Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 223 Danta, the beginning of martial arts

"The creation of the Pill Palace even got an exclusive building rewarded by the system? And the cultivation method of Pill Dao?"

"Then if I create an artifact hall, a forging hall, etc. in the future, will there be corresponding exclusive buildings? Or, these must be based on my affiliated occupations? Or is it necessary to create so many forces? Do you need to understand the basic skills of the auxiliary occupation?”

After hearing the system's prompt, Ying Qi thought to himself.

"The ministers will swear allegiance to Da Qin to the death.

All the alchemists said in unison with awe.

"Lead the way."

"All alchemists go to the alchemy hall.

Ying Qi said to Xin Sheng.

"Invite the king and the prince to accompany the ministers."

Xin Sheng respectfully said.

Ying Zheng didn't speak either, he wanted to see how his son would use these alchemists next.

after all.

He was the only one in his family who had suffered from the poison pill.


Came to the alchemy hall.


since ancient times.

No matter what country the monarchs are very important, even Daqin is no exception. If it wasn't for Ying Qi's appearance, the alchemist of Daqin's outer palace would still be high above, pampered and valued by Ying Zheng.

But now they have all been secretly killed.

In the alchemy hall, except for some cleaning maids and temple people, no one else exists.

"Father, do you want to see a miracle? 99

Ying Qi smiled at Ying Zheng.

"Can you communicate with the gods in the sky?" Ying Zheng was taken aback and looked at Ying Qi in surprise.

"I can't communicate with immortals, but the sky can.

Ying Qi smiled.

With a thought, he stared at the alchemy hall: "Put in the alchemy tower.

"Host's order accepted. 99

"Danta release." The system prompts.


A golden ray of light descended from the sky, dazzling light, falling directly from Jiuxiao, the halo directly enveloped the huge alchemy hall.

see this scene.

Ying Zheng, Xin Sheng, and hundreds of alchemists were all stunned.


"It's a miracle. 95

Everyone watched in astonishment.

And the next moment.

The real change has come.

I saw that the alchemy hall began to change under the golden light, and it was faintly visible that the hall was gradually disappearing.

In an instant.

A towering black tower appeared in this outer palace.

This giant tower completely occupied the original area of ​​the alchemy hall, and the alchemy palace disappeared, replaced by this giant tower.

As the golden light dissipated.

This huge statue was presented in front of everyone.

It's not just the palace that can be seen.

Outside the palace, the existence of this giant tower can be seen inside and outside Xianyang City.

"It is said that the prince recognized his ancestors and returned to his ancestry, and when he was crowned prince, he was blessed by the immortals and gods, showing that His Royal Highness is the man of destiny. Now, looking at it, the legend is really "four seven zeros".

"His Royal Highness is really a man of destiny. 35

"I was able to see such a miracle with my own eyes.

"In the past, although being an alchemist in another country was honorable, it was also precarious, but now following His Royal Highness, since he wants to use me, it is definitely useful to us. As long as we serve His Royal Highness and Daqin with all our heart, we will definitely be able to stand out in the future, His Royal Highness. reuse."

"Moreover, it may be possible to obtain something that is not available in the ordinary world.

Xu Fu and all the alchemists watched in astonishment, looking at this giant tower that was born out of thin air, and at Ying Qi with an indifferent face.

In the eyes of all alchemists there is a kind of awe that originates from the soul.

"His Royal Highness is worthy of being the reincarnation of an immortal god, and he has the power of heaven. 39

"I'm glad I was able to see all this." Xin Sheng thought excitedly.

"Qi'er, you stinky boy really has the power to reach the sky, you Laozi don't even know what to say. 35

"Although I have seen many secrets in the world when I hold the throne, every time you show it, you, Laozi, amaze you.""

"The power of creating things out of thin air, the power of earth-shattering, may be just like this. 99

Ying Zheng looked at the scene in front of him in shock and thought to himself.

In myths and legends, the creation out of thin air, he Ying Zheng can be considered to have seen.

"This tower has nine floors, does each floor correspond to the level of an alchemist? 95

Ying Qi stared at the Pill Tower in front of him, and was equally horrified in his heart.

Although he cast this dan tower, but looking at the power of this supernatural craftsmanship, creating things out of thin air, and immortal methods, Ying Qi is naturally very horrified.

this power.

I don't know what kind of power it takes to have it.


