Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 232 5 levels in a row, welcome the crown prince!!

"Go. 99

Ying Qi nodded and said no more.

Alien, ruthless, like a bloodthirsty beast.

Pity for them is cruelty to one's own race.

Throughout the ancient times of Yan and Huang, it was impossible to eradicate alien races, because they lived deep in the grasslands, and as long as the army of Yan and Huang killed them, they would flee.

The grassland is so vast that it cannot destroy the alien race.

But this time is different.

In this Wuhu world, the alien races overthrew all their power and entered the Central Plains, intending to occupy the dove's nest, but they also abandoned their greatest support for life.

"Youzhou, Bingzhou, Liangzhou, all the border states have been cleared by Mengwu, Tu Sui and the others."

"The escape route for aliens has been cut off."

"The next step is to close the door and kill the dog. 99

Ying Qi stared at the map in front of him with a sneer on his face.

With the power of the two generals under their command, it is natural to say no more. They know their determination to kill the Hutu aliens, and naturally they have already made arrangements.

Now the army has only arrived for more than five months, and it can take half a year.

The heavy damage brought about by the alien race is already great.


It is only necessary for Daqin to seal the border and gradually clean up the alien race.

There are millions of troops, and all the elite generals of Daqin do not need to worry too much about winning Qi.

"System, settle the experience of killing enemies."

Come back to your senses, win the Qi communication system.

"Host orders accepted. 35

"Start to settle the kill reward.

"The host's army killed 1,624,516 enemies and gained 541,500 experience points. The level of experience points has been reached. Has the host increased the level?" the system prompted.

"Ascension. 35 wins Qi without hesitation.

next moment.

The golden light flashed, and the attributes of Ying Qi's body began to increase.

Successfully rose to level 23, the three-level grandmaster realm.


"It is still too weak to rely on me alone to become stronger, and it is the king's way to kill the enemy with an army. 39

"If another day sends a large army to go out to kill all worlds and slaughter immortals and kill gods, how fast will my strength improve?"

Ying Qi thought with a sigh in his heart.

Sitting in Luoyang by himself, and killing the enemy with millions of iron cavalry under his command, there is no need to think about winning Qi Duo, and the experience value will increase wildly.

Look at the properties panel.

There is only 50,000 experience points left to level up again.

With the edict that wins Qi Ge and kills it.

Experience points will usher in greater growth.

The system determines that killing enemies will gain experience points, and those aliens are Ying Qi's enemies, and they are all Ying Qi's experience points.

Now in this low-level world, Ying Qi has no way to kill the strong, and can only use this amount to accumulate, and then, those aliens should be killed.

"Sima Shi.

"Now you should know about the existence of Da Qin.

"just wait.

"It will be your turn soon."

"The hatred of the ethnic group, the hatred of the perishing of the tribe, you are the initiators.

Ying Qi said coldly.

Time flickers.

in a blink.

Another five months have passed.

For the Central Plains.

The scourge of aliens has almost been eradicated.

Throughout the Central Plains, there are black flames burning corpses everywhere, and potholes where corpses are buried.

And all this was not carried out by Daqin Ruishi, but by the spontaneous help of the Yanhuang people in the Central Plains.

The aliens invaded the Central Plains for several years, which can be called the darkest era for the people of Yan and Huang in the Central Plains.

But now it's different.

The alien races in the Central Plains were almost wiped out.

All the alien races that used to be powerful in the past have all been reduced to corpses, either burned to death or buried under the loess.

They brought it all on their own, and can't blame anyone.

All causes, all effects.


It is still the palace hall.

The crowd will see you.

"His Royal Highness.

"In this realm in the Central Plains, 90% of the Hu people of different races have been killed, both men and women, all of them have been killed.

"In this nearly one-year battle, the Great Qin Ruishi killed 80% of the aliens in the Central Plains, and the remaining 10% were killed by the angry tribesmen. North."

"But there are still some alien races, which need to be decided by His Royal Highness. 39

"It's really hard to get started.

With a look of awe, Meng Wu respectfully played to Ying Qi Qi.

"Some of the alien races are difficult to start?"


Ying Qi frowned.

"Babies under the age of five are not uncommon among aliens. 35

"Kill Hu Ling and kill all the Hu people, but I, Daqin Ruishi, are not those ruthless aliens after all. Let Ruishi kill those babies, they really can't do it." Meng Wu said helplessly.

