Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 207 Muramasa: It's time to tell the truth


Lijia Village.

As the fiefdom of the current Crown Prince Ying Qi, a small village that was originally silent and ignorant has now become famous and has become a famous large village.

The population of the village has also increased a lot.

Many women from other villages want to marry into Lijia Village and enjoy the favor of the current prince.

After all, almost all the villagers in this village have old relationships with the current prince.

Marrying into the village is an honor, and it is also a great opportunity to enter the powerful.

Now the existence of Lijia Village is the most special in Yongcheng. Even the governor of Yi Fang would not dare to do anything to the villagers in the same village as the prince in the past. He was very polite.

The entrance to the village at the moment.

Thousands of people gathered, and everyone was waiting in anticipation.

Because today is the time when the current king and prince return to Lijia Village.

Its purpose is to pay homage to the prince's mother, the current Queen of Qin.

Village entrance.

Almost all the villagers were in ecstasy.

But only a few people looked contemplative.

"Muramasa, haven't you thought about it yet? 35

"It's been so many years, and the matter should be told to the prince, otherwise, there's really no way to explain it to the prince in the future."

"It's a big deal after all.

Beside the villagers, middle-aged villagers in several villages whispered.


Judging from their expressions, Muramasa seemed to be hiding something important about Ying Qi.

Hear the words of the people around you.

Village Zheng sighed: "Oh, when I promised Dong'er, I must not tell Qi Xiaozi about this, in fact, when Qi Xiaozi came back for the first time, I moved my mind to tell him, but I always felt that I'm sorry for Dong'er, after all, this is what she explained to me."


"Now Zhao Qi's identity is different. He is the son of the current king, and now he is the crown prince of Daqin, and Donger's identity is also amazing, she is the queen of Daqin. 35

"If the crown prince knew that his mother was not dead, and the king knew that his queen was not dead, he would definitely be very happy. On the contrary, if we deliberately concealed it, it would be a crime of deceiving the king and the family would be exterminated."5

"The reason why Dong'er chose to suspend her death at the beginning was not because the prince was unsatisfactory, but because she felt that she was a drag on the prince, so she chose this way."

"Now that the crown prince has regained his identity, and even more so, Lord Wu An of Daqin, he has a high position and authority, and we have no reason to hide it from him."

Several villagers have persuaded.

This also made Muramasa frown, and after a while, he nodded.

"You're right, although Dong'er told him not to tell Qi Xiaozi, the situation is completely different now. The news of his mother should be told to him. Muzheng said.

"Then when the prince returns, Muramasa will immediately tell the prince the truth.

"In this way, their family can be reunited." The expressions of several villagers also became relaxed.

"When the king and the prince go to the mausoleum, I will tell them the truth."

"But if the king and the crown prince have any punishment, the old man will bear it." Muramasa sighed, and his eyes became firm.

It was at this time.

There were violent footsteps in front of the village entrance.

Indistinctly, countless flags were fluttering in the void, and under the flags, there were thousands of black armored cavalry escorting a luan.

"The king and the prince are here.

The onlookers, the villagers and the foreign visitors were excited and watched the cavalry approaching.


under the escort of cavalry.

Luan drove to the entrance of the village.

"The Caomin welcomes the king and the crown prince.


The entire village bowed down and shouted in unison.


Luan Jia stopped in front of the villagers.

For this battle.

I saw Luan drive with my own eyes.

It was the first time for everyone in Lijia Village, because when Ying Zheng came to Lijia Village last time, Qingqi came and never took Luanjia.

"My fellow villagers and fathers, get back to your feet quickly.

Luan got on, Ying Qi took the lead and walked down, facing all the villagers with a gentle face.

In the village where he was raised since childhood, Ying Qi was naturally very gentle looking at these familiar faces from childhood to adulthood.

One person attains the Tao and ascends to heaven.

For Ying Qi, he gave Lijiacun the greatest care.

Let Lijia Village now become a wealthy village with a resounding reputation in Daqin.

"Thank you, Your Highness."

All the villagers stood up one after another and shouted in awe.

For them.

With the change of their status and status, it is naturally impossible for them to be as random as before.

Ying Qi has become the prince, and will be the king of Da Qin in the future.

