Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 235 This is the real world!!!

In the face of all the officials in the court, there is Ying Zheng's gaze.

Ying Qi smiled and opened the brocade box in the spy's hand.

Inside the brocade box are not some peerless treasures, but some carved Chinese characters.

Ying Qi erected the brocade box, and the carved characters neatly arranged in the brocade box fell into the eyes of the ministers.

"Qi'er, what's the use of this?" Ying Zheng asked in confusion.

"Infected with ink on this character carving, it can be rubbed on paper to form characters."

Ying Qi smiled and pointed to the carved characters in the brocade box.

No one in this court is stupid.

Hearing what Ying Qi said, he immediately understood.

"Your Highness, I understand. 35

"As expected of the divine artifact granted to His Royal Highness by the heavens, printing and rubbing with movable type can save the work of writing, and can make books and rubbings of 10,000 characters. Han Fei immediately understood the root of this movable type printing, and was immediately excited. road.

This word falls.

All the ministers had a sudden realization on their faces.

"His Royal Highness is bestowed by heaven, and it is a blessing for Da Qin to have His Royal Highness."35

"I respect you."

The Manchu civil and military chanted in unison.

When paper and movable type printing were taken out, it was natural that Ying Qi had long thought of making a layout for Daqin to unify the humanities and the world.

Today is also a critical time.


Win Qiwei said.

"The minister is here." Li Si responded immediately.

"You have created a new typeface. If paper and movable type printing are used to popularize Daqin, how long will it take you to popularize the new typeface? Ying Qiwei asked.

"If you give the minister enough trust, within half a year, the new words will spread all over the world." Li Si said confidently.

"Good. 35

Ying Qi nodded and said immediately: "When the Japanese ruler set the 15-character national policy, now a year has passed, the world of Daqin has stabilized, and there are no more hidden dangers, and this is the time when the 15-character national policy is implemented. 99


"Innovation of Chinese characters, a great achievement, promotion of two ranks, and responsible for the implementation of new characters in the world.

"Complete the same text in the Great Qin World Book.


Li Si immediately bowed with gratitude: "My minister Li Si will never disappoint the king and the prince. 55

"A year ago. 35

"This gentleman once asked two masters to be in charge of the same track, weights and measures, and now the two masters must have completed it, and this matter will also be completed by the two masters, and all the ministers complement each other. road.

"Chen wait for the edict." All the ministers said in unison.

"As for coins, have the two prime ministers fulfilled their duties?" Ying Qi looked at Feng Quji and Han Fei.

"Kai playing the prince.

"Speak up.

"It was also the prince who collected the world's weapons, re-melted them into copper, and refilled the treasury. Now the minister and Lord Han have presented a new coin format, and the king has already agreed."

"Now the new money has been handed over to be poured, and it has been gradually released to the world. The people of the world can exchange old money for new money, and after the old money is recovered and re-melted, weapons can be cast." Feng Quji stood up and played respectfully.

"Good job." Ying Qi nodded in satisfaction.

More than a year.

Although he is in the Wuhu world, but with his own father and king sitting in Daqin, everything in Daqin is still developing steadily.

"Your Excellency.

"The 15-character national policy is the foundation of the Daqin Ning ethnic group. After it is fully implemented, no matter what external forces, Daqin Yanhuang will be unified and there will be no division.

"The car is the same track, the book is the same text, the line is the same, the quantity is the same, and the money is the same currency.

"Opening my great Qin Yanhuang unprecedented world.

"Great Qin is prosperous."

"All the ministers are heroes of the Great Qin Dynasty, and their names will be immortalized for eternity. 55

Win Qiwei said.

"For Da Qin, ministers and others are willing to die and be loyal."

Manchu civil and military all shouted with excitement.

It is their honor to be born in this era and to create this era.

It is their eternal glory to create the great cause of the Great Qin Yanhuang through the ages.

"The car is on the same track, the book is the same in the text, creating a historical trend."

"Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden copy task, rewarding the special building "Chongwendian", after placing the building, you can view the building properties and reward the Wendao practice "Wendian"."

"Congratulations to the host for teaching martial arts. At present, over 10,000 people have stepped into the realm of martial arts, and the special building "Shangwuchang" will be rewarded. After placing the building, you can view the attributes and reward the martial arts practice "Martial Canon".

At this moment, the system prompt sounded in Ying Qi's ear.

"Chongwen Hall? Shangwu Field?"

"Another two special buildings?"

"It was a real surprise. 35

Ying Qi was stunned for a moment, then ecstatic.

