Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 221 The car is on the same track, the book is the same text, and the 15 character national p

Palace of the King of Qin.

"The prince is here."

With a loud cry, Ying Qi, dressed in the crown of the crown prince, with a golden crown on his head and Zhan Lu sword on his waist, walked out of the apse slowly and sat on the throne of the prince that belonged to him.

"The ministers and others see His Royal Highness the Prince, and wish His Highness a thousand years and a thousand years for the Great Qin. The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty shouted in unison.

"Be flat, take a seat.

Ying Qi waved his hand and said arrogantly.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness." All the ministers thanked and took their seats.

Although Ying Qi had just taken over the kingship not long ago, but with his skill and power, no one in the court would dare to disrespect.

"With the original performance, without the original retreat."

The temple people serving next to Ying Qi shouted loudly.

"His Royal Highness.

"The system of prefectures and counties has been implemented in the world, the Daqin has centralized the power of the world, and the system of prefectures and counties has achieved great success.

Han Fei stood up and played loudly.

"What Prime Minister Han said, this minister agrees."

"It has been more than a year since the Qin Dynasty was unified. Before the county system was implemented, there were many incidents from the remnants of the six countries. Now that the county system is fully implemented, the remnants of the six countries are no longer able to dare to show up and stir up the storm. 39

"Take advantage of this opportunity to give a critical blow to the remnants of the Six Nations, and completely remove these worms from the chaotic world. It is really superior." Meng Yi stood up and said loudly.

"The minister and others seconded. 99

The civil and military people of the Manchu Dynasty spoke out one after another, shouting in unison.


Ying Qi nodded, pondered for a moment, and said: "The implementation of the county system, the remnants of the Six Nations have lost their foundation, and solving them now is the best opportunity."

"Pass on the imperial edict." 5

"The thirty-six counties of the world are looking for the remnants of the six kingdoms, and once the traces of the remnants are found, those who have an affair with the remnants will raid their families and exterminate their clans as an example.

Other. "


"Now the Central Plains are unified, only the Great Qin."

"But the people still have many weapons that were not unified when they were not unified. Weapons are equal to killing weapons, and people can turn into soldiers when they hold weapons. There are obstacles in Daqin's governance of the world.

"Therefore, I decided to confiscate the world's weapons, smelt them into copper, and re-smelt the weapons of the Great Qin, so as to set the foundation for the Qin to rule the Central Plains." Ying Qiwei said.

"Collect the world's weapons and smelt them into copper?"

Hearing Ying Qi's words, all the ministers were stunned.

They never thought that Ying Qi would be so domineering, that he would take the army of the world.

Although it may be difficult to implement this matter, the effect obtained is definitely great. The seizure of the world's weapons will definitely allow Da Qin to better rule the world, and the chaos will be much less.

"His Royal Highness Shengming. 39

"To confiscate the weapons of the world and to cut off civilian military affairs is the policy of determining the country.

"The minister seconded. 99

"Manchao Wenwu came back to his senses and said one after another.


"The decree on the seizure of weapons is convenient for the implementation of the arrest order for the remnants of the six countries.""

"Also, let the world know that if the Tibetan soldiers fail to pay, it will be a crime of treason, and once found, the entire clan will be executed. Ying Qiwei shouted.

"Prince Shengming." Manchu Wenwu said in unison.

"How are the refugees outside Xianyang City?" Ying Qi asked aloud, looking at Feng Quji.

after that day.

Ying Qi handed over the disaster relief to Feng Quji.

"Go back to Your Highness."

"There are many refugees from outside Xianyang, and now they are providing porridge relief and proper resettlement, but in order to stabilize the capital of Xianyang, the minister has ordered people to send the refugees back to their original places in batches. Within half a month at most, all refugees outside Xianyang will be sent back. 35 Feng Quji replied respectfully.

"It's okay to send it back.

"But be sure to solve the food problem for them. Ying Qi said solemnly.

"I understand." Feng Quji bowed to take orders.

"Kai playing the prince.""

"My minister has something to announce.

Feng Jie stood up with a very solemn expression.

"Say. 35

Ying Qi looked at Feng Jie.

The Feng family, the two brothers are both heroes.

