Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 210 Doctor Dong'er, do you know Wu Anjun?

"The eldest son of the Wu family?"

"Are you still fighting?"

Dong'er looked at the old aunt with a puzzled look on her face.

Before coming to this village, Dong'er had heard that the imperial court was preparing to fight. Now that so long has passed, the most common thing I have heard is that the imperial court is always fighting.

"I do not know."

"However, today's great king is very talented, with the goal of dominating the world, he should have been fighting all the time.

'It is rare for people in our village to go out, and the news outside is not very clear, but the eldest Wu family returned from the military camp and must know a lot of things outside.

"Dong'er, you can't delay, otherwise it would be bad for the eldest Wu family to bleed too much. The aunt said.

"it is good."

Dong'er didn't hesitate, immediately turned around and took out some prepared herbs from the house, followed the old lady and walked over.

in a private house.

A young man in a black military uniform of Daqin was sitting on the bed. There was a deep sword wound on his arm. Even with a hemostatic bandage, the blood was still flowing.

"Stinky boy, where did you get this? Why did you come back when the injury wasn't healed? Are you trying to kill your mother in a hurry?"

Beside the soldier surnamed Wu, his father cursed with some worry and anger.

His mother was already in tears.

Whether it is a high-ranking dignitary or an ordinary family, the love for their children is the same. Seeing their son suffer this kind of pain, how can he bear it.


"I haven't been back for a long time. I rarely have time to rest, so I will come back to see my parents. 35

The Wu family boy said with a smile.

It seemed that the bleeding sword wound was nothing to him at all. In front of his parents, no matter how painful it was, he couldn't show it, otherwise it would make his parents worry.

"Stinky boy, don't you know that you will come back after the injury is healed? 35

"Don't you know that this is fatal." The Wu family boy's father scolded very angrily.

"Dad, don't worry, this is an ordinary sword wound. This is what I encountered when I fought against the remnants of Zhao State when I was in Handan. It was all good. After all, there is a golden sore medicine developed by Wu Anjun in the army. , that kind of medicine is simply a magic medicine, and it stops the bleeding when you apply it." The boy from the Wu family said with a smile.

"You stinky boy.""

"I just like to hold on." The Wu family boy's father cursed angrily.

At this time.

"I'm coming.

"Doctor Dong'er is here."

The voice of the aunt who went to find Dong'er came over.


Dong'er hung up the medicine basket and walked into the yard.

Take a look.

There are really many people.

Dozens of people gathered in this small courtyard, all of whom seemed to be there to watch the fun.

After all, the village is remote and the news is closed. It is rare for a person to come back from outside. Naturally, he wants to hear what happened outside from his mouth.


This situation is not only in this one village, it is the same situation in countless villages in the Daqin world, the news is blocked, unless you enter the county or county town to know the imperial edict and the imperial decree.


It is only when we are recruited that we will be able to know a little news from the outside world.

after all.

When recruiting soldiers from the barracks, the officers were also very strict and did not have time to talk to the people in the village.

"Dong'er, come and show my son, his arm is bleeding constantly, it will be unbelievable if it continues like this."

Brother Wu his father said anxiously.

Dong'er nodded and walked over. When she saw a bloodstain on Wu Xiaozi's arm, she couldn't help but frown. After all, it is rare to see such a wound in the village.

"This is because the wound has collapsed, and the hemostatic herbs will be re-applied.

Dong'er smiled, took out the herbal medicine, put it on Wu Xiaozi's arm, and then wrapped the hemostatic bandage again, and the bleeding stopped.

"The doctor's medical skills are really good, not worse than the doctors in our military camp." Wu Xiaozi praised Donger.


"You haven't come back for a long time. I don't know. Doctor Dong'er is the only doctor in our village. I don't know how many villagers Dong'er has saved over the years." Wu Xiaozi's father said with a smile.

Then he thanked Dong'er again: "Dr. Dong'er, thank you, if it weren't for you, I really don't know what to do." 55


"I have been in the village all these years thanks to the care of the villagers." Dong'er said with a smile.

Then he turned his head and said to Wu Xiaozi: "You should have had a good healing medicine on your hand, otherwise my herbal medicine would not be able to play such a big role.

"It really is a doctor, you can see it at a glance."


"This medicine is called golden sore medicine. It was developed by our Lord Wu'an. With this golden sore medicine, I don't know how many Paoze brothers in Daqin have been saved." Wu Xiaozi said with a smile.

