Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 226 Dungeon World, Win Qi's Wrath! (Must See)

"Congratulations to the host, successfully opening the dungeon world, "Wuhu World", the world is an ordinary dungeon world, and the level of the "Daqin World" that the host is currently in."

"The host can enter the copy world at any time.

The system prompt sounded in Ying Qi's ear.

"It's actually this world?

Ying Qi's expression was shocked, a kind of anger appeared in his eyes, and there was unimaginable killing intent.

Wuhu World.

For Daqin Tiantian, of course, there is no understanding, but for Ying Qi, who has thousands of years of history of Yan and Huang, the memory is still fresh.

Because that era was the darkest era for the Yanhuang ethnic group.

that age.

The lives of the people of Yan and Huang are not as good as those of pigs and dogs.

that age.

The suppressed aliens completely let go of their wildness and turned into murderous jackals.

The original tens of millions of Yanhuang ethnic groups were almost wiped out in those dark times. Even if they existed later, their bloodlines would be tainted.

"In my previous life, I had no choice but to be angry with this era, but now I have the opportunity to bring this era and come to this world.

Ying Qi's eyes revealed a murderous intent, and the blood-red murderous aura of murder floated behind him, and the entire secret room was filled with depression.

"Come to the copy world.

Ying Qi said solemnly.

The sound fell.

A golden light fell on Ying Qi's body, and a golden portal appeared directly in front of his eyes.

Under the lead of golden light.

Ying Qi came directly to this portal.

The whole person disappeared into the Daqin world.

Wuhu World.

this side of the world.

Just like the historical evolution of the Yan and Huang dynasties.

For the once prosperous Yanhuang ethnic group, this world is the darkness that belongs to the Yanhuang ethnic group.

less than a hundred years.

Since the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the feudal feudal lords have been fighting endlessly, which is a hundred times more chaotic than the previous Warring States period.


The three kingdoms stood on top of each other and fought endlessly with each other for many years.


The Sima family usurped power, and the three families belonged to the Jin Dynasty of the Sima family.

But relying on the stolen national luck will not be long.

The Sima family, the sinners of the Yan and Huang clan, the Great Chaos of the Eight Kings, and the cholera in the Central Plains brought waves of chaos to the land that had already experienced many years of war.

The total population of the Yanhuang ethnic group in the entire Central Plains world is less than 20 million, and they are all living in war and famine.

This chaotic time lasted for many years.

The aliens who were originally subservient to the Yan and Huang ethnic groups took advantage of the chaos to send troops, and the Wuhu aliens drove millions of troops into the Central Plains.

When encountering people and killing people, when encountering wealth and grabbing money, the territory belonging to Yanhuang quickly fell, and frantically invaded everything belonging to the Yanhuang ethnic group.

As for the Jin court, which was supposed to be the court of the Yan-Huang ethnic group, the Sima royal family led a hundred officials under their command and withdrew their army to the south, to the south of the Yangtze River, and survived.

In the fertile land of the Central Plains above the Yangtze River, tens of millions of Yan and Huang people were ruthlessly abandoned by the Sima clan.

The land of the Central Plains was completely slaughtered and slaughtered by alien races.

The killing, slaughtering, adultery, prostitution, captivity, and plundering of foreign races have been going on for several years.

Even the alien races have completely occupied the territory originally inherited by the Yanhuang ethnic group since ancient times.


They are also preparing to establish a dynasty on the Central Plains, and they will forever control the Yanhuang ethnic group.

Chang'an City.

After the Qin Dynasty, a Han Dynasty appeared in this world, and Chang'an was one of the capitals of the prosperous Han Dynasty.

As the capital of the former dynasty, even if time passes, the prestige of the capital of the past is still there.

But at this moment, Chang'an City is in a state of ruin.

The huge city was engulfed by war.

Everywhere was killing, slaughtering, rape and looting everywhere, and countless aliens wearing animal skins rode horses to collide in the capital of the former Yanhuang Dynasty, killing people and looting when they encountered women.