Now Feng Quji is the Prime Minister of the Right, and Feng Jie has taken over the post of the internal history of Su, winning Qi's trust.

"In response to the famine in various parts of the world, the imperial court allocated grain and grass in various places to purchase grain and grass for relief, but half a month ago, the price of grain and rice in various parts of the world skyrocketed, which has exceeded the original price ten times."

“The imperial treasury is no longer able to purchase it, and most of the grain and rice from the people have been purchased by the wealthy merchants and the dignitaries of various countries. 35

"Now the imperial court has no national strength to purchase 470 meters of grain, and in the long run, the famine among the people will intensify.

"This matter, please ask His Royal Highness to decide." Feng Jie said with a solemn expression.

Hear this.

The faces of the court officials also changed drastically.

"The price of grain and rice has skyrocketed, and there must be a driving force behind this. Your Highness must find out who is behind the scene, so that the problem of the skyrocketing price of grain and rice can be solved.

"The world is set for the first time, and a hundred wastes are waiting to be rebuilt. 95

"And it will be three months before the next harvest, but the people of the world's famines will not last for three months.95

"This matter must be decided carefully."

"The minister thought that in the name of the imperial court, we could borrow grain from wealthy merchants all over the world, so as to relieve the disaster of famine.35

The civil and military officials in the court spoke in succession, and most of them looked anxious.

Since the era of Ying Qi, thousands of years of inheritance, since ancient times, it is easy to conquer the world, but difficult to defend the world.

If it is a tyrant who does not want peace in the world, he may be able to ignore the livelihood of the people in the world.

As Ying Qi with thousands of years of history, he naturally knows that water can carry a boat and capsize it.

"You do not need to panic. 35

"The price of food was deliberately raised by the Prime Minister on the left and right.

Looking at the panic of the court officials, Ying Qi slowly opened his mouth and said.

The words fell.

All the court officials were incredulous.

"His Royal Highness, why is this?

"This move will bring disaster to the world's famine people." A censor said in disbelief.

Man Chao also looked at Ying Qi in confusion.

How could this stupid trick to raise food prices come out of Ying Qi's hands.


"His Royal Highness's strategy is a brilliant strategy.

"It will only take another half a month, or even sooner, that His Royal Highness's strategy will bear fruit, and the world's famine may be solved. Feng Quji stood up and said with a smile on his face.

"Why is this?"

Manchao Wenwu looked surprised.

Why does raising the price of grain and rice increase tenfold, tenfold, and still solve the famine?

"My lords.

"The famine that occurs in all counties in the world is not a real shortage of food and grass, but because the food and grass are in the hands of the rich and powerful. For ordinary people, most of the food they get after working for a year is taxed. They will also be confiscated by those powerful people.”

"Nearly half of the world's food is in the hands of powerful people."

"They don't put food in, and the famine is hard to solve. 39

"As the price of grain rises, the world's rich and powerful buy grain and rice crazily in an attempt to make money, but as the price of grain and rice reaches the point where all the people in the world and even the imperial court cannot buy it, there is no market for grain and rice. Those powerful, rich households will put food and grass in the warehouse to stink?" Han Fei sneered and said.

these few words.

In an instant, the key to raising the price of grain and rice was revealed.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty also had a look of surprise on their faces.


There are also some people with a sad look on their faces.


There are not a few people who hoard food and grass, intending to earn this country's difficult wealth, even in this court.

"His Royal Highness Shengming. 99

When the civil and military courtiers came back to their senses, they all bowed to Ying Qi Yi, with great respect.

"Feng Jie. 35

"The emperor ordered the imperial court to stop buying grain and continue to raise the price of grain.

"I want to make those who are trying to make a fortune in the country and make money to earn the livelihood of the people of the world pay the price and lose everything." Ying Qi said coldly.

"The minister leads the edict." Feng Jie immediately took the order.

"Okay, let's move on.

Ying Qi nodded and motioned for the ministers to continue playing.

He has the ability of his father to cultivate his ability to handle government affairs before, and Ying Qi has also attended the court several times, and he is also handy in handling everyone in the court.

"His Royal Highness Qisuo."

"It's like today's rule, but there are seven types of characters in the world, each country has its own script to destroy, and each country has its own measure."

"The foundation of unification lies in the unification of culture, roots, and habits.

