Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 205 Time flies, ready to go back to Lijia Village

Hear the weak words.

Both Ying Zheng and Tie Ying's expressions became shocked.

from their perspective.

Dun Weak's strength has surpassed ordinary people, and the display of strength is not human at all. Even if it is the legendary enemy of ten thousand people, the most elite assassin, I am afraid that it is not the enemy of Dun Weak. Now, Dun Weak is saying that he wins. Qi's strength can easily kill him with one move.

"How much power does this brat have?"

"Alas, unless this brat says it himself, no one will know his true power."

"I hope this kid will bring him Laozi more surprises in the future.""

Ying Zheng thought very deliciously in his heart.

As for his own son's understanding, except for his temperament and temperament, Ying Zheng really didn't know much about him.

"Father, is there nothing to do here?"

Ying Qi smiled and looked at Ying Zhengdao.

"It's all right, but, how do you plan to arrange the follow-up of the Black Ice Terrace?" Ying Zheng said.

"Naturally, as usual, what else can be arranged?" Ying Qi smiled lightly.

"Anyway, the widow of the Black Ice Terrace has already been handed over to you, and you can arrange whatever you want, and the widow will not ask." Ying Zheng nodded.

"Your Majesty."

"I have a play."

Tie Ying suddenly bowed to Ying Zheng.

What's the matter? Ying Zhengdao.

"Compared to Shadow, the Black Ice Terrace has many shortcomings, and the minister is far from Lord Dun weak, so I would like to ask the king to make Lord Dun weak the head of the Black Ice Terrace. As for the minister, I wish Assisted by Lord Dunwei." Tie Ying said respectfully.

"Qi'er, what do you think about this matter?" Ying Zheng looked at Ying Qi and said.

After all, Dun weak was directly loyal to Ying Qi, or in other words, he did not pay attention to Wang Ming's order at all.

"Dunwei, are you willing to be the leader of the Black Ice Platform?" Ying Qi said directly without saying much.

"As long as the Lord orders, the subordinates swear to death." Dunwei respectfully said.

"it is good.

Ying Qi nodded: "From today, you will be in charge of the Black Ice Platform, Tie Ying will be your deputy, and I will teach you the method of assassinating spies from the Black Ice Platform."


It is a secret belonging to the shadow core, and the existence of the practice method is impossible for Ying Qi to spread.

These things must be completely in their own hands, and only those who are truly loyal to themselves can obtain them.

"My subordinates take orders. 99

Weak and respectful lead the way.

After a while.

Leave from the underground of Daqin's biggest secret.

Inside the Zhangtai Palace.

"What? You have mastered Da Qin's biggest secret, and you seem to be in a very calm mood."

Seeing Ying Qi's bland appearance, Ying Zheng couldn't help but said.

When his father and grandfather, Ying Qi's grandfather, brought him to the forbidden area of ​​Daqin, he knew the greatest secrets and secrets of Daqin.

But Ying Qi, this stinky boy, doesn't seem to have the slightest burden of responsibility.

Hear Ying Zheng's words.

Ying Qi couldn't help laughing: "Father, when you accepted this secret, the world was still in chaos, and there were many countries. Now that the Central Plains have been settled, what else do you have to worry about and what burdens you have. 99


This is Ying Qi's lie.

Although the secret entrusted by Ying Zheng is very big, it is related to the fundamental background of Da Qin, but it cannot make Ying Qi really move.

after all.

The background that Ying Qi possesses is even more unimaginable, and it is not an ordinary power at all.


These can't make Ying Qi have much turbulence.

"Stinky boy, you really think about it.""

Ying Zheng said with a smile.

"Dad, if there is nothing to do, then I will go back first. Although the county system has been implemented, Han Fei's ability is enough to make the county system achieve the desired effect, but there are still many things that I need to deal with myself." Ying Qi said, ready to leave Zhangtai Palace.

"Well. 35

"The system of prefectures and counties is the foundation of the Great Qin state. 35

"After this matter is completed, we will also welcome your mother back to Xianyang. Now our family is in Xianyang, and she is alone in Yongcheng.

Ying Zheng said with some emotion.

"I will ask Han Fei to implement the county system framework as soon as possible. As long as the county seat in the Daqin territory is established and the county governor is appointed, we don't need to worry too much about the appointment of the county magistrate."

"In two or three months at most, I will be able to welcome my mother back to Xianyang." Ying Qi also said solemnly.

The father is so affectionate to the mother.

How can he not be perfect as a son?

Although the mother has gone.

But being able to fulfill her biggest expectations at the beginning, to have the company of her husband, is to make her feel at ease under the spring and in the sky.

Just one day.

Ying Qi has enough power to resurrect her.

"Qi'er". ""

"Father asked you something." Ying Zheng's expression suddenly became serious.

"What? 33 wins Qi Dao.

"A few years ago, Yan'er once told me that you want to revive your mother in the future. Dad wants to know if this is what you said after drinking, or is it really possible? Ying Zheng asked expectantly.