Alien races are cruel because they have no loyalty, filial piety, honesty and shame, which have been passed down since ancient times, and they do not know respect and inferiority, and they do not know benevolence and righteousness.

But the Yanhuang ethnic group has been passed down since ancient times.

Killing adult aliens, the Great Qin Ruishis have no psychological burden, but killing those babies who don't understand the world, they really can't do the same as aliens.

Hear Meng Wu's words.

Ying Qi was silent.


As Meng Wu said.

Daqin wise men can kill all enemies for Daqin, but they are also human, and it is very difficult to make them ruthless and unrighteous, like beasts of alien races.

And this is not what Ying Qi wants.

The hall fell silent.

The eyes of all the generals in the hall fell on Ying Qi.

Just waiting for his edict to decide the life and death of those babies at this moment.

If they win Qi's edict, they can only swear to obey.

"How many babies under the age of five are there?" Ying Qi asked.

"Go back to Your Highness."

"There are more than 100,000 babies under the age of five from different races. 35 Meng Wu replied respectfully.

"You can spare them."

"But they must pay for it with eternal toil.

"Pass on the order of this monarch.

"Bring all babies into slavery, and never leave them until they die.

"Bring them all back to Daqin and use them as the tame of the dead." Ying Qi said coldly.

"Your Highness Shengming."

All the generals in the hall also said in unison.

Let them kill babies like aliens. They can't do it. The reason why they will leave it to Ying Qi this time is to ease their psychological burden.


Relegating them to slaves, branding them as slaves, never leaving them, and taming them with the ritual of a dead man, this process will be more painful than killing them directly.

But all this is what their parents deserve.

If they hadn't planted such slaughtering consequences for the Yanhuang people, why would Ying Qitan issue a killing order.

"How is the governance of the states and counties in this country now?" Ying Qi looked at the generals and asked.

"Go back to Your Highness."

"Currently, the generals and soldiers of the army are maintaining the basic order of the Central Plains, and the specific governance still requires His Royal Highness to transfer civil servants from Daqin. 99 Tu Sui respectfully said.

"It's not urgent for now.

"The Central Plains were originally decided, but unlike Daqin's destruction of the six kingdoms, the people of this side of the Central Plains all return to Daqin, and there will be no chaos." Ying Qi said in a deep voice.

For the Yanhuang people in the Central Plains of this side, the appearance of Daqin was the dawn for them after several years of darkness, and the annihilation of the aliens was a kind of revenge for them.

How could they resist Daqin's governance?

It's too late to be grateful.

"Is the military ration sufficient?" Ying Qi said in a steady voice

"Go back to Your Highness.

"Those damn aliens have hoarded countless grains and forages, and even more money, enough for the millions of warriors in the Qin Dynasty for at least two years. With the grains hoarded by the aliens, people in all parts of the Central Plains can also be relieved from famine."

Mention of food and grass, Meng Wu is both angry and happy.

Anger that these grains were plundered from the hands of the Yanhuang people. Fortunately, they got so many grains, and Daqin's million soldiers do not need to worry about grains.

Fight for war, this is the fundamental.

"Tu Sui, you lead the Handan camp of 500,000 troops to guard the four corners of the Central Plains, and continue to slaughter aliens."

"This gentleman said that none of the foreign Hu people will be left behind."


"You command the Yongcheng camp to attack Jingzhou and Jiangnan. 55

"The Sima Clan who caused serious trouble to the people of the world should also pay the price." Ying Qi said coldly.

"The minister leads the edict. 35

The two generals took orders in unison.


The two left the hall with the generals, ready to mobilize the troops.

"Jin. 99

"The weakest dynasty in Yanhuang history is also the most incompetent dynasty." Ying Qi said coldly.

As for the Qing Dynasty in the later generations, they are not even the Yanhuang Dynasty at all.

Come back to your senses.

"System, settle the kill reward." 5

This time, Ying Qi waited for Zhong Yuan's appointment, and then counted all the experience points to see how many levels he could improve.

"The host's order is accepted."

"The host's army killed 4,685,650 enemies, gained 1,560,000 experience points, and has reached the level of experience. Has the host increased the level?" The system prompted.

"One and a half million experience points.

