Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 214 Blood washes Xianyang and upgrades to the master realm.

The huge palace of the King of Qin.

It became quiet now.

Ying Qi's indifferent gaze swept across the entire court. At this moment, he has already controlled the real kingship of Daqin.

All the important affairs of the country are under his control.

"Li Qing, Xin Sheng."

Win Qiweisheng and drink it.


Outside the main hall, the Imperial Guards and the soldiers of the Eastern Palace directly rushed into the main hall with armor and blades, and the entire palace of the King of Qin was instantly filled with hundreds of black armored warriors.

A murderous intent enveloped the entire hall.

"The minister is here."

Li Qing and Xin Sheng replied at the same time.

And this scene.

The courtiers in the entire hall were in a state of unease, and they didn't know what Ying Qi was going to do.


The most panicked are those courtiers and dignitaries who participated in the assassination.

"There are more than 3,000 assassins in Yongcheng's assassination, and it is absolutely impossible for one person to mobilize.""

"Ben Jun, give you a chance. 39

"Stand up by yourself, I won't punish your entire clan.

Ying Qi glanced at the court and said coldly.

The words fell.

Like thunder.

Those civil and military courtiers who participated in it all fell into a kind of unease, and their hearts were extremely flustered.

"The assassination is extremely secret, and it should not be discovered by the prince. If he stands up and admits it, he will definitely not let my family go with his viciousness to win Qi.

"Just bet once, I don't know if he wins.

"This time it's Young Master Huhai, I don't believe what he can do to Young Master Huhai when he wins Qi, no matter what, he is also the son of the king. 99

The people who participated in secret can't be calm at the moment, and the whole court is silent.

No one dared to stand up.

It seems that you don't want the opportunity this gentleman gave you.

"in this way.

"Then don't blame me for being ruthless.

Looking at the silence in the courtroom, Ying Qi said coldly.


A wave of hands.

"Li Qing, Xin Sheng.""

"Take people.""

Ying Qiwei shouted.


The two generals responded immediately.

Hundreds of imperial guards and personal guards rushed up and rushed into the court.

Just start taking people.


At the beginning.

Ying Qi already had all the news about the people involved in the assassination.

In an instant.

Dozens of officials in Chaotang 05 were captured by the Praetorian Guards.

Including Hu Hai as the son.

"Ying Qi, what do you want to do?"

"I am the son of my father, the son of Da Qin, how dare you treat me like this? 35

Hu Hai shouted with a grim face.

"Ying Qi, I am the official of the imperial censor of Qin, you arrest me for no reason, do you know that this is a violation of Qin's law? 39

"I'm Tingwei's mansion... Ying Qi, how dare you?"


The entire courtroom was filled with angry roars and, of course, desperate cries.

"Ben Jun, I have already given you a chance."

"But you didn't cherish it. 35

"Assassinate the king, assassinate the king.

"This crime is absolutely unforgivable, and it should be exterminated as an example.

Ying Qi ignored the cries of these courtiers and spoke coldly.


His eyes turned to Hu Hai.

"As the son of the king, he doesn't ask you to be brilliant, but he wants peace in the world, but for your own selfish desires, you want to kill your father with your son and kill your brother with your brother. This crime will not be tolerated by you, Daqin. I won't allow you. 35 Ying Qi Leng said coldly.

"Ying Qi, I don't know what you said.

"This is a crime you want to add." Hu Hai struggled frantically, intending to die without admitting it.

"You think your plans are flawless?"

"I tell you this.

"On the eve of your start, everything is already under the control of this gentleman.

"Yongcheng and his party are the game set up by this monarch and the father, and the fundamental purpose is to lure you into the bait." Ying Qi sneered.

A wave of hands.

"Throw all those involved in the assassination into prison, and tomorrow they will be split at the execution ground. All the people who rebelled, the entire family, all linked, no matter men or women, whether old or weak, not a single one will be left behind."


"Hu Hai, as a son, kills his father with his son, and there is absolutely no forgiveness. 99

"Emprove, demote Hu Hai to a commoner, expel the royal family, spread the crime to the world, and be torn apart in the execution ground tomorrow. 35

Ying Qi glanced at those who were taken down and shouted coldly.

With undeniable arrogance.

Win Qi.

It is to let the blood of these people shock Xianyang and shock the world.

Let's see who dares to be his enemy, and Da Qin's enemy.

"No, Ying Qi, you can't kill me.

"I am the son of the king, the son of Da Qin. 99

"Father, I want to see Father.

'Father, save me, I don't want to die... I was wrong, forgive me..."

Hearing that Ying Qi wanted the car to split him, Hu Hai was frightened and begged for mercy.