"Mr. Wu An?"

Hearing these three words, everyone in the yard had a surprised expression.

"Stinky boy.

"Could it be that Lord Wu An of my Da Qin has not died yet?

'Now you are fighting for Da Qin again?'

"Also, what kind of world is outside now? Is Da Qin still using troops outside?

Wu Xiaozi's father asked very curiously.

The villagers in the yard also had the same expression.

After all, for the people of Daqin, Lord Wu'an is the symbol of Baiqi in the past, and the name of Lord Wu'an also represents Baiqi, the god of war in Daqin.


I heard before that the Great Qin God of War Bai Qi was given to die, how can he be alive now?


"You don't think about it.

"The original Lord Wu'an has not survived. Now we have a new Lord Wu'an in Daqin. He commands millions of warriors in Daqin.

It is obvious that he is also very embarrassed to be able to talk about these external things to his villagers.

This is also an invisible homecoming.

"Didn't we Daqin only have three generals? 35

"Why are there suddenly five?"


"When did it become five?"

The villagers in the yard were even more curious.

"Fellow folks, what you know is the old yellow calendar."

"I'll break it down for you.

"First of all, now Da Qin has ruled the world.

"Zhao Weihan, Qi Chuyan, all have died, their territory has become the territory of our Daqin, and their people have also become the subjects of our Daqin.

Wu Xiaozi was very excited and announced to the villagers and elders.

"What? 35

"We Daqin rule the world?"

"Is the world at peace?"

"This is a great good thing. If the world is peaceful, there will be no need to fight, and our taxes will definitely not be as high as before."


"Today's great king is really heroic, and he is too powerful. It only took so long for Da Qin to rule the world."

"This is really incredible for us Daqin."

"The world is peaceful, there is no war, we can finally not have to worry about the enemy's attack...

Hear the news of the unification of the world.

The villagers in the yard were very happy.

For ordinary people, there would be no casualties without war, and all the people could live in peace and would not be drafted into the army again, and the most important thing was that because of the war, the imperial court imposed very high taxes on the people, and the war was stopped. Their taxes can also be paid a little less, and their food can be used longer.

For the people of Daqin in Shangdang County, it is even more fortunate.

As the border towns of Daqin, they originally belonged to Han, but were later ceded to Daqin. If the Three Jin Dynasty still existed, they would be the first to attack Shangdang, so the people on the border bordering the enemy country were the most uneasy.

but now.

They don't have any anxiety anymore, there is only one kind of rejoicing.

The world is unified.

Their days of peace and quiet are coming.

When Donger heard the news, a smile appeared on her face, she was happy for her husband.

Because even though decades have passed, Dong'er has not forgotten the promise made to him by his elder brother Zheng after returning to Xianyang, as well as the big wish from the bottom of his heart.

"Dong'er. 35

"You wait and see. 99

"There are too many wars in this world, countries are at war, and innocent people die because of the war every moment. There is only one way to solve this endless war. , to rule the world."

"Only in this way can the people of the world enter into peace and peace, and there will be no more wars and chaos in the world.35

"And all this, the political brother will do it.

In Dong'er's mind, the time when her political elder brother stood in front of him and said these words in high spirits.

At that time, Ying Zheng was still a teenager, but he already had the air of a king.

"I believe that Brother Zheng is the most powerful. Brother Zheng will definitely be able to rule the world and stop the war." Dong'er at that time was also the same, and had a natural admiration for his brother Zheng.

Come back to your senses.

Dong'er smiled: "Brother Zheng, you have finally fulfilled your wish, the world will be unified, and there will be no more wars. For all this, you must have worked very hard."

"But in the end, you paid off."

Although there may not be almost goodbye in this life, Donger will be happy for you.

At this time.

Another villager asked.

"How long did it take us Da Qin to destroy the six kingdoms? 35

"Why didn't I hear that the world is unified when I went to the county town a few years ago," said a villager.

"Uncle Cao, you are also the old Huangli."

"In Daqin, there is Lord Wu'an. In less than eight years, he destroyed the six kingdoms and ruled the world."

"It can be said that Lord Wu'an is the god of war of our Da Qin. As long as he leads the army, there is no reason to win. 39

"The six kingdoms were all pacified by Wu'an Jun." Wu Xiaozi's face showed a kind of fanatical worship.

