Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 233 Returning to the Daqin Realm, the Huns are asking for marriage?

There are Jin soldiers stationed in Jiankang City to lead the way.

The army passed by.

A surrender.

There was no conflict at all, and all the soldiers of the Jin army surrendered directly.

Conscience this thing, responsibility this thing.

For the Sima Clan, it may not be for his court officials, but for most Yanhuang people, this cannot be erased.

Inside the palace hall.

Sima Rui and his civil and military officials were all in a state of unease.

"Did the Qin army not attack?"

"Why are there no soldiers to report the battle?"

Sima Rui sat on the throne and said uneasy.

But the next moment.

There was a sound of soldiers and armor from outside the hall.


The whole hall seemed to be surrounded by the army.


A general wearing a battle armor rushed directly into the hall.

In an instant, all the officials were surrounded.

"Huan Wen, what are you doing?"

Sima Rui's expression changed, and he yelled loudly at the general.

"Respect the order of the Crown Prince of Qin, to ask for justice and a price for the clansmen who died tragically in the Central Plains, and for the clansmen in the world.

The general shouted angrily.

"You betrayed me?"

Sima Rui's face turned pale.

"It's not about betrayal, it's just for the sake of the righteousness of the ethnic group, and we have to ask for justice." Heng Heng said coldly.


outside the hall.

Many figures appeared again.

Under the guard of Li Qing and other personal guards.

Ying Qi boarded the imperial hall of the Jin Kingdom.

"Jin, Sima's clan, one hundred officials of the state of Jin. 35

"You guys really enjoyed it.

Ying Qi stepped into the hall and sneered at the grandeur of the hall.

"Who are you?"

Sima Rui and all the officials in the court looked at Ying Qi in astonishment.

"Da Qin, win Qi.

Ying Qi said coldly, walked into the hall, and looked at these rotten and incompetent people indifferently.


Sima Rui pointed at Ying Qi with a frightened expression, and then shouted loudly: "Come here, escort, escort.

But all the Jin army soldiers, whether inside or outside the main hall, did not have any waves.

They all just looked at Sima Rui indifferently.

"Stop calling.

"No one is going to protect you.

"Do you know why I can easily enter the city?

"That's because what you, the Sima clan, and your Jin state dignitaries have done, has caused public anger among the Yanhuang people all over the world."

"The people of the world can't wait to swallow you alive and smash your corpses into ten thousand pieces."

Ying Qi said coldly.

Hear this.

Sima Rui, as well as his civil and military affairs in the imperial court of the Jin state, turned pale.

"Your Sima clan's eight kings have been in chaos, the Central Plains have been in great chaos, foreign races have brought disaster to the Central Plains for several years, and you have slaughtered countless clansmen. All these crimes are your Sima clan and your Jin state."

"Everything has a cause and effect. 35

"It's all about repayment."

"Your sins, you should comfort the people of the world with the sin of annihilation.

Ying Qi said coldly, and immediately decided the sentence.

"Forgive me.

"All this is His Majesty's will, and it has nothing to do with me.""

"We are only ministers, and His Majesty's choice has nothing to do with us.

"Prince Prince spare your life."

"We have nothing to do with the chaos in the Central Plains...""

Jin officials in the courtroom begged for mercy one after another.

But how could Ying Qi pay attention to these shameless and unrighteous people.

"Constant temperature." Ying Qi said.

"The end will be here." Constant temperature left and responded.

"Take the entire Sima clan, and take down all the courtiers of the Jin Dynasty.

"Immediately beheading at the execution ground.""

"Not a single one.

Ying Qi shouted coldly, with no doubts.

In this world, the great difficulty of Yanhuang lies in the fact that the Sima clan is the main force, and the nobles and nobles of the court are the accomplices.

"The commander-in-chief.

The constant temperature waved his hand.

The soldiers in the hall swarmed up and started to take people directly.

in the entire hall.

Suddenly there was a terrified cry.

"Sima Shi."

"The sinners of the Yanhuang clan in this world should also end.


"It is to return to Daqin and dispatch civil servants to govern this side of the world."

Ying Qi thought to himself.

a few days later.

Daqin world.

Ying Qi has returned and returned to the East Palace.

"The task is completed, slaughter the alien race, save the Yanhuang family, the task reward: a mysterious treasure chest. 35

"The task is completed, Sima Shi, the sinner of the Yellow Clan, will be rewarded: a mysterious treasure chest.

"Two mysterious treasure chests have been distributed, and the host can open it at any time." The system prompted.

"Open the treasure chest." Ying Qi said immediately.

"Open the mysterious treasure chest, congratulations to the host for obtaining the high-grade martial skill "The Great Movement of the Universe".""

"Open the Profound Order Treasure Chest, congratulations to the host for obtaining the "Steel Forging Method" and obtaining 500 mid-grade spirit stones. The system prompts.

See this treasure chest reward.

Ying Qi's expression was a little moved.

Apart from his own practice "Nine Yins and Nine Yangs", and the hundred-step flying sword is above the ground level, the appearance of this "Great Shift of Heaven and Earth" is Ying Qi's acquisition of ground-level martial arts.

