Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 224 The power of Ying Qi, the power of martial arts is taught

"Dare to ask Your Highness, what is the power of martial arts?"

Feng Quji, Wei Liao and other officials said with puzzled faces.

"The power of martial arts can also be called the power of achievement and cultivation. When you cultivate to the realm of transformation, you can live forever, become immortals and become gods.

Ying Qi spoke slowly.

The voice fell.

Those courtiers who had never heard of martial arts and who did not know anything at all stared wide-eyed and looked at Ying Qi in disbelief.

Immortal, immortal and god.

What an ethereal legend this is.

Eternal, ever since.

How many kings, how many famous celebrities pursued, but no one succeeded.

.And now Ying Qi actually opened his mouth to say that martial arts can be used to communicate with immortals and gods, and there was a shock in the eyes of the ministers.

Having seen the seal bestowed by the heavens and the miracles, they have no reason not to believe Ying Qi's words.

The ministers looked at Ying Qi hotly.

"What is the power of martial arts?"

"seeing is believing."

Ying Qi said.

He looked at Li Qing, Han Fei, and Tu Sui.

"In this martial arts arena, do your best.

"Let Zhu Qing see the power of martial arts.

Win Qiwei said.

"No. 35

All three looked excited.

They have followed Ying Qi for many years and have been in the training of Ying Qi, but they are hidden from the martial arts cultivation.

And today.

Their martial arts innate strength can be displayed.

Maybe they don't need to hide in the future.

The three stood up.

Staring at the many targets ahead.


Tu Sui moved.

Raise your hand.

A palm slammed towards the target.

A surging palm force volleyed out.


The palm force set off a whirlwind, and more than a dozen archery targets were instantly smashed to pieces under this fierce palm force.

"This is?

"This is the power of martial arts?"

"Smashing more than a dozen archery targets in the air? What would happen if it hit a person?"

Lu Buwei, Meng Ao, Meng Wu, everyone present widened their eyes and said in horror.

Although the ancestors of the Meng family knew the power of martial arts from Han Fei, but now that they have seen it with their own eyes, and they have no reservations about the power of martial arts, they are naturally shocked.

With Tu Sui shot.

Han Fei and Li Qing also took action.

I saw the two of them stepped on their feet, and suddenly leaped into the sky several feet high.

He raised his hand and pressed it towards the ground of the martial arts field.

Boom, boom.

The two palms fell, and the true energy was vented on the ground. The ground trembled, and two huge holes with a size of several meters appeared directly. Murder.

And at this moment they.

Completely horrified too.

Staring at the picture in front of him, he was speechless for a long time.

"Martial arts are innate."

"Really too strong. 35

"It seems that I still need to practice hard, I am the King of Qin, Qi'er's father, at least a little stronger than these ministers.

"Otherwise, talk about what is the eternal emperor."

Ying Zheng also secretly thought in his heart, full of expectations for the power of this martial arts.

"Your Excellency.

"This is the power of martial arts.

"Martial arts are innate, and it's easy to release true energy and kill people in the air."

"If you practice martial arts to the realm of transformation, you can live forever, become immortals and become gods.

"Cultivation to the realm of transformation, moving mountains and reclaiming seas, and calling for wind and rain are all possible.

"Above the sky in the sky, and between the happy world, there is nothing that can't be done.

After the three shot, Ying Qi said to the shocked ministers.

between words.

Ying Qi diverted his anger.

The whole person suddenly rose into the air.

Like a real land fairy, floating in the void.

The power of the master.

Although it cannot fly in the sky, it has the power to fly in the air for a short time.

Looking at Ying Qi flying into the air.

Inside the martial arts arena.


None of the ministers recovered from the shock of the power of the martial arts, and at this moment, looking at Ying Qi who was vacated in the air, every minister felt a shock in his heart.

Everything in front of them today seems to have completely subverted their cognition of the world.

Immortals really exist.

His Royal Highness is like a fairy.

After half a day.

"Your Highness.""

"Chen wait, can you be given such power?"

