Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 222 Ying Zheng: Anyway, your father will depend on you in the future.

After a while.

In front of Zhangtai Palace.

All the alchemists from various countries gathered here.

There were more than 200 people in total.

There are old and young.

after all.

Alchemy alchemists rely on the so-called refining elixir to deceive the king.

At this moment, more than two hundred alchemists have gathered together, and everyone's face is full of fear.

For them, before the country they worked for perished, they were not so worried about their own destiny, because they were alchemists with a detached status, and this was valued by any king, and no king could be indifferent to the pursuit of longevity. Die free.

So they thought that even if the country they were originally loyal to was destroyed, their status would still not be lower, or even higher.

But what makes them helpless and afraid is.

After the country was broken.

Da Qin didn't take them to heart at all. Although he didn't kill them, he put them directly in jail.

Longyuan was detained for four or five years, and lesser was detained for nearly two years.

It can be said.

The years spent in prison have completely wiped out the edges and corners of their pride.

But a few days ago, they were all suddenly mobilized and transferred to Xianyang, and they were looking forward to it but also terrified.

And now in the palace.

Surrounded by armored guards, they all looked at them, as long as they disobeyed, they would all be executed.

"See Your Majesty."9

"See Prince.

At this time.

The guards guarding these alchemists suddenly became respectful and bowed down one after another.


The expressions of all the alchemists changed.

They all knelt on the ground.

"Welcome the king, welcome the prince.

All the alchemists shouted in unison, panicking.

For today's King of Qin, for the existence of Prince Ying Qi.

Even if they were in prison, they had heard it countless times.

It can be said.

Both father and son are ruthless and dignified characters, the kind who kill people without blinking an eye.

"Be flat.

Ying Zheng said loudly.

"Thank you king.

"Thank you, Prince." 5

The ministers shouted in unison.

And those alchemists were still kneeling on the ground, not daring to move.

With the arrival of Ying Zheng and his son, the entire Zhangtai Palace seemed to become depressed.

Ying Zheng glanced at these alchemists with a disgust: "Qi'er.

"You said at the beginning that the so-called alchemy is a scam, and the so-called spiritual elixirs are also poisonous elixirs, what is the use of these people?

after all.

Even if he is as wise as Yingzheng, he was deceived by the alchemist in the past. He ate a lot of poison pills. If it wasn't for his son's reminder, and he gave himself the real magic pill to detoxify hundreds of poisons, perhaps now he has been poisoned by poison pills. Corroded the body.

And the most important thing is that he still believes in the so-called alchemist.

Hear what Ying Zheng said.

The faces of those alchemists kneeling on the ground turned pale.

"Your Majesty, spare your life. 99

"Prince, forgive me.

"We have never done anything bad, and the theory of alchemy is also passed down from our ancestors. Although the elixirs we made are poisonous, they are all forced. There is no elixir of immortality in the world. Everything is requested by the king. There's no way to resist."

"Please, Your Majesty, the Crown Prince, forgive us."

All the alchemists begged for mercy.

They were terrified.

And they saw it too.

The father and son of the King Qin in front of them did not care about alchemy or the so-called elixir of immortality. They knew that there was no elixir of immortality at all.

Therefore, their deception was ineffective at all, and there was nothing they could do except beg for mercy.

"Father, they may or may not be useful.

"However, how to deal with them depends on whether they are really useful." Ying Qi smiled, walked out, and looked at these alchemists.

"How much do you know about alchemy?"

"Do you know the control of Dan fire? Do you know how much the medicine condenses? 35

Ying Qi looked at these alchemists and asked indifferently.

"Back... Back to the Prince. 99

"Although there is no elixir of immortality in this world, there are also many medicinal pills that we have learned to strengthen our body. Pill fire control, medicine condensing pills, this is what my generation learned.

A middle-aged man said with a terrified face.

"it is good.

Ying Qi nodded in satisfaction.

It would be a waste of time to train alchemists from scratch, but these alchemists are different, at least they master the most basic common sense of alchemy.

This does not require Ying Qi to be too troublesome.

"I will give you a chance to live, and will also give you a chance to regain your wealth, become a superior person, and get an official title."

