Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 213 Family reunion, royal power bestowed.

Road Bridge Village.

as always.

After a night's rest.

Dong'er casually made some breakfast for herself, and then sat in the small yard in front of her thatched cottage to grind herbs.

over the years.

These ordinary days, day after day, have never stopped for Dong'er. Although they are poor, they don't care much for Dong'er.

After all, she was not a lady in the first place.

She also experienced too much hardship when she was a child, these days are boring and enjoyable for her.

At this time.


In this quiet little mountain village, there were bursts of violent stomping sounds. It seemed that thousands of troops had arrived, and they were all the sound of war horses stomping.

this moment.

This small village, which is located in the mountains and forests, was awakened.

"Doctor Dong'er."

An old lady walked past the yard in front of Dong'er and said hello.

"What's going on outside? Are there people from the barracks?"

"It doesn't seem like it's the day to recruit troops, right?" Dong'er raised her head and said with a slight smile.

"do not know.

"But something must have happened."

"I'm going to see the excitement, and I'll tell you what's wrong when I come back." The aunt said with a smile, and then walked quickly towards the entrance of the village.

Hear such a big movement.

Many villagers in the village gathered towards the entrance of the village one after another.

In this village, although there is tranquility that is hard to obtain from the outside world, it is also very boring. For the villagers, chatting about the home and having the opportunity to listen to the outside world is also a kind of adjustment.

There is definitely something big going on in the village today, so the villagers were naturally very curious and went over to watch the fun.

But for Dong'er, it didn't matter much.

The reason why she found this village far from the town was to hide it better and ignore the world.

After that suspended animation, she would completely let her traces disappear in this world.

Village entrance.

Almost half of the villagers in the village have gathered, and looking at the scene in front of them, all the villagers are stunned.

At least a thousand black-armored cavalrymen are scattered around the entrance of the village, and every cavalryman exudes a sense of majesty and looks like no ordinary soldier.

"Murasa, what's going on? Does the court still recruit troops? 33

"Isn't the whole world unified now? Why are you still recruiting troops?

A group of villagers looked at this battle and looked at their village chief in amazement.

"I do not know either."

As for the doubts of the villagers, the village is also at a loss: "I have not received a military recruitment order from the government, and no one from the military camp has come to contact me, and every time I recruit soldiers, there are soldiers from several military camps, where can there be such a battle? ?

"Then what happened?"

"These soldiers don't look ordinary."


"But why are these soldiers wearing armor so similar to the Wang family boy?

"Is something wrong with our village?

Seeing the battle at the entrance of the village, the villagers couldn't help but start talking.

At this time.

Wang Junce, who was dressed in battle armor, came to the entrance of the village, and when he reached the village's side, he turned over and dismounted.

"My lord, did something happen to our village? Is it the pursuit of fugitives?

Seeing the soldier who turned over and dismounted, Muramasa immediately asked respectfully.

"Muramasa, it's me."

Wang Jun smiled and immediately took off the iron armor mask on his face.

"Wang family boy, it's you.

"What's going on here?"

"Such a big battle?"

Seeing that it was Wang Jun, Muramasa breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked.

"The king and the prince are here.

"Let the villagers not be rude, otherwise it will be a big deal." Wang Jun warned very seriously.


"Big... Your Majesty and the Crown Prince have come to our village?"

"This...what's the matter?

"There is nothing bad in our village."

"Kid Wang, you are also a member of our village, but you must make it clear to the king and the crown prince. 33 Village Zheng's expression changed and he said immediately.

"Murama, don't worry.

"This time is a good thing.

Wang Jun said in a low voice.

At this time.

The imperial guards who came to the entrance of the village and the guards of the East Palace parted ways.

Two majestic figures came from behind on horseback.

When seeing these two figures.

Wang Jun's expression immediately became serious: "This is the king and the crown prince, don't be rude.


Wang Jun bowed and bowed: "I see the king, and see the prince."

Hear the name of the king and the prince.


Hundreds of villagers in the entire village were all stunned.

Their Luqiao Village is so remote, the biggest official who has ever been here is the centurion recruited in the military camp. Today, there is a king who is high above the world and will rule the world, and His Royal Highness the prince who will rule the world in the future.

This cannot be said to be flourishing, it can only be said that Luqiao Village is lucky.

"The Caomin welcomes the king.

Welcome to His Royal Highness.

The village was in shock, and then suddenly fell to his knees on the ground.

