Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 209 Ying Qi: My mother is still alive?

Looking at Li Qing who suddenly came, Ying Qi was a little puzzled.

"What's wrong?" Ying Qi asked.

"Lord. 35

"There is something wrong with the soil in the mausoleum of the Queen, it seems to be new soil that was buried after being dug up again, you see.

Li Qing pointed at the pit of the mausoleum and said solemnly.


At this time.

Both Ying Zheng and Ying Qi's expressions changed.

An anger grows in the bottom of my heart.

“Could it be that Dong’er’s tomb was touched? 35’

"Grave robber?

Ying Zheng said in an angry tone.

"Your Majesty, probably not.""

"All the time."

'There are people from the village in the back mountain, as well as the soldiers sent to guard by the Yongcheng camp. There should be no tomb robbers who dare to be so bold. Moreover, when the queen was buried, she was just an ordinary civilian girl, and there was no such thing as Treasures should be buried with them, so there should be no tomb robbers. ' Xin Sheng said immediately.

Ying Qi walked to the mausoleum.

Take a closer look.


As Li Qing expected, the soil in the tomb was mixed with new soil and old soil, apparently excavated after burial, and then buried again.

"It's not a tomb robber, so what's the situation?" Ying Qi's mood was also very heavy at the moment.

His mother's tomb was manipulated, and this feeling is indeed a bit complicated.

"I saw the coffin. 35

shouted a Guard Rishi.

in the tomb.

The outline of a coffin has come into view.

It was at this time.

"Your Majesty, the Crown Prince, the Caomin seek to see you. 99

Outside the defensive barrier set up by the guards, Muramasa's voice came over.

"Muramasa? 35

Ying Qi turned around, saw Muramasa's figure, and waved his hand.

The guard immediately gave way.

With a look of fear on his face, the village quickly walked to Ying Zheng and Ying Qi.

"The sin of grassroots death.

"Please punish the king and the crown prince.

Muzheng knelt directly in front of Ying Zheng and Ying Qi with a very serious tone.

"Muramasa, get up quickly.

Ying Qi immediately stepped forward and helped the village up.

"Prince, in fact, your mother is not dead."

Seeing Ying Qi who was concerned about himself, Village 05 couldn't hold back any longer and said aloud.

Hear this.

Win Qi.

Ying Zheng.

The expressions of the two men changed in vain.


"Dong'er (mother) didn't die?

The two said in unison.

But there was ecstasy in his tone.

"This is impossible.

"I buried my mother with my own hands, and my mother was indeed breathless." Ying Qi said in shock.

"Your mother took a drug for suspended animation. I don't know where she got it. After taking it, she can enter suspended animation for a day, and no one will find out." Muramasa said helplessly.

"The mud in this tomb is mixed because you dug up the mother again?


"I've been standing in front of the mausoleum since Mother left, how could you guys have a chance?" Ying Qi asked in surprise.

"On the first day of your mother's burial, didn't I ask you to count your mother's belongings?"

"At that time, I brought a few villagers to dig out your mother again." Village Zheng said.

"Is the mother really dead?

While Ying Qi was shocked, a kind of excitement emerged in his eyes, and his eyes turned to Ying Zheng.

"Dong'er is not dead, it's great, it's really great."

Ying Zheng also muttered to himself with a look of ecstasy.

"But why?"

"Why do you want to feign death?" Ying Qi looked at Village Zhengdao very puzzled.

"Because she thinks she's dragging you down.

"You grew up in the village, and you have been very sensible since you were a child, farming, hunting, and taking care of your mother since you were a few years old. Your mother said that you are sensible and make her feel distressed. She knows that you are very unwilling to stay in the village all the time. Yes, but as long as she is still alive, you will definitely not leave, so she decides to fake death and give you back the world that originally belonged to you.

Muramasa said, saying what Donger told him before.

"If it wasn't for my mother, I would never have been born. It's only right and natural for my son to take care of his mother. What a drag. Ying Qi muttered to himself, moved by what his mother did for him.


At this moment, knowing that her mother is not dead, Ying Qi's heart is even more excited.

"Old village is right.

"Then where is my mother now?

"Quickly take me to find her."

Ying Qi stared at Muzheng and asked impatiently.

"In order not to be discovered by you and dug her out, after she woke up, she left the village directly, and now I don't know where she is. 35 Muramasa said helplessly.

