Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 225 Explain, open the copy world.

Inside the Zhangtai Palace.

Father and son sat opposite each other.


"In the next few months, I need to retreat and practice.

"So I'm going to bother you with state affairs." Ying Qi gave himself a cup of Wangyou, and then filled Ying Zheng with a smile.

"You stinky brat's retreat is fake, it's true that you want to be lazy." Ying Zheng took a sip from the glass and said angrily.

He finally left the state affairs to Ying Qi, but now he wants to return it.

have to say.

Ying Zheng now has some sense of wanting to enjoy.

He has been king for many years, but he has not enjoyed it yet. Now that Dong'er has returned, he has finally handed over the power to Ying Qi, and he has also enjoyed it for a month or two.

Hearing Ying Zheng's words, Ying Qi smiled and said nothing.

Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of the ages, would be greedy for pleasure?

That must be a joke.

Although he has infinite warmth towards his mother and wants to make up for it, he does not have much delay in dealing with state affairs.

The reason why the authority was handed over to Ying Qi.

It is also to give Ying Qi absolute trust, and also think about handing over this huge empire to Ying Qi.

"The realm of martial arts, the further you go, the harder it is to break through."

"Retreat for a few months is only tentative." Ying Qi said with a smile.

Seeing Ying Qi like this, Ying Zheng also regained his composure.

"You've done well these past few months. 99

"State affairs are handled properly in your hands, and the fifteen-character national policy is to finalize Daqin's plans for the next few years.

"Besides some trivial matters, Daqin really has nothing else to do now.

"Anyway, Qi'er."

"You are the key to my Daqin."

"Although there is no way for your father to help you in terms of cultivation and martial arts, but if you want to create a truly unified martial arts empire and use this as the foundation to fight against the heavens in the future, these fathers can do their best to help you. "Ying Zheng smiled.

"No thanks between father and son.

"In short, the world in the future, the heavens in the future, definitely belong to the real world of Daqin."

"On that day, my son will let Dad see it with his own eyes." Ying Qi said sternly.

"You are going to retreat, and you won't come out for a few months. Go and say goodbye to your mother."

"Otherwise she will definitely miss you. Ying Zheng said.

"Well. 35

Ying Qi nodded.

After saying goodbye to his mother in Epang Palace.

Ying Qi returned to the East Palace.

Weak, Tie Ying was already waiting in the East Palace hall.

"My lord (His Royal Highness).

Seeing Ying Qi coming back, the two immediately bowed and bowed.


Ying Qi waved his hand.

Went to the main seat.

"The Lord has summoned, I don't know what is important?" Dunwei asked respectfully.

Iron Eagle also raised his head.

"One country cannot have two identical espionage organizations." Ying Qi said.

The voice fell.

Both Dun weak and Tie Ying raised their heads with complicated expressions.

On the day that Ying Qi took over the Black Ice Terrace, the two of them expected this ending.


Black Ice Table.

The powers of existence are the same, spying on intelligence, assassination, and lurking.

There are two spies in one country, which is really weird.

"From today.

"Shadow's infiltration, espionage, and assassination. 35

"Hei Bingtai conducts internal supervision, eliminates rebellion, and punishes corruption."

"Everything is directly ordered by this monarch and the father.

Ying Qiwei said, directly defining the two espionage forces.


The two responded directly, looking very excited.

Originally, both of them thought that the intelligence of their respective commanders would be banned, or the two would be merged.

Although the impact on the two is not very big.

Even after unity.

The two are still in charge, but the shadow was brought out by Dun weak after all. If the name of the shadow is lost, Dun weak will naturally be a little unwilling.

"Now that the remnants of the Six Nations have been largely eradicated, the shadow penetration cannot be mainly placed in the Central Plains, and it can expand beyond the Central Plains.

"As for the Black Ice Terrace, the internal supervision and the two spies are all up to the two of you to discuss how to implement it." Ying Qi said to the two of them.

Dun weak is the famous first spy in history, Tie Ying, as the leader in charge of the Black Ice Platform, is naturally not weak.

The key is that they are all loyal to Da Qin and to themselves.

So you can use it without any hesitation.


The two nodded respectfully.