"If you can't unify words, measure, and unify all customs in the world of Da Qin, it will have a great impact on the foundation of Da Qin for all ages."

Therefore, this matter still needs to be decided by His Royal Highness.

In the courtroom, Li Si, who had been silent for a long time, stood up and said loudly.


His voice fell.

The gazes of the court and martial arts all focused on Ying Qi's body.

Everyone's heart is also very uneasy.

Because the relationship between Li Si and Ying Qi is well known in today's Daqin court, Ying Qi dislikes Li Si, this is also known by everyone, so now Li Si is almost isolated in the court, in the eyes of all courtiers, Ying Qi did something to Li Si sooner or later.

At this moment, Li Siqi played and came out.

The consequences are unpredictable.

Ying Qi glanced at Li Si, his face was calm, and he could not see the anger, and then said: "What Tingwei said makes sense. 35

"In the world of Great Qin, whether it is territory, culture, or origin, all need to be unified, and only in this way can we create the foundation of the great Qin, Yan and Huang.

The voice fell.

The courtiers' eyes were full of surprise.

Ying Qi actually agreed with Li Si's words.

"His Royal Highness is really the hero, there may be a gap between Li Si and His Royal Highness, and His Highness does not like Li Si, but in terms of state affairs, His Highness is on business and has never vetoed. 99

"His Royal Highness is so bold and ambitious, it's no wonder that the Great King can grant him authority."

The courtiers thought to themselves.

Hearing that Ying Qi agreed with his words, Li Si's heart was also relieved.

Although he was already hated in Ying Qi's heart, he didn't target it in business affairs.

"I think so.

"It is time to abolish the writings of various countries, and to take the Daqin Qin as the foundation, and create a unified writing, with the same writing as the book."

"And abolish the measure of the kingdoms, the track, and rule the world at the root.35

Li Si continued.

"What Tingwei said.

"The minister and others agree.

All the ministers agreed.

"This matter.

"This gentleman has already thought about it, but the time has not come.

"Now the county system is fully implemented, the five camps guard the five sides, and the world is centralized in the king's power, which can deal with any situation.

"The time has come.

"For Tingwei's performance.

"I only have fifteen characters."

Ying Qi glanced at the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty.

"His Royal Highness had an idea?

"No wonder I agree with Li Si's words."

The ministers were surprised.

But all eyes were on Ying Qi.

"The car is the same track, the book is the same text, the line is the same, the quantity is the same, and the money is the same currency.

"This is the key to the fundamental unification of Da Qin. The Yan and Huang clan share the same root and the same origin. As long as these fifteen characters are implemented, the world will be settled, Yan and Huang will be united, and there will be no danger of separation. Ying Qiwei said.

But when Ying Qi said these nine words, the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty were shocked.

Even Li Si, who had just brought up the matter, was shocked in his heart: "Today I decided to play it after thinking about it for a long time. I didn't expect him to have an idea long ago, and it was more detailed than I thought."5

"The car is the same track, the book is the same text, the line is the same, the quantity is the same, and the money is the same currency.

"These fifteen words, just as His Highness said, are Daqin's true domination of the world and the root of Yanhuang. As long as the implementation is successful, there will be no power to disturb my Daqin."

"His Royal Highness is indeed a man of destiny, and strengthens me, the king of heaven in the country of Qin.""

"Da Qin has His Royal Highness, Da Qin's blessing."

The civil and military people of the Manchu Dynasty were shocked by these fifteen words, and their mouths were stunned.

But everyone can understand the deep meaning of these fifteen characters, and more importantly, what kind of impact Ruruo will bring to Daqin after the implementation of these fifteen characters.

It can be said.

As long as these fifteen words are implemented, everything in the Great Qin world will be unified, not only the territory, but also the culture, customs, roots, and measurements.


"It's good to have a car with the same track, the same book, the same class, the same amount of money, the same currency.""


"You really didn't disappoint your father.""

"Let you be in charge of the king, this is the most correct decision of your father. You are much stronger than your father when you are in charge of the government."

At this time.

outside the hall.

There was a hearty and happy laughter.


All the civil and military officials in the court came back to their senses.

See outside the temple.

