Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 211 Dong'er: Brother Zheng, Qi'er, don't think about me.


After he faked his death and left Lijia Village.

My Qi Er is seventeen years old.

It's time to enlist in the army.

If one's own Qier joins the army, there are too many dangers on the battlefield, and if he is unlucky, he will die on the battlefield.

"It would be great if the new Emperor Wu An of Da Qin was really Qi'er, then at least he could be sure that he was still alive." Dong'er sighed in the bottom of her heart, thinking very anxiously.

The child travels thousands of miles and the mother is worried.

Although he has now left Lijia Village and his own son.

But Dong'er knows his son very well. He has shown much more intelligence since he was a child than his peers. He also once said that Daqin's military merit system is the best way for ordinary people to get promotion.


Dong'er knew that her son was unwilling to remain silent in that small Li family village.

Although he couldn't bear to let his son enlist in the army, Dong'er also didn't want his son to live in a small mountain village for the rest of his life and become an ordinary villager.

for his own son.

Dong'er is the same as her political brother, she absolutely supports and believes absolutely.

But no matter which one it was, the worries in her heart were silent.

"It's true that the powerful generals of my Daqin army have shown a different side from the beginning. They beat up veterans just after enlisting in the army. This is indeed rare, but did the generals above blame him?"

"It's really rare for a recruit to beat a veteran. 35

"As expected of my Great Qin Wu'an Jun.

"However, how could he achieve the position of Lord Wu'an in just eight years? What kind of great achievements have he made?

The villagers in the yard talked one after another, and were very curious about the current Daqin Lord Wu An.

"My Daqin military camp pays attention to the strong, and when Wu Anjun first joined the army, he showed his extraordinaryness.

"After that, the king issued the king's decree, and the Yongcheng camp went east to destroy Han, and it was also the battle to destroy Han.

"In the first battle of destroying Han, Lord Wu An personally killed hundreds of enemy troops, and also beheaded the main general of the enemy army, making the first contribution to breaking the border, and then beheading the general of Han Baoyuan, and he was even more attacking. In Xinzheng, the capital of Han, Lord Wu'an even expected the enemy prophet to kill the king of Han and make a contribution to destroying the head of Han."

"From that moment on. 35

"Jun Wu An has really risen.

"Afterwards, to destroy Zhao and Wei, they all made their first achievements, killing the king of Zhao and beheading the king of Wei.

"In the world, except for the king of Qi, all the kings of the other five kingdoms were executed by Wu'an Jun himself.

"And the last state of Qi that we Daqin attacked and destroyed was Lord Wu'an who directly forced Qi to surrender with his military might. 95

"Well, I'll tell you more about Lord Wu'an's victory... 35

Wu Xiaozi said more and more vigorously, and told all about Ying Qi's achievements and achievements.

In the whole yard, all the villagers were stunned.

Moreover, the people in the village gathered one after another and listened to Wu Xiaozi's deeds of Emperor Wu'an of the Great Qin.

Each had a look of awe.

Time is also in this process, gradually passing by.

After a long time.

"With so many great achievements, it can be said that the achievements of destroying the six kingdoms are all in the hands of Lord Wu'an. How can you say that Lord Wu'an could not be awarded such a title, and how could he not be able to command the military power of Daqin."

"Anyway, for the 330 Qin soldiers in the world, we are convinced that Wu'an has control of the military, and we will not accept anyone except him."

Wu Xiaozi said with awe.

From his tone, one could hear his awe and respect for Ying Qi.


It's not just him.

For the millions of Ruishis in Daqin, they all regarded Yingqi as the god of war and regarded him as their belief.

Anyone who dares to speak ill about Ying Qi in the army will definitely be targeted by the entire army.

Whether it is for the original warriors of Daqin, or for the soldiers who surrendered from various countries, Yingqi, the ruler of Wu'an, is a god-like existence.

No one can criticize the existence.


Not only the achievement of winning Qi, but not only the achievement of Daqin's attack and destruction of various countries, but also the achievement of saving the lives of countless soldiers. For the soldiers of the countries, it is also the achievement of re-creation. They gave them a new way of life, which is the grace of life.

Every soldier knows how great Ying Qi's achievements are.

After Wu Xiaozi's voice fell.

All the villagers inside and outside the courtyard carried a strong sense of awe.


