Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 218 The world has changed greatly because of winning Qi!!


"After the county system is fully implemented, the world will be centralized, and suddenly the entire Central Plains will be centered on Daqin. After the remnants of the countries have been cleared, what are your plans for the next step?"

"Should we send troops to continue to expand our territory and dominate the world, or what?" Ying Zheng asked.

Ying Zheng still doesn't know what his son really thinks.

But as a king who has been in charge of the country for decades, Ying Zheng has his own insights, and he wants to see how ambitious his son is.


"In the future, Da Qin will definitely not be limited to this side of the world.

"This side of the world is only a springboard belonging to Daqin, and it can also be said to be the central core of Daqin. In the future, Daqin's road will be the heavens and the world. 35

"In the future, Daqin's enemies are definitely not just ordinary countries, immortals, gods and demons, those will be Daqin's enemies."

Ying Qi said aloud.

A few short sentences.

Ying Zheng was directly shocked.

Originally, in Ying Zheng's view, his son's ambition is still in this side of the world, but he did not expect that Ying Qi's goal now is to look beyond the sky.

Looking at the level of that kind of fairy.

"Okay. 39

"Qi'er, your thoughts are a little out of reach for your father. In short, if you let go and do it, your father will try his best to help you. 35 Ying Zheng smiled.

"Well. 35

Ying Qi nodded and said no more.

Whether it was before or after recognizing each other, Ying Zheng really had nothing to say to him, and now he has handed over all the authority to himself, which shows Ying Zheng's heart.

And this, of course, is also the foundation of Ying Qi to this world.

Time flickers.

Three months have passed.

East Palace.

Han Fei and Feng Quji stand together.

As the current Prime Minister.

Replacing Wang Wan's authority, the two have now become the "four six three" heads of the hundred officials in the court, and they are respected by the civil and military of the court.


The two of them did not disappoint Ying Qi. In the past few months, they have handled the state affairs that originally belonged to the state in a complementary manner.

"His Royal Highness the Prince of Qi. 35

"After several months of time, the division of counties into counties has been finalized. This is the briefing of the officials of the counties and counties at the disposal of the minister. Please read it to the prince.

"If it is correct, it can be fully implemented after the review." Han Fei said, respectfully handing the report in his hand to Ying Qi Yi.

Ying Qi took the report, opened it and glanced at the report.

Wearing the title of crown prince doubles the disposal of state affairs and government affairs, and these memorials are naturally very simple for Ying Qi.

"You handled it well."

"The appointment and removal of officials in various places is also very good.""

"I didn't waste my painstaking efforts. It took more than seven months for the county system to be fully implemented. Ying Qiwei smiled and was very pleased.

"Thank you, His Royal Highness, for your praise."

"Just waiting for this report to be approved by His Highness."

"The county system is completely completed, the world will be centralized, and everything in the world will be controlled by His Highness. 35 Han Fei said with a moving expression.

"Kai playing the prince.

"This is the military report sent back from the five battalions."

"They have successfully completed the deployment of His Royal Highness the Prince and moved the camp."

"Please read it, Your Highness." Feng Quji also took out a memorial and handed it to Ying Qi respectfully.

Ying Qi took it and nodded.

When the county system was laid out, Ying Qi had already decided that the layout of the major battalions should also be changed accordingly. After all, the original battalion guards were all centered on the mainland of Daqin, and there was not enough support for all parts of the world.


Ying Qi organized all the major camps.

The Yongcheng camp still guards the Yongcheng, and the town is the original territory of the Qin Dynasty.

The Lantian camp was moved to Liaodong County, and the military might could deter Qi and Yan.

The 300,000 frontiers commanded by Li Mu are still guarding the Daidi, which is a shock to the original Sanjin.

The original Handan camp was moved to Kuaiji County, which shocked Chu.

The five major battalions that originally guarded the territory of Daqin were now guarding the entire territory of Daqin.

If anything happens, the five battalions can quickly send troops to help.

The centralization of power in the world is not only the implementation of the county system, but also the corresponding force mobilization and suppression. Only then can the world be settled.

"Do the county soldiers belong to the five major battalions, or are they local officials?" Ying Qi looked at Feng Quji and asked.

"This matter still needs to be decided by the prince.

Feng Quji and Han Fei looked at each other and said in unison.

"The foundation of my Daqin lies in the administration of civil affairs, and the martial arts in the martial arts hall."

"This cannot be changed. 39

"A decree.

"The commander-in-chief of the pawns and pawns in the county towns and the county towns belongs to the main camp, and any marching matters need to be coordinated by the generals of the large camp, and civil officials from all over the country are not allowed to take part in the command of the pawns. Ying Qi immediately ordered.

Rights move people's hearts.

It can be said that the county governor is in charge of the government affairs of a county.

This is not much different from the encapsulation system.

After all, the fief also holds the authority for the king.

"His Royal Highness is wise."