Ying Zheng didn't wear a Mian robe or a Mian Hao, just an ordinary royal robe. It seemed that he happened to be outside. He was shocked when he heard Ying Qi's words, and couldn't help but speak out.

"My ministers welcome the king."

Seeing Ying Zheng's figure, the civil and military people of the whole dynasty stood up one after another and bowed to greet him.

"Father. 95

Ying Qi did not rude, immediately stood up and bowed.

"All sit down.

Ying Zheng smiled slightly and waved at the ministers.

Then he walked into the hall and climbed to a high position.

Looking at Ying Qi with a look of relief: "Qi'er, once your fifteen words are successfully implemented, Daqin will be completely united, and there will be no external force to separate them."5

"And once the implementation is successful, those remnants of the Six Kingdoms who are vainly trying to restore the country will no longer have the strength to compete with Da Qin.

"No matter how much they mobilize the hearts of the people, they can no longer use the fishing reels.

Speaking of which.

The excitement on Ying Zheng's face was even more indescribable.

He clearly knew what the implementation of these fifteen characters represented, and even more so, he knew what it would bring to Da Qin.

If you have a son like this, what can you ask for?

since ancient times.

Besides him Yingzheng, who has such an outstanding son?

"The premise for the implementation of these fifteen characters is that the county system is fully implemented. Now that the county system has achieved corresponding results, it is natural to gradually implement these decrees." Ying Qi smiled.

"King Qiu, Prince."

"The fifteen-character national policy proposed by His Royal Highness is of great help to Da Qin, but everything needs to be carefully planned.

"Books are in the same language, and the writings of all countries must be abolished. Only by burning the books of all countries can the writings of all countries be completely eradicated. This may cause a rebound in the hearts of all peoples."

"Coins are the same as coins. Now I have a famine all over the world in Daqin. To accomplish this, I must recast coins, which consumes a lot of national strength."

"So the minister thought that these should be taken care of. 95

"We still need to wait until the famine is over, and after the remnants of the world's intention to restore the country have been completely wiped out, then the implementation will be carried out." Feng Quji stood up and played respectfully.

"Feng Qing's words are reasonable. 99

Ying Zheng nodded in agreement.

"Qi'er, what do you think?" Ying Zheng looked at Ying Qi.

"Erchen is not the kind of reckless person, these fifteen-character Erchen just set the national policy of Daqin in the future, and it still depends on the timing to implement it. 35 Yingqi smiled.

"I think so."

"Now you can first respect His Highness's edict, confiscate the world's weapons, stop the civil mutiny, and after the famine passes, you can gradually implement the fifteen-character national policy set by His Highness, and completely rule the world." Han Fei also followed closely.

"The collection of the world's weapons is not enough.

Ying Zheng spoke slowly, with a deep sense in his eyes.

The eyes of all the ministers converged, and Ying Qi was no exception.

"Less. 35

"Add one more item to the Qin law. If you are not a general in the army, if you are not an official in the government, if you are not a person who holds a title, if you hold a weapon, you will violate the Qin law and implicate the whole family. This is not an iron law." Ying Zheng said with awe.

"The minister takes the edict." Li Si immediately took the edict.

"Qi'er, do you have anything else to add?" Ying Zheng smiled and looked at Ying Qi again.

"Incorporating weapon control into Qin's law is enough to shock the world, and my son has nothing to add." Ying Qi smiled.

"Qi'er, although the implementation of the 15-character national policy you mentioned is still to be postponed, the ministers can make preparations.

"For example, with Qin characters as the main character, supplemented by the characters of various countries, creating a brand-new unified character, as well as weights and measures, coins and coins, these can be prepared in advance, as long as the famine is settled and the world is safe, it can be implemented immediately.

"Qi'er, do you have a decision on the candidates for the implementation of these national policies?" Ying Zheng asked.

The voice fell.

The eyes of Manchao Wenwu became hot.

Fifteen-character national policy, each national policy is based on the foundation of Daqin's unification of the world. If anyone can complete one of them, he will surely be famous for the ages and will be remembered in the history.

And this is also a great opportunity to make meritorious deeds.

Of course no one wants to miss it.

"Creating new words..."

Ying Qi pondered, and his eyes fell on Li Si: "I will hand it over to Tingwei. 39

"As for the matter of money and coins, I will leave it to the young mansion."