"What message can that mother leave you? Where did the mother go? Ying Qi asked eagerly.

"This grasshopper really doesn't know. 99

"However, at the beginning, she mentioned a sentence, saying where to go back and forth." Muramasa said.

"Where did you come from, where do you go back?"

Ying Qi carefully understood the meaning of this sentence.

His eyes were on Ying Zheng.

Ying Qi really didn't know much about his mother, especially what happened in the past, her mother didn't tell herself at all.

"Father, mother, have you returned to Zhao?" Ying Qi asked.


Ying Zheng shook his head: "Although she was born in Zhao State, she has no feelings for Zhao State, because she has always been bullied by those people, staying with me, and I don't have any hatred for Zhao State, but She will never go back.""

"And when I destroyed Han, I had already closed the official road, and no one could leave Daqin, so your mother should not have left Daqin." Ying Zheng said in a deep voice.

Although he was calm at the moment, there was a sense of urgency in his heart.

In the ear, in the mind.

A sentence resounded all the time: "Dong'er is not dead, Dong'er is not dead, the sky has eyes.

"Quick, Xin Sheng.

"Let everyone look for it, be sure to find the queen's clues for the widow, be sure.


Ying Zheng looked at Xin Sheng, but after all, he couldn't help it and shouted loudly.


Xin Sheng responded immediately and was about to turn around and leave.

"Wait. 35

Ying Qi stopped Xin Sheng.


Xin Sheng looked at Ying Qi, a little puzzled.

"Father. 35

'You are the person who knows Mother best, where do you think Mother will go alone? Ying Qi asked seriously.

"Where did you come from, where do you go back?"

Ying Zheng calmed down and comprehended this sentence carefully.


A look of surprise appeared on Ying Zheng's face: "Your mother never returned to Zhao, but it was the first time she followed me back to Daqin, and the first time she settled down was in Shangdang County. My son followed me back to Xianyang, and in Shangdang, my father-in-law practiced medicine there for a long time.35

"Shangdang County?"

Ying Qi was surprised for a moment, and he pondered: 'Shangdang County is not far from Yongcheng, even if you are not in a hurry, it is only a few days' journey away, mother should be in Shangdang County. "

"But with Mother's character, she should not be in a place where there are too many people. It is possible that she lives in a small village like Lijia Village, and the news is blocked in those small villages."

"That way she avoids being found by anyone.

Word to here.

In the huge Qin Dynasty, the scope of Ying Qi's mother was much narrowed.

"Qi'er, you can't delay any longer."

"We will go to Shangdang County immediately, and we must find your mother." Ying Zheng said eagerly.


Ying Qi nodded and looked at the coffin that had been dug up.

Not surprisingly.

Inside was an empty coffin.

Mother is not dead, what is the use of this coffin?

Ying Qi laughed, with a kind of joy from his heart.

A wave of hands.

A palm hit the coffin.


The coffin was directly smashed into pieces, and there was nothing inside.

this moment.

Ying Zheng and Ying Qi and his son were completely relieved.

The people they love most are still alive.

"Please forgive the king and the prince."

The village is very frightened.

"Old Murakami, what's your guilt?"

"If you didn't tell me today, my father and I really didn't know that my mother was still alive, and it was you who took care of me and my mother for many years. You are so kind to our family. It's too late for me to be grateful. Blame, and these things are all explained by the mother, you are already a great virtue if you can help your mother.

Ying Qi looked at Mu Zhengdao with a grateful face.

"That's right. 99

"Muramasa, you are also a great benefactor to the widows. 35

"When I find Dong'er, the widow will give you a title and reward you." Ying Zheng also said to the village righteously with a grateful face.

"Thank you the king, thank the prince. 35

The old village is grateful.

He was relieved to learn that he would not be convicted.

After all, this thing is too big.

"Hey, Dong'er, I really didn't know that you were the wife of the king of the dynasty, the current queen, although you want to be busy all the time, but I don't dare. 35 Lao Cunzheng sighed in his heart.

this feeling.

With a kind of aftermath.

for him.

It takes a lot of courage to tell the truth this time.

Shangdang County.

When the former states still existed, this county was already invaded by Daqin, and when Ying Zheng returned from Handan, the first Daqin city he came to was Shangdang County.

