Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 204 The Confidence Between Father and Son

"If you want to know the difference between Heixingtai and Benjun's forces, you can ask Dunwei."

"The espionage force under the monarch's command is called the Shadow, which hides in the dark and spy on everything.""

"And all of Shadow's training, recruitment, and layout are all under control."

"It can be said that the development of shadows is now all over the world, and it is all the power of weakening one person." Ying Qi said slowly.

Hear this.

Both Ying Zheng and Tie Ying were shocked.

Ying Qi's shadow has developed to the present, and it is all the result of weakening one person in front of him?

One person training and training the shadow, in less than eight years, almost caught up with the background of the black ice platform? Even the strength of the secret agent is stronger than that of the black ice platform?

That weak ability can be imagined.


"Excuse me.

"In the original history, this Dun weak was originally a talent that belonged to you, and in the end was also in charge of the Black Ice Platform, but I started one step faster than you and cut Dun weak, but fortunately this time cut Hu. , Otherwise, where can someone find such a powerful person, who will spread the shadows all over the world in just over six years. Ying Qi smiled proudly.

"The Lord is wrong."

"The subordinates can develop the shadows like this, all rely on the Lord to bestow them. If it wasn't for the Lord, how could the shadows be today." Dunwei immediately replied, very respectful.

"To be weak, you don't need to be humble."

"What this gentleman gave you was just a prototype, but you gave me a real shadow. 35 Ying Qi said in a serious tone, and his tone was full of approval for Dunwei.

Thank you Lord for sure.

Hearing this, Dunwei stopped talking, but his heart was full of excitement.

After being assigned to Ying Qi's subordinates, what he really longed for was to get Ying Qi's approval, and now he finally got it.

"Sir Duncan."

"I don't know how big the gap is between the Black Ice Platform and the Shadow? 35

Tie Ying stared at Dun Wei and asked eagerly.

"Although the shadow background is not as deep as the black ice platform, and the number of secret agents is not as large as the black ice platform, but in terms of strength, the elite black ice platform should be equivalent to the primary detective who really joins the shadow." Dun Wei thought for a while and replied.

The detectives in the shadows are divided into three levels, elementary, middle, and high.

These are the dark 05 detectives who have truly gained trust and successfully entered the shadow, not the ordinary detectives who are still being screened.

"The most elite of the Black Ice Platform is only the primary spy of Shadow?

"This...how is this possible.

Iron Eagle was completely taken aback.

Originally, he thought that there might be a gap between the Black Ice Platform and the Shadow, but he didn't expect it to be so big.

"This is true.

"You will understand later. 99

said in a low voice.

Although Ying Qi had already become the Prince of Great Qin and had control over the Black Ice Platform, it was about the shadows and Ying Qi's real secret.

This is the obedience of being a subordinate.

Everything is centered on the Lord and cannot be violated.

"Now the world is settled.""

"The enemy country is destroyed."

"Whether it's the Black Ice Platform or the Shadow, just sneak into the dark and follow orders. After all, there are only a few foreign aliens left in Daqin's enemies. 35 Ying Zheng said slowly.

There was also a deep sense of pride in his tone.

The great cause of unification that the ancestors of the Daqin dynasties wanted, has now been completed.

The black ice platform that has been around for hundreds of years may also lose its real use.

"Father. 99

"Do you think Daqin now controls the world? 99

Looking at Ying Zheng's pride, although he couldn't bear to strike, Ying Qi felt that he still had to strike.

Save yourself, the hard-working old father, will really become lazy.

In that case, if all the government affairs are piled up on his body, even if he has twice the speed of dealing with the state affairs, he will die in a hurry.

My old father is still so young, when he is strong, how can he be silent.

At least not until Ying Qi really succeeds to the throne.

"Qi'er, what do you mean by that?"

"Isn't Da Qin now in control of the world?"

Hearing Ying Qi's words, the smug look on Ying Zheng's face faded.


"What my son can tell you is that this day is very big and the land is very wide.

"The territory controlled by Daqin is far from the real world, let alone the real world."

"There are still many enemies of Daqin in the future. 35

"Whether it's Black Ice Platform or Shadow, their usefulness is far from over."

Ying Qi said with a deep meaning.

Ying Zheng heard the sound.

The expression was startled, and a kind of inconceivable emerged.

Not only Ying Zheng.

Dun weak and Tie Ying were the same, surprised by Ying Qi's words.

Could it be that the world of Qin is not the real world?

How to hear the meaning of Yingqi's words, the territory of Daqin seems to be far from the real world?