The dignity and dignity of the Yan-Huang ethnic group was completely wiped out under this killing, slaughter, rape and plunder, and was trampled on.


"These lowly southerners are also today. How can the fertile Central Plains be ruled by these lowly people? Only our prairie wolves can control them."

"That's right, this fertile land in the Central Plains belongs to our prairie wolf clan, their humble southerners are not worthy, and they are not even human, they should be called two-legged sheep, they are our rations, without them , How can our army seize so much territory.

"The lowly two-legged sheep should be killed and eaten. Their men will be killed, and the women will be slaves to multiply the tribe for us. After a few decades, there will be no more two-legged sheep, only our honorable ones. The prairie wolves are gone.'

"Brothers, this city of Chang'an is the former capital of the two-legged sheep. The two-legged sheep inside must be very fat. Kill them all and rob them all. This is an order from Shanyu. We finally got the task of capturing Chang'an, but Shan Yu cannot be disappointed.”

"Yes, General."

"Brothers, kill the two-legged sheep. 35

"In the evening, let's not say anything else, the two-legged sheep women are really beautiful, unlike the women of our wolf clan, who are very rough and mad. Today, brothers, I will grab two of them, and I will be happy at night.. ."


All over the city.

The wild laughter of the alien race spread, and there were 120,000 cavalrymen of the alien race frantically burning, killing and looting in the city. There were hundreds of thousands of Yanhuang people in the city. , and ultimately died tragically.

Ten, eight, and nine people are all fleeing, madly fleeing.

"Forgive me, don't kill me."

"Forgive me.

"My child is still young, he is only three years old, please let them go.


"Don't, don't kill me..."


"Wow wow... wow...

"my child..

"Ah...you bastards, why are you so cruel, even killing babies in swaddles, you are not human, you will be punished...I will not let you go even if I am a ghost."

"Damn you..."

The screams, the begging for mercy, and the cries of children spread throughout the city.


"How are you lowly two-legged sheep?"

"We are noble prairie wolves, kill all of you, and the land of the Central Plains belongs to us.

"Hahaha, kill them all, don't let them go except women, kill...  

The aliens who enter the city are like evil spirits, wolves, slaughtering madly, and they also have the mentality of playing with cats and mice. They ride on horses and deliberately slowly pursue them. .

Resentment, blood, spread throughout the city.

If it is cruel, if it is purgatory, perhaps this city is like purgatory.

Moreover, as the alien races entered the Central Plains, the situation in Chang'an City was definitely not unique, but occurred everywhere in the Central Plains.

For a few years, the alien races have been ravaging the Central Plains wildly. The Central Plains are already empty, and the population of more than ten million has been slaughtered by the alien races.

And this moment.

In Chang'an City, a portal suddenly appeared, followed by a figure in a black robe walking out of the portal, and the portal disappeared.

After a moment of trance, after crossing the distance between the two worlds, Ying Qi regained his clarity.

Crossing two worlds, if it is not for the protection of the system, at the moment of entering the door, I am afraid that it will be smashed by the turbulent flow, and the soul will be gone.

"The two worlds are connected in the blink of an eye.

"As expected of the power of the system, it is too strong.

"This kind of power that crosses the world, I'm afraid none of the legendary saints have it." Ying Qi thought to himself.

Come back to your senses.

Ying Qi's consciousness turned around, his mind fell on this side of the world, and his eyes looked around and looked into the past.


Ying Qi's brows were tightly wrinkled together, his expression was trembling, his eyes became blood red in an instant, anger, killing intent spread on Ying Qi's body.

Come into view.

There are burning houses everywhere, and looking around, there are corpses everywhere.

Screams and arrogant laughter spread throughout the city.

old, weak, woman, child.

Even the corpse of the baby who was still in swaddling came into Ying Qi's eyes.

Even though Ying Qi controlled Daqin's army of millions, broke through countless cities and killed countless enemies, but those were real opponents, real enemies.

in history.

Daqin destroyed all the countries, maybe there was a massacre of the city, and there was also a connivance of Ruishi to bully the common people. In the eighth year of Daqin, he destroyed six countries and won countless cities that Qi conquered, but he never issued an order to slaughter the city. Civilians do it.

