Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 215 Add sub professional, loyalty system transformation

"Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading to level 21 (Grandmaster Realm).

"The reward will open a sub-professional opportunity once, and the middle-grade martial skill "Hundred-step Flying Sword" will be awarded, and 500 middle-grade spirit stones will be awarded. 35

The system prompt sounded in Ying Qi's ear.

"Sure enough, every time I reach a big level, the system will give me a chance to choose a sub-professional. 99

"But this time.

"What I want to choose is not something like taming a beast."

Ying Qi smiled secretly in his heart.

I already have an idea in my mind about the sub-professional to choose this time.

Now that he is the master of Daqin, he is in charge of the kingship. Next, he will also open the foundation for him to create a martial arts empire.

In this thin world of spiritual energy, if you want to speed up the cultivation of martial arts, apart from the spiritual stone, the key lies in the medicine pill.

With enough medicinal herbs, it is self-evident that martial arts can improve.

Sub-professional opens.

Contains thousands of sub-professionals.

Alchemy, alchemy, forging, animal taming, formation... It includes all kinds of auxiliary methods in the heavens and the world.

If ordinary people can master one of them, they will be able to break through the world.

But for Ying Qi, every major level he can get the opportunity to open the sub-professional, and as long as he has enough promotion points, he can fully master the sub-professional skills.

With a data-based physique, the only gamer in the heavens and the world is so powerful.

"I choose alchemy.


Ying Qi gave instructions directly to the system.

"The host's order is accepted.

"Choose a sub-professional and succeed in alchemy. 55

"Enable sub-professional transfer of alchemy." The system prompts.

A golden light enveloped Ying Qi's body.

There is also the entry-level method of alchemy, and the ordinary alchemy recipes are all instilled into Ying Qi's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Congratulations to the host for opening up a sub-professional, alchemy, the reward can grow a alchemy furnace, as the host's alchemy realm improves, the alchemy furnace will be improved accordingly.

"Currently it is Level 1 and Level 1, and ordinary first-order entry-level medicinal pills can be refined." The system prompted.

"The first rank should be the yellow rank of the medicinal pill, the second rank is the mysterious rank, the third rank is the earth rank, and the fourth rank is the heavenly rank.

"Now I must be able to refine the pills of the yellow rank as an aid, so that I can train more alchemists, so that I can continuously refine pills for the empire. Ying Qi thought to himself.

He is a dignified master of Qin, and naturally he will not condescend to refine medicine pills, but the way of cultivation in this era has not been opened, let alone real medicine refining.

He chose this alchemy to quickly improve the foundational martial arts of the empire, and then he could train more alchemists to drive Daqin.

"Alchemists, those alchemists don't know if they can make use of them?

"Although they are all refining poison pills, they have an entry level that surpasses ordinary people after all." Ying Qi pondered.

back to God.

"System, use the promotion point to upgrade the alchemy technique to the first-order consummation. Ying Qi gave the order.

"Host order accepted.""

"Deduct 1,000 promotion points and be promoted to the first rank."

"Deduct 2000 promotion points..."

After deducting nearly 100,000 promotion points, he has been successfully promoted to the first-order consummation, and what Ying Qi has mastered has also reached the corresponding level.

First-order consummate alchemy technique: able to refine first-order pills, and have the opportunity to leapfrog to refine second-order first-level pills.

"There are still millions of promotion points.

"Continue to upgrade to the second-order consummation." Ying Qi decided to go all out.

Anyway, promotion points are obtained through prestige. With the control of the empire, the real car is on the same track and the book is in the same text. These will make their name imprint in the hearts of the people of the Qin Empire and gain endless prestige.

"Deducting promotion points..."

"Congratulations to the host who has successfully reached second-order consummation in alchemy, and can refine second-order medicinal pills." The system prompted.


"The higher the level, the greater the cost of promotion points, and it cost me more than 500,000 promotion points to be successfully promoted to the second level.

"System, I want to practice "Hundred Steps Flying Sword", and remind me to reach the perfection level. Ying Qi gave the order again.

Hundred-step flying sword.

According to Ying Qi's understanding, this is the martial skill of the Guigu Zongheng family that I knew in my previous life. A hundred steps away, flying swords volley to kill the enemy, which can be called a stunt.


This is also the first time that Ying Qi has obtained a ground-level martial skill.

"The Hundred Steps Flying Sword has been cultivated and has been elevated to perfection." The system prompted.

Look at the attributes of this hundred-step flying sword: the perfect attribute, the sword can kill the enemy, and within a thousand steps, the sword is like a spirit.

"The promotion point is only 100,000. The higher the level of martial arts, the greater the consumption.""

Ying Qi looked at his remaining promotion points and couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

The promotion points that I had saved for so long were all used up at once.

