Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 212 Ying Qi: Father, let's pick up my mother and go home.

Time passed gradually.

Shangdang County.

Outside the county town.

Luan arrives.

More than 1,000 black armored personal guards, guarded by the Imperial Guard.

The Shangdang county governor had already brought the officials of the county town to wait outside the city, and they were extremely uneasy at the moment.

When I saw Luan Jia came.

Headed by the party governor above, all the officials bowed to Luan Jia.

"My ministers welcome the king."

All the officials said in unison.

In the face of Wang Jia's sudden arrival, they had no other words to express except their apprehension.

"Don't waste your time, go directly to the county governor.

Ying Qi stuck his head out and said arrogantly.

When I saw Ying Qi in Luan Jia.

The expressions of many officials were stunned for a moment, but they quickly returned to their senses.

"The ministers and others see His Royal Highness the Prince."

The officials bowed and bowed again.

"Go directly to the county governor's office.

Ying Qi said something, and then went straight back to Luanjia.

Say no more.

Since it has been guessed that the mother is in Shangdang County, the next step is to mobilize the entire Shangdang County to search and do everything possible.

County Sheriff's Office.

Ying Zheng and Ying Qi have arrived.

"Da Qin has just ruled the world, and the state is busy. During such a busy schedule, the king and the prince are coming to Shangdang. I don't know what is the important thing?"

"The widow asked you.

“How many remote mountain villages are there in Shangdang County?”

Ying Zheng asked loudly.

"Go back to the king."

"Shangdang County has a vast territory, and there are five county towns under its subordinates. Below the county towns, there are more than a hundred villages. 35 Shangdang County Governor immediately replied respectfully.

"Now the widow has given you a task.

"It must be done for the widow." Ying Zhengwei said.

"Your Majesty, please send your edict." Shangdang County Governor bowed and bowed.

"This is a portrait of the queen."

Ying Zheng took out a portrait from his arms.

The Shangdang County Governor immediately took it over respectfully, with a kind of surprise in his heart.

"For the widow to search for traces of the queen in Shangdang County, and for the widow to dig three feet in the ground to find the queen.

"At any cost."

Ying Zheng said loudly.

"The Queen is not... not already..."

Shangdang County Governor said in a panic.

"The queen never died, she is still alive, in Shangdang County.

"This is also the purpose of the widow and the prince to join the party."

Ying Zheng said loudly.

"This minister understands, and this minister immediately mobilized all of Shangdang's manpower to find the queen."


"If you have any news, tell me and your father immediately." Ying Qi waved at Shangdang County Governor.

"Your Excellency retire.

Shangdang County Governor also quickly retreated with a sense of urgency.

Now he finally knows why Ying Zheng and Ying Qi will join the party. If he does one thing well and successfully finds the current queen, it must be a great achievement.


"Are you saying we can find your mother?

Ying Zheng felt a little uneasy in his heart.

After confirming that Dong'er was not dead, Ying Zheng had been living in a state of anxiety these days.

He was afraid that this time of hope would bring another despair.

"Father, don't worry.

"Mother must still be alive, we will be able to find her soon, and then the family will be reunited." Ying Qi said with a smile.

"Although I know it, I'm a little uneasy in my heart."

"It's been more than 20 years, and I don't know what your mother has become.

"Does she still hate me in her heart and has no way to accept me?" Ying Zheng sighed and said helplessly.

Although the current Ying Zheng is already the master of Yan and Huang in the Central Plains, and is high above, but in the face of his former love, Ying Zheng is still a little uneasy in his heart.


The most terrifying thing in the world.

Ying Zheng is afraid that under the influence of time, Donger will change.

"Father, don't think about it. 99

"Today you look like you're going on a blind date.

"If this is seen by outsiders, wouldn't it be a joke. Ying Qi said jokingly.

"You stinky boy, how dare you make fun of you Laozi."

Hearing this, Ying Zheng cursed angrily.

But I feel better.


"Just wait for the Shangdang County Governor to bring us good news."

"I hope my mother is in Shangdang County, otherwise searching in the huge Daqin is really like looking for a needle in a haystack. 35 Ying Qi Youyou said.


Gradually pass.

After the current king and prince came to Shangdang.

I don't know what was explained.

Throughout Shangdang County, officials from the government began to hold portraits and headed towards each county town and village in Shangdang.


Five or six days passed.

But so far nothing has been found.

After all, Shangdang County is very large, with a population of several hundred thousand. Many mountain villages are located in remote areas, and the road has not been repaired, so the news cannot come so quickly.

Dong'er's village.

Wang Jun and Wu Fu also rested for many days, and it was time for them to return to the army.

The two walked hand in hand, ready to cross the mountain and immediately go to the village.

"Time is too fast."

"In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed."

"I don't know when I will come back next time. 33 Wu Fu glanced at the village with some reluctance.