"Are you serious, or are you bluffing Laozi? 35 Ying Zheng was stunned for a while, and then said angrily.

"Is it necessary for my son to bluff you?" Ying Qi smiled lightly, and then said: "Furthermore, old father, you need to broaden your horizons, the territory of Daqin is not the world, even if Daqin has the whole world, can't we look at the world? outside?"

"Don't you think that there is really no other place?

A word shocked people.

The speaker is intentional, and the listener is intentional.

Ying Qi's last sentence made Ying Zheng's three eyes widen.

This sentence seems to open the other side of the deep meaning, the other side of the world.

What is the Outer Lands?

handed down from time immemorial.

in mythology.

There is a day out there.

In the final analysis, all living beings yearn for the immortal world with heaven beyond.

And the meaning expressed in Ying Qi's words, the land beyond that day really exists.

"Is it possible that there really exists a heaven outside the sky? Does it really exist in the fairy world?"

this moment.

Ying Zheng's heart tumbled, and a bigger ambition grew out of his heart.

Take control of the world, with monstrous authority.

It has far surpassed the monarchy of the past.

But no matter how great the authority is, life is only a few decades in a hurry, buried in the ground with a flick of a finger, and becomes an underground withered bone.

But if there is really a sky beyond the sky, there is an immortal world.

Is immortality not a dream?

And seeing that his son is so confident, he seems to know a lot about the other day.

"Almost forgot."

"Qi'er got the inheritance of the immortal gods, that's why he understands the sky outside the sky and the world so well.

"Qi'er said that he will resurrect his mother in the future, which should also be derived from the confidence of the inheritance of the fairy gods.

Ying Zheng thought to himself, really full of expectations for the future.

The fighting spirit and ambition that had calmed down, rekindled in an instant.

"Although I don't understand what immortals are, I don't have that kind of power.

"But Qi'er is like this for Daqin and the world, Daqin will definitely help him, make Daqin stronger, and will help Qier speed up the steps of resurrecting his mother in the future, and even after Qier really enters the fairyland, we The family can still exist in the world like the legendary gods." Ying Zheng thought to himself, and became more and more excited.

"Qi'er, how big do you think the world is? How much of the world does my Daqin occupy?" Ying Zheng came back to his senses and asked seriously.

"For the world, Da Qin is still very small.

'But now that Daqin is in control of the Central Plains, the world has not been settled, so the sons and ministers can't tell the father and the king the real situation of the world. ' Ying Qi also replied solemnly.

"You stinky boy."

‘Everything has been said, your Laozi’s interest has been suspended by you, and you stopped talking.

Hearing Ying Qi's words, Ying Zheng was furious.

This is like the feeling that the bride has already been married, has entered the bridal chamber, and the bride is an ugly one.

This made Ying Zheng angry.

"This is to give the father a goal to save the father from being lazy. Ying Qi said with a smile.

"You kid, are you worried about your Laozi's military use?

Ying Zheng said angrily.

"No matter what your father thinks, it's right. 35 Yingqi laughed.

"Come on.

"Laozi is too lazy to ask you.

Seeing that Ying Qi really didn't plan to say anything, Ying Zheng was helpless. For his son, Ying Zheng really couldn't bear it, and this son was not afraid of him at all.

"Father Wang is very righteous, and my son admires it." Ying Qi immediately flattered.

Of course, Ying Zheng was greeted with helpless glances.

For the conversation between the father and son without any grudges, with such a deep affection between the father and the son, Dun Wei and Tie Ying are very acquainted and do not speak, but they both have a smile on their faces.

After all, this kind of monarch, this kind of father and son.

The relationship is so good.

It's truly unique.

For almost all kings and princes, one wants to be able to sit on the throne longer, and the other wants to take the throne early.

But for Ying Zheng and his son, there seems to be no such scruples and burdens at all.

It seems that as long as Ying Qi speaks.

Ying Zhengdu will directly pass the throne to him.

At the end of the day.

This is a father and son like no other.

"Speak up.


"If you are not my son, and you are not the crown prince, how will you handle yourself when the widow dies in the future?

Ying Zheng came back to his senses and suddenly looked at Ying Qi and asked, but his expression was very playful.

Hear this question.

The weak expression suddenly became tense.

The Lord's ambition was known to all of their confidants when they didn't know their identity.

From the very beginning, the Lord was aiming for the world.

"Father, do you want to listen to the truth or lie?"

Ying Qi also smiled jokingly.