The special buildings in the system are extremely useful, such as the Dan Pagoda that has been obtained, the attributes in the Pill Pagoda can really train alchemists for Ying Qi.

And this newly acquired Chongwen Hall, Shangwuchang.

It definitely has the same effect.

This is a real timely rain for Ying Qi to build a martial arts empire.

For Ying Qi, experience points can be obtained by killing enemies, and experience points can be obtained by killing enemies by Daqin Ruishi, but this is the only one belonging to Ying Qi, and it will not work for his ministers.

But I want to build a martial arts empire in the future and go to a stronger world.

It is simply impossible to do with mortal power.

Just like Ying Qi slaughtered those alien races in the Wuhu World, thousands of alien races are like ants under the sword of Ying Qi, they can't compete with the power of the master, and they are full of anger. For Ying Qi, alien races are lambs to be slaughtered.

Moreover, Ying Qi has a seal to protect his body, and it is difficult to break through the defense if he has not entered the martial arts, and even if he has entered the martial arts, it is difficult to break through if he is not in the master realm.

It can be said that Ying Qi is a humanoid Shura.

And this is also a powerful performance of the cultivator.

If Da Qin Ruishi entered the high-level world of the heavens, even if it was only a low-level martial world, facing the innate realm and facing the grandmaster.

Even if Da Qin Ruishi is well-trained, he has never stepped into the martial arts level, and he is ultimately weak in the face of powerful practitioners.

Therefore, improving the strength of the empire's subordinates is also the key to winning Qi's campaign against the heavens.

Originally, alchemy was a way.

Now the appearance of Chongwen Temple and the monk martial arts field will make Ying Qi's layout of the martial arts empire more perfect.

"The alien races in the Central Plains of the Wuhu World have been slaughtered, and the battle of the heavens has begun."

"Perhaps today is also the time for courtiers to accept a new world.

The system's prompts, as well as the determination of the Wuhu world, made Ying Qi decide to open it today, which is also to broaden the horizons of the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty.

after all.

In this Manchu civil and military view.

Along with the Great Qin, the six kingdoms were established, and the Central Plains were unified.

The world is already under the control of Da Qin, and the world is under control.

"Your Excellency.

"It has been ten years since Da Qin destroyed the six kingdoms."

"I have something to ask you. 95

Ying Qi suddenly opened his mouth and looked at Manchu Wenwu.

The civil and military people in the hall raised their heads one after another, looking at Ying Qi in confusion, but the color of awe in every gaze was strong.

"How big is this world.

"Da Qin, can you rule the world? 35

Ying Qiwei asked in a loud voice.

The words fell.

Ying Zheng's eyes lit up, and a sense of excitement rose in his heart: "Qi'er, it is finally time to open the world to the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty, but now it is indeed time, the fifteen-character national policy will be implemented, and the world of Daqin will be completely determined. The unified empire that Qi'er wants has already taken shape."

This word.

For Meng Yi, Han Fei, Feng Quji and other ministers, it is natural to understand the meaning.

"His Royal Highness."

"In the past, His Royal Highness led my Great Qin Ruishi to destroy the six kingdoms, thus allowing me Great Qin to consolidate the world, looking at the world, except for the Xiongnu, Baiyue and other alien races, the world is already in the hands of my Great Qin.

"The world is Daqin, and Daqin is the world.

Zheng Guo stood up and said with a positive tone.

in speech.

Although with a bit of flattery, it also came from his sincerity.

As the Jiuqing of Daqin who is in charge of the world's agricultural affairs, his respect for Yingqi has reached the extreme.

Potato, the birth of sweet potato.

own harvest.

The bumper harvest of every acre of land shocked Zheng Guo. He knew that from the day he harvested, the tens of millions of people in Daqin would no longer suffer from famine, and neither would the millions of soldiers in Daqin. Troubled military supplies.

"Lord Zheng's words are very true."

"Your Majesty, the Crown Prince, created a new and prosperous age for the Qin Dynasty.

"The world is unified, and it is unique through the ages. 95

"Great Qin is the world, and the world is great Qin.

Manchu civil and military shouted in unison.

"Great Qin, the world, the world is great Qin.

"Hehe. 35

Hearing this, Ying Qi smiled, but shook his head: "Zhu Qing, you are wrong."5

Manchao Wenwu's expression suddenly became stunned, and he looked at Ying Qi in confusion.

"The world is vast and boundless."

"The Great Qin exists in the world, but it does not rule the world."

"Although the territory of Great Qin is large, it is too small compared to the world.

Ying Qi spoke slowly.

The words fell.

Manchu civil and military all have an unbelievable look.