"This is enough for me to practice in the Daqin world for at least two years."


"Killing the enemy to gain experience is the way to become a god.

Seeing such experience points, Ying Qi couldn't help but be moved.

"Upgrade." Ying Qi said immediately.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading to level 24. 99

‘Congratulations to the host for successfully prompting to level 25.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading to level 26.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading to level 27.""

"Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading to level 28."

The system prompts.

For a moment.

Upgraded to five levels.

And it is only 190,000 experience points away from the next level to upgrade.

Level: Level 28 (Grandmaster Eightfold Realm)

Stamina: 29000

True Qi: 55000

Cultivation of martial arts and martial arts: flying sword with a hundred steps, magic power with a snap of your fingers... Nine Yin and Nine Yang (continuous life, can restore true qi,)

Sub-occupation: Taming beasts (first-order consummation) and alchemy (second-order consummation).

Upgrade experience: 191200.

"Level 28, Grandmaster Eighth Stage. 35

"The power of this surge is too strong.

"The infuriating energy in the dantian has tripled, and the strength has increased more than five times."5

"It's great to be upgraded to five levels in an instant." Ying Qi said very excitedly.

Millions of iron cavalry killed Hu, the effect is really more significant than Ying Qi imagined.

Judging from the systematic statistics, one million warriors slaughtered nearly six million aliens, which was probably 80% of the aliens who came to the Central Plains.

After all, not all of them can migrate to the Central Plains, and some have not had time.

But when Ying Qi solved the Sima family, he would naturally give them a break.

"It's only two levels away from reaching level 30, and then it's a whole new level, Grand Master."

"When you reach this realm, you will be able to have the real power of flying in the sky, and your lifespan will increase to a thousand years."

"With the cultivation of a great master, in the low martial arts world, martial power can be called peerless." Ying Qi thought to himself.


For Ying Qi, this is not enough.

Fairy level.

The level above the immortal god, this is Ying Qi's true pursuit.

This time, the expedition to the Wuhu world was because of Ying Qi's anger. After this year, the 15-character national policy set by Ying Qi in the Daqin world may have been implemented, and the martial arts empire has been built according to Ying Qi's wishes.


Jin Dynasty Hall.

The sound of drums and music resounded in the hall, which was pleasant and pleasant to the ears.

under this drumbeat.

Dozens of dancers danced gracefully, and the civil and military officials in the courtroom were drinking wine and eating meat comfortably.

The country is destroyed, the ethnic group is in danger.

They didn't think about how to retake the territory and save the clansmen, but they still enjoy such extravagance, which shows that they are really inferior to beasts.

This is the dignitaries of the Jin state, the nobles of the Jin state.

Really ridiculous.

"My dears.

"Dry. 35

Sima Rui sat on the throne and laughed loudly.

Holding a glass of wine in his hand, he bowed to the ministers in the hall.

"Your Majesty.

"Now that the chaos in the Central Plains has been settled, and the alien races have been slaughtered, this is where His Majesty Hongde has come, and with His Majesty's might, given time, the Qin courtiers who have swept the Central Plains will be able to surrender to their hearts.

"That's right.

"Your Majesty is the mandate of Heaven, so the Qin country has absolutely no choice but to choose the path of surrender."

"The Central Plains decided that aliens will be executed. This is the blessing of my great Jin Dynasty."

One by one, the courtiers of the Jin Kingdom were drunk and laughed loudly.

They all complimented Sima Rui flatly, and when they heard the high-ranking Sima Rui Longyan Dayue, they were very excited.


"What the gentlemen have said is very true.

"In the world, only our Sima family is the orthodox imperial authority. If it weren't for my Sima family, how could the world be settled. Sima Rui laughed proudly.

But in his moment of pride.

"Initiate Your Majesty."

"Jingzhou Emergency News."

An emergency soldier ran in from outside the hall in a panic, causing the drums in the hall to stop.

"What's the matter?

Sima Rui said with a displeased expression.

"Your Majesty, Jingzhou has fallen." The soldier who sent the order knelt on the ground in fear.


Sima Rui's face changed suddenly, and he stood up abruptly from the throne: "The alien race in the Central Plains has been settled, who captured Jingzhou?"