Li Si and Meng Yi were shocked, and they were all excited, especially Li Si.

He didn't expect that Ying Qi would give him this opportunity to make a contribution.

"Thank you, His Royal Highness, for your trust.

"I will never disappoint the king and the prince.

Li Si and Meng Yi stood up and bowed, showing strong excitement.

"As for the matter of national policy, if the two Qing families ask for each other, you love Qing must not refuse. Ying Qi is also facing the Manchu civil and martial arts.

"Sir, you understand.

Manchu civil and military said in unison.

"All right.

"This is the end of today's court proceedings. 35

"Go away.

Ying Qi nodded and said no more.

"Go, Qi'er, go out for a walk?" Ying Zheng smiled and said.


Ying Qi nodded.

Then the father and son walked towards the apse.

"My ministers, I respectfully send the king.

"Congratulations to the prince.

Manchao Wenwu bowed and shouted.

Watching Ying Zheng and his son leave.

Leaving the Palace of King Qin.

The father and son walked side by side on the road to the palace.

"Qi'er. 39

"I didn't expect you to use Li Si." Ying Zheng smiled.

"Although Erchen doesn't like Li Si, his talent is beyond doubt, and his loyalty to Da Qin can also be learned. Erchen uses him because he is a minister of Daqin, other than that, he has no weight in Erchen's heart. Ying Qi smiled lightly.

"Qi'er's mind can be called a real emperor's mind.

"The kingship, rightly so."

"Faithful and capable people can be used, things can be used to the best of their ability, and people can make the most of their talents. This is the foundation of a king." Ying Zheng laughed.

"Father's teachings, sons will naturally remember." Ying Qi smiled.

"Come on."

"Without outsiders, don't make your Laozi look so elegant. 99

Ying Zheng said angrily.

"It was you, the father who pretended first, didn't I cooperate with you?" Ying Qi replied speechlessly.

"You've done a really good job during this time. 35

"Whether in the hearts of the people or in the court, you are no less than your Laozi, and the 15-character national policy put forward today is even more surprising to you, Laozi.

"Qi'er, your kid has grown up." Ying Zheng said with great relief.

"It's all well taught by Dad." Ying Qi smiled cooperatively.

"Half a month ago, the remnants of the Six Nations summoned thousands of assassins to assassinate you, and they did their best to kill you. You should have seized this opportunity." Ying Zheng suddenly asked.

"Count the time."

"Dunwei should be back too.

"He won't let me down." Ying Qi smiled lightly.

"It seems that in the future, Daqin will not have any remaining troubles." Ying Zheng also smiled comfortably, and then sighed: "In the end, they are too jealous of you, Qi'er."

"If you didn't show strength, and also destroyed the people of their motherland, they wouldn't want to kill you.

"After all, they know that our father and son will be kings for two generations, and they will give them complete annihilation and cut off their hope of finally returning to the country, so they will make a desperate attempt to assassinate you.

Ying Qi nodded, agreeing with this.

If there is no self, the history of this side of the world should not change.

Qin Shi Huang would pursue the elixir of immortality, and his sons were still useless, and finally Qin Er died.

But now that Ying Qi exists, and has already held the kingship of Da Qin, Qin will never die in two lifetimes.

Because he wins Qi is Qin Ershi.

Qin Zhi II will usher in the real revitalization of Da Qin.

And will lead to the revival of the heavens.

"I have a hunch that after the implementation of the 15-character national policy you mentioned, Qier, results will be seen within two years. When the Qin Dynasty is settled, the imperial court can focus on the people's livelihood and solve the problem of food.35

"Daqin will usher in unprecedented prosperity." Ying Zheng said with yearning.

Ying Zheng is naturally full of yearning for the prosperity of the Qin Dynasty in the future.

"The food crisis, within a year, I can solve it. There will be no more famine crisis and no more food problems in the world of Daqin." Ying Qi smiled and said with deep meaning.


Ying Zheng opened his eyes wide and stared at Ying Qi for a long time.

"Stinky boy, what have you done behind your back, Laozi?" Ying Zheng said in a depressed tone.

"Anyway, Daqin is beneficial, and it is beneficial to the people of the world." Ying Qi smiled proudly.