"However, it is up to you whether you can grasp it or not.

"If you can't make it through, die.

Ying Qi Leng's faint voice revealed a chill.

The more than 200 alchemy alchemists kneeling on the ground were all chilled and terrified.

"Thank you, Your Highness."

"I will definitely cherish the opportunity given by the prince.

"For Da Qin, for the king and the prince, I am willing to give up my life and forget my death."

Hundreds of alchemists said in a panic.

They naturally knew what Ying Qi was in front of them.

If it is said that Qin Wang Yingzheng is in charge of the kingship, and he is high above the sky, he is the heaven of the Qin Dynasty. With the word kingship, anyone can be in awe.

But for Ying Qi, what he represents is not only the kingship, but the monstrous exploits of killing countless powerful enemies and beheading the king.

Daqin kills God.

With prestige, countless people are feared.

To be worthy of the name of the God of Killing is the countless blood slaughtered slaughtered, and countless vitality perished.

"Xin Sheng.""

Ying Qi opened his mouth and said.

"The minister is here. 99

Xin Sheng came immediately and bowed.

"Take these alchemists to the former alchemy hall, let them alchemy, and give each of them five chances to make alchemy, live, and kill those who cannot congeal alchemy. Ying Qi said coldly.


Xin Sheng respectfully took the order.

A wave of hands.

Numerous janitors immediately surrounded him.

"Everyone, let's go.

"His Royal Highness has given you a chance."

"If you really have the ability to refine alchemy, you can live.

"But if you don't have the ability, and you just mix in and swindle, you will die." Xin Sheng said coldly.

This word.

The faces of many of the alchemists kneeling on the ground turned even paler and were extremely frightened.

As immortal alchemy masters who were once aloof in various countries, they enjoyed the glory and wealth, and the monarch would not criticize them, so naturally there were many swindlers mixed in among them.

Now that Ying Qi really goes to the test, it will definitely expose many people, but they can't do anything other than to accept the test.

There is no escape.

There is no cheating.

Just had to bite the bullet and do it.


under the escort of the Guards.

These alchemists walked towards the alchemy hall of the original outer palace.

Complete the alchemy test under the supervision of the imperial guards.


"I just don't understand you.

Looking at Ying Qi's series of actions and actions, Ying Zheng really couldn't understand this alchemy alchemist.

"Father, do you remember that when I taught you martial arts that day, I told you about the thinness of spiritual energy in this world?" Ying Qi smiled.


"The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is a kind of energy originating from heaven and earth, and it is also fundamental to practitioners. Without the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, practitioners can't go far." Ying Zheng replied immediately.

If he didn't practice martial arts, Ying Zheng might not really understand it.

But now he has stepped into the martial arts level, and Ying Qi has also given him a lot of spiritual stones. By absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the spiritual stone, Ying Zheng's cultivation has improved rapidly, and he has also learned about the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. importance.

"The spiritual energy of this world is so thin that it is not suitable for martial practitioners to cultivate at all. In addition to my family's use, spiritual stones are best given to some confidants. Building a country of martial arts is naturally impossible."

"So, I still need another kind of help to improve my martial arts practice. Ying Qi said with a smile.


Ying Zheng immediately understood.

But in a flash, he wondered again: "In addition to refining poison pills, can these alchemists be able to refine pills that promote cultivation? They shouldn't be that powerful, right?"

"They won't, I can teach.""

"The reason why they were chosen is because they have mastered the basic common sense of alchemy, so there is no need to start from scratch.

"If they are useful, I can cultivate an army of alchemists for Daqin, who are ministers, promote martial arts cultivation, and transform Daqin into a country of martial arts." Ying Qi said with a smile.

Although it sounds casual, Ying Zheng can hear the courage in Ying Qi's words.


"Let go and do it."

"Anyway, your father supports you. 99

"In the future, your father will rely on you to become an immortal and a god, and you will be at ease. 55

"Maybe in the future, your father and I will be able to become the father of the legendary Emperor of Heaven.

"Your father will depend on you from now on."

"Hahaha. 35

Ying Zheng thought of the beautiful things of becoming a fairy and becoming a god in the future, and he couldn't help laughing happily.