"Post a mission, control the world, reward the world with a chance to advance to the challenge (if the challenge is successful, the world can be promoted), reward a ground-level treasure chest, and reward a random dungeon world portal."

"In the process of unifying the world, as the national strength increases, the number of destroyed countries increases, and random empire building rewards can be obtained.

"Please work hard, the host." The system suddenly issued a task.

"The world is promoted and the spiritual energy is revived? 35

"Speaking of which, I still have an opportunity to open the portal to the dungeon world. After Da Qin is completely settled, I can try to visit this world. Ying Qi thought to himself.

Open the properties panel.

Level: Level 21 (Grandmaster First Stage)


True Qi: 20000

Cultivation method: perfect basic internal skills, nine yin and nine yang (continuous life, can restore true qi,)

Secondary occupation: animal taming, alchemy.

Experience required to upgrade: 200,000.

After being promoted to the master level, Ying Qi's strength has skyrocketed tenfold, and his true qi has also doubled.


Ying Qi can truly be said to be invincible in the world.

Even if he was surrounded by tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, Ying Qi could still kill him.

Even if he is attacked by a strong crossbow, a strong bow and random arrows, Ying Qi can still protect his whole body with his true energy. This is the strength of a master, a martial arts master.


Ying Qi called in a deep voice.

"Subordinates are here.

A weak figure appeared in front of Ying Qi in the blink of an eye.

"After destroying the countries, how did the alchemists of the countries deal with them?" Ying Qiwei asked.

If in the past.

There are still alchemists in the palace of Daqin, and alchemists who have destroyed the kingdoms will definitely be sent to the palace of Daqin to refine the elixir of immortality for the king.

But after Ying Zheng met Ying Qi, he knew that these so-called immortal alchemists were a scam, so he secretly disposed of all the alchemists in the Daqin Palace.

As for the alchemists of the various countries, Ying Qi did not ask.

"Go back to the Lord."

"The alchemists of all countries are imprisoned in prisons in various counties and cities, waiting to be dealt with." Dunwei replied.

"Transfer all the alchemy alchemists of the various countries to Xianyang, they may be of great use to this monarch. 35 Win Qi Dao.

"My subordinates understand." Dun Wei readily accepted the order.

"Also, hand over the drawing of the crossbow to the craftsmen of the Black Ice Platform, the more the better. Ying Qi explained.

"My subordinates take orders." He said respectfully.

He knew that his master was about to gradually take over the authority of Daqin.

Ying Zheng handed over the power to supervise the country and the power of life and death to Ying Qi, in order to pave the way for Ying Qi to succeed him as king.

The transformation that belongs to Daqin will start at this moment.

After Dunwei left.

Win Qi Communication System: "Open the Loyalty System. 35

"The host has become the prince of the supervising country, holding the authority of a country, and the loyalty system has begun to upgrade, including loyalty to the country's officials.""

"The loyalty system has been upgraded."

"The loyalty system has transformed into a country monitoring system. The country monitoring system can incorporate all the subjects of the country controlled by the host into the system, and can observe the loyalty value of the subjects. Just like the loyalty system, once a person who is unfaithful is found, it will immediately remind the host." The system prompts.

"Sure enough, as I took control of the empire, the change in the loyalty system also came." Ying Qi smiled with satisfaction.

people's hearts.

It is indeed the most unpredictable in the heavens and the world.

He looks loyal to you on the surface, but he may stab you in the back, which is the horror of people's hearts.

But with the power to monitor the loyalty of the country, Ying Qi really has nothing to worry about.

Those who are disloyal to the country just don't need it.

If you dare to treason, you will be punished.

With the power of the shadow and the black ice platform, it is too simple to want some people to die silently.

"Open the surveillance system.

Ying Qi gave an order.

Come into view.

It is the official who appeared according to the Daqin official rank.

Left Prime Minister: Han Fei, loyal 95.

Right Prime Minister: Feng Quji, loyal 95.

General: Meng Wu, loyalty 95.

General: Wang Jian, loyalty 95...

Tingwei: Li Si, Loyalty 90....

Supervision system.

This is a flip of the loyalty system, which binds the loyalty of Ying Qi's subordinates to Da Qin, and loyalty to Da Qin is loyalty to Ying Qi.

After all, Ying Qi is now in charge of kingship and all power in Daqin.

The only difference is that he is one step away from inheriting the throne.

"The Meng family, the Wang family, and the Feng family are worthy of being a family that is loyal to Da Qin, and such loyalty is enough to show that they can live and die together with Da Qin.

"They'll be worth my use in the future.

"As for Liss."

"After all, he is a capable person in history. He is indeed loyal to Da Qin, but he will be limited to the post of Tingwei in the future."

