Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 230 The iron cavalry arrives, killing all the aliens to take revenge.

"Wind, wind, wind."

"Gale. 35

Millions of Great Qin Ruishi clung to the swordsmen and shouted in unison with anger and prestige in their hearts.

The sound of the wind drinking reverberated through the sky.

"Can the system lead an army of millions into the Wuhu world?" Ying Qi's communication system asked.

"The dungeon world has been opened. Under the low martial arts, the world has no consciousness of heaven, and the host can enter at any time." The system prompted.

"There is no consciousness of the Tao of Heaven in the low martial world.

When Ying Qi heard this, he nodded.

In a world without the existence of Heavenly Dao Consciousness, there will not be much development, and it is no wonder that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is so thin.

Just like the Daqin world.

There should be no consciousness of the Tao of Heaven.

The consciousness of the Dao of Heaven is the foundation of the world's operation. If there is no consciousness of the Dao of Heaven, it may not be called a complete world.

"In the future, if the promotion of the Daqin world will be able to give birth to the Tao of Heaven?" Ying Qi thought to himself.


Now that's clearly not his concern.

Copy world.

It would be even better if the millions of iron cavalry in Daqin could enter.

With the combat power of Daqin's million iron cavalry.

Within a year.

It can absolutely wipe out the alien massacres on the Central Plains of the Wuhu World.


Ying Qi gave an order.

"Open the copy portal."

"Millions of troops, all enter the dungeon." Ying Qi gave an order.

"The host's order is accepted.

The system prompts.



A huge roar resounded in the sky.


A huge golden portal appeared out of thin air, like a gate from the legendary heaven.

The moment the portal appeared.

Daqin million Ruishi all stared blankly.

No matter how strict their military discipline is, they are still human, and they are naturally very shocked to see such unpredictable things.

"Could it be that Your Highness really wants to take us to the outer world?""

At this moment, millions of Ruishi's hearts were horrified.

Don't wait for them to recover.

After the golden giant gate appeared.

Countless golden rays of light emanated from the portal, and these rays of light fell directly towards the Ruishis scattered all over Mount Li.

When the golden light falls.

Pieces of Ruishi's figures disappeared directly in the Daqin world, and when the golden light swept away, pieces of people disappeared.


"The Gate of Heaven. 35

"All of this belongs to His Royal Highness. 55

Meng Wu, Tu Sui, and the generals of the two battalions all had boundless awe.

in their eyes.

Million Ruishi disappeared in the blink of an eye on the land of Mount Li.

With the million sharps gone.

The golden light fell on Ying Qi and the generals behind him.

The golden light swept over.

The figures of everyone also disappeared in the Daqin world.

Wuhu World.

Central Plains.


In the past, it was the most affluent state in the Central Plains.

Now the population has dropped sharply by half, and corpses can be seen at any time in cities and in the wild.

There were hordes of aliens burning, killing and looting everywhere.

"Brothers, have you heard?""

"A lot has happened in the last two months.

"It seems that something has happened to the royal court.

Along the way, the army of Jiehu was chasing the fleeing Yan and Huang people in the wild, and they also talked about it along the way.

"The royal court is guarded by a large army, what could happen?"

"These despicable southerners have been completely suppressed, how can they make any noise?"

"If you have the time to say that this is impossible, you might as well grab a few more two-legged sheep to fill your stomach. 99

Some Jiehu soldiers laughed and didn't care at all.

The news of this era is blocked.

With the speed at which Ying Qi can control the blood tiger, he can kill from Liangzhou to Xuzhou within two months, but the aliens can't do it, and the royal court is destroyed.

But now the Central Plains has no post stations or government offices, and the order is chaotic, how could there be any news.

And even if these alien races know that something happened to the royal court, they will not publicize it.

Because even if the royal court is gone, they can still make a fortune in the Central Plains, burning, killing and looting.

"makes sense."

"The southerners are no longer in good shape, their court has fled to Jingyang, and the land of the Central Plains is completely ours.

Hearing what his companions said, the general who had just proposed a change in the royal court immediately nodded in agreement.

"All right."

"My sons and daughters, don't waste your time."

"The rations are in a hurry, and we must catch more two-legged sheep."


General Jiehu gave a general order, and Jiehu's army began to search for the surviving Yan and Huang people along the road.

But at this moment.


above the sky.

Suddenly, a giant golden gate appeared.

"What it is?"

