Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 219 The seal is now, I am the destiny!!

Outside Xianyang City.

The city gate was guarded by thousands of black armored warriors, who were the guards guarding the palace.

And outside the city.

It is surrounded by tens of thousands of troops, guarding the entire Xianyang city.

And this moment.

The chaos outside Xianyang City was extremely chaotic.

Countless refugees in ragged clothes are crowding towards the city gate, trying to rush into the city. At first glance, each of them is yellow-faced and thin, as if they have not eaten for a long time.

The number of these refugees is at least 50,000, and there are many refugees gathered in Xianyang far away from the city.

this matter.

If not resolved.

Must be a big problem.

If the refugees were to rush into the city, they would turn into a mob in an instant, and things would get even more out of control.

"Sir, let me go into the city. I haven't eaten for five days. Please let me go into the city to find some food."

"General, we are all the people of Great Qin. Didn't we say when Great Qin ruled the world? We treat all the people of Yan and Huang the same way. We really can't live anymore. I ask General for help."

"His Royal Highness said that at the beginning."

"We are all people of Yan and Huang, and like the old Qin people, we belong to the same clan, and we will be treated equally."

"Could it be that His Royal Highness's words are false?

"Why don't you let us enter the city? We just want to beg for a bite to eat, Your Royal Highness, you are here to do justice for us, we just want to live.

"We're going to the city, we're going to live, we don't want to die...

Outside the city.

Countless refugees let out a roar, madly slamming into the guards who had formed a shield formation at the city gate, but with the strength of these refugees, it was obviously impossible to break through the shield formation and enter the city.

But if it goes on like this for a long time, it will have a very bad influence on Da Qin, and it will not be conducive to Da Qin's control of the people's hearts in the world.

among refugees.

The remnants of the Six Nations watched with a sneer.

"With so many refugees and such conflicts, I don't believe that Ying Qi will not appear.


"Now that Ying Qi is in control of Qin's power and supervises the country, how can he not come out and be convinced by Qin's officials?"

"As long as he goes out of the city, as soon as the opportunity comes, he will do it with all his strength, no matter the cost."

"No. 35

Among the refugees, many remnants of the Six Nations were chatting in a low voice, waiting for an opportunity.

This time.

It was the last fight of their six kingdoms. As long as Ying Qi was killed, the country could be restored. If Ying Qi did not die, they would die.

Clashes continue outside Xianyang City.

At this time.

At the gate, there was a loud shout: "His Royal Highness is here.

This sound.

The entire city gate immediately quieted down.

This time, although most of the refugees were manipulated to Xianyang by the remnants of the Six Nations, their 05's original intention was to survive rather than rebel.

"His Royal Highness has come down.

"We are saved. 99

"His Royal Highness, we are all Da Qin Yan and Huang Zimin, save us."

"We don't want to die, we can't live anymore, so we came to Xianyang to ask for help."


Hear the voice of the prince driving.

Countless refugees could not help but ignite a kind of expectation.

They came to Xianyang to survive, and Ying Qi's arrival, as the prince of Daqin, undoubtedly brought them hope of survival.

"The opportunity is coming.

"Send the order down.""

"Wait for the moment.

"No matter the cost, kill Ying Qi, even if we all die, but for the great cause of restoring the country, although I die without regret. 35

Hearing the voice of Ying Qi coming, in contrast to the refugees' expectations, the assassins lurking among the refugees couldn't help but grasp the hidden weapon.

Just wait for Ying Qi to appear.

They will fight to the death and pay the full force of his six kingdoms to kill Yingqi.


The shield formation supporting the city gate opened and retreated in an orderly manner.

Under the gaze of tens of thousands of eyes, Ying Qi, dressed in the crown of the crown prince and wearing a golden crown, walked out of the shield formation, with only Li Qing and a group of personal guards accompanying him.

"It's really the prince."

"His Royal Highness, help."

"We are all the people of Daqin, all of the Yanhuang ethnicity, I beg His Royal Highness to save us. 35

"We are all forced to come to Xianyang, we don't want to die, look at my child, he has not eaten for five days.

