Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 208 Your Majesty, the Queen's Mausoleum Seems Something Wrong

Li Qing gave an order.

The five hundred princes' personal guards who were standing still suddenly moved, and under the black armor, such as Shura's mask, there was a fierce killing intent in every pair of eyes.

this moment.

It seems that the Shura Army has been revived.

They were uniform, like one person, and at the same time took out the crossbow arrows hanging from their waists, and stared at the enemies who were killed from all over the back mountain.

Watching them get closer.

Hundred feet, eighty feet.

When they crossed eighty feet.


The five hundred guards gave a cold drink at the same time.

Pulled the trigger of the crossbow in his hand.



in a blink.

The dense crossbow arrows turned into murderous intent and shot towards the slain enemy.

Under the crossbow.

"lock up...]...."

The men in black who were besieged and killed from time to time let out screams, and the arrows penetrated their bodies. In the blink of an eye, the men in black were executed and killed hundreds of people.

But what is surprising is that after a round of crossbow arrows are fired.

The speed at which the five hundred princes' guards pulled the trigger of the crossbow arrow has not stopped.

I saw that the crossbow arrows in their hands had a power that surpassed this era. Ten crossbow arrows were mounted on the crossbow.

It was only five hundred princes' personal guards, but with the continuous crossbow in his hand, he formed thousands of arrow storms, and the sky was covered by crossbow arrows.

The men in black who rushed in were hit by crossbow arrows, and countless people fell to the ground and died.

"Stinky boy.

"This is the mysterious weapon you equipped the shadow with, it turned out to be a crossbow arrow that can be fired in bursts?

Ying Zheng was surprised when he saw the killing intent of the arrows in the hands of the five hundred guards.

Regarding this mysterious weapon, Ying Zheng had heard Tie Ying say it once before, and the Black Ice Terrace suffered a big loss from this repeated crossbow when it first confronted the Shadow.

"Father, this is just one of them. 99

"There will be more surprises in the future.

"Haven't you always been curious about what the power of martial arts is? Let these personal guards under Erchen show your father what martial arts are today. Ying Qi smiled calmly.

"What martial arts? Why are you Laozi curious?"

"Don't talk nonsense, kid." Ying Zheng also learned Ying Qi's act of being stupid.

Although he was really curious about the power of martial arts, he still pretended not to know.

"Didn't Meng Yi tell you?"

Ying Qi smiled jokingly. "Six Zero"

"No, not really."5

"I don't know anything." Ying Zheng shook his head immediately.

"Then just keep watching. 35

Ying Qi smiled, too lazy to break it.

"Martial arts, what kind of power is it?"

However, after the trouble, Ying Zheng's eyes were all focused on the five hundred guards at the moment.

After the five hundred guards' repeating crossbows were all released, many of the attacking assassins were slaughtered, and all the guards hung the repeating crossbows on their waists neatly, and at the same time, the sharp knives were unsheathed.

Everyone had a look of indifference on their faces.

"Shoot the arrow.

"No scruples, no slaughter."

Looking at the casualties of his assassins, Yan Xing immediately shouted angrily.

While charging forward, many assassins took out crossbow arrows, and then mercilessly shot them at the guards on the mountain.



Crossbow arrows are densely packed like rain.

It shot towards the top of the mountain, and sprinkled indiscriminately.

But this time.

The five hundred guards moved.

I saw that they quickly dispersed, the sharp blade in their hands moved, and they moved towards the crossbow arrows that were rushing towards them.

It seems that those arrows with extremely fast speed and strong penetrating power are nothing in their eyes.

In an instant.

Most of the crossbow arrows were all cut off by the five hundred guards, and no one was injured.

When some crossbow arrows that slipped through the net shot towards Ying Zheng and his son.

Li Qing moved in vain.

The figure flashed.

In the blink of an eye, he stood in front of Ying Zheng and Ying Qi's father and son, and with his sharp blade unsheathed, he easily knocked down dozens of crossbow arrows.

The thousands of crossbow arrows that came from the lasing all lost their murderous intent in an instant.

"Are they humans or ghosts?"

see this scene.

All the assassins, as well as Yan Xing, who led the assassination of the assassins, panicked.

So many arrows were shot without causing any casualties, which is simply impossible in the past.

"Not a single one."

Ying Qi said indifferently.

The five hundred guards were like obedience to heaven.


They charged directly towards those assassins, each of them with light footsteps, twice as fast as ordinary people running with all their strength, and collided with those assassins in the blink of an eye.