Or Da Luo Jinxian?

to this.

Ying Qi is really full of yearning.

"The dan tower has been successfully launched, because the host is a second-order alchemist and can enter the second floor of the dan tower, and the dan tower controls the building for the host.

"The host can view the properties of the danta." The system prompts.

Ying Qi stared at Danta, checking the attributes.

Special Building: Nine-layer Pagoda (The permission of the two-storey Pagoda has been opened, the Pagoda is an auxiliary building, and the alchemy furnace can be lowered according to the number of alchemists, and the Pagoda comes with ordinary Pill fire.)

Level 1: Increases the chance of a first-order pill becoming a pill by 30%, increases the alchemy proficiency of an alchemist below the second-order by 30%, and the alchemy furnace comes with an ordinary pill fire.

Level 2: Increases the chance of a second-order pill by 30%, increases the proficiency of alchemists below the third-order by 30%, and the alchemy furnace comes with a primary pill fire.

Layer 3: Not turned on.

Fourth floor: not open..

"This dan tower is really a special building for alchemists. It's amazing."

"The chance of a first- and second-order pill becoming a pill is increased by 30%, and it can also increase the speed at which an alchemist can comprehend the method of alchemy. 99

Looking at the attributes of this dan tower, Ying Qi was surprised.

And this is still the first two levels, just the level of a junior alchemist. When a higher level is opened later, the effect of the dan tower attribute bonus will definitely be stronger.

"Qi'er, can you enter this tower?"

Ying Zheng came back to his senses, looked at the danta in front of him, and said with great interest.


Ying Qi smiled, then stepped forward to lead the way: "Everyone enters the tower."


All alchemists responded with awe.

They are also full of awe and curiosity about the miraculous Danta in front of them.

Inside the Danta.

There is no splendor, but there is a vast atmosphere in it, which makes people feel awe when they are in it.

Take a look.

Inside the entire Danta.

It was empty.

Nothing exists, it seems to be an empty tower.

"Sure enough, it is the power of magic.""

"A miracle from heaven. 55

Standing in the Dan Pagoda, Ying Zheng looked around and sighed.

Unless you see it with your own eyes.

Ying Zheng absolutely did not believe that this dan tower was suddenly created out of thin air.


"This tower is so empty, we still need to bring in some alchemy furnaces and dry wood, otherwise how can we make alchemy." Ying Zheng came back to his senses and looked at Ying Qidao.


"If this danta is as simple as what you see, it's not a miracle." Ying Qi smiled.

Went to an empty place.

Directly shouted: "Pill furnace."



The ground is directly separated, and a pill furnace rises directly from the ground.


Ying Zheng was taken aback by this again.

The ingenious creation has even created the alchemy furnace.

"What about the fire needed for alchemy?" Ying Zheng asked again.

"Dan Huo, start. 35

Ying Qi smiled, stared at the pill furnace, and called out.


Under the alchemy furnace, a fiery red flame rose out of thin air.

"The power of the immortals, the few people have seen it."9

Ying Zheng sighed very much.

And Xu Fu, and all the alchemists saw this, they didn't speak, they just widened their eyes, because they didn't dare to speak.

After all, in front of them are the two kings of the Qin Dynasty.

But their hearts are tumbling, it can be said that it is beyond words.

"Today, this monarch teaches you to make a real spiritual pill.

"And I will demonstrate it to you again. In the future, you will be rewarded with nobility, wealth and glory, and even rewards that ordinary people can't imagine, all only depend on your strength in alchemy."

"The stronger the alchemy strength, the more I will value it." Ying Qi turned his head and said to all the alchemists.

"The ministers swear allegiance to Da Qin to the death."

"I will never disappoint Your Highness."

All the alchemists bowed and bowed, their expressions full of longing.

"Today, this monarch teaches you three kinds of pills, the first one, Wenluo pill, the second one, body forging pill, and the third one, Qi-enhancing pill. 95

Ying Qi said to all the alchemists.

Then, he directly took out the medicinal materials needed for the three medicinal herbs from the storage space, and these storage spaces of Ying Qi naturally prepared a lot.


Ying Qi raised his hand, turned his True Qi, and sent it directly to the Tai Chi fish that controlled the fire in the Dan furnace, the moment when True Qi entered the medicinal pill.


The Dan fire in the Dan furnace became more vigorous.