"Please, His Royal Highness, save us.""

Watching Ying Qi appear.

Countless refugees knelt down one after another with misery.

I saw tens of thousands of refugees kneeling down one by one like a tide.

But just for a moment.

The assassin hiding in the crowd didn't think of this at all. He didn't expect the refugees to kneel. Suddenly, thousands of assassins were directly exposed to Ying Qi's eyes.

"Kill Ying Qi.

To restore the country.

"Kill. 99

The assassins were stunned for a moment, and one of the leading assassins shouted angrily, pulled the cloth in his hand, and a sharp blade appeared.

Then quickly rushed towards Ying Qi.

"Kill to win Qi."

"For the restoration of the country. 99


Thousands of assassins showed their weapons one after another, stared at Ying Qi, and rushed over.

this moment.

Originally, there was only a noisy outside Xianyang City, and there was an endless murderous intent.

"There are assassins."9

"His Royal Highness, hurry up."

"His Royal Highness, hurry up.

"We hold the assassin..."

The sudden scene shocked all the unsuspecting refugees. Looking at the assassins with bright weapons rushing up, many refugees actually hugged the legs of many assassins and pressed them to the ground.

"Damn. 99

"What are they doing?'

The sudden change made the assassins of the Six Nations never imagine that the refugees would stop them and protect Ying Qi.

why is that?

Ying Qi is the crown prince of the Qin state and the biggest enemy of the six countries that have perished. These refugees are all from the land of extinction. Why would they protect Ying Qi?

This confuses all assassins.

"Any blocker, kill without mercy. 99

The leading assassin roared angrily.

The command fell.

The assassins suddenly started slaughtering the refugees who stopped them.

a time.

The screams spread outside the city.

see this scene.

Ying Qi couldn't bear it any longer.

"Assassins, none remain. 35


Ying Qi shouted angrily, his eyes turning red.


Everything is under the control of Ying Qi, but what Ying Qi Wanwan did not expect was that these refugees who had never known each other, these people from the subjugated country, would actually protect him and the prince who destroyed their home country?

all of these.

Ying Qi didn't expect it.

Ying Qi's voice fell.

The shield formation suddenly separated.

Thousands of janissaries armed with strong crossbows, their eyes locked on the assassins who stood up.



The random arrows flew, but these random arrows accurately killed many rushing assassins.

But there are many assassins.

And it seems that they are all the elites from the six countries. They rarely kneel down to survive, and most of them rush forward without hesitation.

"Kill and win Qi.

"To restore the country.""

"You won't die if you won't die, and your mother country will never be restored."


The assassins roared, and hundreds of assassins had already passed the refugees and rushed in front of Ying Qi.

Hundreds of stern swords have already pierced towards Ying Qi with cold light.

But Ying Qi just watched indifferently, without any movement.

"His Royal Highness, hurry up and hide."

"His Royal Highness..."

Seeing this scene, many refugees shouted anxiously.

But the next moment.

Li Qing, and the leaders of the East Palace around Ying Qi took action.

Blade unsheathed.

Straight out.

Those assassins couldn't get close to Ying Qi at all, and their necks were cut by the blade. Li Qing, the commander of many soldiers from the Eastern Palace, shuttled among the assassins.

However, more than a dozen people killed these assassins without any backhand.

Assassins who slipped through the net a few feet in front of Ying Qi would be directly killed by the strong crossbow.


"This bastard Ying Qi was prepared.""

"We have spies among us.

"There is no chance to retreat. Only by killing Ying Qi can we complete the mission. 99


Looking at the well-prepared Imperial Guards in the shield formation, the assassins also knew that the situation was wrong, but they had no way out, so they could only bite the bullet and head towards Ying Qi.


In the face of Li Qing and other leaders who entered the martial arts, their strength was minimal.

over the years.

For his confidants, Ying Qi never treats gifts lightly, and he has given them a lot of spiritual stones and medicinal pills.

Li Qing was already in the innate realm.

And the other commanders of the personal guards and thousands of commanders have all entered the sixth level of the acquired day.