"Here's a list."

"They are all people who are disloyal to Daqin. One of these people counts as one, and all of them will be killed."

"But before killing, hand over this list to Feng Quji and Han Fei, and let them fill in the missing official positions on the list to the transfer person in advance, so as not to cause any omissions."

Ying Qi took out a sheepskin scroll from his arms and handed it to Dunwei.

Dunwei stepped forward slowly and took the scroll with both hands.

Open it up and take a look.

The expression on Dunwei's face suddenly changed.


"These people are not short of court officials, and there are many county governors who govern one side. They want to kill them directly?" Dun weak said in shock.

On this scroll, the names above recorded more than 400 people, all over the Daqin world, in the court, in the county towns and county towns, without any accident, all of them belonged to Daqin officials.

After all are executed, it will definitely bring an earthquake to the Daqin officialdom.

"What's the use of keeping an unfaithful person?" Ying Qi said coldly.

These hundreds of people are all obtained by Ying Qi from the monitoring system. Each loyalty is below 50. As far as the country is concerned, it is already disloyal. At least not easily treason.

But the people on this list, the loyalty below 50, can be said to have been unfaithful, or that they have done some treasonous deeds in secret.

These people, what is the use of winning Qiliu?

Their lives are the cancer of the Qin Empire.

On the bright side, Ying Qi had no evidence to kill them, and even finding evidence would take time, so Ying Qi simply used extraordinary means to deal with them in secret.

Since they are unfaithful, don't blame Ying Qi for not being right.

Hear what Ying Qi said.

Thinking of the immortal means of his own master, it is easy to see that these people are unfaithful.

Dunwei was relieved immediately.

The world is big.

Why Ying Qi would target the people on this list, naturally there is only one point, infidelity.

"`" subordinates understand.

Dunwei respectfully took orders, and said no more.

"Your Highness. 99"

"You explained so many things today, is there something important to deal with?" Tie Ying suddenly asked.


Ying Qi nodded: "From tomorrow onwards, I will be in seclusion for several months, and the exact time is uncertain. Apart from the retribution, Shadow Shadow and Hei Bingtai will do their best to collect medicinal materials in the world, hoard the national treasury, and send them to the Pill Hall to ensure alchemy. Not lost."

"My subordinates understand. 99

The two respectfully took orders and said no more.

"The opportunity to enter the dungeon world has been obtained for so long, if you don't go and see it, it will be a waste.

"another world."

"Let's see what the world is like.

'Killing the enemy and becoming stronger is my way of upgrading. 55

"Right now, Daqin is on a solid foundation, and it will take time to manage it. It will be difficult to fight in a short time, so I will go to the dungeon world to see it." Ying Qi thought to himself.

Retreat practice this time.

In fact, it was just a pretext for Ying Qi.

Let him enter the boring cultivation, Ying Qi really can't do it, if you have time, it is better to rest and wait for the national strength to recover, and directly take the army to kill. Isn't it faster to gain experience than to cultivate? .

And Ying Qi is taking advantage of Daqin's recovery of national strength and governance of the world. (Zhao Hao) went to this dungeon world to take a look. It just happened to be able to kill the enemy and upgrade, and it could be considered as an exploration for the future Daqin troops to attack this world.

What kind of world is that copy world.

If it was a chaotic world, it would be great, in which Ying Qi could slaughter and gain experience points.

But if not, you can also enter it to spy on the reality and prepare for the arrival of the Great Qin Iron Cavalry.

One world after all.

There are countless resources, Ying Qi will never give up.

East Palace.

Chamber of Secrets.

After Ying Qi explained everything, he entered the secret room.

And let Li Qing lead the government soldiers to guard, no one is allowed to enter the secret room of his retreat, and those who violate the order will be executed.

Inside the secret room.

Ying Qi's expression was filled with yearning: "Dungeon World, I hope you won't let me down."


Ying Qi gave an order to communicate with the system: "System, I want to use the opportunity to enter the copy world.

"The host's order is accepted."

"Then open the portal of the dungeon world."

"Congratulations to the host, successfully opening the copy world......"

PS: Seeking to be determined, seeking a monthly ticket, thank you very much,

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