They were all shocked by Ying Qi's military exploits.

For the great Qin's deeds of destroying all the countries, it is already a great achievement to be able to destroy a country for the Great Qin, but there is such an existence, all of them participated in the battle of the Great Qin to destroy the country, and all six countries were destroyed by him.

How is this not respectable and convincing.

"What's Wu An-Jun's name?"

Hearing this, Dong'er asked with a kind of apprehension and anticipation.

She hopes that this person is her own son. It is not that Lord Wu'an has boundless power belonging to Daqin, but that as long as this person is her own son, she can be sure that her son is still alive, and that he has truly distinguished himself. Dreams of yesteryear.

"The name of Lord Wu'an is Zhao Qi."

Wu Xiaozi smiled and said.

Hear the word Zhao Qi.

Dong'er's body trembled, and there was a strong sense of peace in her eyes.

Qi'er, it's really Qi'er.

"I didn't expect Qi'er to be so powerful, for your father to destroy six kingdoms and to rule the world for your father."

"Perhaps, this is also a secret arrangement.

"Now that Qi'er has become the Emperor Wu'an of the Great Qin, he should have met his father?"

"Brother Zheng, will he recognize Qi'er?"

Think of this.

Dong'er is a little nervous, and there is still a kind of expectation.

"Qi'er, do you know? 35

"The high-ranking king of Daqin is your father, you once asked me more than that, who is your father, but for your father's sake and your safety, I can't tell you.

"Mother gave everything to God's will, so I left you the jade pendant that your father gave to mother at the beginning, the purpose is that you will be able to recognize your father one day, all depends on God's will.

"Hopefully, your father and son can recognize each other."

"In this way, in the future, Qier, even if you lose me, there will be a father who will take care of you. 39

"I believe that as long as brother Zheng recognizes you, he will definitely treat you well. (afbh)

Dong'er's heart trembled at the thought, both nervous and anticipating.

at this time.

"Wu Fu, don't talk about the old yellow calendar, you stinky boy."

"The current Wu'an-Jun is not the previous Wu'an-Jun."

A thick voice came from outside the yard.

At a glance.

A soldier in his thirties who was wearing black armor came over.

Everyone's eyes immediately looked over.

All were surprised.

"Brother Wang Jun, you actually came back.

When Wu Xiaozi saw the soldier who had just arrived, he immediately shouted excitedly.

"You have a vacation, don't I?""

"You stinky boy don't say a word when you come back. Originally, I planned to come back with you, but only when I asked, I found out that you have come back." Wang Jun scolded Wu Xiaozi very unhappily.


"You are now serving as a centurion in the Wu'an Jun's Guard Battalion. This is not something that we little soldiers can compare to. I can't find it even if I try to find you. Wu Xiaozi is very tasty.

"Stinky boy, look for reasons. Wang Jun came over and slapped Wu Xiaozi on the head.

"Father, mother.

"Brother Wang Jun is amazing. He is the centurion in the Wu'an Jun's Guard Camp, commanding hundreds of Wu'an Jun's guards. Don't look at him as a centurion, but even if there are ten thousand generals in the military camp, he will give them to Wang Jun. Big brother's face." Wu Xiaozi said very proudly.

"The boy of the Wang family is out."

"It turned out to be a centurion under the command of Lord Wu'an.

"We have a remarkable figure in our village.

"By the way, Wang family boy, what kind of person is Wu Anjun, is he very majestic and powerful?

"We all heard Wu Xiaozi say just now that Lord Wu'an is very powerful. He conquered six kingdoms for Daqin and ruled the world. You are really lucky to be the centurion in the personal guard camp of Lord Wu'an. "

The villagers in the yard opened their mouths one after another, all with a flattering meaning.

Homecoming, maybe that's it.

"My fellow villagers and elders, what Wu Xiaozi is talking about is the old yellow calendar."

"Now Wu Anjun's identity has become even more incredible."

Wang Jun looked at all the villagers with awe.

"What's wrong?"

"Could it be that Jun Wu'an has been sealed by the current king again?" Wu Xiaozi asked in surprise.

"I want you to come back so soon, I don't know any new news."

"Now, the announcement of Wang Bang has spread all over the world.

"Mr. Wu'an is the prince left by the current king in the people, and he is the eldest son. Now the king has recognized Wu'an, and Wu'an has recognized his ancestors at the Daqin Zongmiao, and has restored his surname Ying.