The villagers gathered at the entrance of the village also bowed down one after another, for fear of being rude.

For the world of Daqin, and for the people of Daqin.

The king is aloof and unattainable.

Like the heaven of the people of the world.

Now that the king's power is coming, every villager is in awe.

"Flat body."

Ying Zheng got off his horse and smiled slightly.

Today is about to pick up Dong'er, and Ying Zheng is also very happy while he is anxiously looking forward to it in his heart.

"Thank you king."

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness.""

All the villagers were grateful.

He looked at Ying Zheng and Ying Qi with respect and fear.


At this time, Ying Qi opened his mouth and said.

"His Royal Highness, I don't know what I need for the little old man." Village Zheng said in a panic.

"Is Zhao Donger in the village?" Ying Qiwen asked.

"The king and the crown prince are looking for Doctor Dong'er?" Muzheng was surprised, and then immediately said: "His Royal Highness, Doctor Dong'er came to our village eight years ago, but she is a good person, she has been there all these years. Our village treats illnesses and saves people, and hundreds of villagers in our village have all received the grace of Doctor Donger.”

"I don't know what happened to Doctor Dong'er?"

"Caomin begged His Royal Highness to investigate clearly, 99

Look at such a big battle.

Moreover, he was still naming names, and the village was immediately panicked, thinking that the king and the crown prince were coming to arrest Donger.

See the village is like this.

Ying Qi didn't have any displeasure, only a silent gratitude.

It can be seen all these years.

My mother has not suffered any grievances in this village, and these villagers take good care of their mothers, otherwise the village will not mention this.


Everything has two sides.

If just now the village was speaking ill of his mother, afterward, the village would become a purgatory.

This is the inviolable power that belongs to the royal family.

"Muramasa, don't worry."

"Zhao Donger didn't do anything bad, is she still in the village now? 55

Ying Qi asked gently.

"In the village, we should grind the herbs in the house now, and we will go up the mountain to collect the herbs later. The village is replied.

"Li Qing, Xin Sheng."

Ying Qi opened his mouth and said.

"The minister is here."

The two generals responded immediately.

"Everyone stays at the entrance of the village, they are not allowed to enter the village, and they are not allowed to bully the villagers." Ying Qi said.

"No. 99

The two generals immediately took orders.


"Let's go in.""

Ying Qi smiled at Ying Zheng.


Ying Zheng nodded and looked towards the village.


The father and son walked slowly towards the village.

"Kid of the Wang family."

"What happened to Doctor Dong'er?"

"Why are the king and the prince looking for her today?"

Cunzheng immediately walked up to Wang Jun and asked in a puzzled manner, still with a worried expression on his face.


There is also a fate in the dark.

The villagers of Luqiao Village, like the villagers of Lijia Village, are all very simple. Donger has been in the village all these years, and the villagers naturally take care of her and receive Donger's favor.

They are naturally very grateful.

"Muramasa, don't worry."

"It's not a bad thing, it's a great thing."

"Doctor Dong'er, she is the current queen and the mother of His Royal Highness. 35 Wang Jun said with awe.


"Doctor Dong'er is the queen?

Muramasa exclaimed.


The expressions of all the villagers changed.

Every expression is unbelievable.

In the village for nearly eight years, Dong'er, who has always been gentle and looks very peaceful, is actually the current queen?

This, this is too shocking.

within the village.

Dong'er is grinding herbs.

She paid no attention to the situation outside the village.

A thatched hut with a small yard surrounded by bamboo in front of the house.

Dong'er wore an ordinary linen dress and sat on a stone bench. Under the tranquility of the village, she also perfectly integrated into the atmosphere.

At this time.

Ying Zheng and Ying Qi's father and son had already come outside the courtyard.

When watching Dong'er grinding herbs in the yard.

The father and son were stunned.

"Really...really mother.

Ying Qi's expression trembled, and there were tears in his eyes.

Eight years.

Ying Qi lost his mother for eight years. Now that he sees his mother again, he is very happy and has a sense of guilt.


Ying Zheng stared at Dong'er in the yard, his eyes were also hazy.

More than twenty years.

Every time I meet Donger, it is always in a dream. Now Donger is sitting in the yard alive, still so quiet and so gentle, she must have not changed, and she is still the most irreplaceable in her heart.

There was a long pause.

The father and son watched Donger busy in the yard for a long time.


Ying Qi couldn't help it.

He walked slowly into the yard and walked to his mother's side.