Between electric and flint.

Those assassins haven't recovered yet.

The guards started the killing directly.

The body moves, the blade moves in the hand, those well-trained assassins are like ants in front of the guards, every sword swing will take away the life of an assassin, and almost every blow is the blade of the throat, and one strike kills Life.

With the personal guards taking action, it was not a one-level duel at all, but a one-sided slaughter.

Even though the number at the moment is several times higher than that of the guards, this number does not have any advantage in front of the guards.

The guards moved, and there were corpses everywhere on the mountain, and blood was spilled on the back mountain of Lijia Village, which was originally peaceful.

"The power of martial arts is so powerful."

"Those assassins can see that they are all well-trained, and they are all armed with crossbow arrows that are only available in the army. Although they are not strong crossbows, they are enough to break through armor to kill people, but they were easily blocked by these princes' personal guards.

"Moreover, the strength of each personal guard is too strong, and the strength is not comparable to those of the assassins.

Xin Sheng looked at the scene of slaughter in front of him with horror on his face.

this moment.

He seemed to understand why His Royal Highness the Crown Prince only needed to bring five hundred people to step into the back mountain where he knew there would be an ambush, all because of the power possessed by these personal guards.

Five hundred guards.

Not to mention these thousands of assassins, even if it was an army of ten thousand people, in the face of this mountain where it was almost impossible to gather strength, five hundred guards could kill all directions, and then protect Ying Qi and leave.

"The power of martial arts is so powerful. 35

"Originally ordinary soldiers seem to have unimaginable power.

"With such strength, even if faced with a siege of more than a dozen people, it will not be defeated, and each of these guards is well-trained, and if they have such courage, they will be so powerful.

Ying Zheng looked at the guards who were killing gods, and he was also horrified. This was the first time he saw the power of martial arts.

"grown ups.

"The guards under King Qin's father and son are not human, they are too powerful, our people are not their opponents at all, we must withdraw now, otherwise we will all be here.

A little assassin leader came to Yan Xing and said in a panic.

"This time, the adults have explained that they are not allowed to leave until the task is completed. If they are damaged and returned like this, how can we explain to the adults?" Yan Xing said in a panic.

He knows what kind of temper his father-in-law has, and will do anything to achieve his goals, even if he is his son-in-law, he will not be merciful.

"grown ups."

"If the damage is here, we are really finished. It is right to retain the strength for the adults." The little leader said eagerly.


The Guards changed from defense to attack, slaughtering frantically, and the bodies of assassins were everywhere.

Moreover, the casualties caused to the Guards can be said to have no one killed except for minor injuries.

It takes a thousand days to raise an army in one day.

Being able to become Ying Qi's personal guard must be the most elite soldier among the millions of warriors in Daqin. He is good at the most powerful fighting techniques. After practicing martial arts, he has increased his strength. These assassins can compare.

Watching his subordinates become less and less.

Yan Xing's eyes were full of fear: "Yes, yes, this is to preserve the strength of adults.

"Retreat, order everyone to retreat."

Yan Xing shouted loudly.

This Yan Xing is not a useful person. He is greedy for life and fears death. Perhaps it is his original nature. The reason why he was sent by Zhao Gao to execute is also his trust in Yan Xing, and his foolproofness in this plan.

His role is to supervise his own people.

But after all, Zhao Gao looked at himself too highly and underestimated Ying Zheng and his son.

Withdrew with a sound.

Those assassins listened to amnesty.

Began to retreat frantically towards the mountains.


Since they dare to set up.

How could Ying Qi let them go.

This time it was originally a game against them, a game to clear Xianyang.

Loading Yongcheng lightly is to give a chance to all those who want to kill Qi in Xianyang.

Today's slaughter is just the beginning, and when Ying Qi returns to Xianyang, it will be the real bloody beginning.

From all over the back mountain and forest, men in black suddenly rushed out one by one, and their appearance directly cut off the back road for those assassins.

"My lord, do we still have backup?

Looking at the men in black who came out from all over the mountain, a little leader looked at Yan Xing and asked.

"I do not know?"

"Maybe the adults have follow-up mobilization." Yan Xing also said somewhat uncertainly.

But the next moment.

terrified them.

The men in black rushing out of the mountain quickly slaughtered those assassins, each at a very fast speed, faster than the speed of Ying Qi's personal guards.