It feels good to pretend to be forceful in front of my father, the emperor of the past.

"Stinky boy, you're doing this again, you've already said half of your words, and you don't plan to say anything?" Ying Zheng's eyes widened, and he said very unhappily.

Ying Qi has been like this many times, and every time it comes to a critical moment, it disappears again, and Ying Qi doesn't say anything again, which makes Ying Zheng very angry, which is called helpless.

"Anyway, when it's done, I'll take you to see Dad." Ying Qi smiled, very proud, but didn't say anything.

Because this is related to the people's livelihood in the world, the trouble of grain and grass, and Ying Qi are all carried out in secret.

Except for himself and the person designated to do it, no one knows, not even his own father.

"Heartless brat."

Seeing Ying Qi's complacent appearance, Ying Zheng was very angry, but there was nothing he could do.

"Daddy. 35

"If you have the time, you might as well hurry up and cultivate." Ying Qi said angrily.

"Isn't it you?

"Anyway, Laozi has a great son. If he fails to cultivate, you will get Laozi some peaches and some elixir of immortality." Ying Zheng said very calmly.

When teaching martial arts.

Ying Zheng heard what Ying Qi said to his father-in-law.

"Are you such a father?"

"Let me leave government affairs and state affairs to me, and now I'm still staring at that unreachable thing." Ying Qi said speechlessly.

"Able people should do more work.

"You Laozi believe you can.

"Your mother and I have been separated for more than 20 years. If you don't make up for it, you will continue to work hard. Ying Zheng smiled proudly.

It was also when Ying Qi was speechless.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty."

A figure appeared in front of the two of them, and it was Dunwei.

see him.

The father and son also regained their dignity.


Ying Qi looked at Dun weak and asked.

The result of this time is the key to the determination of the remaining sins. Although I believe that Dunwei will not disappoint myself, it is still fact-based.

"The subordinates did not disappoint the lord.

"The master of the remnants of the six kingdoms has been wiped out."

"They conspired to assassinate the Lord, and they gathered in Kuaiji, Chu, just to give the shadow a chance to catch them all. 35

"The Chu Xiang clan, the Han Zhang clan, and the remnants of the subjugation of various countries have all been put to death.

"Even if there are still remnants in the world of Qin today, they are all minors, so there is nothing to worry about. 99

"The troubles of the six kingdoms' remnants have been resolved." Dun weakly and respectfully reported.

"Well done. 35

Ying Qi smiled happily.

For those remnants of the Six Kingdoms, what about Xiang Liang, Xiang Yu, Zhang Liang and the like.

It is true that they can be called heroes in history, but for Da Qin, it is absolutely impossible for them to descend, because they are deeply rooted people who destroyed Qin and restored the country.

Killing is killing, and solving future troubles is the kingly way.

"Shadow, Black Ice Terrace's supervision of the world cannot be neglected.

"Once you find the fish that slipped through the net, and the people who are involved with those remaining sins, no matter what status or status, they will never be tolerated." Ying Qi said coldly.

"My subordinates understand. 35 times are weak and respectful.

"This time I killed so many famous people in history, the system should have a reward, and I will receive the reward when I go back. Ying Qi thought to himself.

The remnants of the six kingdoms were wiped out.

in history.

They are the characters who will make a lot of waves after the end of Qin Dynasty. Because of the appearance of Ying Qi, they all ended early. This has a great change for the historical process, and it also has a great change for the dungeon world.

"Lord, there is one more thing.

"The alchemy alchemists from all countries that you have secretly dispatched by your subordinates have now been imprisoned in Xianyang prison."

"I don't know how the Lord will deal with them?" Dunwei asked respectfully.

"Qi'er, what are you doing with these useless alchemists?" Ying Zheng asked in confusion.


Ying Qi smiled.

"Pill refining?" Ying Zheng was puzzled.

"The father and the sons will understand when they go to see. Ying Qi continued to sell off his sons, and then said to Dunwei: "Bring those alchemists to the palace.


Dunwei immediately went to do it.

"Stinky boy, you're selling out again. 39 Ying Zheng said angrily.

PS: I caught a cold and felt dizzy, so I managed to finish writing it, so the two chapters are combined, thanks for the subscription support.

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