Ying Qi shouted in a trembling voice.

This sound.

Like an eternity.

This sound.

It is as if the world of this village is frozen.

Dong'er's hand grinding the herbs paused, a look of daze on her face, as if she couldn't believe it.

"Qi'er's voice?"

"Oh, maybe I miss Qi'er so much that I'm hallucinating. 39

"Now that he has reconciled with his father, he should be fine.

Dong'er muttered with concern on her face.

But the next moment.

"Mother. 99

Ying Qi spoke again and walked in front of his mother.

Hearing Ying Qi's voice again, he looked at the big living man standing in front of him again.


The grinding wheel in Dong'er's hand fell off, her expression trembling, and she looked at Ying Qi in disbelief.

His hand slowly stretched towards Ying Qi's face.

When successfully touched.

Dong'er's expression trembled and her voice trembled: "Qi...Qi'er.

"Mother, it's me.

"Eight years later, I finally see you again. Ying Qi said with tears in his eyes.


"Why did you find me?

"I... I'm already dead." Zhao Donger said in disbelief.

When I saw my son appear in front of me, I was pleasantly surprised, and even more unbelievable.

In the eyes of Lijia Village people, it is also in the eyes of his own son.

You are already dead.

But how could Qi'er suddenly find herself?


"I know everything you've done for me."

Ying Qi wiped the tears from his eyes and said with a smile.


Looking at Ying Qi, Dong'er didn't know what to say.

And this time.

Outside the yard, there was another sound that made Dong'er worry about her, and she could not forget it even after more than 20 years.


Ying Zheng called out in a warm voice.

Warm sound.

Dong'er was shocked and turned her head stiffly, looking at the person outside the yard that she had been worrying about for decades, and the person she grew up with, who was also her favorite since childhood.

Dong'er's eyes were hazy, and the tears couldn't stop flowing.

"Brother Zheng.

"I...I'm not dreaming, am I?

Dong'er said in a choked voice.

"You're not dreaming, and Brother Zheng isn't dreaming either."

Ying Zheng walked over slowly, gently wiping the tears from Dong'er's eyes with his hands.

Then he hugged Dong'er and hugged him tightly.


"Twenty years ago, Brother Zheng was unable to protect you, but now, Brother Zheng has the ability. From now on, Brother Zheng will not be separated from you again." Ying Zheng hugged tightly and said softly.

"Brother Zheng.

Dong'er burst into tears, choked and shouted.

Deeply moved.


Here comes her son.

Her political brother also came.

This made Dong'er, who originally felt that there was no way to see them again in this life, had a great feeling.

"This is the root of my belonging in this world.

"Father, mother."

"You will never be separated again, and neither will our family." Ying Qi stared at his parents with infinite warmth in his heart.

My father and mother reunited after a long absence.

Ying Qi did not destroy it either.

For Ying Qi, he was the mother who hadn't seen him in eight years, but for Ying Zheng, he was the love he cared about the most for more than 20 years.

The two embraced.



It seems to have stopped at this moment.

"Dong'er, do you know? 35

"Our Qi'er is so outstanding that he dominates the world and destroys six countries. This is all done by Qi'er. He is worthy of being our son. For the sensible grandchildren, the eldest is the granddaughter, called Ying Yuqi, and the youngest is the grandson, called Ying Xi.

"You'll see them and they'll love it.

"Our daughter-in-law's name is Li Yan'er. She grew up by your side and has always been with Qi'er."

Ying Zheng hugged Dong'er and gently shared the most joyful things in his heart with her.

Dong'er did not speak.

In this way, he snuggled into the arms of his brother Zheng, and was a very well-behaved listener.

Even if more than twenty years have passed.

Now Ying Zheng, and she is no longer young.

But this scene seems to coincide with what happened between the two people more than 20 years ago.

Time also seems to have returned to the carefree days when the two returned to Shangdang County in Daqin for the first time.

Time also passed gradually in the reunion of the two.

Ying Qi watched the meeting between his father and mother quietly, with warmth in his eyes.

For Ying Qi.

Like Li Yan'er, like her two children.

These are what he wants to protect.

Time flickers.

An hour passed quickly.

The two seemed to have countless things to say, but Ying Zheng did not forget to bring Dong'er back.


"More than twenty years."

"Today, Qi'er and I are here to pick you up and go home.

"Our daughter-in-law and grandson are waiting for you to come home.

Ying Zheng held Dong'er's hand and said softly.