"As for the others..."

"The system filters out the list of all the unfaithful people."

Yingqi communication system said.

This time.

Ying Qi is going to have a bloodbath.

Those who are not loyal to Da Qin will definitely have a connection with the remnants of the six kingdoms. Before, under the premise of no evidence, Ying Qi could not tell the loyal and traitor at all, but now it is different.

Through this national surveillance system, Ying Qi will be able to catch them all in one go and find them all.

Time passes gradually.

Even after a few days.

Xianyang is not very calm, it can be said that it is also a great earthquake for the world of Qin.

Hu Hai, the prince of the prince, was killed, and the whole family was involved.

Wang Wan, the leader of the top officials, resigned from office and returned to his hometown.

Many nobles and entire families in the court were executed.

As the past few days passed, the people of Xianyang City also realized that it was the present-day Prince Ying Qi's actions. Those who were executed were all those who participated in the assassination of the King of Qin and the Prince, and their sins were beyond forgiveness.

Huiji County.

In a silent jungle.

It is remote and uninhabited.

everywhere in this jungle.

There are many people with swords in their hands, looking around defensively.


What people are gathered here, and what are they conspiring.

deep in the woods.

In a temporary thatched hut.

Dozens of people gathered together, and each one's expression and complexion were not good-looking.

"`" The assassination plan failed. 39

"King Qin is not dead, and Ying Qi is not dead either.

"Then Zhao Gao is a waste, and such a good opportunity has failed.

A middle-aged man sitting in the first place spoke with anger and unwillingness.

"Anyway. 35

"Thousands of calculations, we have not calculated that Ying Qi's killing god will be Ying Zheng's son, Qin Wang Ying Zheng is in his prime, with him there, Qin will not be in chaos, and if it was originally only the Qin king, he will rule him. After the success of Yutian, the ambition will inevitably be keen to find the elixir of immortality.

“We can use this to poison Ying Zheng.35

"But now with Ying Qi, the situation is completely different.

"He is stronger than his father, Ying Zheng, and even more ruthless. Even if we kill Ying Zheng, he will not be able to mess with Qin Guo." A young scholar said immediately.

"Zhang Liang is right."

"Ying Zheng's strength lies in his command of the country, but Ying Qi's strength lies in his command of the army. As long as he is there, millions of Qin's troops will center on him, and Qin will not be in chaos.

"Now Qin has completely abandoned the enfeoffment system, and Ying Qi has implemented the county system in the world, which is not a good thing for us. As long as the county system is fully implemented, Qin will centralize the world. We want to It will also be more difficult to move.

"Ying Qi just saw this, that's why he valued the county system so much. If this strategy is successful, Qin will centralize the world, and he is afraid that he will have any follow-up measures for the world.

The people gathered here spoke in succession.

Each one's expression is extremely heavy and sad.

Qin Wang Yingzheng.

Prince Ying Qi.

It is the two mountains that are pressing on them, so that they have no way to contend.

And see (good Zhao) this.

Their identities are also revealed.

The remnants of the six kingdoms who were trampled by the Great Qin to destroy the country.

"Although the plan to kill Ying Zheng and Ying Qi failed.35

"But we are just advocating behind our backs, not exposing the power that belongs to us."

"As long as Hu Hai, Zhao Gao and the others are still alive, we can have internal support in Xianyang, and by virtue of our prestige in our homeland, we will use the state policy of tyrannizing Qin to govern the world. I don't believe how long he will be able to maintain the Qin state. Fist, said angrily.

"General Xiang Liang is right. 35

"Right now the Qin Dynasty is in control of the world with an iron fist. We have no chance of winning against them. Now we can only develop our strength secretly and wait for the opportunity." Zhang Liang said aloud.


"Now that the Qin espionage organization has spread all over the world, the power we have now is only the espionage power of the former home country. Over the years, our spread of power has been discovered by the Qin espionage organization, and destroyed."

"In the long run, our strength will be greatly diminished.35

"And now that the Qin County system is implemented, those powerful and powerful people in the former home country are also afraid that they will be discovered by Qin Ting, stop helping us, and cut off contact. It is definitely not a good thing for us to continue like this. One person said.

Hear this.

The dozens of people who gathered together frowned and were very worried.

Their kingdom has been destroyed.

They can still exist because of hiding, and the help of the former powerful and powerful people of the mother country.

Because they can't see the light at all.

With the implementation of the Daqin county system and the centralization of power in the world, their survival will become more difficult.

"There is only one way to change the situation now.

Zhang Liang's eyes narrowed and he suddenly said.

"any solution?"

All eyes were on Zhang Liang.

"Win Qi.

"As long as you kill him, everything will be clear." Zhang Liang gritted his teeth.

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