Hear this question.

Ying Qi and Ying Zheng face each other.

After a while.

Ying Qi said sternly: "Yes, one day in the future, I will be able to resurrect my mother, maybe decades, maybe a hundred years, but this day will come sooner or later."

"I will let my father and mother fulfill their original wishes and live together forever without anyone interfering. 35

"Good, good boy."

"Dad knew you could do it."

"For you, for your mother, father will always wait no matter what. 39

"Father will wait for the day when your mother is resurrected.

Ying Zheng said with strong excitement.

Ying Qi's answer completely dispelled the anxiety in his heart.

One day in the future, he will be able to see Dong'er and the love in his heart.

"Will do."

Ying Qi nodded.

Ying Qi didn't know how long it would take to revive his mother, but as he took control of Da Qin and completed the layout of the world, Da Qin would inevitably become a kingdom of martial arts in the future.

Ying Qi will also allow his father to embark on the road of martial arts, thereby prolonging his life.

And he has Yanshou Dan.

He must be able to make his father wait until the day he meets his mother again.

It was at this time.

"My son, please help Su and beg for an audience."

Fusu's voice sounded outside the hall.


Ying Zheng's expression was no longer the gentleness of that loving father, but restored the majesty of a king.

His fatherly side was only given to Ying Qi and Qi Er's family.

As for the other sons.

They feared themselves and feared themselves, and Ying Zheng also treated them harshly.

They will never be like their Qier, who can talk about everything with themselves, and regard themselves as real fathers, rather than a king.

"come in."

Ying Zheng said loudly.


The hall door opened.

With a serious expression on his face, Fusu walked quickly into the hall.

"My son sees his father.""

"See the eldest brother of the prince.

Fusu entered the hall and immediately bowed to Ying Zheng and Ying Qi.

"Didn't the widow say that if there is no edict from the widow, you can't enter the palace for an audience, why did you forget it so quickly?" Ying Zheng said indifferently.

For the son of Fusu.

Ying Zheng is more about hating that iron cannot become steel.

When he didn't know Ying Qi existed, what Ying Zheng valued most was Fusu's son, giving him the greatest attention and the greatest resources to cultivate.

There are also many teachers.

The court officials were left to Fusu's choice.

can be final.

Fusu chose Chunyuyue, who was chosen by the clan for him, and went back step by step to the present,

It has been eroded by the so-called Confucian etiquette.

In the face of himself, the monarch who controls the empire, he even used etiquette to refute him. He has no respect, no loyalty, and this is what disappoints Ying Zheng.


There is only one reason for Ying Zheng to give up Fusu so quickly.

That is the appearance of Ying Qi.

If he hadn't won Qi, Ying Zheng might have tried to correct Fusu.

This time Chunyu Yue made such a big fuss and gathered five thousand Confucian scholars. In just a few days, such a movement was stirred up under his nose, which made Ying Zheng even more angry.

Confucianism can develop and grow like this, but it has nothing to do with Fusu in front of him.

Hearing Ying Zheng's tone revealed a disappointed voice.

There was also a sense of shame in Fusu's eyes.


He knelt down directly facing Ying Zheng.


"Now, do you still want to plead for Chunyuyue? For those damn Confucian scholars?"

"The widow told you."

"Chun Yuyue, Confucian, committed the crime of great rebellion, the edict has been issued, and there is absolutely no forgiveness."

Seeing Fusu like this, Ying Zheng immediately said with an angry expression.


Fusu's performance made Ying Zheng feel that he was interceding for Chunyuyue, and there was no other possibility.

After all, Fusu's temperament had already taken shape in Ying Zheng's heart.


"I am not begging for my teacher, nor for Confucianism. 39

Fusu bowed his head and bowed with a bitter tone in his voice.

In his father's impression, he had already disappointed him so much, how could Fusu not be bitter.


It's no one's fault.

"You are not begging for them, but for what?" Ying Zheng frowned slightly and asked in a deep voice.

"My son is stupid, he has been deceived and used by others but he doesn't know it, and he is even instigated by others to disobey the father and impeach the father, this is the son's crime.

"Thanks to the grace of my father and king, I have never committed a crime. In the past, my ministers did not know the great kindness of my father and king. 35

"If it wasn't for the guidance of the eldest brother, perhaps the younger minister would have thought that Chunyu Yue was sincere towards his younger minister, thinking that Confucian etiquette, loyalty, and righteousness were really the foundation of governing the world, but Chunyu Yue could only use it. The king is against the king, and the king is the enemy.

"In fact, it has violated the Confucian law of loyalty, righteousness, etiquette, and intends to coerce the king for selfishness. Such Confucianism, but the servants are convinced, this is the incompetence of the servants.

"My son has failed my father's expectations for my son over the years. This is my son's sin, and my father has been disappointed."

Fusu spoke aloud, and her voice became choked up.

For him.

In the past, he really believed in Chunyu Yue, and regarded him as a teacher, and he respected him even more than his father.