The appearance of the golden giant gate can be seen in almost the entire territory of Jizhou, and countless people raised their heads and looked at the golden gate.


"It must be a miracle."

Many soldiers of the alien race shouted excitedly, not feeling the danger of annihilation belonging to their alien race was about to sweep.

"Look, the door was glowing that day.

"Is there really a god?

An alien soldier shouted excitedly.

All the alien races below the golden giant gate, as well as the fleeing Yanhuang people, all looked at the portal on the sky.

Aliens want to get miracles.

The same goes for those Yanhuang people who fled.

"The sky is above, the gods are above. 35

"If you see it, then show up and chop up these damn aliens to death."

"They are beasts."

Countless Yanhuang people with helplessness and misery, prayed to the giant gate in the sky.

next moment.

The golden giant door shook.

Countless golden halos descended from the sky.

It spilled over into the territory of Jizhou.

When golden light falls on the ground.

Countless killings suddenly appeared in this world in vain.

"what is that?"

Under the giant gate.

Many alien soldiers stared at the front with wide eyes.

When the golden light gradually dissipated.

Countless armies dressed in black armor and armed with soldiers have appeared in this world.

Cavalry, infantry, archers.

Among the five major battalions of Daqin, the elites of the two battalions arrived.


"Where did the army come from?"

"And....how can there be so many armies?

"Why are their armors so similar to those of the former Southern court?"


"The Southerners have already been defeated to the Nanman, and they have already fled the Central Plains. How could the army be in the Central Plains?"

Seeing the sudden appearance of Da Qin Ruishi, all the aliens panicked.

The reason why many of their different ethnic groups were able to invade the Central Plains and plundered the Central Plains, which belonged to Yanhuang for many years, was not because of how strong they were, but because they were taking advantage of it.

If it wasn't for the chaos of the Eight Kings of the Sima Clan, and if it wasn't for the incompetence of the Sima Clan's court, how could they possibly have the opportunity to break through the border.

How could they not be afraid when they saw Da Qin Ruishi who appeared in such a neat formation and appeared out of thin air?

At this time.

The golden light of the giant gate flickered again.

In front of the army.

Ying Qi came to this world with two generals.

"Two months, "."


"Your days are over.

Coming to this side of the world again, the killing intent in Ying Qi's eyes did not converge, but instead became more intense.

two months ago.

Even though Ying Qi could destroy the five great royal courts of alien races by himself, he couldn't kill the hundreds of millions of alien races who entered the Central Plains.

But now it's different.

Daqin million warriors are coming.

With the fact that he has destroyed the five great royal courts of the alien race, the scattered alien race will face the wrath from Da Qin.

"Where is Daqin Ruishi? 35

Ying Qi pulled out the Zhan Lu sword and shouted loudly.

"Wind, wind, wind.


Millions of great Qin Ruishis raised their arms high and shouted in unison.

The Great Qin of this side of the world has become history, but the power of the former Qin Dynasty has been passed down through the ages.


The sound of Daqin's wind-drinking spread again in this world.

Hear the sound of the wind drinking.

Within a radius of hundreds of miles.

can be heard clearly.

When the aliens heard this, a strong sense of unease emerged in their hearts.

But for the Yanhuang ethnic group.

Hearing the sound of the wind, it seemed to evoke the history they remembered in their hearts.

"This... This is the sound of the wind shouting from the most powerful dynasty in my Yanhuang dynasty, the Great Qin, hundreds of years ago."

"Could it be that the giant gate just now is really the gate of heaven? In the past, my strongest dynasty of Yan and Huang was not destroyed? 35

"Or maybe the sky has eyes, saw the cruelty of the alien race, slaughtered my innocent Yanhuang people, and sent Da Qin to save our Yanhuang?

"God is above."

Kill those damn aliens.

Hear the wind and drink.

The people of Yan and Huang who have suffered from precarious times for several years have ignited a kind of hope.

"This side of the world.

"The alien race is rampant, wantonly slaughtering our Yanhuang people, the crime is unforgivable."


"My lord ordered to kill Hu." 99

"All foreign Hu people, regardless of whether they wear armor or not, whether civilians or not, whether male or female, whether young or old, will be shot to death.

"This monarch wants blood for blood, tooth for tooth.

"Go into this side of the world's alien Hu people.""

"Avenge the hatred for the clan.

Ying Qi's voice shouted angrily with the killing intent from Jiuyou Hell.


