Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 228 The Great Qin Realm Deploys Troops!!

"This gentleman is not an immortal."

"I, like you, are of the Yanhuang ethnicity."

"As for this monarch's name taboo, you should have never heard of it. 35

"For this world, the existence of this monarch, the existence of this monarch's empire, may be too far away. Ying Qiwei said.

He glanced at these expectant Yanhuang people.

Win Qi knows.

His words fell.

It will bring unprecedented hope to these people.

The Central Plains of this side of the world has been dark for a long time, and they want to have this hope.

"My lord."

"The son of Ying Zheng, the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, Ying Qi, the prince of the Daqin supervising state.

Ying Qiwei said in a loud voice.

The name of Daqin.

Hundreds of years have passed for this world, but no matter which dynasty came after Da Qin.

The word Qin is the name of the Great Qin Empire.

It is absolutely unforgettable by any dynasty in the future.

"The Great Qin Empire?

"Really Da Qin?"5

"Da Qin is still alive? Does it still exist?"

"First Emperor, Crown Prince Ying Qi."

"Heaven has eyes.

"I didn't expect that we would meet Ying Qi, the prince of the Great Qin Emperor, who used to be infinitely virtuous and gracious to the world.

"See the crown prince."

Hear Ying Qi's announcement.

All the people were so moved that they looked at Ying Qi with deep awe.

Just as Ying Qi expected.

Even though hundreds of years have passed in this world, the power of Da Qin is still there.


What makes Ying Qi a little puzzled is that.

The Yanhuang ethnic group in this world seems to know their own name?

"You guys, have you heard my name?

Ying Qi was a little surprised.

"The name of the Great Qin Emperor, even if it has been hundreds of years, no one in the world does not know it, and who does not know it?"

"If it weren't for the crown prince, An Neng would have the prosperity of the Yanhuang ethnic group in my descendants.

"The crown prince is Wu'an Jun of the Great Qin Dynasty in terms of martial arts, who controlled millions of troops in the Great Qin hundreds of years ago, and is even a model for the world in terms of culture, morality, and morality."5

"The crown prince was benevolent in the world back then, the car was the same track, and the book was the same text, all of which were in the hands of the crown prince."

"Prince Prince even created the art of paper, the art of printing, and the method of making iron. These are the foundations that make future generations prosperous."

The people around you said to Ying Qi with infinite awe. "Four Seven Seven"

Look at them.


They really know the existence of Ying Qi, and Ying Qi's existence is indeed in the historical records of this world.

"The history of my existence on this side of the world? What's going on here?

Hearing this, Ying Qi was completely stunned, apparently unaware of the situation.

real history.

Perhaps there is the existence of his own mother, A Fangnu, or the existence of his illegitimate child, but in the end, I am afraid that something happened and Qin Shihuang did not find it.

Therefore, there should be no Ying Qi in the history of this world.

In the end, Qin Shihuang did not establish a prince, and finally Hu Hai got the help of Zhao Gao and Li Si, and successfully ascended the throne, becoming the second emperor of Qin in history.

In the end, Da Qin II died.

But now it seems.

This side of the world actually has its own existence?

why is that?

The Daqin world and this Wuhu world are clearly two worlds that are not connected. Even in chaos, I am afraid they are still far apart. How could the situation in the Daqin world be reflected in this world and become history?

"System, what's going on?"

"Why is there a history about me in this world?" Ying Qi asked the system puzzled.

"The more powerful the world, the more the worlds of the heavens are mapped. For example, in the world of the Great Thousand Desolation, the mythical characters will be mapped into many worlds of the heavens and become the myths and legends of the world of the heavens."

"Although the Daqin world where the host is located is at the same level as this Wuhu world, but because the host has opened the way of cultivation, the level is already higher than that of the Wuhu world. The world's historical record has changed.

"As the host becomes stronger, the level of the Daqin world will become stronger, and there will be more worlds mapped in the future," the system explained.

Hear this explanation.

Ying Qi suddenly came back to his senses and understood.

"It was so.

Ying Qi nodded suddenly.

It is no wonder that even in the Daqin world, and even in many worlds that have never practiced, there are such myths and legends, and there are people who are the same as the real world of immortals and gods.

These are not conjectures at all, but the Dao mapping from a stronger world, affecting many levels lower than that world, and even the heavens and the world, so that many worlds have the existence of this Dao mapping.

Come back to your senses.

Ying Qi asked again: "In this world's historical records, how did Ben Jun die? What happened to Ben Jun's father and king?"

In the heavens and the world, naturally there will be no more Ying Qi.

He is unique.

Under the historical mapping, perhaps this side's world development trajectory is fundamentally different, but it is only affected by the mapping.