For anyone in the world, for any people of Great Qin, the king's power is so high, how dare he blaspheme.

After standing up.

All the villagers still looked at Luan Jia with restraint and awe.


Li Yan'er led the two little guys out of Luan Jia.

"Finally back to the village."

A smile appeared on Li Yan'er's face.


Ying Zheng walked down the stairs led by Luan slowly, wearing a royal robe and not wearing a mian, but the majesty of an emperor made everyone feel a sense of depression.


"Go to the back mountain to see your mother. 39

"Let her wait for so many years, this time I can't let her wait any longer." Ying Zheng said with awe.


Ying Qi nodded.

Then turn your head.

To Xin Sheng, he said, "Commander Xin, leave the five hundred imperial guards you brought in the village."

"Li Qing, went up the mountain with his father, the king, and Benjun, preparing to move his mother's mausoleum.


Xin Sheng and Li Qing responded in unison.

"Father, let's go."

Ying Qi sighed and returned to Lijia Village again, which made Ying Qi a little emotional.

My mother raised me in the village for 17 years, but now she has become famous and recognized her father, but her mother has left.


She hadn't thought that today would come.

"Well. 35

Ying Zheng nodded.

Went to the two grandchildren: "Qi'er, Xi'er, come, Aye will lead you to find your grandmother."

"Well. 55

The two little guys were over seven years old, and they seemed to be very sensible now. One of them held Ying Zheng's hand and walked towards the mountain behind the village.

Li Qing took five hundred personal guards and dismounted, and escorted the two kings of Daqin to the back mountain.

"Don't talk nonsense, I will go up and tell the truth to the king and the prince." Village Zheng said to the people around him.

"Well. 35

Several middle-aged villagers nodded.

They all have secrets hidden in their hearts. If they keep concealing them, they are afraid that it will bring disaster to them. Now is the best time.

It's also the last chance.

The mountain behind the village.

in the jungle.

"My lord, there is only one chance."

"Once this opportunity is lost, there will be no second chance."

"Masters, as long as you can kill King Qin and his son, this world will belong to the adults. 35

"Anyway, they must be killed.

A man in black clenched his sword and said in a deep voice to the dozens of men in black in front of him.

"Please don't worry, my lord."

"These days, we have mobilized all the horses, and the entire mountain is all our people, as long as the King Qin and his son go up the mountain, we can get rid of them.

"This subordinate has already investigated clearly, this time King Qin and his son traveled lightly, and the total number of people they took with them was no more than 1,000, and there are more than 3,000 of us on this mountain, which is enough to kill them all. 95

"King Qin and his son will surely die."

The men in black said in succession.

"it is good."

"As long as the father and son of King Qin are killed, the adults will never forget your credit."

"Winning the king or defeating the bandit, you are waiting for glory and wealth today." The man in black sneered.

At this time.

A man in black quickly rushed from the jungle.

Kneeling directly in front of the headed man in black: "Mr. Qi, the King Qin and his son have already gone up the mountain. According to the investigation of the subordinates, the King Qin and his son are only protected by hundreds of Donggong's personal guards."

"Good. 3

"God help me.

"King Qin and Ying Qi are only afraid that they think that the world today is completely under control, and no one in the world dares to fight against them, so they relax their guards so much."

"As everyone knows, it was their arrogance that gave us the opportunity."

The head man in black sneered.

A wave of hands.

"Go on, get ready to do it."

"If this time is not successful, it will be benevolent. 35

"If the mission fails, no one wants to live." The man in black said coldly.


The dozens of men in black in front of them immediately dispersed quickly and scattered all over the dense forest.


"This time my son-in-law will never disappoint you."

"As long as the father and son of the King of Qin are killed and Hu Hai ascends the throne, with Hu Hai's incompetent temperament, how can he get rid of his father-in-law's control?

"Suddenly, the whole world of Daqin will fall into the hands of my father-in-law. As the son-in-law of my father-in-law, I, Yan Xing, will surely become king in the future."5

The headed man in black had a smug smile on his face, as if he had foreseen the scene in which the world was in control after he killed Ying Zheng and Ying Qi and his son.

Look around.

The five hundred East Palace guards were guarded ten feet away from the mausoleum, while Li Qing and Xin Sheng served behind Ying Zheng and Ying Qi.