Wang Jun said loudly with a smile of awe.

The words fell.

The villagers in the yard were all shocked and incredible.

"Jun Wu'an turned out to be the king's son? The eldest son?"

"Is this a joke? 35

"This is too weird. Lord Wu An, who made such great contributions to Da Qin, is actually the eldest son. Does that mean that Lord Wu An will have the opportunity to inherit the throne in the future?""

"This is really a big deal, we just found out that Lord Wu'an was the one who ruled the world for the Great Qin, but we didn't expect that there was such a link, he turned out to be a prince.


"Too shocking. 35

All the villagers said with a kind of shock and amazement.

"Brother Zheng and Qi'er have known each other.


When Dong'er heard the news, her eyes were hazy, she was so happy.

I got two pieces of good news today. The first one is that my son has successfully embarked on the path he longed for, made contributions to the Great Qin Dynasty, and also ruled the world for his father and king. Father and son worked together to rule the world.

The key is that there is nothing wrong with his Qier going to the battlefield.

And there is another key point, they recognized each other as father and son.

This is even more big news for Dong'er.

A thankfully good news.


"Mother is really happy today, you finally found your father, and you also recognized him.

"My mother's decision was indeed the right one."

"Now that you are powerful and powerful, and you have the service of the millions of Daqin's army, even if you recognize your father, no one will dare to touch you anymore, and those people back then dare not, because you have already Stronger than those who used to be.""

"It's really nice to have your son. 35

Dong'er's heart was trembling, but it was a trembling of joy.

She didn't expect to hear these two good news today.

The two men I love the most have now recognized each other, and everything is developing towards the best.

"Hahaha, are you surprised?"

"You said that Lord Wu'an might inherit the throne of the Great King?

"I can tell you that it is not possible, but certain.

"Jun Wu'an's mother is the childhood sweetheart of the current king. We grew up together, and the king has a deep affection for Wu Anjun's mother..." Wang Jun said again.

Speaking without intention, listening intentionally.

But for Dong'er, it was like a thunderous voice that exploded in his mind.

"Brother Zheng, hasn't he forgotten me?" Dong'er's heart was trembling.

Even though more than 20 years have passed, everything from the past is still present in Dong'er's mind, so she can't forget it.

She originally thought that after more than 20 years, perhaps her political elder brother would forget her, but looking at it now, perhaps Dong'er was wrong.

"On the day when Lord Wu'an recognized his ancestors and returned to his ancestry at the Daqin ancestral temple, the present king directly issued a royal edict to posthumously designate Wu'an's mother Xia Yufang as the queen of Daqin, and gave the queen a seal, and Wu'an became the eldest son of Daqin."

"Because Wu Anjun's mother is the queen of Daqin, Wu Anjun is naturally not an illegitimate child, but the eldest son." Wang Jun said very proudly.

Able to enter Ying Qi's personal guard camp.

Loyalty must be considered, and only those who are truly loyal to Ying Qi can join the guard camp.

Wang Jun served as the centurion of the personal guard battalion, which shows his loyalty.

"Chase... chase and seal the queen."

When Dong'er heard this, it was really difficult to calm down.

The tears that had been suppressed in his eyes could no longer be held back, and the tears fell down.

this moment.

A promise that brother Zheng gave her at the beginning sounded in her mind: "Dong'er, just wait, brother Zheng will make you the happiest woman in the world, brother Zheng will make you my queen, and let your mother honor the world. , make you the most honorable woman in the world."

"Brother Zheng, these are not what I want, what I want is to be with you forever.

"That's what I want the most.

"But you haven't forgotten your promise to me in the past, Brother Zheng..."9

Dong'er burst into tears, and it was difficult to calm down.

She originally thought that her political brother had forgotten her, but now, everything is her imagination.

Her political brother has not forgotten her.

I have always kept her in my heart, and my promise to her will never be forgotten.

but now.

Everyone's eyes fell on Wang Jun, but they didn't notice Dong'er's appearance.

"Kid of the Wang family, why is the king chasing Wu Anjun's mother? Could it be that his mother is already there?" a villager asked curiously.


