Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 220 Receiving the hearts of the people and solving the remnants of the 6 kingdoms

"It's because they hate war, they want to live, they want to live in peace and peace."

"And these.""

"You unfaithful and unrighteous people who cry out to restore your motherland can't do it.

"Because in the eyes of you people, you are willing to be powerful eagles and dogs, why have these ordinary people ever been valued in your eyes?

"You don't see their life and death, their safety.

"You don't regard them as the people of your so-called mother country at all, they are just sad pawns in your eyes."

"But, I won Qi, and Da Qin gave them hope."

"The world is unified, and all countries are destroyed, which means that there will be no more wars and chaos in the world.""

"Without the war, Daqin will be able to regenerate with the people and treat the people with kindness. 99

"These, you so-called eagle dogs, can you do it?

"When they protect this monarch, they cherish this precious unification of the world, and they don't want to fall into war again.

"And these, you unfaithful and unrighteous people can understand?"

"Besides restoring the country in your mouth, have you ever thought about the eternal peace of the Yanhuang family? Have you ever thought about future generations?" Ying Qi stared at these assassins and scolded angrily.

In the face of Ying Qi's anger one after another.

All the assassins didn't refute, because they didn't know how to refute at all, each of their faces turned pale, and it seemed that their hearts had been impacted.

The great cause of restoring the country they insisted on seemed so pale and powerless in Ying Qi's words.

Thinking of the way those refugees swore to protect Ying Qi just now, they couldn't help but ask themselves, is the restoration of the country really what the people of their mother country thought?

"This is what my lord said.

"You people will forever fall on the pillar of shame in the annals of history, which will never be erased, and your descendants will be ashamed for what you have done.

"Cut them all off."

Ying Qi glanced at it and said coldly.


The soldiers raised their sharp swords and cut them down mercilessly. Suddenly, the heads of hundreds of assassins all rolled to the ground, and the city gates were stained with blood.

After dealing with these assassins.

Ying Qi's eyes turned to the refugees who gathered expectant eyes.

into the eye.

Elderly and weak women and children.

Each has a yellow face and thin skin, and each is ragged.

"My children of Daqin.""

"You are suffering."

"I win Qi, as the prince of Da Qin, I am ashamed of you.

Ying Qi stared at all the refugees with a sense of shame.

"His Royal Highness is serious.""

"It is already the grace of His Royal Highness that you can come out to see us in person."

"His Royal Highness the Prince is benevolent, benevolent and righteous, and the people of the grass are respectful..."

Hearing Ying Qi's words, countless refugees opened their mouths one after another, and every refugee's face showed a touch of emotion.

As the high-ranking Prince of Great Qin, the future ruler of the world, he would actually apologize to these ordinary people, which was completely impossible in the past.

Even when their home country still existed, how could those officials and dignitaries in their home country ever treat them like this?

They are aloof, if what they collided with this time was the capital of their original home country, they might have to face a slaughter, a thunderous suppression.

But the prince of Daqin in front of them gave them the respect they had never had before.

It is to truly see them as people, not as pawns that can be discarded at any time.

"The world is set at the beginning, and everything is to be rebuilt."

"For the world that has just experienced the disaster of war, the fields are barren, the people are displaced, and there are countless hungry people.

"I used to say it back then."

"The world is big, and all countries have the same root and the same origin. They are originally a family, and the world is unified. Daqin will treat all the people equally, and there will be no prejudice.""

"Since the calamity of the war has been settled, the emperor has issued an edict, at all costs, to allocate grain and grass from Guanzhong and Bashu, and to purchase grain and grass from the people who have never suffered, so as to provide relief to the people suffering from famine in the world."


"Perhaps this gentleman is thinking too simply.

"The court decreed issued a lot of grain and grass, and consumed a lot of national strength to buy a lot of grain and grass. Originally, this monarch thought that the world's famine would be pacified by the decree of this monarch, but this monarch too underestimated the people of the world."

"The court purchased grain and grass from the people at all costs, but the former powerful and powerful people secretly purchased grain and grass, hoarded grain and grass, raised the price of grain, and caused the famine to worsen."

"Now the treasury of Great Qin is beyond its means.""

"All of this is due to the nobles of the original countries.

"Those who want the world to be unstable, and want the people of Great Qin to be unable to survive, are the high-ranking dignitaries in your original home country.

"If it weren't for them, perhaps the world's famine would have been over.

Ying Qi said quietly, with a sense of irony in his voice.


Ying Qi will completely let the nobles of all countries lose control of fishing reels in various places, and destroy their most powerful weapons.

Hear what Ying Qi said.

Countless refugees were stunned and shocked.

But the next moment.

There was a look of indignation on the faces of all the refugees.

"Those goddamn officials, they used to be high above the ground. For us ordinary people, they would kill if they wanted to, and bully if they wanted to. Now they are all out of power, and they are still like this."5

"Damn them."

"I just said that the Great Qin court would not care about our life or death. It turns out that all these people are playing tricks."

"This time, in order to assassinate His Royal Highness, they took us to Xianyang, and the purpose was to use our hands to kill His Royal Highness. 99

"These are so hateful, they don't deserve to be human."

"They bastards..."

Countless refugees let out an angry roar, full of hatred for the powerful and powerful of the countries.

this moment.

Their dissatisfaction with the court relief was all transferred to the powerful.

"It's the same as today."

"There will be no more wars in the world."

