Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 227 Ying Qi's 1 All Out Killing

But just half an hour.

All the alien races around Ying Qi had been slaughtered, and the bodies of thousands of alien races were lying on the ground, dying forever.

Moreover, the death of each of them was extremely tragic, smashed by sword energy, and smashed into slag by palm force and fist force.

The war horses of the alien races also fled to all parts of the city in fear.

Ying Qi was in the sea of ​​blood on the mountain of corpses, holding the Zhan Lu sword tightly, his face and body were already dyed blood red, like an Asura in purgatory.

Since Ying Qi has risen to level 21, he has reached the zong-shi realm.

In the Daqin world.

He never really used his full strength, but this time, he really did his best.

Use all your strength to kill these aliens.


"Get over here for me. 35

Ying Qi shouted in a cold voice.

Continue to attract aliens.

And the killing here.

Ying Qi deliberately let go of several alien soldiers, the purpose is to let them report and gather all the aliens in the city.

next moment.

Tap, tap, tap.

The sound of horses' hooves coming together from all directions, it seems that the alien races in the entire city have been attracted.

Take a look.

Thousands of foreign cavalrymen came together and surrounded Yingqi in groups, and the siege was impassable.

"how can that be?

"There are so many sons of my family, all of them killed by him?

The general led by the aliens looked at the corpses all over the place, and then looked at Ying Qi who was standing in the pile of corpses, and said in horror.


"He is an evil spirit, and Shura from hell has returned."9

'How many brothers were killed by him.

"He's not human. He's a demon..."

Beside this alien general, several soldiers said in horror, even if they had just escaped successfully, their expressions did not calm down at this moment.

"What evil spirit, what Shura. 35

"Just a lowly two-legged sheep.

"I, the Huns, are noble prairie wolves, how can I be afraid of a humble southerner? 99


"Shoot this general with random arrows."

The alien general didn't care at all and shouted coldly.


Thousands of alien cavalrymen took out bows and arrows from their horses and aimed at Ying Qi.

next moment.



The arrows were sent out in unison, shooting towards Ying Qi.

Such a rain of arrows.

The innate realm may be difficult to contend against, and the grand master realm cannot be easily dealt with.

But these aliens are facing Ying Qi.

Ying Qi glanced coldly and looked at the random arrows that were shooting at them, when they approached him several meters.

A golden seal suddenly appeared and hovered above Ying Qi's head.

The random arrows shot out, all of which were blocked by the brilliance of the seal and floated in the void.

"How is this possible? 35

The alien general stared wide-eyed, watching this scene in disbelief.

All the alien soldiers were wide-eyed, with a kind of fear.

"Is he really a Shura demon? 35

"He... what power is he? 99

All the aliens panicked in their hearts.

"The Yanhuang family has stood in the Central Plains through the ages, for eternity."

"The fruit of your alien races today is to bury the scourge of annihilation for your alien race."

"Everything you have done to the Yanhuang ethnic group will be returned to you in the future by this gentleman."

Ying Qi stepped forward slowly, and a voice as cold as Shura sounded in the hearts of all the alien races.

Make them feel like they are in purgatory.

"You... who are you?"

The alien general looked at Ying Qi with fear.

"My lord.

"The son of Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng, the prince of Da Qin's supervisory state, Ying Qi."5

Ying Qi gave a cold drink.


The brilliance of the seal was shocked.

Those thousands of arrows were directly shaken into pieces.

"Blood Tiger.

Ying Qi gave a cold drink.

The blood tiger in the pet space finally appeared again.

This time, when he came to this dungeon world, Ying Qi naturally brought it with him.

A flash of blood flashed.


A fierce roar of a tiger.

A blood-red giant tiger with a size of more than four meters appeared in this dungeon world.

Today's blood tiger.

It's not what it used to be.

So many years have passed.

Following Ying Qi to fight in all directions, it also absorbed countless blood evil spirits, and now it has grown to level 19, and its stature has naturally become so huge.


"Big bug?

"How did it come about?

"Blood-red tiger?"

"Is he really a ghost of hell?"

All the aliens watched in horror, completely stunned.