This is naturally impossible for these alchemists who Ying Qi wants to teach at this moment.

They can only control the fire through the flame of the pill furnace, which can be increased or weakened through the damper of the pill furnace, and cannot be controlled by infuriating energy, which is also a difficulty.

This also lies in the experience of the alchemist.

That's why Ying Qi chose these alchemy alchemists to use.

Because they have their own experience in mastering the fire.

Ying Qi is now a second-order consummate alchemist, and it is not difficult to refine these first-order medicinal herbs.

These three medicinal herbs correspond to the primary, intermediate, and advanced levels of a first-order alchemist.

Enough for these alchemists to practice hard.

I believe that with the attribute bonus of Danta, they learn quickly.

Time flickers.

Ying Qi taught all three kinds of medicinal herbs to be demonstrated.

"The scene of alchemy has been detected, the alchemy recipe has been generated, and the alchemy screen has been recorded. The alchemist can obtain the alchemy recipe with the authorization of the host, and the alchemy screen can be viewed. At this time, the system prompts.

"The function of Danta can be done, and there is no need for me to teach it anymore."

Ying Qi smiled in his heart, very satisfied.

Come back to your senses.

"You guys, do you understand?

Ying Qi turned around and looked at the alchemists.

"Go back to Your Highness."9

"These three medicinal herbs are too mysterious, and I am afraid that the ministers will not be able to learn them in a while. Xu Fu said nervously.

"When this monarch made alchemy just now, this dan tower has recorded all the pictures, and also recorded the alchemy.

"This gentleman has granted you authority, as long as you recite the Dan Tower silently, you can obtain it."5

‘I will give you a month to learn at least the first pill recipe.

"If you can exceed this monarch's expectations, you will be rewarded."

"If you can't learn for a month, you will be punished."

"Also, regarding the pill recipe, no one is allowed to leak it out, and if anyone leaks it out, the family will be annihilated.

Ying Qi glanced at it and said in a arrogant voice.

Hear this.

All the alchemists bowed to Ying Qi in fear: "I will wait for the edict. 99

For them, there is also an urgent pressure at this moment.

This is also what Ying Qi did deliberately.

The use of royal power is like that.

If there is merit, it will indeed be rewarded.

But if you can't do it, you'll be fined.

As for leaking Dan Fang?

Although he doesn't care about these ordinary Dan Fang Yingqi, even if they are scattered to the people, they are of no use.

But that's making a rule.

"Father, let's go back."

Ying Qi turned his head and smiled at Ying Zheng.


Ying Zheng nodded, and the shock in his eyes did not diminish. Today, he saw so many amazing craftsmanship and refining the elixir, all made by his son.

It is expected that Ying Zheng will have a hard time returning to his senses these days.

Back to the East Palace.


"You're back.

The two little guys were playing in the main hall of the East Palace, and when they saw Ying Qi came back, they immediately greeted him happily.

"Come on, Daddy, give me a hug.

Ying Qi immediately squatted down and hugged the two little guys in his arms.

more than a year.

Since he regained his identity, he stayed in Xianyang and spent more time with his two children, and now they are extra kissing himself.

After returning, Ying Qi played with the two children for a while.

At this time.

Mengao and Lu Buwei came to the East Palace.

Seeing Ying Qi playing with the two little guys in the hall, the two looked at each other with a smile.

And Ying Qi saw the two coming.

"Take Qi'er, Xi'er down.

Ying Qi said to the maid serving in the palace.


Several palace maids immediately picked up the two little guys and left the hall.

"See Prince.

Lu Buwei and Meng Ao immediately bowed to Ying Qi.

"The two masters are exempt from courtesy."

Take a seat quickly.

Ying Qi smiled.

"Thank you, Prince."

The two were also familiar with each other, and they sat on both sides of Ying Qi's main seat.

What are the two masters here today? Ying Qiwen asked.

Ying Qi naturally respected the two old officials of the Qin Dynasty, who were still the imperial masters appointed by Ying Zheng.

"Today in the courtroom, the fifteen-character national policy proposed by the Crown Prince really surprised the old minister.

"Today, the old minister has the cheek to ask the prince for his life. Lu Buwei said with a smile.

"I don't know what Taifu wants to ask?" Ying Qi asked with a smile.

"Creating words, money and coins have been implemented now.