"Wu boy, you can rest assured."

"Now that the world is unified, and with His Royal Highness in charge of the country, the world will soon be settled. At that time, there will definitely not be so many tasks for our major military camps, and it will definitely not be so difficult to come back." Jun said with a smile.

"Shit. 35

"I don't understand what the remnants are thinking in their minds, the world will be unified, and there will be no more wars, right? Those remnants are chasing troubles everywhere all day long, what are they trying to do?"

Wu Fu cursed and said very unhappy.

"For us ordinary people, the world's peace is naturally the best, but for the former six kingdoms, it is not a good thing for them to be in charge of the world by Da Qin. They have lost their former authority and dignity, and naturally they can't accept it. "


"When Da Qin is in full control of the world, he will definitely take action against those nobles of the Six Nations, as well as those who want to restore the country in vain.

"His Royal Highness the Prince is so powerful, those remnants should just wait to die." Wang Jun snorted coldly.

"Haha, I'm just waiting for that day."

"We little soldiers just need to listen to His Royal Highness's edict and kill the enemy for His Royal Highness.

Wu Fu also smiled.

The two chatted all the way, climbed mountains and mountains, and finally reached the official road.

But it came into view.

Just seeing the cavalry galloping on the official road, it seems to be very anxious.

"What's going on here?"

"Isn't it possible that the remnants of the party are in chaos?"

Looking at this, Wang Jun and Wu Fu looked at each other, very surprised.

"How does this cavalry look like our Eastern Palace soldiers?

Wang Jun took a closer look and said in surprise.

"Brother Wang, no way. 35

"The soldiers of the Eastern Palace are directly under His Royal Highness, how can they come to the party?" Wu Fu asked in surprise.

At this time.

A team of several cavalrymen stopped beside Wang Jun.

"Centurion, it's really you."

When a few cavalrymen saw Wang Jun, they immediately turned over and dismounted.

"How did you come to the party?

Looking at the cavalry in front of him, Wang Jun was a little surprised.

"As ordered by the king and the crown prince, we searched for traces of the queen in Shangdang County. Now the whole Shangdang is searching. The Imperial Guard and the soldiers of the East Palace are all searching. 99 One of the soldiers replied.

"Searching for traces of the Queen?"

Wang Jun and Wu Fu looked surprised.

"Isn't the Queen Mother already..." Wang Jun said hesitantly.

"According to the news, it seems that the queen has not passed away. Eight years ago, it was suspended animation. When the king and the prince moved the mausoleum for the queen, they discovered the truth of the queen's suspended death." A cavalry replied.


"Speaking of which, you are from Shangdang County, do you know where Shanqiao Village is?"

"We searched for a long time, but couldn't find the entrance of this village. The king and the prince ordered to search the entire Shangdang County, and no village in the entire county town should be missed." The cavalry said.

"Speak up."

"It's also your luck. 55

"The two of us are from Luqiao Village. We just came back from the village. As for you wanting to enter the village, there is only one small road that cannot be crossed by a car. Only war horses can barely cross it." Wang Jun said with a smile.

"Just as the centurion came out of the village, look at the portrait of the Queen and see if you have seen it before.

A cavalryman took out the portrait from his arms and handed it to Wang Jun.

Wang Jun took the portrait and opened it.


Wang Jun's expression froze.

"It turned out...it turned out to be, she turned out to be the queen empress, the mother of His Royal Highness?

Looking at the portrait, Wang Jun muttered to himself, his face hard to hide a stunned sluggishness.

These portraits were all drawn by specialized government painters, and they were almost identical to the original portraits held by Ying Zheng.

At this time, Wang Jun recalled the Doctor Donger he saw when he just returned to the village.

The situation that day also completely fell into Wang Jun's memory.

Speaking of the deeds of His Royal Highness, Dr. Dong'er burst into tears. Wang Jun was surprised at that time, but he didn't ask any more questions. After all, the two had almost nothing to do with each other.

"Brother Wang, what's your expression like?

Wu Fu said, and his eyes fell on the portrait.

When he saw the owner on the portrait, Wu Fu was also stunned.

"This...isn't this Doctor Dong'er?" Wu Fu said in surprise.

Looking at the expressions of the two, and hearing Wu Fu's voice.

A few cavalrymen all lit up.

"Centurion, have you met the Queen?" Several cavalrymen asked excitedly.

"I have seen.""

"It's in our village." Wang Jun nodded blankly.


"Centurion, your luck is really good. Now the entire Shangdang is looking for the trace of the Queen. If anyone can find it, it will definitely be a great achievement."

"I didn't expect that the Queen and the Empress would be in Luqiao Village, so the king and the crown prince would definitely be very happy to hear this news.

"Let's go, let's go to the village to pick up the Queen." Several cavalrymen said very moved.