Although these six-nation assassins were elite, they were not enough in the face of absolute power. One by one, the assassins went forward one after another, but Ying Qi didn't move or step back. All the assassins couldn't get close to Ying Qi and they were executed.

Thousands of assassins are indeed many.

However, under the sudden attack, those refugees directly crushed hundreds of assassins by relying on the large number of people.

Strong crossbow arrows attacked.

The number of assassins quickly bottomed out.

Thousands of assassin corpses piled up in front of Ying Qi, blood stained the city gate.

"Win Qi.

"I must kill you."

The leading assassin roared and stared at Ying Qi from a few meters away, and suddenly threw the sword in his hand at Ying Qi.

"Kill to win Qi."

Seeing his actions, dozens of assassins followed suit and threw their weapons towards Ying Qi with all their might.

In an instant.

Dozens of sharp blades pierced Ying Qi with sharp edges, and it seemed that the next moment, Ying Qi would be pierced by this messy sword.

But a scene that terrified the assassin and terrified all refugees with hearts happened.

Ying Qi glanced at the sharp blades that were stabbing.

A seal shone with golden light, appeared directly from Ying Qi's body, and then stood on top of Ying Qi's head.


The golden light directly enveloped Ying Qi's whole body. When the chaotic sword attacked, it was directly enveloped by the golden light, and dozens of sharp swords all floated around Ying Qi's body, losing their edge.

"How is this possible? 35

"Is he Yingqi a human or a ghost?

All the assassins watched in horror, unbelievable.

This scene in front of me.

Just like the scene of the gods, all the sharp swords they threw floated in the air, losing their murderous intent.

As the last force of the Six Nations, they had also assassinated countless people, but they had never seen this scene in their entire lives.

As assassins of the dead, they looked at Ying Qi's indifferent figure, and for the first time they had a kind of fear.

It seems that Ying Qi in front of him is not a person at all, but an Asura evil ghost.

But for the tens of thousands of refugees, seeing this scene with their own eyes, they were also stunned.

"It is said that when His Highness the Prince recognized his ancestors and returned to his ancestry, when he was crowned the Prince by the current great king, there was auspiciousness descended from the sky, golden dragons and golden phoenixes appeared in the world, and he had to be protected by a seal from the sky. I heard that it might be false before, but now it is obvious that it is Really, the prince in the world is the son of destiny, and with the blessing of heaven, he is definitely the person of destiny recognized by heaven.

"His Royal Highness is a man of destiny.

"The seal seal protects the body, this must be the blessing of the heavens, if it is not destiny, how can the heavens be so blessed?"

"Although His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has destroyed our mother country, but to stop the chaos in the world, he must have been sent by the heavens to stop the chaos and save our Yanhuang ethnic group..."

Among the refugees, there were countless shocked voices, each of which revealed a strong awe for Ying Qi.

The legends in the past may be false to them, but now that they have really met with their own eyes, how can they not believe it?

"Because this monarch is destined to die, who can kill this monarch?

"Take it all.

"Benjun, use their lives to give an explanation to all the suffering Daqin people."

Ying Qiwei shouted.

The moment the sound fell.


The golden seal of the seal was shocked.

A powerful force spread in vain, and the dozens of sharp bronze swords were instantly shattered, turning into bronze shards all over the sky, and scattered on the ground.

"Respect the prince's order.

Li Qing, the commanders of the East Palace responded in unison.

at the same time.

Inside the shield formation, thousands of soldiers from the Eastern Palace rushed out.

Just start taking people.

under absolute power.

These assassins did not have the slightest strength to contend, and those who were killed were killed and those who were captured were captured.

"If you want to capture me, it is absolutely impossible." The leader of the assassin roared angrily, and was about to bite his tongue and commit suicide.

But Li Qing was very fast and rushed in front of him in an instant.

A palm was shot towards the assassin and was directly printed on his chest. True Qi rushed into his body, causing him to instantly lose his strength and slumped to the ground.

"The prince said it."

"Give an account to the dead people with your lives.

"wanna die?"

"His Royal Highness is not allowed." Li Qing said coldly, raising the assassin leader with one hand.