"What? Don't believe it?

Ying Qi was not surprised by the performance of the courtiers.

When telling the scene of the world, Ying Qi once told his father, but his father didn't believe it at first.


"Didn't you always want to see how big the real world is?"

"The time has come today."9

Ying Qi turned his head and looked at Ying Zheng.

"Qi'er. 39

"The widow has been waiting for this day for a long time."

"The few people want to see how big Qin's territory is and how vast the world is."

"A widow, I don't want to be a person who sits and watches the sky." Ying Zheng said in a very serious tone.

Ambition and ambition, one emperor through the ages.

Now that he has been given such an honorable title by later generations, he can know Ying Zheng's monstrous courage.

"Father, please see the world.""

Ying Qi nodded.

A wave of hands.

Mind a move.

The world map rewarded by the system has appeared in front of Ying Qi, and under the control of Ying Qi's mind power, the map quickly unfolded.

A map that reached several feet was displayed on the void of the hall, supported by an invisible force in the void.

But this moment.

The minds of the civil and military people of the Manchu Dynasty did not fall on this invisible force, because for them, they saw with their own eyes the miracle when Ying Qi recognized their ancestors and returned to their ancestors, and they also saw the heavenly grace when the seal was dropped from the sky, and the dragons and phoenixes danced.

No matter what means Ying Qi showed, they would not be surprised.

But the world map in front of me appeared.

They saw the map at a glance.

on the map.

They saw separate territories, each with a country name on it.

They saw the territory of Da Qin at a glance, and a huge Qin character stood on the territory of that territory.

It connects the Western Regions to the west and the East China Sea to the east.

The territory is indeed extremely vast, and even if the dignitaries of the dynasty are extremely poor, they will not be able to reach the end of the Daqin territory.


What shocked all the civil and military people was that the territory of Da Qin was not the largest on this huge world map, and even less than a quarter of the world map.

The world is so vast that it is extremely vast.

"My Great Qin territory is so small in the world? 35

"Compared to the world, my Daqin actually only controls less than a quarter of the world's territory?

"How is this possible? How can the world be so big?"

"In the past, I thought that Daqin controlled the world by destroying the six kingdoms, but now I see it, but I'm sitting in the well and watching the sky, Daqin is not the world, and the world is not only Daqin.

"The Central Plains of Daqin is not the world."

All the civil and military capitals of the Manchu Dynasty looked at the map of the world with shock, and the expressions on each of them were extremely indescribable.

How could they believe it if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes.

If they hadn't seen this map of the world with their own eyes, they probably wouldn't have believed that their Great Qin world was actually less than a quarter of the real world.

"The world, this is the real world.

"The widow, after all, is sitting in the well and watching the sky."

"Thinking that by destroying the six kingdoms, in the palm of your hand, you will control the world. 35

"I never thought the world could be so big.


"However, being able to see the real world today, the widow has no regrets."

"Because this world will belong to Da Qin sooner or later. Nian

Ying Zheng stared at the map of the world with shock in his eyes, but more of a kind of ambition.

Although the world is big, Da Qin has not completely controlled it.

However, as the national strength of Da Qin increased, this world would belong to Da Qin sooner or later.

this day.

He can definitely see Ying Zheng.

"Roman Empire? Peacock Empire? Seleucid Empire? 35

"How could there be such a vast country in this western land?

The territory of this Roman Empire is even wider than that of my Daqin?

"The Huns have actually annexed the grasslands, and the Donghu no longer exists."

"There are so many small countries in the Western Regions?"

"If you didn't see the map of this world, how would you know that there are so many countries in this world?"

When the court officials looked away from the Daqin territory, they saw the surrounding areas of the Daqin territory, the northern border, the Baiyue, and the western border.

Looking at so many countries with divided borders, each one's eyes widened with a kind of unspeakable expression.


All of them were shocked, and their hearts were rolling.

If they don't have time, they really have a hard time calming down.

After a long time.

Ying Qi spoke again: "`〃 Now, do you know the greatness of the world? Do you know the vastness of the sky?

"Now can you understand that Daqin is not the world, and the world is not Daqin?

The voice fell.

Manchu civil and military have returned to God.

Each with a sense of surprise.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for giving the world the scenery and resolving the confusion of the ministers and others."

"I used to sit in the well and watch the sky.

The civil and military people of the Manchu Dynasty said one after another, and the shock in their tone was unspeakable.

"Seeing this real world, what do you want to say? Ying Qiwei asked.

"Dare to ask your Majesty, dare to ask Your Highness.

