Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 217 Build the foundation for Ying Zheng's martial arts, and win Qi's grand career

For Ying Zheng's words.

Donger and Xia Wuqi stared blankly.

Naturally, they didn't know what the power of martial arts in Ying Qi's mouth was.


Ying Qi smiled, raised his hand, and in the palm of his hand, a ray of yin and yang rays of true qi appeared directly.

"what is this?"

Looking at the True Qi hanging in the palm of Ying Qi's palm, this kind of power beyond the world's cognition, seemingly invisible, but real, Ying Zheng watched in astonishment.

"This is the true qi of martial arts.

"After stepping into the innate martial arts, you can have true qi, let it out, break mountains and rocks, and kill people without a trace."

"In myths and legends, immortals exist in some heaven and earth, and they are born as immortals, but there are also other types. Through cultivation, they enter the realm of immortals."

"And martial arts training is a way to ascend to the level of immortal gods. If you cultivate to the realm of transformation, you can enter the realm of immortals and gods, live forever, and live with the sky." Ying Qi said solemnly.

Hear what Ying Qi said.

Ying Zheng, Xia Wuqi, and Dong'er all looked at Ying Qi in shock.

For Ying Zheng, who had heard martial arts before, his heart was barely at peace.

But for Xia Wuqi and Dong'er.

They are difficult to calm down.

"What happened to Qi'er in the past eight years? Why do I have no idea at all?" Dong'er thought in surprise in the bottom of her heart.

When he was in the village before, although Ying Qi showed the stability and intelligence that his peers never had, he did not reveal any immortal power.

But now what her own Qi Er has is that she, the mother, has no idea at all.

"Qi'er, have you reached the level of an immortal now? Are you immortal?" Ying Zheng asked with shock and anticipation in his heart.


"Far from there.

Ying Qi shook his head.

"In the realm of martial arts, one realm is one layer of heaven, and now I am in the realm of a grandmaster.

"Although it has not reached the level of immortality, the lifespan has grown to three hundred years."

"And as my cultivation level increases, my lifespan will double." Ying Qi said slowly.

"Three hundred years of life?"

Several people's eyes widened again, and they were shocked again.

This was the first time they felt that they were so close to immortality.

My son actually has a three-hundred-year lifespan, which can be called the legendary master of Taoism.

"My Ying Zheng's son is really amazing."

"Ever since time immemorial, which king did not pursue immortality and always control the power of the world, but no one succeeded.

"But God bless me, Ying Zheng, my son not only allowed me to rule the world, but also gave me the chance to live forever.

"Hahaha, if you have a son like this, what else do I want from Ying Zheng?" Ying Zheng was shocked at the same time, and he thought very proudly.

"That's weak, what kind of strength are Li Qing and the others?" Ying Zheng asked.

"They are all in the innate realm, but their true qi is released, and thousands of people are invincible. There is an acquired realm before the innate realm. This realm has no real qi, and the dantian has not yet been opened, but the body has internal strength, and the cultivation to the acquired realm is profound. Level, can be against a hundred people. Ying Qi said.

"No wonder they are so good."

"The power of martial arts is the power of immortals."

"Qi'er, can we really become immortals in the future?" Ying Qi asked expectantly.

"In this world, in this world, the highest achievement is the peak of the Innate Realm. It is almost impossible to go further, and there is no chance to become an immortal in this world. Ying Qi shook his head.

This word.

Ying Zheng, who was full of anticipation, was thrown cold water on his face, and a hint of disappointment suddenly surfaced.

"Why can't we become immortals in this world?" Ying Zheng asked in confusion.

"The way of cultivation, leading to the realm of immortals and gods, requires a huge amount of spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but the spiritual energy in this world is very thin, if I hadn't started the way of cultivation, perhaps the way of cultivation would not exist in this world at all, Ying Qi said.

"Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi?"

Hearing a brand new term again, Ying Zheng was even more surprised.

Why is this practice so many twists and turns?

What the realm of martial arts.

What innate, master.

And then the spirit of heaven and earth?

Regarding this practice, Ying Zheng is really like a fog, and he doesn't understand at all.

"Then our family can't live forever, can't we live forever?" Ying Zheng said disappointedly.

"Father, have you forgotten what I told you?

"Don't confine your eyes to this side of the Central Plains, there are many countries outside the Central Plains, this side of the world is not as small as you think."

"And beyond the world, is there no world beyond?"

"This side of the world can't become an immortal, can't it be in the outer world?" Ying Qi smiled with a deep meaning.

"You stinky boy can't finish it in one breath?" Ying Zheng cursed angrily.

"Okay, having said so much, it's time for you to build your martial arts foundation."

"Dad, you come first." 5

Ying Qi smiled and motioned Ying Zheng to sit down.

"How?" Ying Zheng was full of expectations.

"Relax your mind, I will teach you martial arts." "Ying Qi said solemnly.