Look at the small grave in front of you.

Ying Zheng and Ying Qi's father and son both had a kind of sadness on their faces.


0.....for flowers 0

"do you know?

"Brother Zheng has already recognized our son, he did not resist me, he recognized me as an incompetent father, and Brother Zheng has fulfilled his promise to you, now you are the most honorable woman in the world Now, you are already the wife of brother Zheng and the queen of Daqin.

"Moreover, no one dares to object this time, because none of them can stop your political brother."

"You don't have to worry about our son, his ability is more powerful than your brother Zheng thought, and now he has recognized his ancestors and returned to the clan, restored the surname Ying, and has become the prince of Daqin.

"Perhaps it won't be long before I hand over this world to him."

"And our two grandchildren. They are really smart and stick to your political brother the most. If you were here, you would definitely be very happy to see these two little guys."

"This is the continuation of the blood between Brother Zheng and you."

"You will love it. 35

Ying Zheng stared at the tombstone in front of him and uttered all the words he had been hiding in his heart.

this lifetime.

Ying Zheng was only in love with Dong'er, and it was the only time.

But what made Ying Zheng the most helpless was that when he met Donger, he was the weakest, and he couldn't protect her.


"Your Qi'er is back."

"This time, Qi'er is going to take you to the place where you should be. You are now the queen, the mother is the world, and the father and the king's dignified wife."

"The bad guys who prevented you from being with your father at the time have been cleaned up now, and they are either dead, or it is better to die now.


"This is what the father did for you. At the time he couldn't protect you, but now he has. 35


"When you were still there, I always asked you about your father's whereabouts. At that time, you always kept your mouth shut. In your heart, you didn't want our mother and son to cause trouble to the father, and the most worrying thing was fear. I fell into a crisis in Xianyang and was targeted by those people at the time."

"But it's different now. 99

"Those people have only fear in Qi'er's heart, and dare not mess around. Qi'er now has the power to fear nothing. 35 Ying Qi also muttered to the grave in front of him.

Father and son.

There are thousands of words about the people they love the most, and they can't be said.

Li Yan'er held the two little guys and stood behind, not bothering the father and son.

Because this is the time for Ying Zheng and his son.

in the forest.

The breeze is blowing, it is summer at this moment, and the temperature is very high, but under this breeze, it is also much cooler.

It was at this time.

"Kill the King of Qin, and kill Win Qi.""



The screams of killing sounded all over the back mountain, and the murderous intent suddenly gathered in the sky.

Take a look.

Thousands of men in black came from all over the back mountain to kill the mausoleum, each holding a sharp blade and a crossbow arrow that was only available in the army of Da Qin.

"Father, they are finally here.

Ying Qi turned around and looked at Ying Zhengdao.

"It's not in vain for our father and son to use our bodies as bait. Today, we are going to move the mausoleum for your mother, so we will use the blood of these people to pay homage to your mother. Ying Zheng said indifferently.

The father and son turned around and looked indifferently at the men in black who came from all over the back mountain.


Everything about their existence is under the control of the father and son.

Not just two people.

When watching these men in black kill.

The five hundred East Palace guards, Li Qing and Xin Sheng were very calm.

"In order to assassinate the king and the crown prince, those behind the scenes made a lot of money. Xin Sheng sneered.

"Thousands of people are definitely not able to be dispatched by one person, but at the moment when the people behind the scenes are doing it, everything has already fallen into the prince's calculations.

"One of those behind the scenes counts as one, and none of them want to live. 35 Li Qing also sneered.

"But General Li Qing.

"We only have five hundred personal guards, and there are thousands of people on the opposite side, can we really keep them all?" Xin Sheng said in a somewhat skeptical tone.

At first, Xin Sheng was a little surprised when he saw that Ying Qi only let the five hundred princes' personal guards follow him up the mountain.

After all, as for the assassination of the people behind the scenes, everything is under control, so why only send five hundred personal guards? This is something Xin Sheng is puzzled by.

"Commander Xin Sheng.

"You still don't know the real power that belongs to the Lord."


"These personal guards will let the commander see what the power of martial arts is.

Li Qing laughed.


Raise your hand.

His face also became grim: "Kill, not a single one!!

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