"In the year Wu Anjun joined the army, the old lady passed away, and that's why Wuanjun didn't care, he joined the army and served the Great Qin. Only then did I have the invincible god of war in Great Qin, and the one who recognized the Great King. The moment. 95

"But now that Lord Wu An is so powerful, and he has recognized the king, maybe the old lady will be very happy in the sky."

"Because her son is already the most outstanding Lord of Wu'an in Daqin, who has settled the world for Daqin and Daqin." Wang Jun also sighed and said faintly.

"The current king is really very affectionate. 35

"I didn't expect that my Great Qin Wu'an Jun would have such a life experience.

"The eldest son of the first son, with the great meritorious deeds made by Lord Wu'an for Da Qin, he will definitely be the crown prince in the future, and he will definitely be able to inherit Da Qin.

"Mr. Wu'an came from the hardships of the people. If he controls Daqin in the future, he will definitely know the suffering of the people at the bottom of Daqin, and he will definitely treat us people kindly."

Speaking of which, Wu Anjun's mother will definitely feel at ease when she sees Wu Anjun so outstanding...

The villagers in the yard started talking.

She didn't see Dong'er's emotions at the moment, she burst into tears and wept with joy.

The villagers were right.

As Qi'er's mother, she was extremely relieved and at ease at this moment.

His son is the best in the world, and he has also recognized his father, which makes Dong'er no longer worried.

"My fellow villagers and fathers."

"The king list has been posted.""

"On the day when the ancestral temple recognized the ancestors and returned to the ancestry, the great king issued an absolute order to posthumously ennoble Lord Wu'an's mother as the queen, and at the same time, he also enshrined Lord Wu'an as the prince of Daqin, who was in charge of the military power of Daqin and the power to supervise the country.

"Jun Wu An, he is now the Prince of Great Qin."

"Our Wu'an Junquan Guard Camp has now become a soldier of the Eastern Palace.""

"In the future, Daqin will be under the control of the prince.

Wang Jun said with a strong awe.

As soon as the voice fell, it naturally caused a burst of discussion and shock.


For ordinary people, and for the people of the world, it is a great deed that Ying Qi becomes the prince and the king of Qin in the future.

Because Ying Qi is not in the palace to be pampered, but grew up in the folk, and knows the suffering of the folk, this will be far more than any other son.

"Speaking of which, you will come back before your injury is healed. Is the blood on the ground yours?"

Wang Jun turned his head and looked at Wu Xiaozi.

Hearing so many things, Wu Xiaozi was also a little surprised. Why did he just come back when so many big things happened outside, but he quickly came back to his senses, looked at the blood all over the place, and replied: "Hehe, this is Not that I can't wait to go home, but luckily there are doctors in the village now.99

"Otherwise I'm really going to bleed to death.

Wu Xiaozi smiled.

His eyes were on Dong'er.

Wang Jun also followed his gaze.

Immediately saw a woman with tears on her face.

"There's nothing to do here, I'll go back first.

Dong'er wiped away her tears immediately and walked out of the yard quickly.

see this scene.

Wang Jun was a little surprised. How can you tell me about the prince and the king? How can you feel so?

"Is that doctor in the village just now?" Wang Jun asked.


"It's been a long time since I came to the village, almost eight years.

"Thanks to her, otherwise the people in our village would have suffered from illness," said an older villager.

"Almost eight years?"

Isn't this the exact time when the Queen's Empress died?

"Wait, how could I think of this, this has absolutely nothing to do with it, the Empress has passed away, I'm really crazy." Wang Jun shook his head and didn't think any more.

It was impossible for him to think that the doctor in front of him was the current queen and the mother of the current prince.


Just as he thought, the queen has nothing to do with the doctors in the village, and the current king is to pursue the title of the queen, which proves that the queen has passed away, and he can't think about it.

back home.

"Brother Zheng.""


"It's the best ending for you to recognize each other, and I'm really happy.

"But I'm dead, don't think about me anymore, for me, and for yourselves, you must live well. 35

"Don't worry about me too much.

back home.

Dong'er closed the door and couldn't help but miss her political elder brother and her son.

Lying on the couch and crying.

Weeping with joy, weeping with longing.

But she didn't know.

The news of her faked death has been known to her husband and son, and now, her two most important people have come to Shangdang County.

PS: Seeking to pursue the decision, seeking a monthly ticket, seeking to pay attention to the author's number, thank you very much. I won't write it, thank you.

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