Ying Qi was also very curious about how this world history recorded his own death.

after all.

If you don't die.

How will the next dynasty appear?

"Go back to the words of the crown prince."

A scribe who appeared to be a scholar stood up and said respectfully: "History records that the crown prince died because he was assassinated by an assassin. 39


"The crown prince's mother, Queen Xia, became ill from depression and eventually died.

"The prince's father."

"The first emperor's temperament changed greatly because of this, and he searched the world for the medicine of immortality, just to resurrect the prince and queen."

"But in the end, the first emperor also became ill from overwork, and finally died in the sand dunes while patrolling to search for the immortality medicine."

Before his death, the first emperor left an edict and established the second brother of the crown prince, Fusu, as emperor, but in the end, because Zhao Gao and Li Si tampered with the edict, he was finally succeeded by the eighteenth son of the first emperor, Hu Hai, and was recorded as Qin II.

"After Qin II succeeded to the throne, he ruled the world with tyranny, abolished the benevolent rule of the former crown prince over the world, and finally led to great chaos in the world.

This scribe seems to be full of poetry and books, and he is very clear about historical records, and will soon tell about the historical situation of this world.

Ying Qi also nodded, with a little deep thought in his heart: "Although there is an intangible mapping, the subsequent history has not been separated too much, and it is not completely mapped, but the historical records of this world have more me and my mother. 's records.

"If in the future, the world of Daqin has become a world of small thousand? Even the world of Zhongqian and Daqian?

"Will it be reflected in the history of me winning Qi, becoming a fairy, and ascending to the heavens?"

"Furthermore, if there is a chance in the future to return to the world where I lived in my previous life, is there also a historical legend about my Yingqi?"

"Don't wait for me to go back later, and there is something about my mausoleum, that's interesting.

Think of this.

Ying Qi is also a little tasteful.

Come back to your senses.

"Everyone." 9

"As far as this side of the world is concerned, the hatred of ethnic groups and the rampant alien races are rampant, and this monarch will not sit idly by, but the Yanhuang ethnic group must be self-improving and have a fearless heart, so that they can not be afraid of everything.

"All of this in the city will be handed over to you.

"A few months later, the Great Qin Iron Cavalry came. 35

"I hope you will fully cooperate with Qin Zhirui to kill aliens. Ying Qiwei said.

"The Crown Prince's Order.

"I'll swear to obey."

"Now the chaotic Central Plains, only the crown prince, only the crown prince can save countless clansmen from suffering.

All the people said in unison, full of gratitude and respect for Ying Qi.


Ying Qi didn't plan to stay any longer.

A wave of hands.

The blood tiger turned into a blood-colored light and disappeared.

And Ying Qi rose into the sky, performed light work, and disappeared in this side of the city in the blink of an eye.

"Respectfully send off Your Highness the Crown Prince.

Looking at the figure of Ying Qi leaving.

All the surviving people in the city shouted with gratitude.

Until Ying Qi left for a long time.

The people slowly stood up from the ground.

An older man stood up.

He said loudly to all the clansmen: "Family fathers and elders, there is nowhere to escape in the Central Plains today. There are aliens everywhere. They will never let go of us when they see us."

"The crown prince is right, my Yanhuang ethnic group has controlled the land of the Central Plains for eternity and eternity.

"Fighting with heaven, fighting with earth, why did you ever say you were defeated?

"How can the ants who were trampled under the feet of my Yanhuang ethnic group dare to climb on our heads?"

"If we escape without any will to fight, we are doomed to perish, our ethnic group will perish, our family will be small, and our relatives will perish.

"Only by fighting, picking up weapons, fighting bloody battles with aliens, and guarding our homeland, we will still have a chance to survive. When His Royal Highness the Crown Prince leads the army, their aliens will be finished.

"In the past, the warriors of the Great Qin were unparalleled in the world, how did they compete against other races?


"The old man dared to transfer the villagers and fathers in the city."

"Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of ethnic groups, whether male or female, young or old."

"Anyone who is young and strong with weapons, immediately go to guard the gates on both sides and seal the gates."

"Others threw all the corpses of alien races in the city outside the city and piled them up at the gate of the city. If alien races attacked, they would set fire to stop the alien race from attacking.

"As for the bodies of our tribe, find a place to bury them, and sort out all the provisions and weapons in the city.

"We must hold on to the opportunity of the crown prince to lead his troops." The old man said loudly.


He also has some ability, and everything is arranged in an orderly manner.


"We must obey."

Under this crisis, there is still expectation for the arrival of the Great Qin Ruishi, and all the people in the city are united.