"Stinky boy, you have said so much, and you haven't told us who Wu Anjun is? Is he General Meng Wu, or General Wang Jian?" Wu Xiaozi's father said angrily, but his eyes showed An interest comes.

The villagers in the yard looked at Wu Xiaozi expectantly, even Donger was no exception.

"For the sake of my brother, he destroyed six kingdoms and ruled the world."

"This Lord Wu An is really powerful.

'Brother Zheng said before that the former Daqin's Wuanjun was wrongly killed by his great-grandfather. If the former Wuanjun was still there, it would definitely increase Daqin's prestige. 9

"`" It must be extraordinary that this Lord Wu'an can be so valued by Brother Zheng now. "Dong'er thought to herself, also full of curiosity.

"Speak up."

"Jun Wu An is simply a miracle of my Daqin."

"Eight years ago, Lord Wu'an was just an ordinary citizen with a white body, do you believe it?"

Wu Xiaozi looked in awe, and then said with a frenzy.

"Eight years ago, was Lord Wu'an an ordinary person? Or was he white?"

"It's impossible."

"In eight years, I have changed from a white body to the Wu Anjun who controls the military power of Daqin? How can this be done?"

"Could it be that Meng Wu, Wang Jian, and the other veteran generals will obey him?"

"These generals are all from a big family, how can they be convinced?"

All the villagers onlookers were amazed.


"I knew you didn't believe it.

"Now the deeds of Lord Wu'an are spread all over the world, especially in our barracks. Every soldier believes in Lord Wu'an."

"He is the God of War of our Daqin. 99

Seeing the surprised appearance of the villagers and elders, Wu Xiaozi laughed very proudly.

If these things hadn't been heard with one's own ears, and the people who were praised would affirm them, I'm afraid it's really unimaginable.

But for the millions of soldiers in Daqin, this is completely true, and there is nothing tricky about it. Millions of great Qin Ruishis all aim at Lord Wu'an and believe in them.

"Is what you said true?"

"Eight years ago, Lord Wu An of our Daqin was still a white man?"

All the villagers stared at it, incredulous.

"That's right."

"It is indeed a white body, and before Wu Anjun joined the army, he did not have any personal connections, and there was no aristocratic family behind him."

"The reason why I say that Lord Wu An is a white body, or an ordinary person, I really am not joking.

"Eight years ago, no, not eight years."

"Jun Wu'an joined the army from a small village in Yongcheng." Wu Xiaozi was in awe, ready to tell the villagers the story of Jun Wu'an.

But Dong'er heard his last (of Zhao's) words.

But was stunned.

"What did you just say? 35"

"Did the new Emperor Wu'an of Da Qin enlisted in the army from a small village in Yongcheng?

"So which village did he come from? How old is he?"

Dong'er asked in surprise.

Hearing about a small village in Yongcheng, he enlisted in the army.

Dong'er immediately thought of her son, her own Qi'er.

"It seems that Doctor Dong'er is also very curious about Jun Wu An.

"Okay, I'll talk about it carefully."

"Mr. Wu'an came from Lijia Village, Yongcheng. He was just over seventeen years old when he joined the army. After joining the army, he was assigned to the Mengjia army."5

"Speaking of which, Lord Wu An is really extraordinary, and he immediately caused a lot of waves as soon as he enlisted in the army.

"After all, in my Daqin barracks, no matter which barracks has a unique etiquette for welcoming new recruits, Wu Anjun is not sticking to one pattern, which directly brings a big difference to the etiquette of welcoming new recruits in Daqin." Wu Xiaozi laughed. Said, but the fanatical awe in his eyes did not disappear at all.

"What's the etiquette in the barracks?"

The villagers asked curiously.

"Naturally, the veterans used their fists to tell the new recruits that in the barracks, the strong are respected, and they must follow the orders of Shangguan.

"But Wu An-Jun is incredible."

"On the first day I entered the camp, I directly gave the veteran who taught him etiquette a meal. More than a dozen veterans were beaten up by Wu Anjun." Wu Xiaozi said very proudly.

It seems to be substituted into the role of Wu Anjun.

But at this moment, Dong'er was completely stunned.

"Lijia Village, Yongcheng, just seventeen years old."5

"Could it be Qi'er?"

"No, it shouldn't be so coincidental."

"It may be other children from Lijia Village."

"But, why do you always feel like he's talking about Qi'er?"

Dong'er's heart was completely lifted, with expectations and fears.


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