Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 206 Ying Zheng: I am the 1 emperor, you are the 2 emperor, Qier

"King play the king.

"The framework of the county system established by His Royal Highness has been fully implemented, and corresponding fruits have been obtained everywhere in the world. Now I have successfully divided the world into thirty-six counties, and all the county governors have been appointed.


"As long as the county towns are properly divided and governed by the governors of the thirty-six counties, the county system can be fully formed, and this time will not exceed one year.

Han Fei played to Ying Zhengqi excitedly.

County system.

Has worked.

It is already predictable that Daqin is in charge of the land of the Central Plains.

"it is good."

"My son won the county system established by Qi really did not disappoint the widow."

Ying Zheng smiled and praised.

Then he looked at Han Fei: "This time, Han Qing has worked hard, and the county system can be implemented in Daqin and achieve such fruitful results, Ai Qing has contributed greatly. 35

"Da Qin, you will be rewarded for meritorious deeds."

"You have done so much for Da Qin."

"The widow has to be rewarded."

"I will grant you two ranks of nobility, a mansion, five hundred servants, a thousand gold, and a thousand cloth. I hope that Aiqing will make new contributions to the Great Qin again." Ying Zheng immediately rewarded him.

"I thank you, Your Majesty.

"Thank you prince.

Han Fei immediately bowed and bowed.

And in the hall.

Many people are envious of Han Fei getting such a reward.

Now that the world has been decided, the opportunity for military officials to be promoted is over, and it is the turn of civil officials to govern the world.

Han Fei was able to get this opportunity, and no one would not envy him.

"Qi'er, what else do you have to add to the county system?" Ying Zheng looked at Ying Qi on the stairs and asked.

"Go back to your father.

"The measures for the implementation of the prefecture-county system are all under the planning submitted by the sons and ministers. For now, it is only necessary to clearly grasp the ability of appointing and removing officials, and the world can be determined."5


"With the successful implementation of the county system, the next step is to reorganize the camps of all parties to guard the four sides of Daqin."

Ying Qi thought about it and said.


"You are in charge of the military power of the Qin Dynasty, and the reorganization of the major battalions, the mobilization of troops and the guards, all are left to you to handle. 99

"This Da Qin will be yours sooner or later. If you handle it, the widow will have peace of mind." Ying Zheng said with a smile.

"My son leads the edict." Ying Qi immediately took the order.

For the army to mobilize and guard, Ying Qi naturally has a plan in his heart.

But in the eyes of the courtiers.

Ying Zheng handed over the power to Ying Qi, which gave them an invisible sense of urgency. Perhaps in the near future, Ying Qi would ascend to the throne.

after all.

This is how Ying Zheng showed his courtiers.

The authority has been transferred to Ying Qi step by step.

"It's rare that this stinky boy agreed so happily."

Seeing Ying Qi's performance, Ying Zheng also smiled contentedly.

743 "Come on.

Ying Zheng suddenly shouted outside the hall.


Two guard guards carried a table and walked into the hall, and two guards carried a cushion.

"What is your majesty doing?"

The civil and military capitals of the Manchu Dynasty looked a little surprised.

"doing what?"

Ying Qi was also at a loss.

But the next moment.

They get it.

I saw a few warriors carrying the table and cushions up the stairs, and dropped the table and cushions directly on the throne half an inch below the throne of Ying Zheng.

After placement.

A few warriors bowed and bowed before leaving the hall.

"Qi'er, from today onwards, you will be sitting here."5

Ying Zheng pointed to the position beside him and said with a smile.

"Father, isn't this a bit out of order?"

Ying Qi looked at the position that was only half an inch shorter than Ying Zheng, and said in surprise.

"What are the rules or rules? You are the prince of Daqin, the eldest son of a widow, and the future king. Everything is within the rules." Ying Zheng laughed loudly.

Then he looked at the Wenwu of the Manchu Dynasty: "From today onwards, the prince will be treated like a widow in the court, and the prince will be seen as a widow.

"Masters, do you understand?"

Ying Zheng's majestic voice resounded inside and outside the hall.

All the ministers froze in their hearts, with a kind of awe, and said in unison: "The ministers will lead the edict.

"Qi'er, take a seat."

Ying Zheng smiled and waved his hand.

"Thank you, Father.

Regarding Ying Zheng's grace, Ying Qi had nothing to say other than being moved.

Ying Zheng treated himself like this, how could Ying Qi not be grateful.


Ying Qi sat directly on the throne next to Ying Zheng.

this moment.

It seems that in the palace of the King of Qin in this prestige, it is like two saints approaching the dynasty.

"Okay, Zhu Qing, let's continue the discussion. 35 Ying Zheng said solemnly.

"King play the king.

'My minister has a recitation. ’

Meng Yi stood up with a kind of awe.


Ying Zheng nodded.

"Ever since the ancient times, the world has been separated, the kingdoms have stood on top of each other, the war has continued for thousands of years, and it has not subsided, but the great king and the prince were born, and the great king was in charge of the country, and the prince went on an expedition.

"Such great merit, creating such an ancient foundation.