"What kind of rubbish is the general in charge of the Jingzhou army? The food and grass I gave is enough to keep the 300,000 army guarded for more than a year. How could Jingzhou fall?"

At this moment.

The expressions of the civil and military officials of the state of Jin in the courtroom also changed.

The look that had been smug at first became uneasy.

"Initiate Your Majesty.

"It was Qin who killed the foreign Hu people in the Central Plains of the North.35

"Qin sent troops to attack Jingzhou, and has already captured Jingzhou. The generals guarding Jingzhou surrendered directly to Qin, and Qin soldiers won Jingzhou without blood." The soldier said in fear.

Hear this.

Sima Rui was so frightened that he slumped on the throne, his face turning pale.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible.

"I have no grievances or enmity with Qin, why did they attack me in the Great Jin?"

"I am also kind to the generals and soldiers in the army, why should they betray me?"

Sima Rui muttered to himself, unable to believe it.

His Majesty.

"Jingzhou is the gateway of our great Jin. Jingzhou has fallen, and the army deployed in the Yangtze River is useless. We should quickly dispatch the army from the Yangtze River to defend Jiankang, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous." A Jin minister said loudly.

"Yes yes yes. 35

"I still have an army."

"There are more than 300,000 troops in the Yangtze River, which can definitely protect me and protect Jiankang."

Sima Rui's face turned pale, and he suddenly recovered.

"Quickly send orders to the army stationed in the Yangtze River to return to aid Jiankang, and send envoys to the Qin army, and I will give them whatever conditions they want.

0.....for flowers·

"I'm willing to do anything."

Sima Rui said in a panic.

Your Majesty.

"As long as the Qin army can retreat, everything is worth it."

"We are slowing down.""

"We must stop the Qin army from attacking Jiankang..."

One by one Jinchen said with a terrified expression.

This sudden news made Sima Rui and even all the officials of Jin panic.

They originally thought that the Central Plains had decided that all the Hu people of the alien race would be exterminated, so they would not have to worry about the suffering of the alien race, but they did not expect that Qin, who had exterminated the alien race, would come so quickly.

After the alien race was settled, he attacked the state of Jin.

Originally, they thought they wanted to recruit An Daqin.

This is also really ridiculous.

"Wind, wind, wind.""

"Gale. 99

It was at this time.

The sound of a mighty and shocking wind resounded through the sound of the Jin Dynasty.

Accompanied by the sound of the wind drinking.


The roars of countless tigers resounded, accompanied by endless ferocity.

The dignitaries in the court were so frightened by this sudden murder that their expressions changed drastically, and some of them were so frightened that they slumped on the ground.

"What... what's going on?"

Sima Rui asked anxiously.

A general stationed at the gate of the palace ran into the hall with a terrified expression.

"Initiate Your Majesty.

"Oh no.

"Qin... it was the Qin army who came here.

"And all of them use tigers as mounts, and the leader is riding a blood-red giant tiger."5

"It seems to be Ying Qi, the Crown Prince of Qin who is rumored to be in the Central Plains.

The commander's fear

"How...how could it come so quickly?" Sima Rui's expression became extremely uneasy.

"Hurry up, quickly mobilize the city's forbidden army and city defense army to defend the city gate."

"Don't let the Qin army break the city.

The Prime Minister of Jin shouted loudly, his expression urgent.

Look around.

Outside Jiankang City.

Eight thousand ferocious tiger troops stood in front of Jiankang City, Ying Qi rode a bloody tiger, held the Overlord Halberd, and stared indifferently in front of the city.

After conquering Jingzhou.

Ying Qi led the fastest troops from Handan to raid Jiankang, so that none of the incompetent courtiers of the Sima clan and Jin state could escape.

The tiger army stands tall, and the tiger is powerful.

Although there were less than ten thousand troops, the terrifying killing suffocation made the Jin army on the city gate turn pale.

"Your Highness. 35

"A direct attack?"

Li Qing followed Ying Qi and asked respectfully.

"No hurry. 39

Ying Qi raised his hand.


Patted the blood tiger's head.

The blood tiger immediately galloped towards the Chengguan, and in the blink of an eye came to the bottom of the Chengguan.

"What does he want to do?"

Seeing that Ying Qi came to the city alone, the Jin troops who were defending the city gate were at a loss, but they did not shoot arrows.

"My lord."

