Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 229 Daqin Ruishi, let the blood debts of the alien race be paid in blood.

Wuhu World.


Inside the palace.

The hall that originally belonged to the Yanhuang Dynasty has been occupied by foreign races, but at this moment, the corpses everywhere are stained with blood.

A blood-stained figure stood in the hall, holding a blood-splattered sword in his hand.

in front of this figure.

An alien with a fat head and big ears, dressed in luxurious clothes, had a pale face, paralyzed on the ground, crawled backwards struggling, and looked at this figure in the hall with incomparable fear.

"Don't...don't come here.

"Don't kill me. 99

"I can give you anything you want, whether it's power, glory, wealth, or even this side of the Central Plains, I can give it to you."

"I am Shanyu of the Xiongnu, and I have this ability. 99

The fat-headed and big-eared alien begged for mercy.

"Slaughter my Yanhuang ethnic group and invade my Yanhuang territory. Luo

"Do you still want to live?"

Ying Qi said indifferently, the figure slowly approached the Xiongnu Shanyu.

"I am willing to lead my people out of the Central Plains. 35

"Never enter the Central Plains forever. 35

"Forgive me.

The Xiongnu Shanyu said in fear.

"These words are credible from the mouths of your aliens?"

"The Yanhuang ethnic group in this world has given you countless opportunities.

"But none of you cherished it.

"So there is no need to say it again this time."

"You wait for aliens, the only fate in the future is massacre."

"As for you..."

Ying Qi said indifferently, the killing intent shrouded in his body made him seem to have returned from the Nine Serenity Purgatory.

A sword cut out.

Several sword qi burst out directly.

In an instant.

He directly cut the Xiongnu Shanyu into several pieces.

"Congratulations to the host for killing the Xiongnu Shanyu, gaining 1000 experience points, and reaching the level of experience. Has the host been leveled up? The system prompt sounded.


Ying Qi said calmly.


A golden light fell on Ying Qi's body.

Accompanied by infuriating energy, physical strength, and Ying Qi's various attributes are rapidly improving.

"05Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading to level 22." The system prompted.

Level: Level 22 (Grandmaster Second Stage)

Stamina: 23000

True Qi: 25000

Cultivation of martial arts and martial arts: flying sword with a hundred steps, magic powers with a snap of your fingers... Perfect basic internal skills, nine yin and nine yang (perpetual life, can restore true qi,)

Secondary occupation: animal taming, alchemy.

Experience required to upgrade: 250,000.

After upgrade.

With such a wealth of experience points, you can imagine how many aliens Ying Qi killed during his time in Wuhu World.

for the past two months.

Ying Qi traveled all over the land in the Central Plains of this world, slaughtering alien races frantically, especially those in power of alien races.

The five clans who invaded the Central Plains, Shan Yu, were killed by Ying Qi, and Wang Ting was destroyed by Ying Qi.

After all, killing Xiaobing can't change the situation of the Yanhuang people too much, but destroying all the leaders of the alien race, Wang Ting, is enough to cause the alien races in the Central Plains to fall into chaos.

This process is enough to make the invasion of the Central Plains of this world by the alien races less rigorous, and it is enough to wait for the arrival of the Great Qin Ruishi, and wipe out the alien race in this world.

This is the purpose of Ying Qi.

Solved this Xiongnu Shanyu.

Ying Qi walked slowly towards the outside of the hall.


There are already many palace maids and eunuchs gathered.

After seeing Ying Qi.

They all knelt on the ground.

"Thank you for saving your life."

Everyone knelt down and thanked them loudly.

"Hold on a little longer.""

"Soon. 35

"The army of Da Qin will come to this side of the world and kill all the alien races.

Ying Qi looked at these fellow clansmen and said aloud.

Then they flew into the air and swept out of the palace.

disappeared in the palace.

Daqin world.

East Palace.

Two months have come.

Ying Zheng, as well as many courtiers who knew what happened that day, have gathered in the East Palace hall.

"Your Majesty."

"The two camps of Yongcheng and Handan, with a total of one million warriors, have been mobilized in Lishan, Xianyang, and are ready to go out at any time."

Meng Wu, Tu Sui reported to Ying Zheng.

"How about the grain?"

Ying Zheng looked at Feng Quji and Han Fei.

"Go back to the king."

"Everything is under His Highness' control."

"After raising the price of grain for a month, the wealthy businessmen who hoarded grain and grass all over the world have no power to hoard it any more, and they are frantically selling grain and rice. Today, the price of grain and rice in the world has reached an all-time low, which is lower than the most usual price of grain and rice. It's several times lower.""

"The minister followed His Royal Highness's edict, and the local officials made all-out purchases. Now that the problem of grain and rice has been resolved, the famine will soon be quelled.