Daqin's millions of iron cavalry are approaching this boundary.

Just for revenge, just to kill Hu.

In this world, the Hu people of different races have done everything to the Yanhuang ethnic group, so that they can begin to pay the price today.

"Respect the prince's edict.

"Kill all the Hu people and slaughter the aliens."

"Wind, wind, wind, 99

"Gale. Year

The million-dollar Qin Ruishi shouted with monstrous killing intent.

in front of the army.

Those alien races, who are only ten thousand people, have been stunned by Da Qin Junwei, and they are at a loss.

"Meng Wu. 99

"Tu Sui.""

Win Qiwei said.

"The minister is here."

The two generals responded immediately.

"Two battalions, one million warriors, one hundred thousand, scattered all over the world to exterminate the foreign Hu people.

"How to kill Hu, how to kill aliens.""

"This gentleman won't ask.

"What this gentleman wants is that there are no foreign Hu people in this world."" Ying Qi coldly shouted.

"I will never disappoint the prince.

The two generals responded immediately.

"Everyone will obey."

"Respect the Crown Prince's decree. 35

"Go into this side of the world's alien Hu people. 55

"Not a single one."

The generals on both sides issued orders.

Da Qin Ruishi, who had arrived by a million, moved suddenly.

under the general.

The general leads the troops.

And the army of alien races in front of them has been targeted by the bloodthirsty millionaires.

Facing the Great Qin Ruishi, the real army of Yan and Huang.

They are like ants.

In an instant, it was trampled.

There were more than 10,000 corpses of aliens on the ground.

But this is just the beginning.

"after all.

"My real power is still an empire under my control. If the power of one person does not reach the level of a real immortal, how can we face the encirclement and suppression of countless soldiers and horses?

"If all the troops under my command have achieved the level of immortal gods, even if they are immortal gods, even if they are Da Luo Jinxian, why should there be any fear?

Looking at the thousands of alien races that were destroyed in an instant, Ying Qi had a clear understanding in his heart.

If he kills by himself, he will slaughter.

It takes at least an hour.

But under the strength of the army under his command, it was instantly crushed.

That's the importance of having an empire.

"First the aliens."

"Then Sima Shi. 95

"You are all waiting for me.

"The fall of Yanhuang, the shame of Yanhuang, will never pass so easily.

Ying Qi muttered.

This side of the world.

There are thousands of Hu people.

If they were all slaughtered, they would not only be able to hate the clansmen in this world, but also allow Ying Qi to gain a lot of experience.

After wearing the title of Wuanjun.

You can get one-third of the experience points for the army under your command to kill the enemy, not to mention the slaughter of thousands of foreign Hu people, even if you can kill half of them, it is enough for Ying Qi to gain countless experience points.


Ying Qi only needs to wait for the army under his command to kill to gain countless experience points.

All worlds.

Only he can have this advantage.

Kill enemies to upgrade.

Kill the enemy to become stronger.

With the arrival of Daqin's million iron cavalry.

The pattern of this world has changed.

Alien races will encounter genocide and bloodbath.

time flies.

Chang'an City.

The corpses of the alien race were cast high in front of the city, but they had all been burned to coke.

city ​​gate.

It is not the real army that is stationed, but the young and strong people with weapons.

under the city.

"Our sons are dead."

"Break the city and kill the two-legged sheep.

"Not a single one.


Tens of thousands of alien armies are madly attacking Chang'an City.

However, the coke corpses of their companions became something that stood in their way.

"Fight to the death with aliens.

"Wait for the crown prince to lead the army to kill all the aliens.

On the city gate, all the young and strong are united, with the momentum of seeing death as home.

Even if there are not many weapons.

The city was already in short supply, but they were no longer afraid.

More than two months ago, the words of Crown Prince Ying Qi woke them up, they had nowhere to run, and begging for mercy was useless.

Extending the head is a knife, and retracting the head is still a knife.

It's better to fight the aliens to the end.

Over the past two months.

The alien races have attacked many times, but they have been sticking to the city gate and protecting the hundreds of thousands of people in the city.

This is the result of their concerted efforts.

And this time.

The aliens have increased their military strength, there are more than 50,000 troops, and there are all kinds of siege equipment that should belong to Yanhuang. I am afraid that the city cannot be defended, but they still have the belief to die.

"Siege. 35

The alien general roared loudly.

The catapults in front of the formation threw rocks wildly, and the alien army began to attack with the cloud ladder.