The two ministers immediately agreed.

"The county system and the relocation of the camp have been completed."

"Do you have anything else to do?" Ying Qi asked with a slight smile.

Initiate Prince.

"Some strange things have happened recently, about refugees from all over the world. Han Fei said with a rather solemn expression.

"go on.

Ying Qi calmly said.

"Da Qin has just calmed down the war and chaos in the world. Due to the decrees of various countries and the war, there are countless refugees all over the world. Under the decrees of the imperial court, the main thing is to appease them, and they all adopted the disaster relief method of His Royal Highness Prince. Mixed with soil, sand, and then there is a strategy of falsely leading disaster relief food, the effect is remarkable.

"For a while, the number of refugees in the world is also rapidly decreasing, and the local governments are also properly resettling them."

"Because of the influence of the national treasury and the government treasury, although it is impossible to take all refugees in the world into consideration, they can take care of seven or eight out of ten.

"After all, the world is too big. Even though the two big granaries of China and Bashu in the Qin Dynasty are not enough, and the rich and powerful people in the six kingdoms secretly purchased grain, the price of grain in the world has skyrocketed, and the financial resources of the imperial court are really unable to maintain." Feng Quji Respectfully, he played with a solemn expression on his face.

As one of the Jiuqings, the former internal history of Suzhi, he was in charge of all these disaster relief matters.

Looking at the devastation all over the world, people are dying under the famine every moment.

Feng Quji didn't feel good in his heart.

In this era, there is too much food shortage.

Food and grass are in short supply, and there are unscrupulous profiteers in it, hoarding food and grass at high prices.

"The so-called elites of the Six Kingdoms, they did not put the people under their control in the eyes of the life and death at all. In their eyes, only their authority is the most important, and those people are their pawns, which can be killed or discarded. Han Not angry.

As the former son of Han, his mind was in the world, not a country, and he didn't pay that much attention to authority.

The reason why he is loyal to Ying Qi is also because of Ying Qi's words at the beginning, that one day, the Central Plains, the Yanhuang ethnic group, there will be no more wars and chaos, and the people of the world will live and work in peace and contentment, and enjoy eternal peace.

"When this monarch takes care of those remnants, there will be no more food and grass in the world."5

"The people of this monarch will no longer starve to death." Ying Qi said in a deep voice, taking an oath.

"The ministers trust His Royal Highness." Han Fei and Feng Quji respectfully said.

"Go ahead, how are the refugees?" Ying Qi said.

"Refugees are now rushing from the land of Sanjin and Chu to my Daqin mainland. There are already many refugees in Shangdang and Yongcheng, and local governments are also starting disaster relief, but there are still many refugees rushing to Xianyang, and the number of refugees exceeds Fifty thousand. 99

"Their purpose is very clear, that is, Xianyang, it seems that someone is secretly manipulating it.

"It seems that it is a conspiracy against my Daqin, but the purpose is not yet clear.

"But it is certain that the remnants of the Six Nations are manipulating." Han Fei said solemnly.

The refugee crisis is too deliberate.

There are too many traces of human manipulation.

But even if you see it.

Don't know the purpose.

"If they want to come, let them come. 33 Yingqi sneered, not worried.

"Prince, do you mean that there is no need to prevent these refugees from coming to Xianyang?" Han Fei asked respectfully.

"Since they have made a move, if I don't accept it, is it a bit too much?

"Let them come to Xianyang without hindrance."35

"I ordered Yongcheng to send 50,000 warriors here to maintain order. 99


"The dignitaries of the various countries are maliciously purchasing private food and grass, which makes the court unable to purchase food and grass, right?" Ying Qi suddenly said.

"Not bad. 35

"They hoarded food to fight against the imperial court, in order to embarrass the imperial court, but they have never violated the Qin law, and we have nothing to do with them." Feng Quji nodded.

"it is good.

"Pass on the imperial edict. 99

"Raise the price of food in Daqin, as long as they keep collecting, they will keep raising it. 35 Yingqi sneered.

Hear this.

Both Feng Quji and Han Fei were stunned.

"Prince, raising food prices, won't this make the famine worse?

"Now that winter is coming, this move will make the world unstable." Feng Quji said in shock.

"Just do as I said, and I will bear any consequences.

Ying Qi raised his hand, interrupted Feng Quji's words, and fixed his tone.

Seeing Ying Qi like this.

Han Fei was thoughtful, as if he had thought of something, and then immediately said: "The prince is wise, and the minister admires it. 99

"Master Han, are you here?" Feng Quji looked at Han Fei with some puzzlement.

"I'll tell you later, if His Royal Highness takes this policy, those six-nation dignitaries who are hoarding food and grass will suffer heavy losses, just wait and see the show. 33 Han Fei sneered.


"Pretend edict."

"It is secretly said that the five generals will return to Xianyang, and I have something important to explain.