They only want to hold Chang'an for the next few months, waiting for the arrival of the Great Qin Ruishi, for them, for the Yanhuang people in the world, and for the Central Plains that has belonged to the Yanhuang ethnic group since ancient times, they will kill all the alien races.

Look around.

Leaving Chang'an City.

Ying Qi killed the small batch of aliens who were stationed outside the city.

Then think about it.

He returned to the Daqin world directly through the copy portal.

The screen turns.

Inside the East Palace.

after come back.

Without any hesitation, Ying Qi opened the secret room and walked out directly.

Outside the East Palace.

Lu Buwei and Meng Ao were mobilizing the records of Daqin and other countries, negotiating the same track of vehicles, and the regulation of the implementation of weights and measures.

And this time.

Ying Qi walked out from the inner hall.

He shouted directly: "Li Qing."


Li Qing quickly ran in from outside the hall.

Lu Buwei and Meng Ao both recovered immediately.

He looked at where Ying Qi was.

But when they saw Ying Qi, they panicked.

"Your Highness.

"How are you doing? 35

Lu Buwei and Meng Ao stood up abruptly, in shock and panic.

Come into view.

Ying Qi was covered in blood, his face, hair, and even his robes were stained with blood.

Moreover, a silent killing suffocation emerged from Ying Qi, as if he had just experienced a war.

"Your Highness."

"You are this?"

Li Qing walked quickly into the hall, and was shocked when he saw Ying Qi covered in blood.

"How long has I been in the secret room?" Ying Qiwei asked.

"It's only been three hours since I returned to His Highness." Lu Buwei replied immediately.

"It seems that the flow rate of time in the dungeon world is the same as that of Da Qin, or in other words, after I entered that world through the portal, the flow rate of time was connected." Ying Qi thought to himself.

What worries him most is that the flow of time between the two worlds is too great.

If a day in the Daqin world is equivalent to a few days in that world, or even longer, it would not be a good thing.

For that world, there are countless clansmen who died tragically under the slaughter of aliens every moment.

Soldiers are very fast.

There must be no delay.

"Has the five generals left Xianyang?" Ying Qi asked.

"Back to the Prince. 35

"The generals are preparing to leave the day after tomorrow and return to the camp. 35 Meng Ao immediately replied.

"Li Qing.

"Immediately send the five generals, as well as the left and right prime ministers.

"I have something urgent.

Ying Qi said in a deep voice, with a seriousness on his face that he had never seen before.

Li Qing sees this.

Wherever he hesitated, he immediately ran out of the hall and ordered someone to summon him.

"Looking at His Highness, something really happened."

"But His Highness just retreated in the secret room, what happened to his blood?"

Lu Buwei and Meng Ao thought in surprise, extremely puzzled.

But seeing Ying Qi with an indifferent face, who seemed to encounter something, they didn't dare to ask more, and could only wait.

After a while.

There was a sound of footsteps outside the main hall of the East Palace.

The generals of the five battalions walked into the hall with steady steps, followed by the two prime ministers of Daqin, Han Fei and Feng Quji...

"Your Highness, what's wrong with you?"

As soon as they entered the hall, they were thinking of bowing and saluting, but when they saw Ying Qi standing in the hall, they all panicked.


"Who hurt you so much?"

As the ministers entered the hall, another angry and worried voice sounded in the hall.


Ying Zheng also came to the East Palace Hall.

When Ang saw Ying Qi, who was covered in red blood and seemed to be seriously injured, Ying Zheng's heart immediately rose to his throat.

If Ying Qi has any mistakes, the world will definitely be shaken.


"My son is fine.

"The blood is not mine. 99

Looking at Ying Zheng with a concerned face, Ying Qi immediately spoke.

But Ying Zheng was still uneasy, and walked quickly to Ying Qi's face, looking up and down for a while: "Qi'er, you haven't left the East Palace today, but are in seclusion, you won't go crazy, right?"


"Don't think about it, Erchen is really fine.

"These bloods really don't belong to the servants." Ying Qi said helplessly.

Go on fire.

Naturally, those who have entered the practice know it, because it is also recorded in the exercises.

"Then what is going on?"

Ying Zheng looked very serious.

"My son, went to another world."

"What you say is the sky beyond the sky. 99

Ying Qi didn't hide it either.

Because next Ying Qi will mobilize the army to enter the Otherworld.

The voice fell.

The eyes of the people in the hall gathered at the same time.

Unbelievably, he looked at Ying Qi.


"You went to the Immortal Realm?" Ying Zheng said in a horrified tone.

"The sky beyond the sky is not just the fairy world."

"The greatness of the heavens exists in thousands of worlds."

"I'm going to a world with my roots of flaming brass, and I don't have time to say more about it.