If the personal guard Ruishi is good at frontal fighting, these men in black who suddenly appear are good at all kinds of dark places to attack and kill, and the methods are extremely sinister.

In an instant.

The two men and horses encircled.

The number of thousands of assassins plummeted again.

All over the mountains and plains, there is the sound of killing.

"For this game, Qi'er, you really invested enough money to even mobilize the shadows.

Seeing this scene, Ying Zheng smiled slightly.

"After all, our father and son rarely have a reason to use their bodies as bait, and there are many people who want our father and son to die. Ying Qi smiled calmly.

The killings continued all over the mountain, and people died every moment, but for Ying Qi and Ying Zheng, there was no trouble.

"You are right.

"It's a rare opportunity like this, it's a waste if you don't take advantage of it.

"To mobilize thousands of assassins to assassinate, this is not something ordinary people can do. Ying Zheng sneered.

"Father, just guess, who did the assassination this time? Who is the main one?" Ying Qi laughed.

"The remnants of the Six Nations still exist, but they dare not reach out to Xianyang now. It seems that this disaster started within Xiao Qiang." Ying Zheng sighed.

It seems to have thought of something.

There was a sense of helplessness in his eyes.


"After this time, are you going to leave him alive?" Ying Zheng suddenly looked at Ying Qi and asked.

"My son knows that the last thing my father wants to see is brothers fighting each other, but this time his actions have no filial piety at all. His purpose is not only to kill the son, but to even kill the father killed together.

"He's gone crazy for that position. 35

"What's the use of staying with such a person?" Ying Qi said quietly.


"Even his father wants to kill him, if it happens to him, maybe he won't let any of his siblings go.

"This kind of wicked son, maybe the widow has misunderstood." Ying Zheng sighed and said no more, he already knew that Ying Qi was going to deal with it like this.

If you say anything more, it will inevitably lead to a gap in the father-son relationship.

After all this time.

Ying Zheng was also angry.

Time flickers.

After half an hour.

The slaughter in the back mountain of Lijia Village has ended. There are thousands of assassins' bodies lying all over the mountains, and the blood of thousands of assassins almost dyed the entire mountain red.


With one hand, Dunwei brought the only surviving person to Ying Zheng and Ying Qi.

Then throw it on the ground.

"Your Majesty."


"More than 3,000 assassins, most of them dead, and a few of them who have received combat training, have all been executed."

"There is only this man who is greedy for life and fears death.""

Dun weakly pointed to Yan Xingdao on the ground.

The eyes of Ying Zheng and Ying Qi fell on Yan Xing at the same time, and two powerful pressures fell, making Yan Xing feel cold all over his body.

"Forgive your life, Your Majesty, spare your life, I will explain everything, just ask Your Majesty to spare your life."

"I was sent by my father-in-law to assassinate the king and the prince."

"My father-in-law is Zhao Gao, he explained everything, and he arranged all the people, and not all of these people are my father-in-law's people, and there are many dead men trained by the powerful in Xianyang. 35

"I have explained everything, and I also ask the king and the prince to spare their lives."

Yan Xing said in a panic, trembling all over, and was even scared to pee...

"Zhao Gao."

"It seems that the opportunity the widow gave him was superfluous. 35

A look of coldness flashed in Ying Zheng's eyes.

"Kill it.

Ying Qi glanced at Yan Xing and said indifferently.

Don't wait for Yan Xing to have the opportunity to beg for mercy.

A weak sword cut out.

directly concluded.

"Father, please rest assured."

"Anyone who is involved in this matter, or has something to do with it, cannot escape.55

"Erchen has already sealed Xianyang from Heibingtai. No one can leave without his father's and Erchen's handwriting, and those participants are all stared at by Heibingtai. We can catch them all in one go when we go back." Ying Qi smiled lightly.

"En." Ying Zheng nodded: "Qi'er, you are very good at this. Either you don't do it, or you must do it. This is the courage a king should have, and it must not be a woman's benevolence. In the future, you will be in charge of the Great Qin. , Father Wang can be relieved.


"Or else send the order back and let Hei Bingtai put all those people in jail? 99 Dunwei asked respectfully.

"Do you know what is the most painful?" Ying Qi turned his head and looked at Dun weak.

"I don't know." Dunwei said in a panic.

"Knowing the time of death, waiting for death is the most painful and painful.

"I want to let these people try the taste of death. 35 Ying Qi sneered.

"My lord is wise.

Weakly respectfully said.