"When did Da Qin go out to conquer the world and rule the world?"

Wei Liao stood up and started playing loudly.

This word.

Like a thunder, it exploded in the hearts of every court official.

this moment.

There was a look of ambition in the eyes of every courtier.

The Central Plains are not the world.

Could it be that Daqin could not truly annex the world? Could it not destroy all the kingdoms of the world?

"Dare to ask the king, dare to ask the prince.

"When did Da Qin send troops to annex the world?"

At the same time, Manchu Wenwu came back to his senses, stood up from their positions one after another, and shouted in unison.

The words of a hundred officials were their thoughts and ambitions when the Qin courtiers had not ruled the Central Plains.


Ying Zheng, Ying Qi, father and son looked at each other.

Suddenly, he burst out laughing at the same time: "Hahaha."

The laughter of the father and son was incomparably heroic and domineering.

Look at the map of the world in the void of the hall.

"The 15-character national policy is thoroughly implemented, and Daqin Yanhuang is completely united, which is when Daqin once again sends troops to attack the world."


"I want to let Daqin's flag be planted in every corner of the world, and let Daqin's soldiers guard every corner of Daqin.

"Let the greatness of the world be only Great Qin, and the vastness of the world shall be the territory of Great Qin.

"This monarch wants all the alien races in the world to submit to the feet of Daqin Yanhuang."

Ying Qiwei shouted, showing his monstrous ambition.

"I swear to follow the king to the death, and follow His Highness."

"Approach the world."

"Let there be only Da Qin in the world, and Da Qin is the world.""

Manchu civil and military shouted in unison.

"Good. 99

"Zhu Qing, do you still have the original repertoire?"

Ying Qiwei asked in a loud voice.

A wave of hands.

As soon as the map of the world was collected, Ying Qi put it back into the storage space.

"His Royal Highness.

"The minister has a recitation. 35

Zheng Guo said loudly.



Win Qi Dao.

"Guanzhong, Bashu, the sowing of new types of grain has been harvested four times, (Mo Qian Zhao) has now hoarded a lot of grain, and it can also be used as grain to spread all over the world, completely solving the problem of grain in Daqin.

"I wonder if Your Highness can allow the two kinds of grains to be widely distributed in the world, so as to completely solve the problem of grain in the world?"

Zheng Guo asked aloud with excitement.

The words fell.

All the civil and military people in the Manchu Dynasty looked surprised.

"My lords."

"Just over a year ago, His Highness bestowed two kinds of new grains, and planted them in the lands of Guanzhong and Bashu."

"Both of these two kinds of grains are divine gifts, and the yield per mu can reach 50 stone."9

Zheng Guo looked at the surprise of the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, and said with an uplifting tone.

The voice fell.

Naturally, it was a shock to the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty.

Fifty stone per mu?

What is this concept?

This is an unprecedented amount of food.

"His Royal Highness, to the great Qin Yan and Huang's kindness, to all the people of the world, should build a shrine to be worshipped by the people of the world.

"His Royal Highness is of great kindness to the world, and great kindness to all peoples. 35

"To be remembered through the ages.

Manchu Wenwu returned to his senses, and all said excitedly.

No matter who it is, they can know what this 50 stone per mu of grain represents.

"The Kingdom of Zheng. 39

"This monarch grants you the right to spread grain and seeds all over the world."

"However, for planting in the world, only half of each household's field must be planted with sweet potatoes and potatoes, and the other half must be planted with rice."5

"Furthermore, now that Daqin has centralized power in the Central Plains, the fields controlled by the dignitaries of various countries in the past should also be returned to the state."

"The land of Daqin is the land of Daqin, and only those who own the title can get the land, and no one else can get the land.

"While taking advantage of the implementation of the national policy, this matter was dealt with together, and if those dignitaries wanted to violate it, they would be dealt with by Qin law.

Ying Qiwei shouted.

in the past.

For the sake of the stability of the world, Ying Qi could only endure not to do anything to the dignitaries of the various countries, but now, the time has come.

The car is the same track, the book is the same text, the money is the same currency, and the Daqin general will have full control of everything in the territory.

The foundation is no longer something that the powerful can shake.

If they want to rebel, Ying Qi can't ask for it.

The hearts of the people all over the world are already in Daqin.

They can't make waves anymore.

"Your Highness Shengming."

Manchu civil and military shouted in unison.

"Five-character national policy after the implementation of the word. 35

"When Daqin completes the unification of humanities, I will give Zhu Qing a surprise.

"Okay, let's go.

PS: I'm looking for a fix, a monthly pass, I'm very grateful.

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