After Ying Qi's words, everything was not as simple as Fusu thought. Looking back, Chunyuyue said to himself the most about revitalizing Confucianism.

This is what he forcibly added to Fusu.

Recalling the past, Fusu fully understood the madness of Chunyuyue today.

I feel from the bottom of my heart towards Chunyu Yue, but Chunyu Yue treats himself as a chess piece. Thinking of this, Fusu has hatred for himself and guilt towards his father.

The reason why he came today was that Fusu wanted to express his guilt towards Ying Zheng. Although he knew that he could not make up for it, this was his attitude as a son of man.

Listen to Fusu's words.

Look at his moving look.

Ying Zheng was stunned.

He never imagined that Fusu would appear like this today. The former headstrong, the former old-fashioned, all disappeared today.

see this.

There was also a touch of touch on Ying Zheng's face.

Fusu seems to have been corrected by his Qier.

"`" Qi'er, you really surprised Dad, Fusu's character is almost irreversible to me, but I didn't expect him to be convinced by you.

"Perhaps, the eldest brother is like a father, that's why."

Ying Zheng thought with a sigh in his heart.

For Ying Zheng, although he is not a perfect father, it is impossible to treat every son equally. For his own Qi Er, that is the only exception.

After all, the royal family is ruthless.

But Ying Zheng also has expectations for his sons. If he can become a talent, it will be better.

And Fusu, as Ying Zheng's most valued son, now has this change, and Ying Zheng is naturally very pleased.


Ying Zheng's heart was filled with joy, but his face was filled with a kind of majesty and calm.

"I am very pleased that you can think like this today. I hope you will not go astray in the future. I will find another teacher for you. Whether it is martial arts or literature, I will let you choose. 35 Ying Zheng Shen said.

"Father, king, a hundred studies are not as good as practice. Now the eldest brother has drawn up the county system for Daqin, and my son is willing to serve as a county governor for Daqin and govern one side."

"Please let the father and the eldest brother be fulfilled.

Fusu prayed from the bottom of his heart.

Hear this.

Ying Qi couldn't help but glance at Fusu.

The royal family is ruthless.

Especially for those who once fought for the position of the Eastern Palace.

The princes competed for the crown prince, but in the end there was only one winner. As for the fate of the other losers, it was obvious that they would be banned or killed.

In the dynasties in the history of Yan and Huang, there have been countless people who failed to compete for the throne and ended tragically.

Fusu's request to be the governor of a county, and to take charge of the government affairs of a county, does seem to be a modest official position, but for a son who lives in the capital, it is an expatriate.

Fusu wanted to use this to tell Ying Zheng and Ying Qi that he had absolutely no idea about the position of the prince.


Perhaps this was because Fusu really figured it out and wanted to leave the prison of Xianyang and go out to practice.

But for Ying Qi, whether it is Fusu or Huhai.

Or other young masters, Ying Qi really didn't take it seriously.

Ying Zheng is too good to himself, and for his own sake, Ying Qi will not reuse them in the future, but he will also give them (well) a wealth of honor.

But only if they don't seek death.


Ying Qi would not let them go. After all, Ying Qi had no brotherly affection for them.

Ying Zheng was also a little surprised by Fusu's decision, but he did not stop it. After all, it was the best choice for Fusu.

"Since you have decided, discuss it with your eldest brother. Everything about the county system is controlled by your eldest brother." Ying Zheng said.

"Fu Su begged the eldest brother to be fulfilled." Fu Su begged.

"Where do you want to be the county governor?" Ying Qi walked up and asked Fusu after he helped him up.

"Fusu wants to go to the northern border." Fusu said.

"The northern border is a place of bitter cold, are you sure you want to go?" Ying Qi said.

"I beg the crown prince's eldest brother to be fulfilled. 33 Fusu bowed his body and bowed.

Ying Qi glanced at Fusu, saw how firm he was, and didn't say anything more: "You go to Han Fei and ask him to arrange the post of governor of the northern frontier for you, just say this is what Ben said.

"Thank you, the eldest brother, the prince."

Fusu bowed excitedly.

"Okay, let's go. 35 Yingqi didn't say much.

"My son retire.

Fusu bowed and bowed to Ying Zheng, then turned and walked outside the hall.

When at the door.

Fusu suddenly turned around and said with a firmness: "Father, eldest brother, Fusu used to be dull in the past, but this time, Fusu will never let you down again."5


Fusu resolutely left.

Look at his back.

Ying Zheng was also a little emotional.

My son seems to have really grown up.

"Qi'er. 39

"Thank you, Dad." Ying Zheng turned his head and said to Ying Qi.

"Thank me for what?" Ying Qi smiled.

"If it wasn't for you to wake up Fusu, maybe he still didn't wake up." Ying Zheng said.

"Father, you're welcome." Ying Qi smiled.

Time flickers.

in a blink.

Three months have passed.

On the Palace of the King of Qin.

Baiguan Qi played state affairs, and the county system was also under discussion in the court.


ps: ask for a monthly pass, thank you very much,

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