"Blood tigers, these beasts are inferior.

"Not a single one.

"Kill them all.""

"Give me a killing ban.

Ying Qi gave a cold drink.

next moment.

Ying Qi's figure disappeared in front of all the aliens.

accompanied by.

above the void.

Countless swords gathered together.

next moment.

Dozens of sword qi with murderous intent slashed towards the alien race below.

In an instant.

It directly captured the vitality of dozens of alien races.


Hear the master's command.

The blood tiger's huge tiger eyes also carried a hideous roar.


The horses of the alien cavalry were extremely frightened by this tiger roar, some directly collapsed on the ground, and some frantically struggled and fluttered.

All the more than 10,000 alien cavalrymen dispersed.


The blood tiger jumped and leaped several meters high.

The huge tiger claws rolled down and directly stepped several alien races into flesh mud.

The tiger's mouth is biting, and the bloodthirsty ferocity is fully unfolded.

Unleashed its reckless killing.

It was originally the descendant of the ancient slaughtering beast, the white tiger, and killing was its instinct.

One person and one tiger, they began to slaughter frantically.

But it's much more than that.

"Hundred-step flying sword.

"Finger magic.

'Tiger Fist.

between the void.

The sound of Ying Qi's angry rebuke sounded, and the infuriating output was unreserved.

All kinds of powerful martial skills are displayed in the hands of Ying Qi, frantically grabbing the vitality of the alien race.

Facing the crazy killings of Ying Qi and Xuehu.

The aliens were terrified.

They wanted to fight back, but they couldn't find where Ying Qi was. Ying Qi transformed into Shura, like a ghost.

And the blood tiger slammed into it like this, madly biting, no matter how their weapons cut and slashed, they couldn't hurt the blood tiger's half hair.

The killing continued.

All I could hear was the shrill and desperate screams of the alien race.

"Withdraw.... withdraw..."

The alien general shouted in horror.

He knew that he had encountered an existence that could not be confronted.

Escape is the only way to survive.


How could Ying Qi let them escape.

Ying Qi shuttled around, everything in the city was under his watch, and no aliens could escape.

time flies.

The killings continue.

The screams filled the entire city, and the number of aliens dropped sharply. The tragedy of the people in this city, Ying Qi wanted to return them to them.

More than an hour later.

"Do not kill me.

"Forgive me.

"I surrender. 35

The alien general knelt on the ground in fear and looked at Ying Qi who was walking gradually.

No one can understand the despair in his heart at this moment.

In just two hours, the army of 20,000 people under his command was completely slaughtered by the people in front of him.

The person in front of him is not a human at all, he is an evil spirit, he is Shura.

"Forgive me?

Ying Qi's face was indifferent, and his killing intent was undisguised.

"When the innocent people of Yanhuang begged you for mercy, did you ever forgive them?

"You beasts don't spare even the old and the weak, even babies.

"You beasts, are you still qualified to live?

Ying Qi said coldly.

Step forward.

He directly pinched the neck of the alien general.

Then slowly walked towards a part of the street.

Back in front of the baby in a pool of blood.


"I, avenged you.

"You rest in peace.

"And I assure you that I will exterminate all the alien genocides on this side of the world."5

Ying Qi stared at the baby in the pool of blood and said warmly.

The voice fell.

I don't know if the baby understood, or if the soul rested in peace.

His original painful expression gradually eased and became peaceful.


"Today is just the beginning."

"just wait."

"After Daqin's millions of iron cavalry enter this world, I will let you know what despair is. 35

"I will let you aliens taste all the pain that the Yanhuang people in this side of the world have suffered.

Ying Qi stared at the alien general and said coldly.

"You... who are you?"

The alien general was extremely fearful.

"Destroy your aliens.

Ying Qi drank it coldly.

The arm increased its strength and directly broke the neck of this alien.

‘Congratulations to the host and the pet blood tiger for killing 21,320 enemies and gaining 21,420 experience points. ’

"Congratulations to the host who personally killed more than 10,000 enemies, and the passive skill has been promoted to the first rank. In the state of killing the enemy, the recovery speed of infuriating energy is increased by 20%, the recovery speed of physical strength is increased by 20%, and the strength is increased by 2%. Ten." "The system prompts.