For any emperor, immortality and becoming an immortal may be just a dream, but for Ying Zheng, this is a real possibility. If he has Qi Er himself, immortality in the future is not a dream, and becoming an immortal becomes a dream. God, that can be thought of as well.

all in all.

He Yingzheng has a son that no emperor has ever had.

Looking at Ying Zheng's smug smile.

Ying Qi was also helpless.

When dealing with courtiers, Ying Zheng was as majestic as the sky and aloof.

When you get along with yourself, you will completely expose your true nature, which is called an undisguised one.

Sometimes looking at his old father, Ying Qi would like to remind him a few words: "Father, you should also pay attention to your image, you are the first emperor of the ages, Qin Shi Huang.

time flies.

In the blink of an eye.

Two hours passed.

The sky also darkened.

And this time.

Xin Sheng brought back the alchemy alchemists of those countries with a group of imperial guards.

But compared with the previous two hundred people, nearly three hundred.

The number of people at this moment has been reduced by four or fifty people.


Those who did not come have been disposed of.

"King Qiu, Prince.

"All alchemists have been tested."

"There are two hundred and eighty-eight people in total, including forty-eight people who are swindlers and do not understand alchemy, and those who are swindling and cheating have already been dealt with. 35 Xin Sheng respectfully said.

Ying Qi nodded.

Looking at the alchemy alchemists standing respectfully outside the main hall, they all looked like they had survived the catastrophe at the moment. Obviously, seeing the companions who had gathered together were directly beheaded, the impact on them was also great.

"Da Qin, don't leave waste. 35

"Those who swindle and deceive, if you kill them, you will kill them. It has nothing to do with you."


"Congratulations on passing the test. 35

"This monarch has a firm word and will not kill you.

"And it will also give you a wealth and glory, so that you have the opportunity to become a superior person.

Ying Qi said to all the alchemists.

Hear this.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Then they shouted in unison: "Thank you, King, thank the Crown Prince for your kindness.

"Can any of them succeed the first time?" Ying Qi looked at Xin Sheng and asked.

"Back to the prince, there is indeed one person." Xin Sheng replied immediately.

"Oh." Ying Qi looked surprised.

Alchemy, like any cultivation way, also pays attention to talent. Some people may have strong talent in martial arts, but their talent in alchemy is not very good.

There are people who are proficient in every Dao of the Heavens. For alchemy, talent is the most critical, and it is also important for the key to control alchemy.

0.....for flowers.....


If you can successfully condense the pill for the first time, you can definitely call it a good talent.

Ying Qi glanced at the crowd: "Who succeeded the first time?"

"Go back to His Royal Highness.

"It's a minister."

A middle-aged alchemist stood up in a panic.

"What's your name?" Ying Qi asked.

"Report to His Royal Highness. 95

"My name is Xu Fu." The middle-aged man said respectfully.

Hearing the name, Ying Qi was stunned for a moment, and then thought with a smile: "Interesting, Xu Fu, who deceived Qin Shi Huang the most in history, looked for the immortal island of Penglai, and called my father a miserable one. Unexpectedly, he still made it to the palace.55

Xu Fu.

For Ying Qi, this is a deep impression, after all, he is a person who has resounded throughout history.

And it was also because of him that he brought a big change to Yanhuang for thousands of years.


For the current stage.

Xu Fu?

He is destined to not be able to make waves. The reason why Xu Fu in history was able to do it was because Qin Shi Huang believed in him too much, and he believed too much in the so-called immortal island of Penglai. Xu Fu knew that there was no elixir of immortality. Finally, he deceived Qin Shi Huang to escape to the Japanese island.

And now.

Under Ying Qi's hands, as long as Xu Fu can pay his loyalty, Ying Qi will also give him power.

Perhaps it was also because Xu Fu did have a talent for alchemy. If he cultivated it well, he might be able to become an alchemist of Daqin in the future.

"Xu Fu, you are very nice."

"From now on.

"All the alchemists in the palace are under your control. Ying Qi smiled slightly and said to Xu Fu.


Hearing this, Xu Fu's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Why? Don't want to?" Ying Qi's eyes narrowed.