Meng Ao asked respectfully with fiery anticipation.

This word falls.

The ministers all revealed a kind of expectation.

This kind of power, to pursue immortality, to become immortals and become gods, they must also have it.

"This is the purpose of this gentleman summoning you today."

"The world.

"But not only the Central Plains controlled by Da Qin, but outside the Central Plains, there are still many alien races, and there are still many waiting for Da Qin to conquer. 35

"Outside the world."

"There is a place beyond the heavens, the heavens and the worlds. 35

"This part of the Central Plains is far from the place where the Great Qin expedition ended, but the place where the conquest started with the power of the Yanhuang ethnic group. 39

"As far as I am calling you today, it is to create the foundation of the Great Qin Martial Arts Empire.

Ying Qi stood in the sky, staring at the ministers and shouting.

Hear what Ying Qi said.

The hearts of the ministers rolled infinitely, and an indescribable longing appeared in front of them.

Under the description of Ying Qi.

The world is big.

The view of the heavens and the world.

It seems that all are presented in front of the ministers.

next moment.

All the ministers knelt down on one knee, facing Ying Zheng and Ying Qi, and shouted in unison: "The ministers are willing to swear allegiance to Da Qin to the death. 35

"Relax your mind. 35

"My lord, I will teach you the martial arts introductory exercises." 5

"And, I will grant you the Martial Dao Foundation Establishment Spirit Pill.

Ying Qi stared at the ministers and shouted loudly.

"I will wait for Your Highness Xie. 99

All the ministers were excited.

them at the moment.

Whether it is the old minister with power in the past, or the current high-ranking minister, all of them are full of excitement and anticipation.

The power of martial arts.

They will have it too.

"The first ten layers of basic transmission techniques. 55

Ying Qi stared at the important ministers who had never practiced martial arts, the communication system.

"Host command accepted." The system prompts.

Transmission of exercises and skills belongs to Ying Qi's ability as a data game player. Of course, even if it is transmission exercises and skills, they will not learn it instantly. Unlike Ying Qi, you can kill enemies and cultivate yourself. To increase experience points, but these are unique to Ying Qi.

next moment.

The ministers only felt a swell in their minds.

There was already a mysterious exercise that they had never memorized, but this exercise was imprinted in their consciousness, as if they had recited this exercise from the very beginning.

"Each person has a medicinal pill, running the exercises, can condense internal power and expand the foundation of the meridians."

Ying Qiwei said in a loud voice, with a porcelain vase in his hand.


A wave of hands.

More than a dozen medicinal pills fell precisely towards those important officials.

Martial arts build a base Dan.

It was a second-order medicinal pill, which was refined by Ying Qi and given to important officials in the court.

This can expand the meridians for them, quickly gather internal strength, and lay a solid foundation.


The effect is definitely not as strong as Ying Qi's personal use of infuriating qi to build a foundation for others.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for the gift.""

The ministers respectfully took the medicine pill and swallowed it directly.

A mass of hot energy was released in their bodies.

Immediately after.

Under the power of the pills, the ministers started their first martial arts practice.

Time passed gradually.

An hour later.

"I have inner strength."

"Beginning of the martial arts, the first level of the day after tomorrow.

"My internal strength is a bit stronger than yours, the acquired second level. 35

Over time.

One by one the courtiers woke up from their cultivation state and let out a loud laugh of excitement.

Introduction to martial arts.

They can clearly feel the internal force generated in the body and the enhancement of the physique.

Wait until the ministers come back to their senses.

"My ministers, thank the Crown Prince for his kindness."

The ministers bowed again.

"The road of martial arts.

"It's not for everyone."

"Those with strong talent in martial arts may go further, and may enter the realm of martial arts in the future, but if they are weak in martial arts, their cultivation will be difficult to advance. 99

"The opportunity, I have given you. 99

"As for whether you can hold it or not, it's up to you.

Ying Qiwei said in a loud voice.

"His Royal Highness gave the ministers the opportunity to ascend to the Immortals, and the ministers are already grateful. If the ministers are unable to enter the transformation realm, this is the fate of the ministers."