"However, it is not enough to squeeze grain and rice from all over the world as military rations, so the minister went to Zheng Guo according to His Highness's edict. 35

"The result surprised the minister."

Feng Quji had a shocking expression on his face, even now, his mood has not calmed down.

"Zheng Guo left Xianyang after being suddenly summoned by Qi Er a few months ago, and his whereabouts are unknown. What is he doing?" Ying Zheng asked.

"Zheng Guo was ordered by His Highness to plant new food in Guanzhong and Bashu.

"Now this grain has completed its first harvest."


Feng Quji's voice was trembling.

"What food?" Ying Zheng was taken aback.

Suddenly, I remembered the grand wish that my son made to the people of Xianyang.

If he can't make the world peaceful and benevolent, and if he can't make the people of the world have food to eat, he will never inherit the throne.

Let Zheng Guo secretly go to the two major grain producing areas of Guanzhong, Bashu and Daqin to grow new crops. Obviously, this is the foundation of Yingqi's food for the people of the world.

"In the land of Guanzhong, a kind of food called sweet potato is grown."

"In the land of Bashu, a food called potato is grown."

"If these two kinds of grains are carefully cultivated, they can be ripened three times a year, and...and the yield of these two kinds of grains can reach four or fifty stone per mu." Feng Quji said excitedly.


this moment.

Except for Feng Quji and Han Fei, everyone in the hall was surprised.

Four or fifty stone per mu?

What is this concept?

Even in the grain-producing areas such as Guanzhong and Bashu, a maximum yield of 10 shi per mu can be achieved during a bumper harvest, which is the highest, generally seven or eight shi.

Now this food has reached such a high yield?

What are you kidding?

"Feng Qing, is what you said true?" Ying Zheng's voice also became trembling.

if it is real.

Then, with the implementation of this food in the world, there will be no more famine disasters in Daqin.

The people of the world will be full and full of food.

Daqin gave the people of the world peace, no more wars, and enough food. No matter which country they belonged to, how could they resist?

"The minister guarantees by the position of the prime minister that every word of the minister is true.35

"And Zheng Guo has dispatched a million troops from Guanzhong, enough for three months of food and grass.

"All the military resources for the army of one million Daqin have been gathered." Feng Quji said excitedly.

"Good, good, good."


"This time, the widow finally understands why Qi'er made such a big wish to the people of the world in the first place.

"It turns out that Qi'er has something to rely on in her heart."

"With this divine food, there will be no more famine in Daqin, and no more people will starve to death. 99

Ying Zheng laughed out loud.

this moment.

Ying Zheng completely decided in his heart.

There is nothing that can be questioned about his son's ability, and there is no place for him to be picky in the country, in the world, and even more in his son and Ying Qi.


When Mount Tai was enshrined in Zen, it was the moment when he took the power of Ying Zheng and handed over the throne to Ying Qi.

There is Ying Qi really in charge of the country.

Only Daqin can truly open up the prosperous world.

Go to the prosperous Qin Dynasty that Ying Qi said, control the world, and fight against the heavens.

"Your Majesty."

"The two-month period has come. 35

"His Royal Highness should also return.

Mengao had a serious look on his face.

"Since it is the deadline set by Qi'er, he will definitely return."

"After all, the clansmen in that world can't wait too long. Ying Zheng said in a deep voice.

It was at this time.

"My lord, I'm back."

Ying Qi's voice sounded in the hall.

All eyes converge.

Looking at Ying Qi.

The blood-stained crown robe and the golden crown have all been discarded, and at this moment he has put on a brand new crown prince's crown.


Looking at Ying Qi, Ying Zheng had a smile on his face.

But everyone here could clearly feel the change in Ying Qi's aura.

If it was said that more than two months ago, Ying Qi had not entered the outer world, he was indeed a powerful and suppressed body, but the breath that Ying Qi was exuding at this moment was completely a kind of killing power.

Even if he didn't deliberately reveal his breath, there was a chilling sense of depression.

The entire hall was shrouded in this killing intent.

"How many aliens did Qi'er kill in that world?"

Looking at Ying Qi with such a temperament, Ying Zheng's heart was also horrified.

"Is everything ready for you to prepare?"

Ying Qi looked at the ministers in the hall.

"Go back to Your Highness."

"The army of one million has been on standby at Mount Li, and the army's supplies and supplies for March have been prepared.

Meng Wu and Feng Quji replied immediately.


"The situation in that side of the world is in crisis. Every moment, people from the tribe die tragically at the hands of aliens. My son will go to Mount Li first."

"Wait until you return, and then take your father to that side of the world to have a look.

Ying Qi turned around, looked at Ying Zheng and said.

