Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 216 Ying Qi: Father, mother, this is for you.

Hear what Zhang Liang said.

All these people present showed a touch of yearning, and all of them had a kind of hatred.

If Ying Zheng, as the King of Qin, initiated the war to destroy the six kingdoms, then Ying Qi was an executioner, and many of their relatives and even elders died in the advance and capture of Ying Qi's troops.

For example Zhang Liang, his father died in the Ying Qi army.

Xiang Liang's father Xiang Yan died in the chaos of Wang Jian's army.

They are more or less the mortal enemies of Da Qin, and Ying Qi, who is the commander of Da Qin's army, is their real thorn in their side.

"Killing and winning Qi is easy to say.

"But how hard is it to do it?

"Ying Qi, like his father, is not close to women or people. His East Palace is guarded by soldiers who are loyal to him. The people in the palace are selected by the Qin royal family. It can be said that there is no hole at all. can enter."

"How to kill him?"

Xiang Liang said solemnly.


"Ying Qi is indeed powerful in commanding the army, but as long as I let my nephew live with him, I will definitely kill him. Once he dies, the King of Qin will collapse, and the country of Qin will be in chaos.

"All of our countries are expected to recover."

A young man said loudly to Xiang Liang, and was very moved by the assassination of Ying Qi.

"Yu'er, how many times has my uncle told you, how can the courage of a single man be able to restore the country?"

"Your bravery is indeed rare in the world, and it can be rivaled by ten thousand people. If Ying Qi is called the god of war by Qin, it may not be as good as you, but there are many masters around Ying Qi, and there is no way to get close to him. How to kill him?" Xiang Liang reprimanded the young man.

A reprimand for Xiang Liang.

The man was dissatisfied, but no, he dared to say more.


"What do they care about most in the Qin state today?"

"Or, what do Ying Zheng and Ying Qi care about most?" Zhang Liang looked at the people around him and suddenly said.

"Naturally, the world is stable and the world is completely under control."

"Completely eradicate us people from the Six Nations." Xiang Liang said without hesitation.

"This is one of them.

"In the hearts of Ying Zheng and Ying Qi, what they want more is to control the hearts of the people of the world.

"Today, although the world is settled, it is all suppressed by the forces of the Qin state, and the people's hearts have never been attached.

"And what we have to do is to make a fuss about the hearts of the people.

"Chaos Qin is in the hearts of the people all over the world, and Ying Zheng and Ying Qi are dealt with with the hearts of the people. Zhang Liang sneered, as if he had thought of some complete strategy.

"How do we do it?"

All eyes turned to Zhang Liang.

"Qin has already implemented the county system, and within a year at most, the county system will be fully formed. At that time, as long as the Qin court lowers the tax a little, the people of the world will be attached, and it will be even more difficult for us to provoke it. Zhang Liang said. 340

As a resourceful man, he can naturally see what the people in the world value most, naturally peace and life.

If Qin Ting imposed a benevolent government and light taxation, it would be a devastating blow to those who had returned to the country.

He sees clearly.

Compared with Daqin's power after the collapse of the country, they are like ants shaking a dragon. In addition to the espionage power left by the previous mother country, the most important thing is that they can mobilize the hearts of the fishermen of the original six countries.

But the implementation of the county system is the biggest, most powerful blow to them.

The system of prefectures and counties, Qin ruled the world, and centralized power in Xianyang.

What they want to do in the future is even more difficult.

To stop the implementation of the county system, there is only one way, win Qi to death, Qin will be in chaos.

"So we must do it at this stage and take advantage of the people's hearts.

"Everyone, imagine that if countless rioters flocked to Xianyang, wouldn't Ying Qi, the prince of the supervising country, try to settle them? If the rioters riot, wouldn't Ying Qi, the prince, go and appease him personally?" Zhang Liang sneered.

That's it.

Everyone was stunned.

"Master Zhang Liang has a great idea.

"This time, I am willing to mobilize the last power of the Dachu espionage, and mobilize 800 elite assassins to lurk in the chaos."

"Although our country of Yan is not as powerful as that of Chu, the legacy of Crown Prince Dan is still there, and our country of Yan is willing to send five hundred elite assassins."5

"The same goes for me in the country of Zhao..."


People from the six countries spoke up one after another, willing to contribute.

Naturally, they all understand that the implementation of the Daqin County system will bring them a devastating blow, so they are naturally willing to do their best.

"Ying Qi is the prince who has high hopes from Ying Zheng. When he dies, Ying Zheng will go crazy, mad, and he will be severely tyrannical, forcing the people of the world to lose heart, and the county system will also be interrupted."5

"This is our last chance.

"To restore the country."

"In order to destroy the violent Qin, avenge the snow and hatred."5

"We must do our best.

"Also, the spy lurking in Xianyang, as well as those who can be contacted who are dissatisfied with Ying Qi, will act together. Zhang Liang said with a sneer.

at this time.


"Xianyang secret report.

An undercover detective walked quickly into the thatched hut.

"What secret report?" Zhang Liang asked immediately.