"The old minister dared to take over the train and the same track with Mr. Meng Ao, the great responsibility of weights and measures. 35

"Otherwise, if you have nothing to do, you will inevitably be laughed at." Lu Buwei said with a smile.

Lu Buwei and Meng Ao were both veteran officials of the Qin Dynasty. They both held high positions in the past, and their abilities were unquestionable. However, although they were now Taifu in the East Palace, they had no positions in the court.

after all.

With the ability and prestige of the two of them, there are no positions suitable for them.

For Ying Qi's grandfather, Ying Zheng was already the most gracious imperial seal.

as a master.

The duty is to teach the prince.

But since entering the East Palace, what made them very helpless was that Ying Qi had nothing to teach them at all, and even in many aspects, in state affairs and government affairs, Ying Qi had his own unique views, which made Lu Buwei and the two very helpless. Everyone is amazed.

Therefore, the names of the two masters are naturally not real.

It didn't teach Ying Qi anything.

All day in Xianyang is also idle and nothing to do.

After the pilgrimage today.

Lu Buwei and Meng Ao were both shocked when they heard the younger generation reporting to the imperial court about the fifteen-character national policy set by Yingqi, because they both knew the impact of these fifteen-characters.

There are also changes to the world.

Da Qin will completely rule the world.

So the two of them came together today, one is to praise Ying Qi, and the other is to ask for an errand for themselves.

"Ha ha."

"The two Taifus are outstanding in their abilities, and they are both treasures of my Daqin. Since the Taifu has opened his mouth, how can I refuse, and then there are two Taifus who contribute, I believe that the car is on the same track, and weights and measures can definitely be completed. Complete 0..." Ying Qi said with a smile.

"The prince agrees to let the two of us do this errand?" Lu Buwei's eyes lit up with joy.

Mengao is naturally the same.


Ying Qi smiled.

Lu Buwei, Meng Ao glanced at each other, and then at the same time cupped his hands and said, "Old minister, thank the Crown Prince for your trust.

"I will write an edict later, and you can use this edict to transfer any official in the court." Ying Qi said.

"Thank you prince.

"The prince trusts that our two old bones can finally move. Lu Buwei stroked his beard and smiled.

"Don't worry, the two masters, there are still many things to do in Daqin in the future, and there are many places that need the efforts of the two masters. This world is not only in Daqin.

"Beyond the world, it's not just this world." Ying Qi smiled and said with deep meaning.

When the two heard the words, their expressions froze, but there was no surprise.

Because they had already learned these words from Ying Zheng's mouth.

As Ying Qi said, outside the Central Plains, the world is huge.

In addition to the world, there is the outer world.

"Please rest assured, His Royal Highness.

"The two of us will definitely live a little longer, so that we can help His Highness govern the world well, even beyond the sky. Lu Buwei and Meng Ao said in unison.

"rest assured."

"You will live a long time."

"You will also see the prosperity of Daqin in the future. 99 Yingqi smiled.

Hear this.

Lu Buwei and Meng Ao were both overjoyed.

Naturally, they all know how powerful Ying Qi is, and there are rumors in the world that the Son of Heaven is blessed by the sky. These are not false, but they have seen it with their own eyes.

"That's right, prince.

"I heard that you secretly summoned the five generals, I don't know why?" Meng Ao suddenly asked.

Mengao and Lu Buwei knew about this.

Ying Qi was not surprised.

After all, Meng Wu was his son, and when he came to Xianyang from Yongcheng, he naturally knew in advance.

And they are absolutely loyal to Da Qin, so naturally it will not have any influence.

"Calculate the time, they should be arriving in Xianyang soon." Ying Qi said.

"They should arrive within three or five days at most." Meng Ao said.

"When they return, the two masters will know what this gentleman is going to do."

"What I want to do will be the foundation of Daqin's future development and the foundation of creating a new Daqin." Ying Qi's eyes were filled with a kind of ambition.

The country of martial arts.

The heavens begin.

These have been imagined countless times in his mind.

Originally, Ying Qi was planning to wait for the end of the Qin Dynasty, after the chaos of the world, before annexing the world, and then implementing his grand plan, creating a martial arts empire, unifying the world, and then conquering all realms.

But did not expect.

He would be Qin Shi Huang's son.

This made Ying Qi's goal of holding the kingship a full decade ahead of schedule, and also shocked Ying Qi, and it took a long time for him to regain his senses.