0.....·For flowers·

"No, don't rush.

"It's better to report the matter to the king and the crown prince first, so it's safe, otherwise we will go there rashly, and if anything happens, we can't bear it. 35 Wang Jun said calmly.


"Report this matter first, and then let the king and the prince decide." Several cavalrymen nodded after thinking about it.

County Sheriff's Office.

"Qi'er. 39

"Am I wrong?"

"Your mother is not in Shangdang County at all, it has been seven or eight days, and there is still no news from her? 35 Ying Zheng is a little lost.

"Dad, don't worry.

"We will definitely be able to find the mother. After all, Shangdang County is not small, and many villages have to climb mountains and mountains to be able to enter. This time we did not mobilize the troops of the main battalion, only some county soldiers and government soldiers went to search."

"There will be news in a day or two at most."

Seeing Ying Zheng in such a hurry, Ying Qi was both funny and very comfortable.

His father, the emperor of the ages, is really affectionate towards his mother, otherwise he would not be so nervous at all.

"Aren't you in a hurry, you stinky boy?"

Looking at the calm Ying Qi, Ying Zheng cursed a little angrily.

"The conscience of heaven and earth. 99

"What's the use of me being in a hurry?"

"Anyway, everything has been explained, as long as my mother is in Shangdang County, she will never leave again.

"It's better to wait for the news honestly." Ying Qi said speechlessly.

It was at this time.


Li Qing and Xin Sheng walked quickly into the hall, their expressions were a little anxious and joyful.


Ying Qi regained his majesty and looked at the two of them.

But there is some hope in my heart.


"I found the trace of the Queen and the Empress.

"It also happened to be a coincidence."

"One of our soldiers from the Eastern Palace went home to save his relatives, and he happened to meet the Queen." Li Qing said excitedly.


Ying Zheng couldn't help but said, a look of joy appeared on his face.

"Go and pass him up. 35 Win Qiwei said.


Li Qing didn't dare to neglect, and immediately turned around and went down.


Wang Jun and Wu Fu walked into the hall.

When I saw Ying Zheng and Ying Qi.

Bow down immediately.

"The ministers and others see the Great King, and see His Royal Highness the Prince.

The two bowed and bowed.

"Have you met the Queen? Ying Qi asked immediately.

"Go back to His Royal Highness."

"Dare to ask if the queen is called Dong'er under a pseudonym? And is she proficient in medicine?" Wang Jun asked respectfully and uneasily.

"Not bad. 35

Ying Qi nodded, feeling a little more certain in his heart.

"Go back to the prince."

"I can be sure that the person in the portrait is definitely Doctor Dong'er in the village. Over the years, Doctor Dong'er has been in our Luqiao Village, treating people in our village for almost eight years. 35 Wang Jun Immediately replied excitedly.

Good, great.

Hearing this affirmative answer, Ying Qi smiled and looked at Ying Zheng: "Father, the whereabouts of Mother have come out, now you can rest assured.

"Queen, she is still in Luqiao Village? Didn't she leave?" Ying Zheng was very excited, looking at Wang Jun and asked.

"Report to the king.

"The Queen has been in the village. In order to avoid mistakes, there are still several government soldiers waiting outside the village, just waiting for the king and the prince to confirm the identity of the Queen." Wang Jun replied respectfully.

"You did a great job.

"I didn't rush to pick up the queen."

"You are very good.

Ying Zheng nodded excitedly.

"What's your name? What's your job now?" Ying Qi looked at the two and asked.

"Go back to His Royal Highness. 35

"This minister is the centurion of the government's army, Wang Jun.

"My name is Wu Fu, he is the corps commander in the Handan camp." Wang Jun replied respectfully.

"Good. 35

"Great success this time.

"This gentleman will not forget.

"Li Qing.

"Promoting Wang Jun to a Thousand Commander, transferring Wu Fu to the House Soldier, and promoting a Centurion, each person is promoted to two ranks." Ying Qi immediately ordered the seal.

"No." Li Qing immediately took the order.

"Chen Xie, His Royal Highness, the great kindness."

Wang Jun and Wu Fu immediately bowed and bowed, looking extremely excited.

Up to now, they did not expect to go home to save their relatives and have made such a great contribution.

It's really by chance.

"Li Qing, Xin Sheng."

"Order the soldiers and the Imperial Guards of Qi Fu, and set off for Luqiao Village. 95

"Wang Jun, you are responsible for leading the way." Ying Qi ordered again.


The ministers responded in unison.

"Father. 35

"We're going to pick up the mother.

Ying Qi turned his head and looked at Ying Zhengdao who was full of thoughts on his face.


"Let's go pick up your mother and reunite with the family. Ying Zheng's eyes were hazy and he nodded heavily.

for this day.

He waited too long.

PS: Asking for a monthly ticket, asking for a fix, thank you very much.

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