"His Royal Highness, please forgive me. All this was instructed by Mr. Huhai. Please forgive me."5

"Forgive me.

"Your Majesty, this minister asks to see Your Majesty."

"Please forgive me..."


Seeing that Ying Qilian and Hu Hai could be punished directly, those courtiers panicked and begged for mercy in a panic.

No matter how important their power and position are, their status is not comparable to that of the young master. If Ying Qi dares to do this, he must have no scruples.

These begs for mercy.

These cries resounded in the palace of the King of Qin.

So that the courtiers who did not participate in it all have a kind of happiness.

"Win the kingdom of Qi Zhang."

"The means will be more ruthless and reckless than the king.

"In the future, we will have a difficult time.

The mood of the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty is also extremely heavy, and they are very afraid of Ying Qi's control of the world of Qin.

This kill today.

Ying Qi was the first to kill the king.

Enough to deter Manchu civil and military.


Hu Hai and many other courtiers who participated in the assassination were captured and sent to prison.


It was destined to be a killing feast.

in the entire hall.

One or two hundred officials were directly reduced by one-third, which shows how many participants were involved in the assassination this time.

to this.

There were no waves in Ying Qi's heart.

In this world, in this world, the most indispensable thing is people.

These missing courtiers, Ying Qi, can just bring up all those who are loyal to them.

"Xin Sheng.

Win Qi Dao.

"The minister is here. 35

Xin Sheng responded immediately.

"The entire clan of all those who participated in the assassination will be annihilated, the family will be exterminated, and all the wealth and silk will be put into the treasury. Ying Qi said coldly.


Xin Sheng bowed and went to do it immediately.


It is not only a bloody storm in this court, but also a bloody storm in Xianyang, Daqin.

"Xiangbang. 35

Ying Qi turned his eyes and landed on Wang Wan.

"The old minister is here.

Wang Wan was startled and stood up with a sense of unease.

"Can you see how many rebellious ministers are in this court?"

"As the prime minister of Daqin and the head of all officials, what do you want to say?" Ying Qiwei asked.

Hear this.

Wang Wan's heart sank.

Given that he had been in the court for so many years, he didn't understand that Ying Qi was going to use him with a knife.

"As the head of the hundred officials, the court has such a rebellious and rebellious minister, the minister is guilty, and the minister is no longer worthy of the position of the prime minister, so I ask the prince for permission and let the minister return to his hometown.


Wang Wan bowed to Ying Qi.

"My lord, you are allowed to resign and return home. 55

Ying Qi glanced at Wang Wan and said directly.

If this old thing is sensible and knows what he means, if not, then Ying Qi will not be polite.

I am giving him honor now, but if he doesn't cherish the honor he has given him, Ying Qi will give him honor.

"Xie Crown Prince Long En.

Wang Wan bowed and bowed, a look of helplessness on his face.

Even though he was extremely unwilling, but under such pressure, he had no choice but to obey.

"The position of prime minister is vacant.

"Then who can still be the prime minister?"

Looking at Wang Wan who resigned from office, all the court officials were thinking to themselves.

"If I had chosen Ying Qi at the beginning, wouldn't this position of Xiangbang belong to me?"

Li Si felt bitter in his heart and felt extremely regretful.

Since Ying Qi became the crown prince, Li Si has always pursued a prudent policy of protecting himself, not causing trouble, and daring not to mess around, for fear that Ying Qi's knife would fall on him.

"Feng Quji, Han Fei. 99

Win Qiwei said.

"The minister is here.

The two ministers stood up immediately.

"The prime minister resigns, and the responsibilities belonging to the prime minister cannot be left vacant."


"This monarch divided the position of the prime minister into two prime ministers, left and right. 99

"Han Fei, you are the prime minister of the left, Feng Quji, you are the prime minister of the right, and each one is promoted to one rank."

"After this, the two of you will hold the power of the state."

Ying Qi immediately gave a seal.

"My minister, Xie Prince's trust, will do everything he can for Da Qin Chen, and he will never give up. 995

Han Fei and Feng Quji bowed excitedly.

The prime minister of the Qin Dynasty, the head of the hundred officials.

They have done it now.

"As for the original positions of the two of you, let your deputy temporarily take charge. If you have the ability, I will give you a seal.""

"This time, there are many ministers involved in the assassination and rebellion, and many people are involved.

"I grant you the right to select talents for these vacant positions."5

be sure. "


"Make the best use of things, and people make the best of their talents." Ying Qi continued.

"The minister leads the edict. 95

The two immediately took orders.

"All right."

"What else do you have to play? 35

Ying Qi glanced at the Chaotang, and said arrogantly.