Moreover, if this martial skill can be cultivated to perfection, the effect will be extremely significant, which is much greater than the opponent's power of the Hundred-step Flying Sword.

Because the Great Movement of Qiankun can turn the martial skills of others to be used against others.

In a world remembered by Ying Qi's past life, there is a character who is called to be the same as the other, but his name is only a false name, but this great shift of the universe has been cultivated to the realm of transformation, then it is really the same as the other. The way is also applied to him.

No matter what kind of martial skills others use, Ying Qi can still use them to return them.

"Cultivation of "The Great Movement of the Universe"." Ying Qi gave an order.

"The host's order is accepted."

"Start practicing martial arts." The system prompted.

next moment.

Gold light flashed.

A mysterious martial skill was imprinted in Ying Qi's mind, and in an instant it turned into a martial skill belonging to the entry level of Ying Qi's mastery.

"This martial skill has seven layers. If you cultivate it to perfection, you can completely remove the power of any opponent. Even if it is a real grandmaster, I can kill him with this martial skill."

"The system, elevates the Great Movement of the Universe to perfection." Ying Qi said immediately.

Anyway, the promotion point has been settled.

Now that Ying Qi's promotion points have increased to several million, it is enough to be promoted to Consummation.

"The host's order is accepted.

"Deduct the promotion points and improve the understanding of martial arts. The system prompts.

The golden light enveloped Ying Qi, and at the same time, his understanding of the Great Movement of the Universe was also rapidly rising.  …

After consuming more than one million promotion points.

The Great Movement of Qiankun has been cultivated by Ying Qi to the consummation stage.

"Now, even if my strength is a real Grandmaster, I can fight. 35 Win Qi smiled confidently.


Out of the East Palace.

"Li Qing.""

"Get ready to drive and enter the palace." Ying Qiwei said.

Daqin Palace.

Palace of the King of Qin.

Hundreds of officials gather.

Ying Zheng sat on the throne, majestic overlooking the court.

But today's hall is different from the past.

A man dressed in a foreign costume was standing in the hall, bowed slightly to Ying Zheng, and then said: "Shang Wang Daqin, today the foreign ministers have come to Daqin to ask for marriage, and present them with the order of my great Xiongnu, Modun Chanyu. The dowry is 10,000 cattle, 10,000 sheep, 10,000 servants, and 10,000 gold and silver."

"Please also ask the king to agree to my family's request for marriage."

After this foreigner bowed slightly, he faced Ying Zhengdao in the high position.

"Begging for a kiss?"

"Who? Who do you want to marry?" Ying Zheng said plainly.

"Modun Chanyu begging for the Qin princess for my family." The Hun envoy said as he should.

Hear this.

Chaotang Wenwu's expression changed instantly, and he was a little angry.

"It's just a wild alien, and you want to marry a widow's daughter?" Ying Zheng said coldly.

"Your Majesty has gone a bit too far.

"Now that my Huns and wolves have wiped out the Donghu, they have unified the grasslands, their soldiers have reached one million, and their population has reached 10 million. I am so quick to know that the Great Qin had set the Central Plains at the beginning of time, and they will be abolished. Many generals of our clan have threatened to attack the Central Plains. But they were all blocked by Mo Dunchan.

"Modun admires the Yanhuang culture in the Central Plains, so he wants to ask for his parents in exchange for the eternal peace between Daqin and my Xiongnu wolf clan."

Hearing Ying Zheng's mouth that the aliens were wild, the envoy also showed a touch of anger in his eyes, and then said with a threatening meaning.

"You, are you threatening the widow?"

Ying Zheng frowned, and his voice became indifferent.

In the entire hall, a depressing scene instantly appeared.

"The King is wrong.

"The foreign ministers came here with sincerity, only to beg for relatives to Shanyu, and never thought of becoming an enemy of Da Qin. The Huns made 1.7 ministers seem to laugh but not laugh.

But the threat posed in that message was obvious.


This Hun envoy came prepared.

Moreover, the Huns also had a grasp of the situation in the Central Plains and Daqin, knowing that Daqin had set the Central Plains at the beginning, and the country was not stable.

So he took this opportunity to threaten Da Qin.

Begging is fake.

It is true to test Da Qin.

"A humble alien, dare to ask to marry the Daqin royal family? 35

"You guys too?"

"I haven't bothered your Xiongnu yet, but now you, a Xiongnu who doesn't know how to live or die, dare to touch me, Daqin Tianwei."

"Looking for death? 95

at this time.

Ying Qi's voice resounded outside the hall.


Ying Zheng, who was on the throne, had a happy expression on his face, and the civil and military officers in the hall also returned to their senses, and their eyes turned to the hall.

Ying Qi, dressed in the Crown Prince's robe and Zhan Lu Jian around his waist, walked slowly into the hall.

"Prince Qin, win Qi." 9

When the Xiongnu envoy saw Ying Qi, his expression froze.

Since he was so aware of the situation in the Central Plains, he naturally knew the prestige of the Great Qin Crown Prince Ying Qi.

After all, in the world, the name of Ying Qiwei is widely spread, and it is very powerful in the world.

PS: I am very grateful.

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