Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 231 Blood washes the alien race in the Central Plains, the sword points to the Sima Clan


The slaughter battle that took place in Chang'an City was not in Chang'an.

Daqin million iron cavalry came.

Divide the troops into ten directions and kill them in the ten directions of the Central Plains.

a point practiced.

It was Ying Qi's "Kill Hu Ling"


Enter all the alien races in this side of the world, and slaughter all the barbarians in this side of the world.

Where the frontiers pass, the alien Hu people do not exist.

The killing power of the millions of Qin Ruishis is self-evident. As the army swept across the Central Plains, the army under the command of each party's general will be scattered.

Under the command of the two generals, an army of one million will slaughter all the foreign Hu people in the Central Plains.

this process.

will continue.


Ying Qihui dared to go to the Wuhu World with only three months of food and forage, except that the food and forage had only been mobilized so far, and the fundamental reason was that millions of Great Qin Ruishi plundered this world on their own.

Not to plunder fellow races, but to plunder those alien races.

Maybe they also have a food and grass crisis, but as their population plummets, millions, millions, or even tens of millions, after their rations are sharply reduced, they will become the military rations of the Great Qin Ruishi.

Genocide genocide.

The arrival of Daqin Ruishi is just the beginning.

After slaughtering all the alien races in the Central Plains, it will be the turn of the Sima Clan, who have put the Yanhuang ethnic group in crisis on this side of the world, and slaughtered this clan. As sinners through the ages, they are destined to escape the trial of Daqin.

Time flickers.

Time passed gradually.

Just three months passed.

The Central Plains has changed a lot.

Daqin's iron cavalry has passed by, and the killings will not stop.

Before the arrival of the Daqin Iron Cavalry, the remaining Yanhuang tribesmen in the Central Plains either united and vowed to defend the local city, or moved their family southwards, but it was difficult to escape the alien defense line.

The alien race is a frantic search, encountering Yanhuang people is to kill or capture, making the Yanhuang people in the Central Plains precarious, and they will die at any time.

But now the situation has reversed.

The roles have been exchanged invisibly.

Under the slaughter of millions of Qin Ruishi, the alien army was annihilated at the first encounter, and it was completely broken up.

They also lost the strength to contend with Da Qin.

It made them even more chaotic, who had already lost the royal court.

In the face of the decisive Daqin Ruishi, they just wanted to escape back to the grasslands and the north, but the result was a frantic hunt for the Daqin Million Ruishi 480 and the millions of Yanhuang people who survived on the Central Plains.

The revenge of the slaughter for several years has now been avenged.



The current capital of Jin.

After fleeing from the north to the south with all the officials and everything, the Sima family chose the capital of Soochow during the Three Kingdoms period as the current capital of Jin.

Years passed.

The imperial power of the Sima clan and the officials of the court have already taken root here.

Jin Dynasty Palace.

above the hall.

Resplendent, with a kind of royal majesty, in the hall, there are hundreds of Jin courtiers dressed in official uniforms, each with a ruddy complexion and a wealthy body. Obviously, they have lived very well in the past few years when they fled to Jiankang.

Looking at the golden light shining dragon chair, a man wearing a dragon robe and wearing a mian was sitting on it. His body was plump. At first glance, he had never suffered. He was the current emperor of Jin, Sima Rui.

Looking at the red faces and plump bodies in the imperial court of Jin Dynasty, it can be said that they are one heaven and one earth compared to the people in the Central Plains of Jiangbei.

The red dog's meat stinks, and the road has frozen bones.

Powerful and luxurious, safe in the world.

Li Min suffered and was slaughtered in grief.

"Can you have the original play?"

"If you don't have it, then let's go.

Sima Rui sat upright on the dragon chair and said very plainly.

It seems that for him, the previous court was just a passing scene.

Looking at the court officials.

They are all with their heads down and lazy, the emperor is like this, and they are not like this as courtiers.

They may not have any scruples at all about the chaos in the Central Plains and the lost territories.

When they retreated to Jiangnan, they would be safe.

Those territories were lost. It was the greatest blessing that they could survive, take power and escape to the south of the Yangtze River with their property. As for regaining territory, killing the Central Plains, and expelling the alien Hu people.

At the beginning of the retreat to Jiangnan, there were many warriors among the courtiers who proposed, but the words were slight, so how could the powerful and powerful people in the court use their own interests to fight against the alien race?