In this Shangdang County.

Although not long.

But it was Ying Zheng and Dong'er who spent the best years, they were no longer bullied, and they enjoyed the beautiful longing and peace of returning to Qin.

In Shangdang County, a small remote village far from the county seat, like Lijia Village, is far away from the county seat. Likewise, the village is remote and has a small population.

And the people in the village do not go out all year round.

Relying on mountains to eat mountains and water to draught.

Enjoy the peace and quiet that is rare in this era.

in this small village.

The population of the village is small, only a few hundred people.

in the village.

One was wearing a light gray long dress with a white cloth with his hair tied up. He was a little thin, but his appearance was delicate and beautiful, but his face was a little pale, and he seemed to be in poor health.

see her age.

He looks like he is in his thirties or forties, and he has a quiet temperament. He seems to be completely integrated into this small mountain village.

Carrying a medicine basket containing various herbs, she walked towards the village.

"Miss Dong'er, you are back. 39

"Going to collect medicine again."

"The herbs you gave me last time are really good, my wound is really healed.

"Yeah, Dong'er's medical skills are really amazing, the last time my kid was seriously ill, it was only after Dong'er prescribed a few medicines that he was cured.

"Dong'er, do you want to eat at my house? You can also save yourself cooking."

As the woman walked in the village, the villagers greeted her warmly, most of them with gratitude.

"Thank you uncles and aunts for your kindness, I'll just have something to eat when I get home.

The woman called Dong'er smiled and said hello to the villagers.

Then after a hello.

I went straight back to a thatched hut.

The reason why Dong'er is so popular in this village is because of her medical skills. After all, her father was born as a doctor, and she naturally learned some medical skills since she was a child, and she naturally played a big role in this existence.

After all, for this remote small village, it is a few days away from the county seat. Although the atmosphere in the village is very good and peaceful, illness is inevitable. For the villagers in the village, if they have illness, It depends on their fate, and they have to cook it by themselves. The county town is too far away, and the medical expenses are not 900 yuan that they can afford.

But seven years ago, after Donger came to the village, he cured a few villagers who were sick with medical skills, and was immediately welcomed by the villagers, who built a thatched hut for her, and often took care of her.


Dong'er also reciprocated and became the only doctor in the village.

The villagers were treated with no money, only some grain seeds and vegetable seeds, which also made the villagers like Donger very much.

back home.

He put down the medicine basket in his hand.

say home.

In fact, it is a small thatched hut with a small bed, a quilt and a small pillow.

In addition to this, there are several clothes that don't look good in Dong'er.

But in this home, Dong'er has survived for more than seven years.

"After so many years, I don't know what happened to Qi'er, whether he went out, and whether he was with that little girl Yan'er."

"Qi'er, mother misses you so much. 35

"But mother knows that mother has been dragging you down for so many years, mother has to do this.

"Maybe in this lifetime, you and my mother and son will never see each other again.

Dong'er clenched her hands tightly, and there was a touch of love and memory in her eyes.

If she didn't really love her son, how could she choose to fake death to let her son go his own way.

Ugh. "


"Brother Zheng."

"What are you doing now?"

"I left the jade pendant you gave to our son at the beginning. If the sky has eyes, let you find Qi'er, so that after losing me, you can bring a different kind of care to Qi'er. "5

"Speak up."

"The reason I left without saying goodbye was that I was sorry for you.

Dong'er muttered to herself.

Staying at home alone every day, all the past events are recalled in Donger's mind, which cannot be erased at all.

One is the worry about his son, and the other is the nostalgia for his husband.

day to day.

Year after year.


She has been away from her son for more than seven years. She has always been in this closed mountain village, ignorant of the world. Maybe she will die in this village in the future.

After eating a random pancake, Dong'er was ready to make herbs.

In this village, people are all poor, and naturally they can't afford the medicinal materials of the county town, so Donger often goes to the mountains to find medicinal herbs, which are used to treat the villagers in the village.

At this time.

"Miss Dong'er.


"Go and have a look."

"The eldest son of the Wu family is back, but he was injured on the battlefield. Although he was treated in the military camp, the wound opened again and is bleeding now." An old aunt ran to Dong'er and said anxiously. .

PS: I am asking for a monthly ticket, and I am very grateful. The two little guys in the family have caught a cold, so the update time is uncertain.

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