"Go back to the prince."

"I'll play again when I don't have a copy."

Manchu civil and military shouted in unison.

After this battle.

All the courtiers were extremely frightened in their hearts, and it was difficult to calm their hearts, so how could they still have the mood to participate in the court proceedings.

Every courtier can think of it.

A few days later, when the DPRK session resumes.

There will be big changes in this court.

The courtiers belonging to Ying Qi will appear in this court, and in the Palace of the King of Qin, the whole world of the Qin Dynasty belongs to Ying Qi and has the final say.

"As if nothing happened. 99

"Then go away.

Ying Qi waved his hand and said arrogantly.


Turned around and left the hall.

"I'll wait to see you off to the crown prince.

All the ministers bowed and bowed, watching Ying Qi's figure leave in awe.


Xianyang City.

Tens of thousands of Imperial Guards rushed out of the palace and headed towards the mansions all over Xianyang City.

Extermination of the family.

Kill rebellion.

The people of Xianyang City were shocked by this scene.

But we all know that this is a big change belonging to the court.

It's not something that a douchebag like them can know.

Huhai son's house.

With a few violent knocks on the door.

Hundreds of thousands of black-armored imperial guards entered the mansion.

Take it when you see it.

If you encounter resistance, kill them directly.


Zhao Gao stood on the main hall of the Young Master's Mansion.

Dozens of guards with sharp blades were standing in front of them.

"Zhao Gao.

"Are you going to capture it with your hands, or resist stubbornly?" said the first centurion coldly.

When Zhao Gao heard the sound, a sneer appeared on his face: "Ying Qi is indeed a good method.

"You can even kill your brothers. Like your ruthless and ruthless father, kingship is supreme and cannot be violated."5

"After all, I, Zhao Gao, still can't pull you down."

"But you want my life, judge me, and I won't give you a chance."

Zhao Gao muttered to himself.


He pulled out the 337 sword from his waist, wiped it against his neck, and fell into a pool of blood on the spot.

"His Royal Highness is also something you dare to criticize.

"Chop it into puree and feed it to the dog.

The head centurion gave a cold drink.

Dozens of imperial guards stepped forward and chopped Zhao Gao into mashed meat.

in history.

Zhao Gao, the eunuch who had tampered with the edict and subverted the Great Qin Empire, is now completely dead.

After the appearance of Ying Qi.

The course of history on this side of the world has completely changed.

For history.

When the first emperor died, the world was divided.

The nations are at war, and the people are not living.

But now there is Ying Qi.

Compared with his father, Qin Shi Huang, who was not too stubborn, this side of the Qin world would not be able to collapse.

In Xianyang City.

The bloodbath continues.

as the one who controls the empire.

The Imperial Guard and the people killed by the soldiers of the Eastern Palace are all the experience points of Ying Qi.

A day has passed.

Xianyang City, execution ground.

Groups after groups of prisoners were brought in, their carts split, and their heads beheaded.

The number of affiliates reached nearly 10,000.

These are the family members who participated in the planning of the criminals.

The laws of Daqin, which implicated the entire clan, were not false.

So many people lost their lives in Huangquan, and the blood infested the entire execution ground into a blood-red patch.

Noble like Young Master Hu Hai, he was also torn apart by a car at this moment.

The people of Xianyang who were watching watched the powerful and powerful people being executed one by one, and they also had an unquenchable awe in their hearts.

Inside the East Palace.

Ying Qi was attacking the level 21 Grandmaster Realm that he had longed for.

He held two middle-grade spirit stones in his hand, and he ran the exercises to devour the spirit energy in them, winning Qi Zhenqi, and the experience value was gradually increasing.


reached a tipping point.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the level-up experience points, may I ask if the host has increased the level? The system asked.


Ying Qi did not hesitate.

For the master level.

He was full of longing.

In this thin world of spiritual energy, it is extremely difficult to reach the innate realm, and it is completely impossible to reach the master realm.

But Ying Qi is different, his physique is data-based, as long as he has enough experience points, there is no bottleneck.

This bloodbath in Xianyang brought enough experience to Ying Qi.

"The host's order is accepted.

The system prompts.

next moment.

A golden light flickered on Ying Qi's body.

Immediately after.

Ying Qi's meridians were all opened up, all the meridians were open, the true qi in the dantian was increasing wildly, and the strength of the body was also increasing wildly, which was much greater than any level in the innate realm.

After a while.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading to level 21 (Grandmaster Realm).

"The reward opens a sub-professional opportunity once, reward.

PS: Seeking for a fixed, seeking a monthly ticket, thank you very much.

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