In the final analysis, Sima's Jin Kingdom was the most incompetent court, and their officials were not selected from the people, but a method called the Jiupin Officials Method proposed by Sima.

It is to select officials from the powerful, from the nobility inherited from the past dynasties.

If you want to be an official (afbh), talent is not enough, you can only have a relationship with the nobility and get the recommendation of the nobility.

It can be said that the Jin Dynasty has decayed to the extreme.


Anyone who dares to propose a northern expedition to the Central Plains and regain the territory will definitely be punished by the entire Jin State.

down a few years.

over time.

No one dares to mention it.

They only think about peace and continue to live their good life in Jiangnan, and they are too lazy to think about the trivial matters of the Central Plains.

"All right.

"Since you are all right.

"Then let's go."

Sima Rui waved his hand, and he had no idea what to do with this kind of meeting every day.

Might as well enjoy a while in the harem.

Anyway, for his emperor, although he was aloof, the authority was in the hands of the gentry.

But right now.

"Report. 35

"Central Plains Express."

An 800-mile emergency soldier quickly ran into the hall.

Hear this.

The civil and military officials in the imperial court of the Jin Dynasty seemed to have been set ablaze, and they all had expressions of fear on their faces.

"Central Plains Express?"

"Wouldn't it be that the alien Hu people had already conquered the Yangtze River?"

"probably not.

"It's not that easy. We have deployed 300,000 troops in the Yangtze River. It is absolutely impossible for foreign races to attack the Yangtze River, and we have already destroyed all the ships in the Central Plains when we moved south. There is no way to build a boat to cross the river."5


"But if the aliens attack from Jingzhou, from Jingzhou to Jiangnan, our navy will have no way to stop them."

"It shouldn't be.

"We have also deployed an army of 300,000 people in Jingzhou, and it is absolutely impossible for foreign races to attack.

In the originally peaceful courtroom, the courtiers of the Jin Kingdom were all worried and worried, with panic in their eyes.

Don't say it's them.

Even Sima Rui, who was sitting in a high position, was worried.

"What urgent news from the Central Plains?"

"Could it be that the aliens attacked the river?"

Sima Rui asked in horror.

Seeing the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, as well as the emperor of the Sima family, you will know how incompetent this Jin state is.

"Go back to Your Majesty."

"It's not that the aliens attacked the river."

"But a large army suddenly appeared in the Central Plains, with a force of one million, known as "Da Qin", and now in the Central Plains madly attacking and killing aliens, now those aliens have been defeated by the army called Qin. Now the alien Hu people in the Central Plains are at the end of their power." The scout knelt on the ground and said excitedly.

Hear this.

Sima Rui and his Manchu civil and military all breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's not just that aliens attack Jiangnan." Sima Rui said with a sigh of relief.

"Your Majesty. 35

"The change in the Central Plains is definitely a good thing for Dajin.

"Those alien races are so rampant that they have forced me into such a field. Now the alien race in the Central Plains is at the end of the road. Is it a great opportunity for me to counterattack the Central Plains?" A military official said excitedly and loudly.

"This statement is absurd. . .

"Even if the alien Hu people in the Central Plains are at the end of their power, the army that beat the alien Hu people so badly is not my Great Jin. What is their attitude towards my Great Jin, whether they come from the Western Regions, or whether they are from our clan. , all of which are up for discussion.35

"No one knows what the consequences will be if I rush into the army.

The civil minister who was standing in the first place in the court immediately opened his mouth to stop him. ,

The voice fell.

The civil and military of the Jin State in this court echoed.

"That's right."

"We don't know which force is dealing with the alien Hu people, and we don't even know what their attitude is towards me. They rushed into the Central Plains, and the consequences are unpredictable."

"Looking at it now, let's sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

"Let them fight, let them fight.

“We honestly stay in Jiangnan to see the situation. 55

One by one the officials agreed.

For them, it is fundamental to preserve their power and wealth and glory in a secluded corner of the south of the Yangtze River.

The land of the Central Plains in the North has been completely chaotic, and they don't want to go into the muddy waters.

They are not that stupid.

The alien Hu people were so powerful that they were beaten, and if they went, they didn't know what the consequences would be.

"Tell me again about the situation in the Central Plains..."

"Suddenly an army of one million appeared? It's called the Great Qin?" Sima Rui said, staring at the soldier who got the information.