Look at his son, look at his political brother.

Dong'er did not refuse, but nodded.

deep in my heart.

She is the most eager to be with the political brother.

But she was stopped by external forces before, and she had to leave her most beloved political brother.


Everything is on track and no one will stop them from being together again.


"Let's go home."

Ying Qi came over and said gently.


Dong'er nodded.

After a while.

Village entrance.

Ying Zheng carried Dong'er onto his horse and headed out of the village, guarded by the Imperial Guard and the East Palace.

Ying Qi, on the other hand, looked at the villagers of Luqiao Village.

Loudly said: "The villagers of Luqiao Village have done a good job in taking care of my mother, and I will be granted tax exemption for three years."5


Ying Qi also got on his horse and left Luqiao Village.

"The grass people thank the king.""

"His Royal Highness Prince Xie. 35

All the villagers shouted gratefully.


For the villagers, it is absolutely difficult to calm down.

Doctor Dong'er, who was with them day and night, turned out to be the current queen.

If this is spread out, it will definitely make Luqiao Village famous. After all, this kind of thing can be said to be rare in a thousand years...


Palace of the King of Qin.

Civil and military officials are all anxiously waiting.

Because the king and prince who had been away from Xianyang for nearly a month have returned.

This time, the father and son of the King of Qin returned.

For the innocent.

Peace of mind naturally, not nervous.

But for those who made some means when moving the mausoleum, their mood is difficult to calm down.

in the past month.

The Imperial Guards banned the entire Xianyang City, as long as they entered and were not allowed to leave, which made those who participated in the assassination into a panic.

Even the young master Hu Hai, who was standing in the court at the moment, his face was very ugly and he was extremely uneasy.

For them.

The return of Ying Zheng and Ying Qi this time is the time when there has been no storm to overturn.

As Ying Qi said.

A straightforward gift of death may be a relief for those who are not ministers, but for those who know that there is a dead end, but have been procrastinating and never dealt with it, waiting for death is undoubtedly the most tormenting and terrifying.

"The king is here.

"The prince is here.

With a loud roar from the temple people on the high platform.

The entire courtroom was obsessed with it.

"The ministers and others see the great king, and wish the great king a thousand years, and the great Qin a thousand years. 35

"My ministers welcome the prince."

The civil and military people of the Manchu Dynasty shouted in unison, all holding the chao wat and bowing to pay homage.

in the awe of all eyes.

Ying Zheng, dressed in a Mian robe, with a Mian on his head, and a sword of the King of Qin around his waist, stepped onto the throne with boundless power.

Followed by Ying Zheng's figure.

Ying Qi also wore the crown of the crown prince, the golden crown of the crown prince, and the sword of Zhan Lu around his waist, and sat on the throne of the prince bestowed by Ying Zheng.

"Zhu Qing, Pingshen. 35

Ying Zheng glanced at the hall and said in a commanding voice.

"Thank you king."

The civil and military officials said in unison, stood up straight, and took their seats.

"This month."

"Zhu Qing may not know what the widow and the prince are going to do."

"The widow can tell you two things.

"First, when the widow and the prince went to move the queen's tomb, they were assassinated.

Before entering the court meeting, Ying Zheng spoke directly, his tone was indifferent, revealing a heart-pounding killing intent.

This is down.

The expressions of the civil and military officials in the court have changed. Some are courtiers who are unaware of the incident and panic, while others are courtiers who participated in the assassination plan.

"Assassins assassinate the king, they are reckless, and the assassins should be uprooted and the whole family will be annihilated. 35

"The world is unified, and there are assassins who dare to stab the king, and there is no pardon.

"Please, Your Majesty, punish him with a heavy guilt.

"Assassins never forgive..."

The civil and military people of the Manchu Dynasty said one after another, and most of them were filled with righteous indignation.

Ying Zheng glanced at the past.

Everyone in the court showed a loyal look, and there was no abnormality at all.

"Hehe, they are all great loyal ministers.

Ying Zheng sneered from the bottom of his heart and ignored anything.

A glance.

Then he said in a powerful voice: "And the second thing is the great joy of the widow, the great joy of Da Qin."

"When the widow and the prince moved the mausoleum for the queen, they found that the queen was a fake death, not really passed away. In this month, the widow and the prince have found the queen, and have welcomed the queen back to the palace. 995

"Now. 99

"The harem already has a master, and the queen is in charge of the harem."