"it is good."

Ying Zheng did not hesitate, and relaxed his whole body.

But there is an unspeakable expectation in my heart.

The power of martial arts.

He has longed for it for a long time.

Seeing that his son's subordinates are so powerful, Ying Zheng doesn't envy him, he also wants to have this kind of power beyond the world, and today he finally gets his wish.

"Ten layers of basic internal skills for transmission.

Ying Qi gave an order.


An invisible golden light fell on Ying Zheng's body.


Ying Zheng only felt that the sea of ​​consciousness swelled, and immediately there was a mysterious exercise.

Besides Ying Qi, no one can teach others the exercises.

Basic internal skills.

Laying the foundation is suitable for cultivation in the whole realm of the acquired realm, and the most important thing is to be able to choose the cultivation method of the innate realm to continue to practice.

If you rashly practice ordinary low-level exercises, your future cultivation path will also be limited.

Therefore, the basic internal strength is also the most suitable for Ying Zheng today.

"The power of immortals is really the power of immortals.

"In my memory, a practice method, the martial arts method, appeared out of thin air." Ying Zheng said excitedly.

As the current master of the Central Plains.

Perhaps what made Ying Zheng so moved was the power of martial arts that he had been looking forward to for a long time.

"I used my true qi to open up the heavens for my father. You can use the exercises to condense your inner strength," said Ying Qi.

"it is good."

With the exercises in his memory, Ying Zheng was no stranger to Zhou Tian and qigong.


Ying Qi's heart moved, his hands were printed on Ying Zheng's back, and a vast infuriating energy rushed directly into Ying Zheng's body.

It directly opened up a Zhoutian of the meridians in Ying Zheng's body.

Ying Zheng did not neglect either, and immediately started the exercise, following Ying Qi's infuriating energy.

Under the strong infuriating qi of Ying Qi, the internal force belonging to Ying Zheng takes shape in the body.

But Ying Qi didn't take the credit, but continued to help Ying Zheng run. After all, he was his own father, and he still had to be treated specially.

About an hour later.

Ying Qi slowly stopped the output of infuriating energy.

"Inner strength, I have inner strength.

"And I feel my body getting stronger."

Ying Zheng felt the inner force in his body and laughed excitedly.

"Qi'er, what state am I now?" Ying Zheng came back to his senses and looked at Ying Qi excitedly and asked.

"The day after tomorrow, the triple realm. Ying Qi said.

"It's only the third day of the day after tomorrow?"

Ying Zheng was a little disappointed.

"Dad, you don't want to be cheap and sell well. If I didn't use True Qi to help you run it, it would be good for you to consolidate the first level on the first day of martial arts." Ying Qi said angrily.


Brat, you've given you everything Laozi can give you, what's wrong with asking you to help?

Ying Zheng laughed and said very embarrassingly.

Then he turned his head and looked at Dong'er proudly: "Dong'er, you gave me a good son.

Dong'er smiled softly and did not speak.

"It's really a blessing for them to get along so well with their father and son. Dong'er thought to himself.

"Mother, come here now, and I'll help you get started with martial arts." Ying Qi smiled and walked to his mother's side.

"Can your mother do it too?" Dong'er was a little surprised.

"Naturally, otherwise how can our family be together for a long time in the future." Ying Qi said with a smile.

In fact, Ying Qi had other ideas in his mind about his mother and Yan'er's cultivation of martial arts.

The power of martial arts is suitable for men. If they obtain the law of immortality in the future, they can be transferred to them.



Hearing Ying Qi's words, Dong'er also nodded.

This is the kindness of her son, and it is also for the family to be together forever. How could she refuse.


Ying Qi gave his mother also the foundation of martial arts.

"Grandfather, you are a little older, and the road of cultivation is more difficult than your parents, but it doesn't matter. If I get the genius treasure of prolonging life in the future, our family will not be separated."" Ying Qi confronted Xia said nothing.

The way of practice.

Not everyone is suitable for cultivation.

Martial arts practice depends on one's roots and talent.

The cultivation of immortality lies in the spiritual roots.

The way of magic is to look at the spiritual power.

In short.

The way of cultivation is to defy the sky and change one's life. If it is so easy to step into it, isn't the existence of immortals and gods a bad street?

"I can still be fortunate enough to see Ah Fang in my life, and I am satisfied to see your family reunited. Now that I have this opportunity, even if I can't make progress, I will try my best. Xia Wuqi smiled calmly. .


Ying Qi built the foundation for Xia Wuqi's martial arts.

An hour passed.

The same method of building a foundation has allowed them to achieve the third level of the acquired day on their own parents, but in Xia Wuqi, they can only reach the second level of the acquired day.

It can be seen that what Ying Qi said is not false.

"Qi'er, let's go out to chat and let your mother and grandchildren play.