"Qi'er, you go." Ying Zheng nodded.

"Go to Mount Li. 35

Ying Qi said to the ministers.

Look around.


Millions of Great Qin Ruishi have gathered.

Yongcheng Camp.

Handan Camp.

They all made a lot of meritorious deeds for Daqin to destroy the six kingdoms and unify the Central Plains.

Originally, the two battalions consisted of an army of 300,000 troops, but with the incorporation of the armies of various countries in Daqin, each of the five major battalions of Daqin now has an army of 500,000 troops.

This is also the national strength of Daqin today.

Even if it is not a garrisoned county soldier, a county soldier.

The five battalions have added up to more than 2.5 million troops. Looking at the world, it is possible to have such a large army.

Absolutely not.

The greatest in the world is only Da Qin.

And these.

All will become the foundation of winning Qi and conquering the heavens in the future.

Along with Ying Qi, he came to Mount Li.

Millions of troops have all gathered and waited.

Countless army formations are based on Mount Li, full of a kind of killing and mighty aura.

"His Royal Highness is here.

With a shout, it resounded through the void of Mount Li.


Millions of sharps are like God's orders.


A million sharp move.

Neat and uniform, like one person, with supreme military might, bowed at the same time, and shouted in unison: "See Your Highness."5

This million-in-one mountain cries resounded throughout the world.

So mighty.

It seems to be at war with the sky.

In the welcome of millions of Ruishi.

Ying Qi, dressed in the crown of the crown prince, with a golden crown on his head, walked slowly to the top of the Lishan point, towering into the clouds, and it seemed that he could have a panoramic view of the millions of warriors.

"My great Qin Ruishis.

"Flat. 35

Ying Qi stood on the platform of generals, Meng Wu, Tu Sui, and many other generals followed.

"Thank you, Your Highness. 477"

Million Ruishi thanked in unison.

At the same time, he stood up and all his eyes were fixed on that point.

Even if they were too far apart to see, all Ruishi's eyes were still focused in that direction.

"In the land of the Central Plains, the six kingdoms have been destroyed, the Central Plains have been settled, and the Great Qin has taken over the Central Plains.

"The war is over.

"The world is at peace."

"Perhaps the elites gathered here for some reason. 95


"I can tell you."

"The territory under the control of Da Qin is indeed no war, and the world is settled. 35

'The world is huge, and there are many nations and ethnic groups, but in my view, even if there are thousands of ethnic groups in the world, I should respect the Yanhuang ethnic group. .

"The prestige of the Yanhuang clan cannot be desecrated.

"The prestige of the Yanhuang clan cannot be interfered with.""


Ying Qi's voice paused, and a monstrous anger appeared on his face, and the monstrous murderous aura appeared on Ying Qi's body, as if the entire point of the platform was dyed by a blood-red murderous intent.

The void turned red.

"In Daqin, in a place that cannot be seen from this side of the world, the other side of the world, the Yanhuang ethnic group with the same roots as my Daqin people is being slaughtered by aliens, and is suffering the scourge of genocide.

"The vile aliens are wielding butcher knives at our people, and our people are being slaughtered, the old and the weak, women and children, all suffer.

"Just ask.""

"My great Qin Ruishis, can you bear it?"

Ying Qi shouted angrily, his voice resounding throughout Mount Li.

Hear what Ying Qi said.

Lishan's army of millions was silent for a moment.


A monstrous murderous intent erupted.

"Alien ants, offend our clan's prestige.

"Destroy it.

"Kill, kill, kill... 35

Million Ruishi roared frantically with anger.

The monstrous killing intent condensed between heaven and earth.

Maybe they can't understand Ying Qi's words too much. They don't understand what is beyond the sky, what they can't see, but they hear that their clansmen are being slaughtered by aliens, how can they bear it?

Ever since Da Qin took control of the Central Plains.

The supremacy of ethnic groups pursued by Ying Qi has been deeply ingrained in the military.

Daqin is composed of Yanhuang ethnic groups, Yanhuang is Daqin, and Daqin holds Yanhuang.

The power of Yanhuang must not be desecrated by anyone.

Who dares to deceive.

Yanhuang man, Daqin man, will definitely make him pay the price.

"Good. 55

Ying Qiwei gave a drink.

Raise your hand.

Millions of Reston time fell silent.

"The aliens slaughtered our people, intending to destroy our race. 99

"This hatred and this hatred are inseparable.

"Where is Daqin Ruishi?"

"Would you like to slaughter all the alien races with this monarch, and pay with blood and blood?"

Ying Qi pulled out the Zhan Lu sword that was stained with the blood of countless foreign races around his waist, pointed directly at the sky, and shouted.

PS: Seeking for a fixed, seeking a monthly ticket.

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