Although Jin has lost control of the Central Plains, the intelligence network is still there, which is also the most important part for them to prevent aliens from invading Jiangnan.

"Go back to Your Majesty."

"There's definitely an army of millions. 35

"And their country name is Daqin.""

"The news from the Central Plains.

"They are the eldest son of Qin Shihuang, who was assassinated and died in the past, and the army under the command of Crown Prince Ying Qi.

The soldier didn't know whether to say it or not, and said with a bit of anxiety.


"Are you kidding me? 35

Sima Rui's expression changed, and he shouted angrily.

Emperor Qin Shihuang?

Win Qi?

This is people from hundreds of years ago.

How could it possibly be alive?

"Your Majesty, rest your anger.

"These are all information obtained from the Central Plains, and there is no falsehood.

"It has also spread among the people." The soldier said in a panic.

On the other hand, Sima Rui's face was gloomy and uncertain, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After a while.

He looked at the civil and military figures in the courtroom.

"My dear gentlemen. 39

"What do you think of the situation in the Central Plains?"

"And that Da Qin who appeared? How should I, Da Jin, deal with it?

Sima Rui asked loudly.

"Initiate Your Majesty.

"I think so."

"The Central Plains are still very chaotic, and even the information on our Great Jin is unclear. Perhaps the alien races in the Central Plains have already been defeated, but this minister of Great Qin, who claims to be a million-strong army, does not believe it. 99

"Perhaps, they were militiamen acted by the people to fight against foreign races, and thus achieved results.

"What the Prime Minister said is very true."

"Then how should Da Jin deal with it?" Sima Rui nodded and said again.

"I think so.

"It is possible to increase the exploration of the Central Plains, but I, Dajin, can't rashly send troops. If I fall into the Central Plains, it will be a big problem.

"Explore the situation in the Central Plains first. If the civilian militia really resists the aliens and also wins a big victory, my court can send someone to contact them, give them some support, and prepare for the return of my Dajin court to the Central Plains in the future. .""

"If the information is true, there are really millions of troops, and it really is the so-called Qin State, you can also investigate one or two, and send someone to contact them to see if they can be recruited.

"If it is possible, I can take control of the Central Plains again without bloodshed." Wang Dun said to Sima Rui with a confident look on his face.

hear this.

Sima Rui, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty all had expressions of approval on their faces.

"As expected of the Prime Minister.

"Really brilliant.

"No matter which method I use, there is no loss in my great Jin." Sima Rui agreed with a big smile.

Follow this Wang Dun method.

He just wanted to bring the Central Plains back into control without paying anything, and take advantage of the fact that all the civil forces in the Central Plains that resisted alien races were for their own use.

This also has to be said.

They were really whimsical and thought too good.

"Your Majesty.

Manchu civil and military also shouted in unison.

Everyone agrees with this law.

But they thought such a beautiful result, but they didn't know it was ridiculous.

They, the Sima clan, and the imperial court of the Jin state, had already been targeted by Ying Qi.

Just waiting to kill all the aliens in the Central Plains.

It was Sima's turn.

And this time obviously won't be too long.

Luoyang City.

It originally belonged to the imperial palace during the Han Dynasty.

"Your Highness. 39

Li Qing came to the main hall and bowed to Ying Qi Yiyi.


Ying Qi nodded.

His eyes fell on the huge map hanging on the dragon chair.

The territory map of this side of the world fell into Ying Qi's eyes.

See above the map.

Just as his father, Wang Yingzheng, dealt with the territory of the world in the past, there was a division of various forces on it.

The territories controlled by foreign races, the territories controlled by the incompetent Sima Jin Kingdom, and the territories currently controlled by Da Qin are all marked on this map.

"Qingzhou, Jizhou, Youzhou, and Qingzhou are almost cleaned up." Ying Qi stared at the map and said quietly.

"His Royal Highness."

"I just received the military newspaper. Liangzhou, Sili, and Yanzhou have all been cleaned up. 99

"The Central Plains can be cleaned up within four months at most."

"This time, the two generals came to announce the matter."

"Would the female relatives of foreign races also be executed?"

Li Qing played respectfully.

"Is the order to kill Hu set up by this gentleman a decoration?

"I still need to ask this gentleman about this matter?" Ying Qi frowned.

"I understand."

Li Qing's body was shocked, and he immediately said: "I will immediately send someone to call, no matter whether it is male or female, it will not stay. 99

PS: Update to, big chapters, seek support.

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