"Your Majesty can be called the number one person through the ages."

"The first king of the ages."

'The King's exploits. 9

"Beyond any king since ancient times, it is no longer possible to show the majesty of the great king and the power of the great king to control the world. 35

"I think so."

'The king should be promoted to the emperor, and rule the world in the name of the emperor. Since ancient times, there have been countless kings, and the emperor is above the king's power. Only the name of the emperor can show the power of the king. Meng Yi had a kind of admiration in his heart.

The voice fell.

The courtiers in the courtroom had a sense of surprise.

"What Lord Meng said, the ministers and others agreed.

"The honorific title of the king is no longer suitable for the king, only the emperor is suitable.

The ministers all agreed.

since ancient times.

The kingdoms of the world are separated, and every country has a king, but not every country has a son of heaven.

The former emperor's honor, only the former Zhou had.

But now the Daqin world is unified, and Ying Zheng will be promoted to the throne.

Listening to the courtier's approval, Ying Zheng also showed a moving smile on his face.


He created the unification throughout the ages, surpassing any monarch since the eons, which monarch can compare with him?

"The name of the Son of Heaven is not worthy of the father and king.""

At this time, Ying Qi spoke up.

The eyes of Manchao Wenwu immediately fell on Ying Qi.

Is the name of the emperor not worthy of Ying Zheng?

What else could it be called?

"Father's work."

"To create a real unification of the Central Plains, Yan and Huang.

"Beyond early summer, beyond Shang Zhou.

"At that time, the Son of Heaven was just a nominal symbol. The princes respected him as the Son of Heaven, and he was the Son of Heaven. If the princes of the countries did not respect him, the name of the Son of Heaven would be a joke."

"Don't you see how the emperor Zhou was so embarrassed in the past? In the name of the emperor, can he have the majesty of the emperor?"

"Comparing the father and the prince with that prince is filthy." Ying Qi said slowly.

"Could it be that His Highness the Crown Prince has any views?"

Wang Wan asked aloud.

Hundreds of officials also revealed a kind of expectation.

"My father's contribution to Yan and Huang surpassed that of the two emperors of Yan and Huang in the ancient times, surpassed any king of the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, and created a unified and unified world in the Central Plains.

"I think so.

"Father, the king, should worship the heaven on Mount Tai and enshrine Zen, creating the first ceremony of worshiping heaven since ancient times, and making him the honor of the "Emperor"."

"The king, the Son of Heaven, are not worthy of the respect of the father and the king.""

"Only the word "emperor" can demonstrate the power of the father.""

"And the father, as the emperor who created the great cause of unification for all ages, the first emperor, should be called the first emperor.

Ying Qi said loudly.

There was also a shock on his face.

in the hereafter.

The first emperor of the ages, Qin Shi Huang.

How powerful is the power, even though thousands of years have passed, Qin Shihuang's majesty is still there.

Perhaps later generations have criticized Qin Shi Huang a lot, with mixed praise and criticism, but it is undeniable that without Qin Shi Huang and the unification of Da Qin, any generation of dynasties in later generations would not be able to complete the succession of their will, making unification the goal of every Yan and Huang Dynasty.

The existence of Qin Shihuang is the inheritance of the will of countless later kings in history.

Even in the history of the collapse of the Qin Dynasty, the second generation died.

But even though Shi Huang died, Da Qin's will still remained.

"Beyond the two emperors of Yan and Huang, surpassed the kings of all dynasties, and became the first person in all ages."

"Should I enshrine Zen in Mount Tai, make sacrifices to heaven and earth, and honor the emperor's honor?"

Hear what Ying Qi said.

All the ministers were horrified.

Even Ying Zheng was stunned by the word "Emperor".

"The merits of few people really surpass Yanhuang and the emperor of the ages?"

"The emperor, the first emperor, the first emperor.

Ying Zheng muttered to himself, for this honorary title, it seemed that he heard from the depths of his soul, and his blood was excited.

"Father, the king should be the supreme emperor, the first emperor of Qin.

"How do you feel about it?

Ying Qi looked down at the afag in the courtroom and said in a dignified voice.

"His Royal Highness said.

"I respect you."

"The great king's ability to rule the world should be honored as the honor of the emperor.

"The minister and others agree.

Manchu civil and military all shouted in unison with boundless awe.

"A good emperor, a good first emperor."


"This honorable title is accepted by the widow."

"If you are the first emperor, Qi'er, you are the second emperor of Daqin, the second emperor of Daqin, and Daqin ruled the world. Qier, you are even more important, and you have made countless military exploits. He will become emperor one day. Emperor Wu of Qin.

Ying Zheng said with a big smile.

For Ying Qi's favor, even if Ying Zheng was honored by the emperor at this moment, he did not forget it.

He is king.

Then his son will also be the emperor in the future.

Emperor Qin II, Qin Wudi.

Hear what Ying Zheng said.

Ying Qi was both moved and a little helpless: 'How come I have become the second emperor of Qin, why do I feel that this title is a bit derogatory?

Qin II.

Who in history didn't know that this was a faint and incompetent prodigal, and the great Qin world was defeated by him alone.