"The son's retreat is also to go to this Otherworld to explore one or two. 99

"It's only for one thing to come back so soon.

Ying Qi looked extremely serious, staring at Ying Zheng and the ministers in the hall.

"mobilize troops and horses to save the Yanhuang people in that world." Ying Qi said in a deep voice.


"The Yanhuang people?

Everyone's eyes showed a kind of surprise.

He looked at Ying Qi in confusion.

Ying Qi kept the story short and briefly introduced the situation of the world.

After a few words.

Ying Zheng, the expressions of the officials in the hall became extremely angry.

"How dare you. 99

'A lowly alien, a pariah who is only worthy of being a slave, how dare he treat my fellow Yan and Huang like this? 35

"Tu me Yanhuang bloodline, even the baby will not be spared?"

Ying Zheng clenched his fists, full of anger.

As Ying Zheng, who has experienced hardships, he is very important to the common people. Therefore, Ying Zheng has already started to abolish the Qin law that was harsh to the people in the past. , All are the common people of the Great Qin, Yan and Huang, a unified ethnic group, which Ying Zheng even agrees with.

Now heard in another world.

The aliens who were regarded as slaves by Ying Zheng were slaughtering the Yanhuang people, and they also invaded the Central Plains that belonged to Yanhuang.

The same root and the same origin, the ethnic group is respected.

How Ying Zheng is not angry.

"Aliens, be punished.""

"Damn them.

"The minister asks for orders to slaughter the alien race."

"They must pay for their cruelty.""

The ministers in the hall were angry and said.

"How long will it take Yongcheng to dispatch troops to Xianyang?" Ying Qi asked in a deep voice.

"Go back to His Royal Highness."

"The army is widely distributed and guarded. If you want to mobilize all the troops of the Yongcheng camp, it will take at least a month to enter Xianyang." "Meng Wu replied immediately.

"How long will it take for Handan to mobilize another 500,000 troops?" Ying Qi looked at Tu Sui again.

"Go back to Your Highness.

"At least two months." Tu Sui replied respectfully.

"The trouble with alien races in other worlds outside the sky lies in the incompetence of that side of the world dynasty, and the power of alien races cannot compete with my Great Qin Ruishi."

"My 17,000 warriors in the Great Qin Dynasty are enough to slaughter the alien race on that side of the world. 99

"Meng Wu, Tu Sui.

"This monarch ordered you to return to the main camp immediately, and to mobilize the army into Xianyang as quickly as possible.

"Time limit, two months." Ying Qi said solemnly, with unquestionable urgency.

"I will never disappoint Your Highness and the King." The two generals responded immediately.

Ying Qi turned his eyes and looked at Feng Quji and Han Fei: "The two prime ministers."

"Please order, Your Highness. 35

"Is there a problem with the weight of the ordnance? How long does it take to allocate a million troops?" Ying Qi asked.

"Go back to Your Highness.

"There is no problem with the weight of the ordnance, and it can be transferred to Xianyang within two months, but there is no way to squeeze out the food and grass. Millions of troops have gone on expeditions, and the food and grass are consumed greatly. Now the world is in a famine. 99

"Sir, wait.... there is really no way.""

Feng Quji and Han Fei said helplessly.

Not long after Daqin established the world, the national power was already consumed too much, but now there is a famine all over the world in Daqin, the national power is even more consumed.

For the matter of food and grass, even if they can't allocate it no matter what.

"It has been more than half a month that the price of grain has been raised, and soon those unscrupulous rich households will release the hoarded grain and grass to the people. At that time, it is a great opportunity to purchase grain and grass, which is enough to solve the danger of famine in the world."

"Another. 35

"You can go to the land of Guanzhong and Bashu, and ask Zheng Guo for food and grass.

"He will give you an answer." Ying Qi said to the two of them.

"The minister leads the edict."

Although they didn't know what Ying Qi said to go to Zheng Guo, Feng Quji and Han Fei could only take orders.

The people from other worlds are in a precarious situation. They are all Qin ministers who uphold the righteousness. How can they watch it helplessly.

"All right."

"That's what I urgently summon you all today."

"Specific. 35

"I still need a lot of effort from the father.

"The mobilization of the army is very important." Ying Qi looked at Ying Zheng, full of expectations.

"Don't worry. 35 Ying Zheng didn't say much and answered directly.

Everything is explained.

Ying Qi didn't talk too much nonsense.

Turned around and returned to the secret room.

The deployment time has been reduced to two months.

within these two months.

Ying Qi still wants to kill the alien race in that world, until the millions of iron cavalry in Daqin arrive and wipe out the alien race.

PS: Brothers, please pursue it, if you have any questions, you can leave a message in the book review area, thank you very much.

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