"For the sake of their own selfish desires and ignoring the hearts of the people of the world, the dignitaries who have perished their countries tried to confuse Daqin and make the world enter the war of strife among the kingdoms again.

"Even in order to make the people of the world hate Da Qin, he resorted to various means.

"For those who are unfaithful and unrighteous and try to divide the world again, this monarch will never let go.

"at the same time."

"Today, in the name of the Prince of Great Qin, Benjun will give three chapters of the law to the people of Great Qin in the world. 99

"First, the countries do not exist today, the world only has the Great Qin, and the people of the world are all the people of the Great Qin, and the Great Qin will treat the people of any place equally.

"Secondly, this monarch is in charge of the country, and he administers benevolent government to all the people of the world, and he will surely benefit the world with benevolent government.99

"Thirdly, this monarch will use the power of the whole country to help the people of the world overcome the food crisis.

"The dignitaries of all countries restore the country for their own selfishness, regardless of the life and death of the people of the world, but this lord will not, and the people of the world are all the people of this lord.

"Today, Jun Japan promises to the people of the world."

"One day when this monarch is in charge of the country, he will be gracious to the people for one day, and when this monarch is in charge of the country for a lifetime, he will be a blessing to all the people for a lifetime. 99

"If I, Ying Qi, can't fulfill today's promise, I will be forsaken.

Ying Qi stared at all the refugees and shouted loudly.

The voice reached the ears of every refugee, and countless refugees turned their grateful eyes towards Ying Qi.

"Ten thousand years, His Royal Highness. 35

"The Great Qin court has lasted for ten thousand years.

"His Royal Highness is ten thousand years old."

"His Royal Highness...

All the refugees let out a deafening cry.

The refugees who had stood up knelt down towards Ying Qi one after another, and their hearts were taken away by Ying Qi.

Such a benevolent and righteous prince, such a prince and crown prince who is so gracious to all the people in the world, the people at the bottom are blessed.

"Li Qing, Xin Sheng. 35

"Throw the bodies of these assassins into mass graves and burn them to pieces.""

"Also, allocate grain and rice from the treasury to provide porridge for relief."

Ying Qiwei shouted.


The two generals responded immediately.

The shield retreated.

The janitorial guards set up the cauldron that had already been prepared, and set up the jar outside the city, and began to provide porridge and relief.

"My fellow villagers and fathers. 35

"`" There are so many of you that it may not be possible for everyone to be treated fairly with the relief, but since you have come to Xianyang, I will never let you suffer from famine.

"This time, the porridge and relief will be given priority to the elderly, the weak, women and children, and the young and the strong will be postponed."

Ying Qi said to all the refugees.

"Caomin thanks His Royal Highness the great kindness.""

"Long live His Royal Highness."

"His Royal Highness Prince Xie, Caomin..99

Countless refugees shouted gratefully.

For this era.

No one likes war except for those who are wealthy and powerful. For the people at the bottom, peace and tranquility, food and drink are their greatest pursuits.

And these.

Win Qi can be achieved.

Back to the East Palace.

"Iron Eagle.

Ying Qiwei shouted.

"The minister is here.

Tie Ying came out and bowed.

"Dun weak has already left." Ying Qi said.

"Go back to Your Highness.

"Master Dun weak has already set off, and I, Da Qin, have completely controlled the hiding places of the remnants of the six kingdoms. Master Dun weak will definitely be able to catch them all in one go." Tie Ying replied respectfully.

"After this time."

"There will be no more remnants of the Six Kingdoms in the world." Ying Qi Leng said faintly.

"His Royal Highness is wise, and he has wiped out the remnants of the six kingdoms, which is enough to let Da Qin rule the world. Tie Ying respectfully said.

Huiji County.

In a jungle.

"Everyone. 99

"In a few days at most, the news of the success of the meeting can be spread.

"Ying Qi is dead. Luo

"The country of Qin will be in chaos, and I will wait for the opportunity to restore the country." Xiang Liang said to the crowd with a smile on his face.

'Ying Qi is the foundation of the Qin state, and Ying Zheng also has high hopes for him.

"Ying Qi is dead, and it is an arm for us. (Wang Zhao)"

"However, we still have to plan for the worst. If Ying Qi is not dead, we will definitely be violently retaliated by Ying Qi."

"So I propose to go back to each place now and hide.

"Waiting for the good news from Xianyang." Zhang Liang said to the crowd.

"What Zhang Liang said is very true.

"Although we are secretive, but to be prudent, we still go back to our respective territories first.

All the people from the six countries opened their mouths one after another.

But at this moment.


A burst of screams suddenly reached the thatched hut.


The expressions of everyone in the thatched hut changed in vain.

"What's going on?" Xiang Liang's expression changed.

But it wasn't the subordinate's answer that responded to him.


Several corpses directly smashed open the thatched hut.

accompanied by.

A group of men in black have surrounded the thatched hut.

"Everyone, it's well hidden.

"But let me find it easier."

Dun weak walked in from the thatched hut, looked at everyone and sneered.

"Qin State, Black Ice Terrace.

Looking at the men in black, Xiang Liang, Zhang Liang, who had surrounded the thatched hut, their expressions turned pale.

"Kill. 35

"Not a single one.

He sneered weakly and waved his hand.


The shadow killers are directly killing the remnants of these six kingdoms.

It was a one-sided slaughter scene.

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