"King Qin Yingzheng handed over the royal power to the crown prince Ying Qi, and retreated behind the scenes. All the power of life and death, and all major affairs of the country were handed over to Ying Qi for disposal." The spy respectfully reported.

"King Qin really has great courage.

"Now that he is in his prime, he has handed over all the power to Ying Qi, so he is not afraid to drive him off the throne after Ying Qi gets it? 35 Xiang Liang said in shock.

"Perhaps in King Qin's heart, Ying Qi is stronger than him, that's why this is the case.

"King Qin is the first unifying monarch since ancient times, and his courage is indeed unmatched through the ages." Zhang Liang said in a deep voice.

Although he is an enemy, he also has a deep understanding of the enemy.

"My lords. 99

"King Qin did this because he found the queen of Qin, Ying Qi's biological mother. His biological mother did not die, but kept her name incognito."


The detective wanted to continue speaking, but his expression became hesitant.

"What else? Zhang Liang frowned.

"Young Master Qin Hu Hai, Zhao Gao, and many other nobles in the Qin state who were in contact with us have all been exterminated by Ying Qi.

"Xianyang City has been washed with blood by Ying Qi, and many of our secret agents have suffered heavy losses." The secret agent said respectfully.


The expressions of the people present changed, and they all fell into panic.

"Even Hu Hai was killed by Ying Qi?"

"That's Ying Zheng's son? How can Ying Zheng be able to do it?"

"No wonder Ying Zheng wanted to hand over power to Ying Qi, because he Gu Nian was his son and couldn't do it, so he handed it over to Ying Qi.

"How many people were involved? They were all beheaded by Ying Qi without any scruples.


"We can't delay any longer, Ying Qi's tactics are more ruthless than Ying Zheng's, and he is not a king, so he won't have the same scruples as Ying Zheng."

"I decided to do it right away.

"Otherwise there's really no chance."

"Yes, do it right away, otherwise it will change later."

"If Ying Qi will not die, we will not be able to complete the great wish of reviving the country at all. 35

"Qin Wang Yingzheng can still die, but this victory is for the youth, we can't survive him at all...

The remnants of the six kingdoms gathered here and discussed in secret.

But to this.

Ying Qi didn't know it yet.

And even if you know.

And just sneer.

Their calculations on Da Qin were indeed sinister, assassination, public opinion, and various means emerged one after another.

But they don't know a thing.

In the face of absolute power, all calculations are in vain.

In the past, when Ying Qi was in the Xiantian realm, their assassination was a joke, but now Ying Qi is already at the master level, no matter how many assassins and how elite they are, it is just a joke.

Qin Palace.

Afang Palace.

After Dong'er returned, Ying Zheng naturally prepared everything and named the queen's palace Epang Palace.

And since the handing over to Ying Qi that day, Ying Zheng has been by Dong'er's side every day and every night. For more than 20 years of indebtedness and 20 years of separation, now Ying Zheng just wants to pay back.

For Ying Zheng.

The news of Dong'er's death in the past, now that Dong'er has been found again, is a lost and found for him.

This made Ying Zheng cherish even more.

So he is now with Donger every day, for fear that he is not bad, and Donger leaves from his side again.

"Aye, grandma. 35

At this time.

Two cute and playful voices came from outside the Epang Palace.

Hear the sound.

Ying Zheng and Dong'er turned their heads at the same time and looked at the door lovingly.

The two little guys took small steps and rushed towards Ying Zheng and Dong'er.

after returning.

The first time Donger saw her father, after more than 20 years of separation, looking at her aging father, Donger also felt very guilty, and then she saw her daughter-in-law and two grandchildren. .

These make Donger, who has lived alone for eight years, feel warm.

She cherishes and cherishes this kind of feeling.

Not for power, but to be able to be one, always with those who love each other.


The two little guys threw themselves directly on Dong'er, that was a kindness.

"Two people with no conscience, they won't recognize Aye when they see Grandma."

Looking at this scene, Ying Zheng teased with kindness on his face.

"Aye, hug.

Ying Yuqi immediately turned around, (afbh) hugged her Aye too, and then quickly and quickly hugged her grandmother.

blood kinship.

Perhaps it is really a mystery, and there is its own traction.

When Ying Zheng and Ying Qi didn't recognize each other, the two little guys were especially close to Ying Zheng, more than anyone.

Intergenerational relatives.

Maybe so.

Now Dong'er is back.

the same.

Only get along for a few days.

But the two little guys are also very close to her.

"A room."

Xia Wuqi walked in from outside the hall.

Seeing Donger's happy appearance, Xia Wuqi also had a touch of warmth on his face.


Seeing Xia Wuqi coming, Dong'er immediately stood up.


Ying Zheng also did not have any rudeness, and immediately stood up to greet him.

in this palace.

A family is a family.

No kingship, monarch and minister were brought in at all.

all the time.

Ying Zheng respected Xia Wuqi as his father-in-law from the beginning to the end, and never treated him badly. Even if Donger left, Ying Zheng's respect never changed.

"It's great that you can come back and the family can be together.

"very nice.

Xia Wuqi looked at the warm scene in front of him, and the old face was full of emotion.

this lifetime.