"The royal court has lost the news, I'm afraid that the rumors are true and something big has happened.

"If Chanyu really dies, then I will control an army of 50,000 people, and as long as I capture this city of Chang'an, I will be able to become king by myself.

The alien general who commanded the army was thinking like a sweet dream.

But right now.



The sound of horses stepping on thunder came from behind the alien army.

"General. 35

"Oh no."

"A large army has appeared in our rear army."

"There are not a few troops."

An alien scout came terrified and told the alien general.

"What kind of people are you from?"

"Dare to compete with my Xiongnu wolf clan for Chang'an?" The alien general did not panic at all, but said a little angrily.

Before attacking the Central Plains.

Headed by the five clans, a covenant was concluded.

But over time.

In the process of competing for territory and resources, the five clans naturally have many frictions.

Face and heart are at odds.

After all, they are also allied for profit.


"Not from other races. 35

"Okay...it seems to be the army of the Southerners in the Central Plains.

"They have the same battle armor, which is different from our ethnic group." The scout said terrified.

"Are you joking with General Ben?"

The alien general frowned, showing anger: "Where is the army of the Southerners in the Central Plains now? Their court has already fled, and if they want to come back, they must first break the territory of the Xianbei, and their humble Southerners can do it?"5

But he didn't wait for the scout to have a chance to answer.

Tap, tap, tap.

The sound of stepping behind the alien army became more and more intense.

It seems that countless cavalry are rushing towards Chang'an City.

Hear such a shock.

The face of the alien general changed: "So many cavalry? Could it be Jie? Are they still torn apart with our clan?

The trembling sound also made the city gate vibrate.

At this time.

A sharp-eyed young man seemed to see something, widened his eyes, raised his hand, and had endless surprises on his face: "Brothers, look. 35

"Great Qin's army."

"The prince's army."


This sound.

Like a shock.

Let all the tense Yan Huangqingzhuang in Chengguan regain their senses, and surprises spring up in their hearts.

Everyone followed their eyes and looked into the distance.

on the far side of the earth.

It was faintly visible that countless black-armored cavalrymen rushed forward, and there were countless flags coming towards the wind.

As this black armored cavalry got closer and closer.

The words on the flag also appeared.


There is such a big character on every flag.

"It's really Da Qin.

"Really the prince.

"We are saved. 99

"The people of the world are saved. 99

"Those bloody aliens are finished. 99

"Hahahaha. 39

"The sky has eyes, Crown Prince Dade."

The loud laughter spread on the city gate and spread to all parts of the city, and the loud laughter that was about to be liberated was released on the faces of every citizen in the city.

They have been waiting for this day for a long time.

Now it's finally here.

"`" to the general.

"It is not the army of the other four clans, it seems that it is really the army of the Southerners.

"Our rear wing has been cut off by this army."9

"He... they seem to be going to hit us.

Another scout rushed in in a panic.

"An army of southerners?"

"how can that be?"

The alien general also panicked and turned his head abruptly.

The darkness was overwhelming, and countless black armored cavalrymen charged with spears.

The distance from his army is getting shorter and shorter.

When the distance is less than a hundred meters.

"Da Qin Ruishi listened to the order.

"Alien Hu people, not a single one will be left."

Meng Tian rode the war horse and shouted.

He waved the spear in his hand.

will order.


"Wind, wind, wind. 39


The roar of the 100,000 Great Qin Iron Cavalry resounded throughout the world.

"This is?"

The face of the alien general changed.

He remembered the legends in the historical records of his own ethnic group.

There used to be a dynasty in Yanhuang called Qin.

With the strength of an army, he suppressed his Xiongnu family for an era, and the Xiongnu did not dare to cross the border or approach the Central Plains.

And the sound of the wind is exactly what Qiang Qin announced.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible.

"Qin has been extinct for hundreds of years, how can it still appear?

"This is absolutely impossible. The alien general thought of this possibility, and his face turned pale.

But it didn't give him a chance to think at all.

After the wind shouted.

It was from the Daqin cavalry that bent their bows and set up arrows, and tens of thousands of random arrows rose into the sky and shot towards the alien army.

Arrows rained down.

Crazy to seize the vitality of alien soldiers.

The sudden rain of arrows struck the alien soldiers by surprise.


"Break out.""

The alien general's face turned pale.

This moment of murderous intent made him break his illusion, and the army in front of him was really the Qin army of the past.