"I will swear allegiance to Your Highness and Daqin to the death.

"To create a prosperous era of the Qin Dynasty,

All the ministers spoke with determination.

"Well. 35

See here.

Ying Qi didn't say anything more.

All heavens and ten thousand worlds, no matter which world is in, it is all natural selection.

The same is true of the way of cultivation. It is impossible for everyone to enter the cultivation realm and achieve the realm of immortals and gods.


Ying Qi can give them, and as important officials of the court, they are the first batch of people to accept martial arts training in addition to their own confidants, which has given them a great honor.

But it is absolutely impossible for Ying Qi to push them hand in hand.


Over time.


Hundred years.

Thousands of years.

In this court, and even in the army, the old and the new must be replaced. Some people may live for a long time, and some people are crushed by the power of time.

This, of course, is difficult to change.

"I will teach you martial arts today.

"The beginning of the Daqin martial arts empire." 5

"Similarly, within the five major battalions of Daqin.

"I need to start martial arts training.

Ying Qi stared at the five generals of the five battalions and said with awe.

"Please instruct Your Highness. 99

The five generals responded immediately.

"The lieutenant general will teach martial arts exercises, and the exercises will be taught according to the official rank. The master will give the first eight levels of exercises, 50,000 people will give them the first six levels, ten thousand people will give them the first four levels, and 5,000 will be given to the first three levels. .

"After the generals in the army are proficient in the key points of the exercises, they will gradually teach them to the ordinary generals in the army, and then to the whole army, ordinary soldiers, and teach a level of exercises. Only the superior officers can test the strength of 473 and test their loyalty to Daqin. Only after the Martial Arts has reached the bottleneck can a subsequent layer of cultivation techniques be granted.99

"You can understand what this gentleman means. 39

Ying Qi stared at the five generals and said arrogantly.

"The minister waits for the edict.

The five generals responded in unison with awe.

"Another. 55

"Martial arts are the top secrets of the Qin Dynasty. You are also an important minister who has been awarded the Houtian Realm's full-scale exercises. I trust you and I believe you should also know about it."5

"If there is no edict from this monarch, no one may leak the exercises.

"Whoever dares to leak it will be punished as treason, ignoring his identity, ignoring his title, and destroying his family and looting his family."

"This iron law is the same in the military.

"If anyone dares to leak it out, kill him.

Ying Qi drank it coldly.

A terrifying sea of ​​blood and murderous intent emerged from his body, and the entire martial arts field was under the suppression of this murderous way.

"Chen and others definitely dare not leak the exercises.""

"If you violate it.

"Go to hell."

The ministers immediately bowed and bowed.

"Good. 35

"Today's event.

"It is convenient for this to end."

"Except for teaching in the army, it must not be leaked. The army is also listed as an iron law. Anyone who leaks it will destroy the family. 99

"Black Ice Terrace, Shadow, monitor the army.""

Win Qiwei said.


Dun weak and Tie Ying also came out.

"Hei Bingtai, all loyal to Da Qin, are the dead soldiers of Da Qin. 55

"Like the shadows, teach the exercises.

Ying Qi looked at Dun Wei.

"My subordinates take orders." Dunwei immediately took orders.

"This monarch has issued an edict to confiscate the weapons in the world of Qin and smelt them into copper."

"The five generals obey orders."

"If someone violates the emperor's edict and is punished for treason, Ruishi will cooperate with the local government to kill the treason. 35 Ying Qi coldly said.

"Chen wait for the edict." The five generals said in unison.

"All right."

"This is the end of today's affairs."

"It's all gone.

Ying Qi nodded and said no more.

The purpose of convening these important officials today is to teach martial arts and start the beginning of the Great Qin martial arts.

And create a country of martial arts and rule the world.

The key lies in Daqin Ruishi, so Ying Qi's first step is to teach in the army.

After the world is completely settled, the cars are on the same track, and the books are the same.

Again, it was taught in the Manchu dynasty.

ps: Pursue it, brothers.

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