He thought that he would never have the chance to see his daughter again, but the sky has eyes, his daughter did not die and came back again.

It made him grateful to God.

"Dad, I'm sorry for you."

Listening to Xia Wuqi's words, Dong'er couldn't help crying.

Xia Wuqi stepped forward and wiped away tears for his daughter in distress: "Child, don't cry, isn't everything better now?

"The family is reunited, Qi'er is also outstanding, and gave birth to two such well-behaved grandchildren for you, Dad is very happy to see your family reunited." Xia Wuqi said with a smile.


"Our family will never be separated for the rest of our lives.""

Li Yan'er's voice came over.

She and Ying Qi walked into the hall together.

"Yan'er, Qi'er."

Looking at her son and daughter-in-law, Dong'er also had a kind of warmth on her face.

"Father, how did you take care of my mother and make her cry again.

Ying Qi said to Ying Zheng.

"Yes, yes, it's Dad's fault."

"Father didn't take good care of your mother.

"Father will take good care of your mother in the future and won't let her suffer any grievances. Ying Zheng's eyes are firm.

"Mother, Yan'er just said that our family will not be separated for a lifetime, forever."

"I will not let anyone spoil this kind of life. 35

Ying Qi stared at his mother with a firm voice.

"Well, I won't leave you again." Dong'er said with tears in her eyes.

"Mother, don't cry."

"Qi'er has prepared gifts for you, father, and grandfather today. 35

Ying Qi smiled and took it out of his arms.

Directly took out three brocade boxes.

"Father, mother, grandfather."5

"This is Yanshou Dan. 35

"One can prolong life by ten years."

"If you eat it, you can make your body better."

Ying Qi smiled and handed the brocade box in his hand to the three of them.

And heard Ying Qi's words.

The three were stunned.

"Yanshou Dan? Ten years of life extension?"

The three of them stared at Ying Qi in astonishment.

Does this legendary creature actually exist?

And still in their Qi Er hands?

"Qi'er, aren't you joking?" Xia Wuqi was a little stunned.

"Grandfather, how can I joke about this kind of thing." Ying Qi said with a smile.

"I have seen Qi'er's greatness. This is definitely the real life-enhancing pill. Father-in-law, have you forgotten the medicinal pill that Qi'er gave us?" Ying Zheng smiled, opened the brocade box and took out the medicinal pill. , swallowed directly.


A golden light flashed across Ying Zheng's body.

Visible to the naked eye.

Ying Zheng became even younger.

"Dong'er, father-in-law, you should eat it too, this is Qi'er's filial piety, and it cannot be wasted. 35 Ying Zheng said mildly.


Xia Wuqi nodded.

He opened the brocade box and took the medicine pill.

Just like what Ying Zheng swallowed, a golden light flashed, and the white hair on Xia Wuqi's head also darkened at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and the whole person became much younger. He was only in his fifties.

"Dong'er, you can eat it too. 35 Ying Zheng said with a smile.

"Father, this one of mine is for you.

Dong'er handed the medicine pill in her hand to Xia Wuqi.

Seeing that her father has aged so much and has not been around to take care of her for many years, it makes her very guilty.

"Dong'er, your body is already weak. This medicine pill can strengthen your body. You can eat it. One is enough for Dad." Xia Wuqi immediately pushed it.

"Mom, eat it.

"I still have this Yanshou Dan.

"And there will definitely be better things in the future." Ying Qi said with a smile.

Entered the master level.

Not only a leap in strength, but also a transformation in Shou Yuan, now Ying Qi has three hundred years of Shou Yuan.

This is what the master realm brings.

Cultivators have one realm and one heaven.

What it brings is not only strength, but also transformation at the level of life.

Grandmaster realm, three hundred years of life.

three centuries.

Those remnants of the Six Nations who want to boil themselves to death can only be said to be idiots and dreams.

And as long as the county system is fully implemented, Ying Qi will really take action against those remnants of the Six Nations.

"Dong'er, eat."

"Our Qi'er has the inheritance of the fairy family. In the future, our family can live for a long time and will never be separated. 35 Ying Zheng also said with a smile.

See here.

Dong'er also nodded, and finally opened the brocade box and ate the medicine pill.

Then Dong'er's face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and became moisturised.

The strength of Yanshou Dan lies in this.

One pill can prolong life by ten years.

These are not ordinary things that surprised everyone here.


Ying Zheng rolled his eyes and joked: "Qi'er, will there be an immortality medicine for your father and mother in the future?"

"Father, let alone the elixir of immortality, Qi'er will find it for you in the future even if it is the Pantao of Heaven, so that you can become immortals and become gods. 99

"And today I'm going to let you really step into the realm of martial arts.

Ying Qi said with a smile.

The voice fell.

Ying Zheng widened his eyes.

The power of martial arts, he has heard many times, and he saw it with his own eyes in the back mountain of Lijia Village in Yongcheng.

That kind of power is not possessed by ordinary people at all, it is only controlled by immortals.

"Qi'er, can we have that kind of power?" Ying Zheng couldn't help asking.

PS: Seeking for a fixed, seeking a monthly ticket, thank you very much.

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