Once someone dares to violate the law, they will immediately engage in military law and be executed.

If Ying Qi has ever done something to the common people, it is the only time when he destroyed the state of Wei, when he triggered the water of the Yellow River and overturned the girders.

And today.

In Ying Qi's eyes, all of them were the corpses of civilians who died tragically.

Whether young and strong, or old and weak, women and children.


Even the baby who should be loved, loved, and loved by his parents, died in a pool of blood.

They have just been born, they haven't really been favored by their parents, and they haven't really seen this side of the world, so they just went there.

Ying Qi's eyes were blood red, and he walked uncontrollably towards the baby lying in a pool of blood.

At this moment, he has no sound, and there is a deep bloodstain on his body, but his eyes are wide, his expression is distorted, and with pain, he was killed alive.


"You...you didn't deserve such a fate."

"Sorry, I... I'm late...

Looking at the dead baby in front of him, Ying Qi squatted down, tears streaming from his red eyes.

In the world of Wuhu, aliens are in chaos.

Although Ying Qi is familiar with history, he knows the tragic times of this era, and he knows that this era belongs to the tragic people of the Yanhuang people.

But Ying Qi didn't expect it to be so tragic.

Aliens, even babies are not spared.

They obviously want to exterminate the Yanhuang people and exterminate the Yanhuang (afbh) group.

The scenes that came into view, madness, madness, rushing, and hitting Ying Qi's mind, made him have boundless anger that could not be released, and the tears shed from his eyes even turned into blood tears.

He hates, he is angry.

Why do alien races dare to be so rampant, dare to be so ruthless.

Are they even human?

"My child, and all the clansmen in this world who died tragically at the hands of aliens.

"I swear by the blood of Yan and Huang, I will take this world, all the Central Plains, all the aliens who step into the Central Plains, and all the slaughtering rampant.""

"The genocide will be exterminated, and none will remain."

Ying Qi stared at the baby in the pool of blood, a monstrous anger surged in his heart.

"Release the dungeon world quest.

"Tu Guang aliens, save the Yanhuang family, the task reward: a mysterious treasure chest."

"Release the dungeon world quest."

"Exterminating the Yan Huang alien sinner Sima, the task reward: a mysterious treasure chest. 99

At this moment, the system prompt sounded, and the task was released.

If it was in the past, Ying Qi would definitely have some ups and downs, lamenting that the system reward is rich.

But this time.

Ying Qi didn't make any waves about the announcement of the task, because he was only angry at the moment, and he also had the urge to slaughter the alien race.

He wants to slaughter all the alien races in this world, and kill them all.

regardless of costs.

"Brothers, here is a two-legged sheep that was missed.


"He actually stayed and didn't escape."

"He's crying, is he crying for that mean two-legged baby? Funny, hahaha.

"Let's play him. 99

At this time.

There were bursts of wild and mocking laughter in Ying Qi's ears.

More than 100 foreign cavalrymen had come to Ying Qi's front, and they all looked at Ying Qi with a kind of sarcasm.

"All the people of this world."5

"You rest in peace.

"I will avenge you."

"Those alien races, if I win Qi, they will pay the price. 35

Ying Qi thought silently in his heart.

Slowly stood up.

Staring at the alien cavalry in front of him, the killing intent in his eyes was undisguised.

"Two-legged sheep, this general will give you a chance to escape with ten breaths.""

"After ten breaths, we will chase you."

An alien centurion headed by him laughed wildly.


"Two-legged sheep, still haven't escaped?"

"If we don't run away, we will start."

"Looking at him like this, I thought the Central Plains were their two-legged sheep's world..."

The surrounding alien cavalry burst into laughter.

Ying Qi ignored the noise of these alien races.

Staring indifferently.

hum, hum, hum.

Zhan Lujian, who was on Ying Qi's waist, let out a burst of sword cries, as if he had been inspired by his master.


Zhan Lujian directly volleyed to Ying Qi's side.

"There are weapons."

"Kill this two-legged sheep."

