For aliens.

What they fear is not the king of the Central Plains, but the decisive generals.

And win Qi.

It was the one who was decisive in killing and was the heir to the royal power of Da Qin.

Compared with the awe of Ying Zheng, they were more afraid of Ying Qi.

Destroy six kingdoms and unify the Central Plains.

All this was done by Ying Qi.

"Threatening Da Qin?"

"Just because you are a mere alien?"

Ying Qi walked into the main hall and coldly swept past the Xiongnu alien race.


Catch it.

A terrifying force instantly condensed in the palm of his hand, and the Hun envoy's body was out of control and was directly captured by Ying Qi's neck.

"Da Qin, is it also that you, a humble alien, can threaten?"

"If I want to kill you, it is as easy as stepping on an ant. 99


Ying Qi snorted coldly and threw the Hun envoy to the ground with a flick of his hand.

"Cough cough...

The Xiongnu envoy slumped on the ground and coughed, with a fearful expression on his face.


"Your gift, I accepted it on behalf of Da Qin."

"As for the marriage proposal, tell Mo Dun, it's best not to provoke Da Qin now, otherwise I, Da Qin Ruishi, will let you Xiongnu know what thunder's wrath is.

"Don't think that if you destroy a small clan like Donghu, you can be presumptuous in front of Da Qin.

"He's not good enough."

Ying Qi said coldly.

"Prince Qin is too domineering?"

"This time, my clan's gift is to ask for a kiss. If the offer is unsuccessful, how can we offer a gift?"

"Furthermore, if the two armies do not fight, you will humiliate me like this, so you are not afraid of my Xiongnu's anger?" Xiongnu envoy 05 looked very bad.

Hear this.

Ying Qi laughed loudly: "Angry? I really want to see how the little clan of your Xiongnu is angry.

"Are you trying to start a war?""

"If you want, I can accompany you to the end.

Ying Qi shouted coldly, staring at the Hun envoy, with no concealed killing intent.


In the face of Ying Qi's domineering and pressing, the Xiongnu envoys turned pale, but did not dare to confront Ying Qi tit-for-tat.

This time, he came to ask for a kiss to test Da Qin.

If Daqin really agreed to his Xiongnu's marriage proposal, he would definitely think that Daqin had internal worries, but Yingqi was so strong that he was afraid.

"The gift, I accept it."

"You can also go back and tell the words of this gentleman to Mo Dun. If he wants to fight, he can fight at any time. He can try to invade the border of Daqin. If he has no courage, then get out. 99

Ying Qi gave a cold drink and waved his hand.

The Guards outside the hall immediately understood.

Immediately rushed into the hall.

"Throw out Xianyang.

Ying Qi coldly shouted.


Several imperial guards directly set up the Hun envoy and walked out of the hall.

"The crown prince disappeared for a year and is more domineering than ever."

"In this year, what did the crown prince do?

Looking at Ying Qi who suddenly appeared, many of the officials in the court were in awe.

more than a year.

For the Great Qin Dynasty.

Except for a few people who knew where Ying Qi was going, no one else knew.

After all, it is the biggest secret that belongs to Da Qin about the land beyond the sky and the other world.

Even if the two battalions gathered in Mount Li, and the millions of troops gathered together, although the momentum was boundless, the news was still closed.

"Qi'er, is the matter resolved?

Looking at Ying Qi's return, Ying Zheng also had a smile on his face.


Ying Qi nodded.

"That's good. 35

Ying Zheng smiled and waved his hand, motioning for Ying Qi to take his seat.

"Thank you, Father."9

Ying Qi walked up the stairs and sat on the throne that belonged to him, overlooking the court.

"Father, it's been more than a year now, how is the implementation of the fifteen-character national policy set by my son? Ying Qi asked.

"Li Si, let's talk about how to create Chinese characters." Ying Zheng looked at Li Si in the courtroom.

"King Qiu, Prince.

"Chen Yufu successfully created a brand-new script called Xiaozhuan, based on Qin characters and the Six Kingdoms characters as a supplement.

"This word is easy to understand, even people from all over the world can understand it with the sons who originally learned it.

"As long as the king and the prince decide, it can be implemented."

"This is a small seal script, please read it to the king and the crown prince. With a look of excitement, Li Si raised the script board in his hand.

The temple people who were serving Ying Zheng immediately stepped down, held up the tablet, then turned around and came to a high position, respectfully handing it to Ying Zheng.

And Li Si's expression also became uneasy.

It took him a year to create the word, and whether he can achieve it today depends on Ying Zheng and Ying Qi's attitude.

"This word is not the word of Qin, nor the word of the Six Kingdoms, but it is taken from the script of the characters of Yan and Huang, and can be recognized at a glance.

"Li Si, you really did not disappoint the widow." Ying Zheng said with a big smile.

Then he handed the word board to Ying Qi Yi: "Qi'er, take a look.

Ying Qi took the word board and glanced at it.

"Xiaozhuan in history has taken shape today." Ying Qi smiled in his heart.

"Father, the characters made by Tingwei are good."

"You can implement the Great Qin World." Ying Qi also nodded.