"The minister is willing, the minister is willing to die for Da Qin, for the king and the prince. 55

Where could Xu Fu refuse, he immediately knelt down, excitedly and excitedly kowtowed.


To become the head of the palace alchemist, that is also a very high official position, for Xu Fu, this is definitely a gain of authority.

In the past, when he was an alchemist in the state of Chu, he was just an ordinary alchemist, and he couldn't get much use at all.

Unexpectedly, he came to Daqin and suffered a year or two in prison, but now he has been directly reused.

This makes Xu Fu not excited.


And thanks to Ying Qi.

"Check Xu Fu's loyalty.""

Ying Qi quietly communicated with the system.

Come into view.

Xu Fu: 75 loyalty.

"It seems that Xu Fu should be unwilling. Now that he is given power, his loyalty is so high, yes, it seems that it is really worth using. Ying Qi secretly thought.

"Do you know why this monarch will keep you and test your alchemy skills?

Ying Qi looked at all the alchemists and said.

"I don't know if I wait."

All alchemists were puzzled.

after all.

Judging from the performance of Ying Zheng and Ying Qi, they have no interest in the illusory elixir of immortality, but now they are left behind and their alchemy skills are tested, which undoubtedly makes them curious and surprised.


They are still happy in their hearts, it is a good thing to be able to save their lives.

"Alchemy masters, in this world, originated from Taoism inheritance."

"Smelting medicinal materials, alchemy to fill the gap, this is the concept that the method of alchemy followed in the beginning. 35

"But the times have changed, and now most alchemists have forgotten the fundamentals, and instead put all kinds of alchemy materials that are harmful to the body into the elixir, so that the elixir that was originally replenishing, whole, body, and body has become a poison elixir, a poison elixir, and a poison elixir. The toxicity is obscure, and the erysipelas needs to accumulate to kill, but it also greatly improves the efficacy of the elixirs.

Ying Qi spoke slowly.

This made Xu Fu and all the alchemists widen their eyes, watching in disbelief.

The Prince of Qin who is rumored to kill the gods in the world is so clear about the way they have learned about alchemy, which is indeed a little shocking.

"The reason why I have left you is not to refine poison pills, nor to refine some immortality elixir, but that I want you to refine real spiritual pills. Ying Qiwei said.

"His Royal Highness."

"The ministers will not refine the real elixir.

Xu Fu said in a panic.

All the alchemists were also apprehensive.

"You can't, I can teach you." Ying Qiwei said.

"Does His Royal Highness still know how to make alchemy? Xu Fu said in surprise.

Ying Qi didn't answer, but said in a powerful voice: "After today, I will create the Daqin "Pill Palace" and refine all kinds of elixir for Daqin. You are the first batch of alchemists in the "Pill Palace".

"As an alchemist in the alchemy hall, everyone will be awarded titles based on the test of alchemy strength.

"One chance to succeed in alchemy, confer the fifth-rank nobility, and enjoy the fifth nobility's annual salary.

"Those who succeed in two chances will be awarded the fourth-class nobility.""

"And so on.

"And Xu Fu, you are the first hall master of the Dan Palace, and you are in charge of everything in the Dan Palace, and you are directly ordered by this monarch and the father." Ying Qiwei said.

Hear what Ying Qi said.

All the alchemists were moved.

The title of Daqin, without merit, cannot be awarded, but now they are able to be awarded, which shows that they have made an exception to reward them.

Especially for Xu Fu.

He was a prisoner before, but now he has become the master of the Pill Palace established by the Prince of Great Qin. This can be said to be an unparalleled honor.

Xu Fu was so excited that he couldn't express his gratitude.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully creating an affiliated force, and successfully including 200 alchemists with the basics of alchemy, rewarding the exclusive building "Danta", the host can view the properties of the alchemy after placing the "Danta", reward the alchemy method, and the profound rank is high. "Danjing"."5

Just when Ying Qi announced the creation of the Pill Hall, the system prompt sounded suddenly.

PS: The belated update, the whole family has a cold, especially the two little ancestors, they have to serve, try to write more at night, thank you for subscribing.

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