"Killing Road, it didn't disappoint me. 99

"I have disposed of the alien races in this city, but the Central Plains of this side of the world may have already fallen into the hands of alien races. I must go back and mobilize the army and enter this side of the world to destroy the alien race." Ying Qi thought to himself.

Although the power of his grandmaster is enough to face any foreign race in this world, his power alone is too small.

From the current situation.

The unrestrained killing of alien races in the Central Plains is obviously the fall of the Central Plains. According to Ying Qi's understanding of history, the alien races who invaded the Central Plains are all the alien races on the border of the Central Plains, mainly the Huns, Xianbei, Jiehu, Qianghu, Dihu, There are also many affiliated clans.

All aliens are soldiers.

Even if the old, weak, women and children are eliminated, the combined main force of their so many ethnic groups is definitely more than 1.5 million. If there are young and strong members of their clan, the combat force is definitely more than 4 million.


That's just fighting, not fighting.

The total population of these aliens is definitely nearly 10 million.

With the power of winning Qi alone.

There is no way to kill so many alien races, only Daqin Ruishi.

Mobilize the battleable army of Daqin into this world.

Fang Ke was able to turn the tide.

End the chaos of this world as quickly as possible.

As Ying Qi immersed himself in his thoughts and thoughts.


Behind Ying Qi.

There have been countless people in the city, both men and women, old and young.

Each of them had a kind of afterlife on their faces, and each of them looked at Ying Qi with awe, but also gratitude and gratitude.

When Yingqi came back to his senses.

Turn around.

into the eye.

It is the gathering of countless Yanhuang people.

Although they belong to a different world.

But the blood of the same root and the same source cannot be changed.


Looking at these clansmen, Ying Qi wanted to speak, but didn't know what to say.

In this world, in such an era, the suffering they have endured is too great.

And the root of all this lies in an incompetent dynasty, the Sima clan.

They nearly wiped out the Yanhuang ethnic group.

Their sins should be forsaken by heaven and cast into hell forever.

"Thank you fairy."

"Thank you Immortal for saving our lives.

"If it weren't for the immortals, we would have been slaughtered by aliens.

"The immortal great virtue.

"Thank you immortal for your kindness and great virtue....

next moment.

The people who gathered in front of Ying Qi, tens of thousands, and the people who were still gathering quickly fell to the ground one by one, thanking Ying Qi, and shouting to Ying Qi.

Even though the ground was a sea of ​​corpses and blood, they didn't have any scruples.

They just want to thank Ying Qi and their savior.


"I'm late.

After a thousand words, Ying Qi could only say sorry when it came to his lips.

...for flowers ·

"The alien race is cruel, and the beasts are inferior. If it weren't for the immortals, hundreds of thousands of people in our city would die."

"The great kindness of the immortals, we will never forget it.

"Also ask the immortals to take action and expel all the alien races in this world, we really can't stand it. 35

"In the Central Plains, more than 10 million people of our clan are under the slaughter of foreign races, and countless people of our clan die tragically in the slaughter of foreign races every day.

"Not only do they not let go of old and weak women and children, but even babies, they even compare us to pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep, and cook us.

"Alien... They are not humans, they are beasts..."

"The imperial court has abandoned the Central Plains, leaving us people to fend for themselves...

"We really have no choice..."

Countless people knelt on the ground and made a miserable voice. They really didn't want to let this day go.

"Yanhuang is based in the world for eternity and eternity, how can he be able to overcome all difficulties and all difficulties?"

Ying Qi stared at all the miserable people and shouted loudly.

Hear this.

All the people looked at Ying Qi with thoughtful expressions on their faces.

"Because since time immemorial, my Yanhuang ethnic group has never been afraid of any enemy or anything.


"Aliens are rampant, they drove troops into the Central Plains, defeated the frontier army, and you were also abandoned by this world's imperial court."


Ying Qi stared at everyone and said, "Did you resist?

The words fell.

All the people who had gathered were silent.

Central Plains.

Facing the alien invasion.