"Thank you King, thank you Prince.

Li Si breathed a sigh of relief and immediately thanked him.

"Feng Qing, Han Qing."

"How about the other implementation of the 15-character national policy?" Ying Qi looked at Feng Quji and Han Fei and asked.

"Go back to the prince.

"This year."

"All the weapons in the world have been confiscated, and all the weapons collected have been smelted into copper, which can be rebuilt into ordnance. 35

"The books of the six kingdoms and the books of the six peoples have been collected, and they can be burned only after the king and the prince issue an edict.

"In the process of implementing these many national policies, although there is resistance from the people, it is extremely rare.

"The world has completely become the world of Da Qin.

Feng Quji and Han Feiqi played.

"The books of the six kingdoms, the books of the six kingdoms, cannot be burned.

Ying Qiwei said in a loud voice.

Historically, burning books and pitting Confucians.

The burning of books is not actually to burn all the classics of the six countries, but to burn the history books of the countries that are not recorded by Qin, and to burn all the humanities of the countries.

However, in the process of burning, how could the subordinate officials handle it so meticulously?

"Qi'er, what's the use of these books?" Ying Zheng looked at Ying Qi Dao.

"It may be useful, or it may not be useful, but if it is recorded in the ancient books of all countries, if it is burned, it is because of the lack of civilization of our Yanhuang clan. My son suggests that the ancient books of all countries should be sealed in the national treasury, and the best books of all countries should be selected to popularize all people in the world. , in order to promote Xiaozhuan and unify the humanities of the Qin Dynasty." Ying Qi said.

"Kai playing the prince.

"Although words have been created, it is not so simple to implement the world. It must have enough manpower and enough bamboo slips to implement it, and it also takes enough time." Li Si said respectfully.

"No need to bother.

Ying Qi smiled.

Suddenly he said, "Weak.


Dunwei slowly walked to the palace of the King of Qin.

"I'm here." He said respectfully.

"How's the matter with you? 39

"Paper, can movable type printing be finished? Ying Qi asked.

After taking the power of Daqin at the beginning.

Ying Qi gradually handed over papermaking, movable type printing, iron making, and continuous crossbow to Dun weak for a secret arrangement on the black ice platform.


Except for Dun weak and some craftsmen at the Black Ice Terrace, no one knows about this.

"His Royal Highness."9

"It's already finished.

"Please read it, Your Highness.

He said respectfully, and clapped his hands.

outside the temple.

Two men in black holding a brocade box walked up directly.

"Qi'er, what have you done?

Ying Zheng asked very curiously.

Since handing over the control of the Black Ice Terrace to Ying Qi, Ying Zheng has not had any trouble.

So he didn't know what Ying Qi did on the Black Ice Terrace.

Manchao Wenwu opened his eyes wide and looked curiously.

"Father will know soon." Ying Qi smiled.

Directly opened the first spy's brocade box.

Inside the brocade box is a stack of pure white paper.

Ying Qi picked it up and handed it to Ying Zheng: "Father, how would you like to use this to write instead of leather scrolls and bamboo slips?"

"what is this?"

Ying Zheng took the white paper and looked up and down, with a very surprised expression: "However, this thing is very light, and if it is written in ink, it can be clearly seen, and it is more complicated and heavy than the bamboo slips, this one is very light. There are more characters that can be written than ten bamboo slips.

"Give one 487 to each of the court officials."

Ying Qi smiled and said to the undercover man holding the brocade box.


The detective immediately understood.

Walking to the front of the court officials, gradually handed out white paper.

"This thing seems really incredible..."

The civil and military officials held blank sheets of paper, and each one's expressions were very shocked.


From what Ying Qi said, they naturally knew what this blank paper would be used for.

"This thing is called paper, and it was made by this gentleman as a gift from heaven.

"I intend to use this paper to replace bamboo slips and leather scrolls, and use it for records in the world's books, court documents, and memorials.

"How do you feel about it?"

Ying Qi looked down at the court and said in a powerful voice.


The court officials came back to their senses one after another.

There was a kind of silent awe in their eyes, they stared at Ying Qi, and shouted in unison: "His Royal Highness has been granted paper by Heaven. force."


"What is the cost of this paper? What is it made of?" Ying Zheng asked.

"Go back to the king."

"The cost of a piece of white paper is negligible, even dozens of times lower than the cost of bamboo slips, and the things that make white paper are trees and bamboo." Ying Qi smiled.

"It is so.

"To create such a magical object from trees and bamboo is really a miracle.

"Qi'er, you are worthy of being favored by God." Ying Zheng said very shocked.

Come back to your senses.

Ying Zheng looked at the spy standing by the side again, and immediately asked, "Qi'er, what kind of treasure is in this brocade box?"

"The combination of this thing and the paper will allow me to unify the humanities of Daqin, and the world will be settled.

"Similarly, this thing is also taught, called movable type printing." Ying Qi said in a deep voice.

Manchu civil and military eyes all gathered.


"What kind of magic is this?"

"Combining with this white paper can make the Daqin humanities unify?

Manchu civil and military people were secretly surprised in their hearts, but they were all full of expectations.

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