If not.

What about such strict military discipline?

How is it so powerful?

Apart from ordering to break out of the siege, he had no intention to fight at all.

A retreat is heard.

The attacking alien army began to withdraw quickly.

However, the entire Chang'an City has been surrounded by the Daqin Iron Cavalry, and all their back roads have been cut off.

If you want to break through, you have to ask Daqin Tieqi if he will answer.


"Kill all the aliens.

"Kill Hu Ling."

"Not a single one.""

"eye for eye.

The warriors stopped shooting arrows, clenched the spears in their hands, and stared at the alien army in front of them with cold eyes.

In an instant.

Suddenly rushed out.

meet in an instant.

Like an iron cavalry crushing.

Those alien races who have been rampant in the Central Plains for several years and have done bad things are like ants in front of the Daqin Tieqi, they are easily crushed and killed, and they are trampled into flesh.

Iron cavalry passed.

A scene of crushing and killing.

The mighty alien race beat the Sima family to pieces and fled in embarrassment.

All this is not the incompetence of the Yanhuang ethnic group, but the incompetence of the Sima clan.

They are the sinners of the entire Yanhuang ethnic group.

But in the face of the Great Qin Ruishi, the army of hundreds of battles formed from the bloody battle, these alien races are like ants.

Iron cavalry kills.

The aliens have no resistance at all, only fleeing in embarrassment and begging for mercy.

But under Ying Qi's order to kill Hu of the whole army.

The Daqin Ruishi who came this time must truly leave no one alive, and not a single alien ( Zhao Zhao ) who is a foreigner.

To avenge the clansmen who died tragically in this world under the slaughter of aliens, and repay the debt with blood.

Therefore, for Daqin Ruishi, it is to slap the blood debt with the weapon in his hand, and the alien Hu people can only die.

No matter how tragic, desperate, and how the aliens begged for mercy, they did not show any mercy.

Because this is what they deserve.

on the way of the march.

All the Great Qin Ruishis saw with their own eyes the tragic situation in the Central Plains of this side of the world. Ten rooms and nine empty spaces were full of corpses, old and weak women and children, and babies. All the tragic situations were presented in their eyes.

Such hatred, such hatred, all turned into the thunderous rage of them killing aliens.

They also felt the anger of Ying Qi when he just came to this side of the world.

Only by killing, only by killing all the alien races, can their hatred be released.

The killing continued.

One by one the aliens were killed.

city ​​gate.

All Yanhuang Qingzhuang watched the scene of Da Qin Ruishi crushing and killing the aliens, and couldn't help but widen their eyes, unbelievable.

"Are these alien races still invincible and ravaging our world?

"Faced with Da Qin Ruishi, are they so vulnerable?"

"This is not a one-level war at all, but a unilateral slaughter of aliens by Da Qin.""


"Good kill."

"Interracial, damn it. 35

"They are finally paying the price.

"Kill all the alien races and take revenge.""

All the young men in the city gates laughed wildly with hatred for the alien race.

No one knows how much suffering the people of Yan and Huang in this side of the world have endured.

They have lost friends, relatives, children, husbands, and wives.

These hatreds are brought about by aliens.

Even if the alien races were beheaded and killed, they would not frown.

Because all this is what the aliens deserve.

Only by killing all the alien races can the hatred be terminated, otherwise, no race will be reconciled.

"Forgive me."

General spare your life.

"I surrendered.

"Do not kill me.


"Don't you claim to be a country of etiquette? Why do you want to kill and surrender? Ah...39

Countless tragic screams spread among the alien army, and the Daqin Iron Cavalry had already surrounded them, slaughtering frantically, not caring about their begging for mercy at all.

"Excuse me.

"Da Qin has never been a country of etiquette, but a country of tigers and wolves.

"For the enemy.

"It's always killed."

"There is no need to show mercy to you beast-like aliens.

"Killing all of you is an explanation to the clansmen of this side, and more importantly, an explanation to the prince."

Listening to the tragic begging of the alien race, Meng Tian sneered.

The state of etiquette?

Daqin has never been.

The existence of Daqin is conquest, endless conquest.

The so-called Confucian etiquette was never respected in Daqin.

Confucianism has been wiped out by the crown prince.

Daqin's benevolence and righteousness may be there, but it is for the clan and the people.

For aliens, only kill!!!

PS: Seeking for a fixed, seeking a monthly ticket, thank you very much.

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