"Da Qin, there is nothing missing. 35

Ying Zheng said loudly, with strong joy in his tone.

What he wanted has now finally come true.

The promise to Donger at the beginning was also the biggest wish in my heart, and it came true.

Winter is back.

The family is reunited.

This is Ying Zheng's greatest wish.

Hear the news.

The court officials were also surprised, but seeing Ying Zheng's joyful appearance, they did not dare to neglect, and they all shouted: "Chen wait, congratulations to the king to find the queen. 99

"This is the joy of the great king, the joy of the great Qin.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty.

Manchu civil and military people shouted.

"The widow and the queen have been separated for twenty-five years.

"Now the queen is back."

"The widow decided to accompany the queen well.

"So the widow has a decision..."

Ying Zheng said, looking at Ying Qi, revealing a strong sustenance: "The widow will accompany the queen in the harem, if it doesn't move, it will be the country's capital, and everything will be decided by the prince. 99

"From now on. 99

"The prince will go to court on behalf of the widow, and will be in charge of all state affairs, regardless of the appointment and removal of officials, the mobilization of the army, the affairs of the world, and the punishment."

"The civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty were all preceded by the imperial edict."5

"There must be no mistake.

The words fell.

The faces of the court officials suddenly changed.

Although they knew that Ying Zheng valued Ying Qi, maybe Ying Zheng would also abdicate to Ying Qi in the near future.

But at this moment, they didn't expect it.

Ying Zheng actually directly handed over the political affairs to Ying Qi's control, and handed over all the power of the country to Ying Qi.

Although he did not ascend the throne, he held the power of the king.

This is unique in the ages.

A king and a courtier.

Perhaps this situation will come.

This is not a good thing for the Manchu civil and military.

1.7 If it is an ordinary prince who supervises the country, maybe they are not so afraid, but the prince at this moment is Ying Qi, the killing god of Da Qin who kills people without blinking an eye, determines the existence of six countries and rules the world.

His courage, his skill, was much stronger than his father's stubbornness, and even stronger.

Such a mighty king.

They don't have the strength to resist anything at all.

Moreover, now that he is in power but has not succeeded to the throne, this is even more so for him to implement executive orders without hindrance and without scruples.

Think of this.

The mood of many civil and military people in the court became heavy.

But looking at Ying Zheng's expression, and the firmness in Ying Zheng's words.

They know that there is simply no room for change.

Ying Zheng has made a decision and will never change.

"Did you hear what the widow said?"

Looking at the silence in the courtroom, Ying Zheng shouted loudly.

This time.

All the officials in the court were apprehensive, and they bowed and bowed one after another: "I will respect the decrees of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince when they lead the edict."


"Next, Da Qin will leave it to you."

"Whatever you do, the king will support you. 35

"The widow has given you absolute kingship, and you are now the king of Daqin.

Ying Zheng turned his head, stared at Ying Qi and said with strong anticipation.

He expects that Ying Qi will bring different changes to Da Qin, and even more expects that Ying Qi will bring him even greater surprises when the world is not unified in the past.

after all.

Because of the assassin thing, Ying Zheng is not easy to deal with as a father, because what Ying Qi will do next will subvert the entire dynasty of Da Qin.


Ying Zheng's words are also sincere. He and Dong'er have been separated for too long. He really doesn't want to be separated from Dong'er again.

Take this opportunity.

Give your son the opportunity to exercise the power of the country, and give yourself more time to accompany Donger.

If you have a chance.

Ying Zheng will also take Dong'er to go around the world, which is what he promised Dong'er at the beginning.

"Please rest assured, Father."

"My son, I will never let your father down."

For Ying Zheng's entrusting with the important task of holding the kingship, Ying Qi did not have any timidity and accepted it directly.

Accept such authority.

Ying Qi will also shape the Daqin world that he wants.

A unique Daqin world.

A Qin Empire that will become a country of military and military and open up opportunities for infinite warfare.

all of these.

Ying Qidu will be shaped.

"Then, the court will be handed over to you."

"Widow, go accompany your mother."

Ying Zheng glanced at the court, stood up, turned and left the court.

above the high.

Only Ying Qi's figure remained.

The eyes of the civil and military people of the Man Dynasty all focused on him, apprehensive and in awe.

Everyone can have a premonition that a storm is about to sweep.

And it's a storm they can't stop.

PS: The family caught a cold and felt dizzy. It was really hard. Please ask for a monthly pass and keep pursuing it.

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