At this stage it is a problem,

Until the end of Qin Dynasty.

There are some benefits.

That is, the car is the same track, the book is the same text, these have been done by Qin Shihuang, and now Ying Qi is in charge of it himself.


Compared to consuming the nation's capital in the chaotic world at the end of the Qin Dynasty, this result is the best for Ying Qi.

"Within two years.

"The world of Daqin must be completely stable, and there will be no famine and no disaster."

"At that time, Daqin will be a unified Daqin ethnic group, with no internal troubles, a stable empire, and a stronger empire. 99

"The scenery of the world will also be displayed in front of the father and all the Qin Wenwu." Ying Qi thought with yearning.

After Lu Buwei left.

Ying Qi did not deal with government affairs, but took out the spiritual stone and began to devour spiritual energy to cultivate, and the experience value was also increasing rapidly.

Today's chapel has dispersed, and all government affairs have been explained.

The key country is to win the Qi Ding, as for the real implementation is the court civil and military, otherwise, what use are they?

Time flickers.

Five days later.

Inside the Palace of the King of Qin.

It's not that the DPRK will open.

Five Great Generals of the Qin Dynasty.

The two prime ministers.

Two grand masters.

Meng Yi and Wei Liao are among the nine emperors.

These people gathered in the hall.

It can be said.

These ministers are the real core of Da Qin, only Zheng Guo, Li Si has not come, and of course other ministers in the court have not come.

As Ying Qi believes in his heart, Da Qin's true confidant, and also Ying Qi's most valued courtier, will only come here today.

"The ministers and others see the Great King, and see His Royal Highness the Prince.

The ministers stood in the hall and shouted in unison.

"Today is not a court meeting, but Qi'er called you here, so there is no need for such a ceremony." Ying Zheng said with a smile.

"Father is right.

1.7 "Today is not a court meeting, so don't be too restrained. Ying Qi nodded in agreement and looked at these important officials.

"Thank you King, thank you Prince.

The ministers thanked them.

Then stand up straight.

And all eyes turned to Ying Qi.

"Qi'er, so many people are looking at you and waiting for you." Ying Zheng glanced at the ministers and smiled.

"Today's events are inappropriate here.

"My lords, move to the Guard Barracks.""

Ying Qi smiled and pointed outside the hall.

"The Guard Barracks?"

The ministers were puzzled, but they had already practiced martial arts, and the grandparents of the Meng family who had heard of martial arts seemed to think of something, and there was a touch of joy in their hearts.

Perhaps the day they have been longing for is finally coming.

Look around.

outer palace.

Guard Camp.

Inside the martial arts arena.

"Perhaps the ministers do not know the purpose of this gentleman's summoning of you today,

"But when you look at your colleagues on the left and right, you will understand that not everyone has been summoned by this monarch. Today, you are able to come here because this monarch believes that you are truly loyal to Daqin, Daqin's humerus." Ying Qi confronted the ministers. , said very seriously.

There is praise and praise in the words.

Hear this.

The courtiers who came were also all smiles on their faces.

They came to the Palace of the King of Qin today to meet them. Originally, they imagined that they were full of civil and military affairs, but there were only a dozen people who came, and they were all real important officials in the court, holding most of the authority of Da Qin.


Winning Qi's summons today must be a big deal.

"The ministers swear allegiance to Da Qin to the death.

All ministers carry the loyalty that originated from the bottom of their hearts.

They can come here, not only because of their great authority, but also because their loyalty is above 95.

This is the real key.

The layout of martial arts is of great importance.

Only the important officials who really have the trust of Ying Qi can know the key to the layout, and even the foundation of Daqin's future development.

As for the other courtiers in the court, Ying Qi will not announce it until the world is completely settled, the cars are on the same track, and the books are the same.

"Everyone, do you know the power of martial arts?"

Ying Qi stared at the ministers and suddenly asked.

Hear this.

Ying Zheng didn't show any surprise. He knew about this day for a long time, because he said it on the day his son taught martial arts.

For the three grandparents of the Meng family, there is certainty in their hearts, and there is hope in their eyes.

They were the first to know and had been waiting for this day for a long time.

But to the other ministers who didn't know, they looked at Ying Qi with a puzzled look on their faces.

PS: Seeking to pursue the decision, seeking a monthly ticket, and resume the three-shift tomorrow, thank you for your subscription support.

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