Seeing the end of the matter, Ying Zheng said.

"En. Ying Qi nodded.

0.....for flowers·

The father and son walked outside the palace.

"What happened to those people in the DPRK?" Ying Zheng asked.

"All the clans have been exterminated." Ying Qi said solemnly.

"Where's Hu Hai?" Although Ying Zheng knew the result, he still wanted to ask.

"Killed."" Ying Qi glanced at Ying Zheng and replied.

"That kid, after all, he still didn't have the open-mindedness of Fusu, and he didn't have any ability to succeed, so he still had to fight, and he was regarded as a chess piece, I don't know.

"It's okay to die."

"Just use his life, and use the life of those disobedient courtiers to give you Qi'er prestige."

"This will make Qi'er more powerful for you to control Da Qin." Ying Zheng sighed.

"Father, don't blame me for killing Hu Hai." Ying Qi smiled.

"He should be killed."

"In his heart, there may be no father-son relationship at all. Yongcheng assassinated, so many assassins, but he did not intend to let me live with you."

"It's useless to keep such a vicious heart.

"If you let him die just because of a relationship, how would you deal with those courtiers? Where would you put Qin Fa?" Ying Zheng said with great relief.

this matter.

Hu Hai is the leader, and he is also the main culprit. If he is alive, how can Ying Qi destroy the clan of those courtiers?

Of course there is no name.

"What are you going to do next?" Ying Zheng asked.

"The county system is fully implemented, and I'm going to take action against those remnants of the Six Nations. This part of the Central Plains must be completely controlled by Da Qin. 99

"On this side of the Central Plains, I don't want any voice other than our father and son to exist. Ying Qi said coldly.

"Anyway, you can do it with confidence."

"No matter what, Dad will support you." Ying Zheng said solemnly.

For his own son, Ying Zheng believed 100%.

Because he knows.

My son is stronger and more powerful than I imagined.

"With my father's support, I can rest assured.

"The next step is to gradually implement martial arts techniques. Ying Qi suddenly said.

The words fell.

Ying Zheng's expression changed, and he looked at Ying Qi in disbelief.

"Qi'er, the martial arts practice is very important. If it is implemented, what if it is out of control? This practice is a double-edged sword. 35 Ying Zhengdao.

"Father, what do you think is the most complicated thing in this world?" Ying Qi smiled and asked back.

"The Heart. 35

Ying Zheng didn't hesitate, then said: "Father has been a king for many years, and he has been a king for many years. I have seen too many people's hearts. On the surface, they treat you very well and are loyal, but they will stab you in the dark. This is the heart of the people. It's terrifying, because it's impossible to see through."


"After taking power, Dad learned how to control people's hearts, control the king's power, control the king's power, use his subjects to control his subjects, and use his heart to control people's hearts. This is the way of the emperor."

"Qi'er, you must learn, and don't be hurt by people's hearts in the future."

"Don't trust anyone too much." Ying Zheng said in an instructive tone.

"Father, if I told you that I could read people's hearts, would you believe it?" Ying Qi smiled and said suddenly.

The voice fell.

Ying Zheng's eyes widened.

He looked at Ying Qi in disbelief.

After half a day.

It seemed that he had seen the power of his son, and Ying Zheng nodded: "If it is someone else, I don't believe it, but Qi Er's words, I believe it."

"Seeing people's hearts, this is the key for me to control Daqin in the future. 99

"People are unpredictable, but there is nothing to hide in my eyes."

"Only those whose hearts are loyal to me can truly be used by me. If they are unfaithful, I will let them know what the consequences are." Ying Qi said coldly.

"Qi'er. 35

"Dad is very surprised by what you have mastered, as long as you can use this ability to see people's hearts, you will be able to make Daqin to a higher level, and the national strength will be even greater.

"It will not be difficult for you to rule the world. 35

"Suddenly, the entire court is loyal to you, loyal to Da Qin's ministers."

"This is enough to gather a real national strength, and no force can stop you. 99 Ying Zheng said with approval.


Ying Qi smiled.

Supervision system.

Look at the loyalty of your servants.

If you are unfaithful, the system will naturally give an early warning, which is naturally the key to Ying Qi's control of the empire.

People's hearts are the most unpredictable, but in Ying Qi's hands they no longer exist.

He, can control the real heart, because he can see through.

"Han Fei, Li Qing and the others are able to gain your trust because you have seen their loyalty. 35 Ying Zheng asked with a smile.

"That's right. 35

"Only those who are truly loyal to me can get me to teach martial arts.

"If not, they don't know the power of martial arts at all. 35 Ying Qi laughed.

"You boy is really steady.

"In this way, this Daqin is handed over to you, father is more at ease.

"Father is looking forward to what you will bring to Da Qin in the future. 35 Ying Zheng said with a big smile.

PS: Seeking to be determined, seeking a monthly ticket, thank you very much.

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