"Okay, let people clean up all these corpses. Don't let these dirty corpses disturb my mother's migration."

Ying Qi glanced at the corpses all over the place and said in a commanding voice.

"Quickly clean up the body.

Suddenly weak, Li Qing immediately ordered loudly.


The guards and the shadow immediately got busy and began to clean up the corpse.


"I can see the strength of this martial arts today? Ying Qi turned his head and asked Ying Zheng.

"One person's strength is enough to easily kill ten people. It's really powerful. This is just an ordinary guard. It's as strong as a weak one. Maybe it's easy for him to kill a hundred people. 55 Ying Zheng said with a quest.

"Simple indeed. 35

Ying Qi smiled.

"What about you? If you are allowed to fight against these more than 3,000 assassins, what kind of results can you achieve? 35 Ying Zheng asked with great interest.

"One person, one sword, one person can slaughter them all." Ying Qi smiled lightly.

The words fell.

Feeling as strong as Ying Zheng, he was also shocked at this moment.

Ying Qi alone can slaughter these more than 3,000 well-trained assassins?

Is this a joke?

"Qi'er, are you joking with your father?" Ying Zheng asked in disbelief.

"It's fine if you don't believe me." Ying Qi smiled, not too lazy to explain anything.

after all.

Now that his cultivation has reached the peak of the Innate Realm, he is only one step away from the 21st-level Grandmaster Realm.

In two more months, Ying Qi will definitely have the confidence to make a breakthrough.


Ying Qi's ability to slaughter these 3,000 assassins with one person's power is only a special case. After all, the nine yin and nine yang exercises he cultivated can restore his true qi very quickly, which can be said to be endless.

If it is given to others, even at the same realm level, it is simply impossible to do.

"Then, Qi'er, how strong is your power?"

Ying Zheng asked very curiously.

Today, since his son did not hide the strength of his martial arts, he was obviously going to introduce himself to martial arts.

Ying Zheng simply continued to ask.

"Have you seen that mountain top, Father?"

Ying Qi swept his eyes and looked at a small hill a few feet away, which was the size of a city gate.

Ying Zheng turned his eyes, looked over, and then nodded: "I see, how?

"Then father, you should be optimistic."

Ying Qi smiled.

Raising his hand with a sword, Ling Kong slashed towards the hill.

Zhan Lujian trembled, and an invisible sword energy stirred up the airflow in the void, and slashed towards the hill several meters away.

Sword Qi fell.


The small mountain was directly chopped into the sky by the sword energy, and 0.7 became a huge pit.

see this scene.

Ying Zheng was stunned.

Xin Sheng was also stunned.

Dun weak and Li Qing watched calmly, this kind of power, they can do it with all their strength, but it takes a lot of infuriating energy, but for their master, it is easy.

"Qi'er, are you a human or a ghost?"

"This is really something that human beings can possess? Ying Zheng said with a horrified face.

"My son is standing here alive, doesn't my father see it?" Ying Qi said jokingly.

"Come on."

"I am lucky to have a son as powerful as you, Ying Zheng."

Ying Zheng said with a horrified expression.


"After returning to Xianyang, my son will let you enter the martial arts."

"If you want to wait until my mother comes back from resurrection, you can't wait like this."

"No matter what, you are my father and I am your son. As long as I am alive, I will definitely let you see your mother again. 99

Ying Qi's expression suddenly became warm, facing Ying Zhengdao.


"With Qi'er, your mother, and two grandchildren, my father is worth his life. Ying Zheng smiled with relief.

After some time passed.

The corpses in this mountain have been cleaned up.

"My lord, all the corpses have been gathered in one place, and we can wait for the Yongcheng camp to send people to burn and bury them. Li Qing respectfully reported.

"It's time to move the mausoleum for my mother.

Ying Qi's eyes fell on his mother's tomb again, with sadness.

"Master, do you want to start the migration?" Li Qing asked respectfully.

A dozen sharps had arrived with hoes and ropes.


Ying Qi nodded.

Li Qing immediately walked to the mausoleum with his personal guards.

Then he immediately knelt down.

"The Queen Mother calm down.

Li Qing said respectfully.

Then pick up the hoe and start digging.

More than a dozen guards also started.

After a while.


"There seems to be something wrong with the Queen's mausoleum."

Li Qing seemed to see something, and with a kind of surprise and panic, walked quickly to Ying Qi's side.

PS: Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a fix, thank you brothers, thank you very much.

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