"This matter is directly issued by the imperial edict of the East Palace, without going through the imperial court." Ying Qi said again.

"No 0....."

The two ministers respectfully responded.

After explaining everything.

There was deep thought in Ying Qi's eyes.

"The road to martial arts has also come to an opportunity to start."

"The road to battle in the heavens is the road that belongs to me to win Qi and belongs to Da Qin."

"Immortals, gods, saints, I don't know how much experience points Tu will have? 99

There was a look of hope in Ying Qi's eyes.

this world.

The Grandmaster Realm is already the top, and I want to obtain a higher and farther level.

Only to lead to the heavens, only to open the copy of the heavens and the world.

Come back to your senses.

A figure has appeared in front of Ying Qi.

"Report to the Lord.

"The matter has been investigated." Dun weak bowed.

"How?" Ying Qi raised his brows.

"As expected by the Lord, the refugees who swept the world this time were the remnants of the six kingdoms. Their purpose was to assassinate the Lord, so as to cause turmoil in the Qin Dynasty, the interruption of the county system, the king's anger, and the tyranny of the world."

“They can take the opportunity to return to the country.99

Dunwei said with a bit of irony.

The Lord who assassinated his own, also thanked them for being able to figure it out.

The strength of your own master, who in the world can match?

Even if they attacked with thousands of assassins, they would be slaughtered by their own lord.

They are obviously too high on themselves, too self-righteous.

Like the frog who sits in the well and watches the sky, he is self-righteous.

The remnants of the Six Kingdoms may think they are well-planned, but none of their movements can escape the control of Ying Qi.

Shadow, the black ice platform lurks in the world.

Among them, the background of the Black Ice Terrace has penetrated into the core of the original countries.

Even if their surviving espionage organizations were also infiltrated by the Black Ice Platform, of course, these were all messages from the lurking Daqin spy.

"In order to assassinate this monarch, they should have done their best, right?" Ying Qi Leng said faintly.

"The implementation of the county system and the centralization of power in the world seems to have broken their foundation, and as Da Qin's control of the world has become more powerful, those six kingdoms who barely survived on the bright side did not dare to support them too much.

"So, they can only fight by assassinating the Lord. If they succeed, they can still have a chance to survive. If they fail, they will also fight for the last time." Dunwei replied.

"Ha ha.""

Ying Qi sneered, and naturally understood what the remnants of the Six Kingdoms were thinking.

If only his father controls the world, without his presence, relying on his father and the strictness of Qin's law, the world will suffer for Qin, and in the future, his father will certainly frantically search for the elixir of immortality, which will cost the people and money.

If the remnants of the Six Kingdoms create some more legends about the immortal island and the elixir of immortality, they will definitely scare their father for a moment. Ying Qi is too clear about his father's character.

in the original history.

Qin Shihuang searched the overseas immortal islands, and Ying Qi did not believe that there was no shadow of the remnants of the Six Kingdoms behind it.

In the eyes of the remnants of the six kingdoms, they were afraid of Ying Zheng, but they didn't care about Ying Zheng's sons at all, they completely despised him.

But after winning Qi.

The result is naturally completely different in 1.7.

For the mother country they were destroyed, the edict was Ying Zheng, but the executor was Ying Qi. It can be said that the six kingdoms were destroyed by Ying Qi. Their fear of Ying Qi was even more fearful than Ying Qi's father Qin Shihuang. Fear.

For Qin Shihuang, they may still be able to boil to death.

But for Ying Qi, who is young and strong, and who doesn't seem to have any shortcomings, they really have no other way, except for assassination, there is no other way.

"Knowing that this monarch lives in the East Palace and is protected by the Imperial Guard and the government soldiers, they cannot get close, and the assassins cannot approach Xianyang, so they created an influx of refugees into Xianyang, and the assassins mixed into the refugees, such a large number of refugees will be alarmed. Benjun, and then wait for the opportunity to assassinate.99

"This abacus is pretty good." Ying Qi said with a sneer.

"How are your preparations, Lord?" he asked respectfully.

"Since they made a move, this gentleman will naturally take over."


"This is also their last move."

"Find out where the remnants of the six kingdoms are hiding, and after this, they will be wiped out. 35

"Not a single one.

Ying Qi said coldly, with cruelty, no doubt.

"This subordinate will never let the Lord down." Dun Wei immediately bowed and ordered to retreat.

"Da Qin, the world.""

"The great mountains and rivers belong to me, Yingqi, and no one can take them away."5

"Remnants of the Six Nations, what are you guys?"

"Father, when I get rid of these remnants and truly control the Central Plains, I will create a magnificent Taishan Fengchan Ceremony for you."5

"Eternal Emperor, Qin Shi Huang. 99

"Easy to come into being later.

There was a yearning in Ying Qi's eyes.

For Taishan Fengchan, he Yingqi is also full of expectations.

PS: Seeking to be determined, seeking a monthly ticket, thank you very much, thank you.

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