Sima's court took hundreds of officials and fled south with a large army, only a few people risked their lives to fight the alien race to the death, and finally perished.

But knowing that the imperial court had escaped, the entire Central Plains was completely collapsed.

The local government is out of order.

The people fled in terror.

They all wanted to escape.

Never thought to face it.

Although the root lies in the Sima Clan, the Yanhuang ethnic group in this world has lost the fearless and courageous inheritance of Yanhuang through the ages. ,

"The Yanhuang family has existed since its existence.

"Fight the sky, fight the earth, and fight the beasts.

"Fang has eternity, the existence of eternity.

"If you are a mere alien, it will destroy your courage and make you fear."

"Then even if I kill these alien races today, won't they make a comeback again? Do I want me to stay here forever and not care about the lives of other clansmen in the Central Plains? 35

"If you think that way, you are very wrong.

"If you are afraid of yourselves, if you are afraid, then there is no cure for you.

"It wasn't the alien race that defeated you, it was you who defeated yourselves.""

"What's the use of begging for mercy? The aliens will let you go?"

"If you know it's death, it's better to fight with the real sword and the real gun of the alien race."

"If if. 35

"You are still the Yanhuang ethnic group, and you still have a fearless heart."

"Then you don't need to wait for death, but risk your life to fight the alien race to the end, protect yourself."

Ying Qiwei shouted.

As Ying Qi said.

The ethnicity of this side of the world is miserable.

But in the same way, they have also lost the courage to face under the iron cavalry of the alien race. There is only fear and only the idea of ​​​​fleeing. Even if there are people who want to fight to the death, they are very rare.

What Ying Qi wants to wake up is the fearlessness in their hearts.

Hear what Ying Qi said.

A moment of silence.


"The fairy is right.""

"The alien race is indeed cruel, but they have been suppressed by our Yanhuang clan since ancient times. Now they dare to enter the Central Plains, not because they have become more powerful, but because we have lost fearlessness, because we have an incompetent and immoral court. 99

"If we all only know how to escape like that rotten imperial court, then our relatives and our clansmen will be slaughtered by aliens."

"Fleeing is useless, begging for mercy is useless.

"It's better to fight with aliens."

"Kill one is enough, kill two to earn one."

"Fighting with aliens. 35

Countless roars came out from the crowd, anger, hatred, resentment, spreading in every clan.

See their performance.

Ying Qi nodded. With a sense of relief.

The history of Yan and Huang dates back thousands of years.

Except for some rotten dynasties, which dynasties did not suppress alien races at their feet.

Which one didn't frighten the aliens?

The Yanhuang ethnic group is the most noble.

How can aliens be trampled on?

"it is good."

"You are worthy of my Yanhuang ethnicity.

"Now all the aliens in the city are dead.

"You take up the weapons of alien races, conquer the war horses of alien races, and make young men your army. 35

"Defend this side of the city, if aliens come, then stick to the city, if the city is broken, then fight with aliens to the end."

"You guys, have the guts?" Ying Qiwei shouted.

"Stand by Chang'an. 35

"The bloody battle with aliens to the end...

Countless clansmen roared.

I saw the young men walking out of the crowd, picking up weapons and arming around the dead aliens.

Even if you go back today.

It also takes time to transfer troops from the Daqin realm.

It will take a month or two to mobilize an army of one million troops, even if it is the fastest marching speed, which is also the fastest speed.

And in time, Ying Qi must minimize the casualties of this world's clansmen as much as possible.

Arming themselves is the key.

"I am very pleased that you can regain the fearlessness of the ethnic group."

"I can tell you too."

"Two months at the fastest, three months at the most.

"This monarch will dispatch a large army to come and destroy the alien races in this world. 99

"Blood for blood, tooth for tooth."

Ying Qi said coldly, the killing intent in his eyes undisguised.

Hear the news.

All the surrounding people looked at Ying Qi expectantly.

"Do you dare to ask the immortals to mobilize the heavenly soldiers and generals from the fairyland?"

"Dare to ask the immortal's name taboo? 35

PS: Seeking to be determined, seeking a monthly ticket, thank you very much.

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