The second death, the second emperor.


"However. 35

"I Ying Qi is not that useless person like Hu Hai.

Ying Qi looked at Hu Hai in the Chaotang, and there was a hint of ridicule in his eyes.

And this moment.

In the bottom of Hu Hai's heart, his jealousy was even more intense, as well as anger and unwillingness: "He is also the son of the father and the king, why can he get all kinds of favors, and why can he become the emperor, I can't."5

"Your Majesty Shengming.

"The merits of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince can be called Emperor Wu in the future."

Hearing Ying Zheng's happy words, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty also agreed.

"Taishan is enshrined in Zen, and it is said that it is the highest mountain that leads directly to the sky. If you worship the heaven and enshrine Zen in Mount Tai, you will be able to get the help of heaven and protect the inheritance of the Daqin Jiangshan for thousands of generations."


"You have a heart." Ying Zheng laughed again.

"Father is overrated." Ying Qi replied.

Complying with the historical process, there will be a completed copy reward, how can Ying Qi miss it.

"Father. 35

"Now that the county system has been implemented, the major tasks of the sons and ministers have almost been completed. 39

"That's why my son wants to go back to Yongcheng and move the tomb of his mother to Xianyang.

Ying Qi looked at Ying Zheng and said aloud.

Hear this.

Ying Zheng also had a kind of reminiscence on his face: "Qi'er has a heart, this time he will return to Yongcheng, the father and the king will go with you, the last time of your mother, the widow must see each other no matter what."

"My son decided to leave tomorrow and travel lightly, so that we can move back to the mother's tomb faster." Ying Qi said.

"Then it will be tomorrow."

"The widow will go with you." Ying Zheng nodded.


Ying Zheng looked at Chaotang Wenwu: "Tomorrow, the widow and the prince will set off for Yongcheng to move the tomb of the queen. In the event of a sudden, all the affairs of the court and the ministers can handle it themselves. If there is an emergency in the state, they can send someone to Yongcheng to deliver a message.

"The minister waits for the edict.

Manchu civil and military said in unison.

And this moment.

Hu Hai heard what Ying Zheng and Ying Qi said.

A kind of ecstasy emerged from the bottom of my heart: "Ying Qi, you are going to Yongcheng, and you are still traveling lightly. There must be not much defense around you. This is my best chance and my only chance."

"If you win Qi and die, your father will also die. 35

"Fusu has now been sent to the border, who else can compete with me in Xianyang?"5

"At that time, I will be able to go to Mount Tai to enshrine Zen and become the emperor of Da Qin.

Think of this.

Hu Hai hid the ecstasy on his face and returned to calm.

The meeting will disperse.

East Palace.

"Li Qing, get ready.

"Point five hundred personal guards and return to Yongcheng tomorrow.

Ying Qi explained to Li Qing.

"Lord. 99

"Is it a little short of the five hundred personal guards in Yongcheng this time?"

"The world is set, and the remnants of the six kingdoms are hidden. If they want to attack the Lord, five hundred personal guards may not be enough." Li Qing said with a serious face.

"Five hundred will be the guards who step into the martial arts, even if five thousand soldiers and horses attack, why should they be afraid?

"Furthermore, this time, this gentleman did it on purpose.

Ying Qidan laughed.

"Does the lord want to attract those who want to take action against the lord? So as to catch them all at once?" Li Qing immediately understood.

"My father, Benjun and Daqin, the two people who control the kingship, travel lightly together. Will they miss such a good opportunity?" Ying Qi sneered.

"Although the five hundred guards are not afraid of them, it may not be enough to kill them all in one go," Li Qing said.

"This gentleman has already arranged everything.

"Just wait for them to take the bait.

"It depends on who takes the bait in the end."

"The remnants of the six kingdoms, the dignitaries in the court, and the sons of the princes. 99

"This time, I want to completely solve the internal troubles in the court. Next, I will gradually settle Daqin and develop the kingdom of martial arts that I want. Ying Qi said quietly, revealing a touch of coldness.

"My subordinate understands."

"My subordinates will make arrangements immediately." Li Qing bowed and immediately retreated to make arrangements.

"How is the shadow arrangement? 35

Ying Qi suddenly spoke up.

"Please rest assured, Lord.

"All the subordinates have been arranged properly, and all the officials in Xianyang are under shadow surveillance. If they make any movement, they cannot escape shadow surveillance." The weak figure walked out and said respectfully.

"This time."

"I want to do it once and for all. 55

"The black ice platform can also be adjusted to ensure that nothing goes wrong. Ying Qi said solemnly.

"My subordinates take orders." Dunwei bowed and retreated.

"The kingdom of martial arts, fighting to kill the enemy, and the heavens and the world.

"In this step, all the power is in control, and the key is to completely resolve the troubles in the capital."

"Great Qin world.

"With this monarch here, we will soon truly be in control of the unification.

Ying Qi muttered to himself.

For everything in the future, Ying Qi has absolute plans.

all of these.

All for the country of martial arts, all for fighting and killing the enemy.

To stabilize internal troubles is to expand territory and kill foreign enemies.

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