Seeing the sword beside Ying Qi, the alien centurion immediately shouted.

But it was too late.

"Hundred-step flying sword.

Ying Qi gave a cold drink.

Zhan Lujian volleyed out instantly.

in an instant.

It turned into a flying sword and swept straight towards the alien cavalry.


A shrill scream.

Feijian swept across with blood light.

In an instant.

These more than one hundred aliens were all separated from each other, without any strength to contend, they were killed by Ying Qi with one move.


Zhan Lujian flew back, and there was no trace of blood on the bronze blade.

"The lowly alien races are all rolled over to me.

Ying Qi clenched the Zhan Lu sword tightly, blessed with infuriating qi, and shouted violently.

The sound resounded throughout Chang'an City.


And the screams of those alien soldiers before.

The aliens around came to hear the news.

When looking at the more than 100 companions who died, those aliens were all angry.

"Damn two-legged sheep, dare to kill our wolf warriors.

"Kill him to pieces.


Thousands of alien cavalrymen appeared in the surrounding streets. They looked at Ying Qi, who was holding the weapon tightly, and killed him with the sword in his hand.

"Alien, have you ever experienced the wrath of the master? The wrath of Yanhuang?

"In this city today, aliens don't want to leave one."

Ying Qi said coldly, with the sentence from the Great Qin Wu Anjun.

The figure flashed.

in a blink.

It disappeared directly into the sight of thousands of aliens.

"Where did the two-legged sheep go?"

All the aliens looked pale and were very puzzled, and the person who was in front of them suddenly disappeared.

But the next moment.


"He's here... ah...'

There were screams in the alien cavalry.

I saw a figure quickly passing through the void, and every time the figure appeared, several, or even dozens of aliens died.

Ying Qi's speed is extremely strange, and it is not something ordinary people can see.

This is the power of the master.

Killing ordinary people who have not stepped into the path of cultivation is as simple as stepping on ants.

Ying Qi's body is shuttled, and the aliens can't see it at all, but every time he slashes, dozens of swords slash out, and each sword will take away an alien's vitality.

in a blink.

Hundreds of aliens have already lost their lives.

The aliens who gathered at this point were finally a little scared, listening to the screams from their companions, as if they heard the deadly hook, the voice of the soul.

Their numbers in the thousands were dwindling rapidly at a rate visible to the naked eye.

"He's a devil."

"He is Shura and a ghost."

"Retreat.... We're going back to the general's place. 39

"Quick retreat..."

An alien thousand people will shout in horror.

Facing the ghostly killing of Ying Qi.

All the alien races here are scared and want to turn their horses and escape from here.

This gentleman said.

"You have one count as one, don't think about living."

Ying Qi's indifferent voice resounded through the void.

"I will die for you. 35

Ying Qi Lingkong appeared, scolding Zhan Lu with one hand, and condensing True Qi with the other.

"Hundred-step flying sword.

"Finger magic.

Two profound martial arts were displayed in Ying Qi's hands.

The finger qi that flicked his magical powers turned into a hundred paths, instantly killing more than a hundred aliens, Zhan Lujian turned into a sword shadow without a trace, and quickly shuttled through the chaos of aliens.

The sword shadow is stained with blood.

In an instant.

Hundreds of aliens perished.

Ying Qi's infuriating qi was rapidly consumed, but under the characteristics of Jiuyin and Jiuyang's recovery of infuriating qi, his infuriating qi was rapidly recovering.

One move took the lives of hundreds of aliens.

Ying Qi made a move in the air, and punched out his fist.

The tyrannical palm strength, the fist with Ying Qi's killing intent and anger to vent.

The screams of the alien race continued, and they were smashed to pieces under this violent force, and the corpses were smashed to pieces.

But this can't relieve Ying Qi's hatred.

Grip the Zhan Lu sword tightly again.

Continuing to shuttle among the alien races, harvesting wildly, at this moment, Ying Qi has transformed into an Asura evil ghost, frantically taking the lives of alien races.

His whole body was also stained red with blood, as if he had returned from purgatory.

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