"Mr. Wu'an, Daqin, win Qi."

Ying Qi raised his head and said to the Jin army at the gate.

Hear the name of Ying Qi.

The Jin army on the city gate surged.

"Ying Qi, Daqin Crown Prince. 39

"The prince of the Great Qin Empire in the past, the son of the first emperor."

"I didn't expect the legend of the Central Plains to be true, that the Crown Prince Ying Qi was really alive, and the alien races in the Central Plains were all killed by the Crown Prince."

"Da Qin has not perished, it still exists.

"The news from the Central Plains is true...

The Jin soldiers on the city gate were talking, and they looked at Ying Qi with a kind of awe.

"Brothers, you are all from the Yanhuang clan, and most of them are from the Central Plains. 99

"The tragic situation in the Central Plains, I believe you don't need to say more, you will know. 35

"Aliens have plagued the Central Plains for several years. Tens of thousands of people have been slaughtered by aliens. There are ten rooms and nine empty spaces in the Central Plains. Among them, there may be your relatives and your friends."

"And what caused all this was the Sima Clan you protected, the dignitaries you protected.

"It can be said that you are protecting your enemies, the enemies of the Yanhuang people all over the world."

"This monarch has come here with all his troops, and it's easy to break the city, but remembering that you are of the same clan, I will give you a chance.

"Open the city gate, don't help Zhou to abuse, I will never do anything to you. 39

"This time, this gentleman is coming to Jiankang for the sake of the Sima Clan, who has caused tens of millions of people to suffer, and his henchmen."

"If you are still from the Yanhuang clan, and you still have a conscience in your heart, open the city gate. 35

Looking at the Jin army at the gate, Ying Qi shouted loudly without talking too much nonsense.

The words fell.

Jin Jun on the city gate, look at me, I look at you.

Each look is very complicated.

But in the end.

One of the leading generals knelt down on one knee and said loudly: "What the crown prince said, the generals will respect it at the end."

"The Central Plains are in distress, and the clansmen are miserable. As soldiers of Yan and Huang, we have always had the idea of ​​expedition to the north and exterminate the alien race.

"Brothers, we are all from the Yanhuang clan, the people of the Central Plains are all of our clansmen, we are all from the Central Plains, our relatives and family members are left in the Central Plains, maybe the family members were slaughtered by foreigners, but there are also emperors. Saved by the prince." 5

"Today I, Zhang Wu, will no longer protect this incompetent court, the incompetent emperor."

"If you still have a conscience in your heart, then come with me, open the city gate, and seek justice for the people of the world, and a price for the people who died tragically in the slaughter of the alien race."

The voice fell.

The Jin army on the city gate was full of anger.

Most of them are from the Central Plains, the Central Plains tragic situation, how they do not know, but there is nothing they can do.

But now that the situation has changed, and the Central Plains has changed, what reason do they have to defend the Sima Clan, whom they hate, and his hundred officials?

"Open the gate.

"Welcome the Prince into the city.

The general shouted loudly.

The closed Jiankang city gate quickly opened.

in the city.

Tens of thousands of Jin troops were all on both sides of the official road, kneeling on one knee.

As Ying Qi stepped into the city.

Li Qing quickly followed with the 8,000 Tiger Army.

"Welcome the Crown Prince.

in the city.

All the Jin soldiers shouted loudly.

Although they played for Jin before, but they had no choice, and now it is their shame for the people of the Central Plains in their hearts, and the choice of their conscience.

"it is good."

Ying Qi laughed loudly, looked at the tens of thousands of Jin soldiers in the city, and said in a commanding voice, "You are all good sons of Yanhuang. 35

"I am proud of you waiting. 39

"The people of the world will also be proud of you.

"The disaster in the Central Plains and the killing of aliens are all the disasters of the Sima family.

"Today, Jun Ben will take you all to seek justice for the **** Sima clan and his hundred officials for the people of the world." Ying Qiwei shouted.

"I swear to follow the crown prince.

All the Jin soldiers stood up and shouted loudly.

And spontaneously opened the way for Ying Qi.

To attack the Jin Palace.

This is the people's heart of the people of the world, and it is the release of the hatred and anger that the people of the world have suppressed for a long time in their hearts.

PS: I'm going to pursue it, brothers, I'm so grateful, I'm so miserable.

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