to be nice to you, because everything you do to me, Dong'er, is really kind."

"At that time."

"In addition to the ancestral teachings passed down by the ancestors of the Daqin dynasties, what I pursue is to rule the world, and more importantly, let you become the real mother of the world."9


"You left Xianyang and left my side. 99

"I'm naturally more eager to rule the world, I want to rule the world and find you.

"Now that the Central Plains are unified, I have completed the legacy of the ancestors of the Daqin dynasties, and I have also successfully retrieved you and reunited our family."

“For me, this lifelong wish has been fulfilled.” (afbh)

"And in my opinion, although the world is good and the authority is great, compared to you, it is as light as a feather.

"If Ying Zheng was allowed to choose between the world and Dong'er, I would resolutely choose you, Dong'er.

Ying Zheng stared at Dong'er affectionately and said softly.

"Brother Zheng."

Dong'er looked at Ying Zheng with tender eyes and was very moved.

In this lifetime, I can get such a man who loves me so much that I can even give up the world for myself. In the world, which woman has it?

"Zen is located in Qi'er."

"In addition to being able to be with you, Dong'er, you can also spend more time practicing.

"The most important thing is that Qi'er's ability is stronger than mine, and only when he is in charge of the country can Da Qin go further.

"Sooner or later, this position will belong to Qi'er, it's better to give it to him now, I can save some trouble. Ying Zheng said with a smile.

"Brother Zheng, since you have decided."

"Dong'er will always be with you." Dong'er said gently.

Ying Qi didn't know.

His father has made a very important decision about him.

It is also the biggest decision for the Great Qin world.

Zhangtai Palace.

Feng Quji and Han Fei were waiting in the hall.

"Congratulations, Your Highness. 99

Seeing Ying Qi coming from outside the hall, the two immediately bowed and saluted.


Ying Qi nodded and sat directly in the main seat, then waved for the two to take their seats.

"Thank you, Your Highness.""

"I don't know what is important for His Highness to summon? 39

After the two took their seats, they raised their heads and looked at Ying Qi respectfully.

"Does Da Qin still have idle officials?

"It's better to have someone on your own. Ying Qi asked.

"Go back to Your Highness."

"The Great Qin world has a vast territory, and there are not a few people who are idle, and there are not a few talented people in the world's university palaces." Han Fei replied respectfully.

Don't look at the chaos of the original kingdoms in this era.

But there is a lot of talent cultivation in the world.

For example, the Qi Jixia Academy, which used to be famous in the past, has now become an important place for Daqin to cultivate talents. In addition, Daqin also has many academies.

They are all training talents for Daqin.

"At least a thousand people will be selected from the World Academy, and a few capable people will be selected from the court officials." Ying Qi said solemnly.

"Your Highness. 35

"Are you planning to govern that world by dispatching so many officials? Feng Quji said in an uneasy way.

"That side of the world has been chaotic for the first time, and there is nothing to be done."

"Today, the basic laws are governed by two major battalions of soldiers, and there is no official framework." Ying Qi said.

The chaos suffered by the Wuhu world can be said to be extremely severe.

Jiangnan land does not say.

But the land of the Central Plains was destroyed by the alien slaughter and there was no order. The government did not exist, and the order was no longer there.

It is equivalent to destroying the entire civilization.

up to now.

The casualties in the Central Plains of the Wuhu World have not yet been counted, and the specific figures can only be counted when officials are dispatched from the Daqin World to take over government affairs and restore order.

But I saw the tragic situation in the Central Plains.

Ying Qi can imagine how tragic the final number will be.

As for the Jiangnan of that world.

Ten thousand people of the Sima clan were killed by Ying Qi, and almost all the officials in the Sima clan were also slaughtered.

With so many clansmen killed tragically in the Central Plains, someone must pay the price, and the Sima Clan and his hundred officials are part of the price.

Therefore, Jiangnan is also in vain and needs to be taken over.

But fortunately, under the guard of the Israeli army, there was also the killing of the foreign tribesmen and the people of that side of the world, so there was no chaos.

"I understand."

Hearing Ying Qi's words, the two immediately bowed and bowed.

"Within one month at the latest, the minister must dispatch enough talents to serve as officials," Feng Quji said.


"I naturally believe you." Ying Qi nodded.

"What else is there to explain, Your Highness?" Han Fei said respectfully.

"The implementation of the 15-character national policy cannot be delayed.

"mobilize the power of the entire imperial court to implement it, before dragging down the lieutenant generals and soldiers to give land, and after taking the land of the world's most powerful people, it is about to be granted.

"Government is a lot.

"You two need to be in charge of the whole process." Ying Qi said solemnly.

"Please rest assured, Your Highness."

"This minister will never disappoint His Highness. The two of them immediately assured.

"Go back."

Ying Qi nodded and said no more.

"My minister retire."

The two bowed and bowed before slowly exiting Zhangtai Palace.

After the two left.

"Weak." 9

"Iron Eagle."

Ying Qi Shensheng exchanged a sound.


From the apse of Zhangtai Palace.

Dun weak and Tie Ying came quickly and bowed to Ying Qi Yi: "See Your Highness. 35

"How was the matter that I explained to you before I left? Ying Qi looked at the two and asked.

"Go back to Your Highness."

"All the treasonous ministers on the list have been killed, and the two prime ministers have properly arranged the positions of those who have been killed." Dun Wei immediately replied.

"Killing so many disobedient officials, how does it affect Da Qin? Ying Qi Dan laughed and asked.

"Go back to Your Highness.

"So many officials died in one fell swoop, and many of them were high officials in the court, which naturally caused a lot of shock in a short period of time, but the court did not pursue any investigations, and the positions of officials were changed quickly, secretly everyone knew that it was His Highness who moved. "

"This year, this matter has completely subsided." Tie Ying replied respectfully.

"There are no stupid people in the officialdom."

"They are all smart." Ying Qi smiled lightly.

His eyes fixed on Tie Ying for a moment.

PS: Seeking for a fixed, seeking a monthly ticket, thank you very much.

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