Ying Zheng scolded angrily, "Of course it's the truth."

"If the son does not know his identity, he has never recognized his father."

"My son will try his best to defend the border and develop his own power with all his strength.35

"If the father is alive, the son will honestly become a frontier general, and there will be absolutely no abnormality.

"But after a few decades, the father died.

"It all turned out differently.

Ying Qi did not hide his thoughts.

After all, today is also considered to be his own father showing his greatest cards to himself, and handing it over to himself.

And with his father's power, he couldn't see that he didn't have much reverence for Wang Quan before, and he could even guess what he was thinking.

Ying Zheng nodded and asked again: "If you help Su succeed to the throne, you won't accept it?"

"Not only Fusu, but any son of the king who succeeds to the throne, the sons and ministers will not accept it, because they simply do not have the ability to make the world stable.

"If you die, the father, the hidden remnants of the six kingdoms will reappear, and the great Qin Empire will fall apart in just a few years, the world will fall apart, and wars will erupt everywhere."

"At that time, Erchen will take advantage of the situation, sweep the world, and rebuild a unified dynasty." Ying Qi said.

These words are the words that Ying Qi once hid in his heart.

But now they are father and son, and Qi Qi understands each other and knows that the relationship between father and son is true.

His father naturally asked, and Ying Qi naturally wouldn't pretend to lie, after all, today is another trust between father and son.


"If you didn't show up, Fusu and the others wouldn't be able to keep Daqin.

Although what Ying Qi said was cruel, it was the truth.

How could Ying Zheng not understand the abilities of his sons? Knowing his son Mo Ruofu, as long as there is an outstanding one, when he didn't know Ying Qi existed, Ying Zheng would not be so distressed.

As for these words of Ying Qi.

Ying Zheng didn't have any anger, but was very happy.

Because this is his son who truly believes in his father and son's love for him, and believes that he will not harm him. Otherwise, he will not tell the truth to himself at all.


"Qi'er should really accept my father."


"You can rest assured that you are alive in heaven."

Ying Zheng thought to himself, very happy.

Such a heart-to-heart, father-son bond can be imagined deep.

"Actually speaking.

"If there were no sons, and if Fusu really succeeded to the throne, Daqin could barely maintain peace for a while, but it wouldn't be too long, but it's a pity, maybe without sons, Fusu wouldn't be able to succeed either. 99 Win Qi suddenly said with a deep meaning.

"Why is this?"

"Without you, Qi Er, I would most likely pass the throne to Fusu, why can't he succeed him? Ying Zheng was a little surprised.

"Who knows?"

Ying Qi smiled oddly and said: "When I have the opportunity to go to a certain place in the future, the father will definitely know. 35

The land beyond the sky is not a world, but all the worlds.

Among the worlds.

Maybe there is a world that comes from the background of Daqin in history, and there must be a history about Daqin in that world.

Wait until you see the history that Ying Qi did not exist.

Ying Zheng would understand why today Ying Qi would tell the reason why Fu Su would not succeed even without him.

And then.

Knowing Hu Hai, the second emperor of Qin in history, and Zhao Gao and Li Si's tampering with the edict, perhaps Ying Zheng will also have a monstrous wrath.

Win Qi did not appear.

The world he had worked so hard to conquer died just like that, and died in two lifetimes.

"Come on."

"You've sold Laozi again. 55

Seeing that Ying Qi didn't say anything, Ying Zheng stared at him with anger, but he was still helpless, he had no way to ask Ying Qi to say it.


Ying Qi smiled.


Ying Zheng's eyes suddenly turned to Dun Wei.


Dunwei responded immediately.

"Your strength is extremely powerful, beyond the ordinary, how is your strength compared to Qi'er?" Ying Zheng asked suddenly with a playful look.

As for why he didn't ask Ying Qi about martial arts, Ying Zheng was not that stupid. This was his son's biggest secret. If he wanted to tell himself one day, he would naturally tell it.

So Ying Zheng understood this very well and would never ask anything.

But I want to know the strength of my son.

Ying Zheng was naturally interested.

"Um. 99

Hearing this question, Dunwei turned his attention to Ying Qi.

But Ying Qi smiled indifferently.

See here.

Weakly understood.

Then he replied to Ying Zheng: "Compared to the Lord's strength, there is a huge gap between the minister and the Lord. If the Lord wants to kill me, one move will kill me."

"Even if you are surrounded by thousands of troops, the Lord can still retreat completely."5

PS: Ask for a monthly pass, on the highway, the next one should be a little later.

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