And this time.

Many assassins were also captured one by one, and the assassins who were pinned down by the refugees were also captured by the government soldiers one by one.

"All kneel down."

Li Qing snorted angrily.

The remaining five or six hundred assassins were all captured and kicked down in front of Ying Qi.

"Report to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

"All the assassins have been captured except for killing them. Please show His Royal Highness the prince. 99 Li Qing respectfully said.

Ying Qi nodded indifferently and walked slowly in front of these assassins.

"Do you have the slightest remorse for the assassination today?"

Ying Qi asked indifferently.

"Bah. 35

"Ying Qi, we have an inseparable hatred with you. You died in my mother country. Thousands of people in my mother country hated you to the bone, and they wished that your father and son would be smashed to pieces."

"Ying Qi, if you want to kill, kill me, I will never frown, I will die for the country, I will die properly.

"Ying Qi, even if you go to hell, we will never let you go..."

Hundreds of assassins stared at Ying Qi and cursed in anger.

It seems that before they die, they also want to leave behind the honor of dying for their country.

Died for the country 467, died in the right place?

Ying Qi sneered, glanced at it, and mocked: "You guys deserve it too?"

"Ying Qi, kill if you want, we will never surrender, let alone betray any of our brothers. 35

"Even if I didn't kill you today, there will definitely be countless generous and righteous people who will kill you in the future. One day, your Qin State will perish. The assassin leader scolded, full of hatred.

"My lord, why do you need to surrender?"

"Leave your lives for the time being, just to give an account to these people who died in your hands."

"You died calling yourself a country, and you died in the right place?"

"I ask you, these people are people from your mother country?"

"Are they your close relatives?"

Ying Qi pointed at the refugees who were kneeling on the ground, stared at these assassins and scolded them angrily.

"But what about you?"

"For your own selfish desires, why have you ever regarded them as the people of your motherland, and why have you regarded them as your close relatives?"

"For your own selfish desires.""

"The so-called reunification.

"You don't even spare them, the old, weak, women and children who have been hungry for many days, and wantonly kill."

"They are also the people of your former mother country. You used to be close relatives of your mother country, but you used innocent them to travel long distances and kill wantonly. Have you ever felt a little guilty?" Ying Qi coldly shouted.

this question.

The complexion of many assassins changed, and they did not know how to answer.

"For the great cause of restoring the country, anyone's sacrifice is worth it.

"We can die, and so can they.

"As long as the country can be restored.

The Assassin leader's righteous words.

"Then I will ask you again."

"After you return to the country, what can you do?"

"The world is divided again? The countries have been at war for years? The people of the world have once again fallen into the scourge of war?

"The so-called restoration of the country, in addition to the thoughts of your filthy dignitaries, in order to regain power, in order to treat the people as ants and chess pieces, have you ever asked the people for any opinion?

"Recovery? The world will fight again? It will last for eternity, and the wars have continued for thousands of years. Countless descendants of our Yanhuang clan will die in the same room and fight against each other. Is this the reason why you want to restore the country?"

"Is this the recovery you seek?

"For the sake of selfishness, disregard the people of the world?"

Ying Qi stared at these assassins and scolded angrily.

Faced with these successive questions, the expressions of all the assassins changed.

Even the leader of the assassins did not know what to say to refute at this moment.

return to the country.

Is it really what the dignitaries think? Does it have nothing to do with them, the common people?

"Everything about you is already under the control of this gentleman before you start."

"As long as you dare to come, this monarch will be able to catch you all in one go, completely for the world, and for Yan Huang to solve these cancers that have been tainted for thousands of years.

"But today."

"My lord, however, did not think of one thing. 35

"That's why these people who once destroyed the mother country by this monarch will fight with their lives to protect this monarch.

"Do you know why this is?"

"For you ruthless people, unfaithful and unrighteous people, may never understand.""

"But I Yingqi understand.

"Today, let me, Ying Qi, tell you. 35

"The reason why they would sacrifice their lives to protect me.

PS: Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a fixed date, thank you so much, old irons.

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