Chapter 202 Ying Zheng: Qi Er, This Is Da Qin’s Biggest Secret

Chao will disperse.

The national policy of the system of prefectures and counties proposed by Yingqi was fully adopted by the Manchu civil and military.

It will be implemented in the world soon.

Within a year.

There must be real results.

After the thirty-six prefectures under the Great Qin World, and the completion of the county seat under that city, the entire world will be firmly controlled in the hands of Da Qin.


There are still many things that need to be dealt with.

Originally, the officials who guarded one party needed to be changed. The county town needed the county guard, and the county town needed the county magistrate. All of these needed to be directly approved by Yingzheng.

The implementation of the system of prefectures and counties has just begun.

Inside the Zhangtai Palace.

“Qi Er.”

“You really surprised the father.

“Chun Yuyue used the will of the people to deal with our father and son, but now he has been bitten back.”

“Your method really opened the eyes of both father and king.

In the Zhangtai Palace, father and son co-exist in the same room. Yingzheng, who remained calm in the court hall, couldn’t hide his excitement at this moment, and praised Yingqi for a while.

“Father is too rewarding.”

“For the people of the world, they don’t know too much, but if it concerns their vital interests, they will naturally be angry.”

“The imperial court’s decision to divide and divide prefectures and counties may be a little far away for them.”

“But if you compare the enfeoffment system with the previous wars of the nations, for every Daqin citizen, they will clearly understand the drawbacks of the enfeoffment system. Maybe they will not see the day of chaos in the world, but their descendants I will definitely see it and fall into the scourge of war again.”


“It’s about their own interests.”

“Only those who survive the war know how valuable peace is.” Ying said with a smile.

“Qi Er, you have a very thorough understanding of this.”

“War, for ordinary people, I don’t want to see each other at all.” Ying Zheng also nodded.

“This matter has been revealed.”

“But you did a great favor to the father, Confucianism, the father has long wanted to deal with them, but there is no reason.”

“This time Chunyu Yue was looking for death, which happened to uproot Confucianism.” Ying Zheng sneered, without concealing his aversion to Confucianism.

Confucianism in this era.

A group of people who only talk about courtesy.

A mouthful of benevolence and morality, a mouthful of loyalty and etiquette, but in the face of the loyalty of the emperor, it is not seen at all. Everything is based on self-interest. This kind of Confucianism is not what Yingzheng wants, nor is it what Yingqi wants.


By this reason.

They died.

Pit Confucianism.

It is true that only the five thousand scholars in front of the palace were killed, but there are still thousands of scholars in the Central Plains. Under the search of the Great Qin Empire, all of them will be sent to the border and be slaves forever.

It’s cheaper to kill them.

This kind of punishment for slaves in the bitter cold land is more effective than killing them. Look at how presumptuous they are at the border, look at how they face the killing of foreign races, and how they use their mouths to contend. .

“Qi Er.

“Those people in the clan, how do you plan to arrange?” Ying Zheng asked.

“How many people who prevented the mother from staying with the father and the king are still alive?” Ying Qi asked bluntly.

Except for “Ying Servant, they were all secretly killed. Otherwise, why are those clan families so afraid of widows?” Ying Zheng sneered.

At the beginning, Dong’er was prevented as a hindrance.

The first is Zhao Ji, and then the clan.

The ancestor’s rituals with closed mouths have a lowly status.

As for the other powerful courtiers in the court hall, most of them are echoing.

But those who agreed were also resolved by Yingzheng. They were either ousted and returned to their hometowns, with no one to rely on, or they were marginalized, and finally ended in tragedy.

In the past, Yingzheng hated those people like that, how could he let them go.”It’s no wonder that Yinghuai is so intrigued. He also knows that the reason why the father did not kill him was because of his blood relatives. After his death, although the clan will no longer be trusted, he will not be completely suppressed.” Nodded.

For those in the clan.

For Yingqi, it is completely dispensable.

Of course.

Yan Qi is not a virgin bitch either, the enemy is the enemy, and there is absolutely no room for relaxation. Today’s question is to see which enemies are still in the clan, and then, all in one fell swoop.

The rest can be seen as chess pieces and used to do little things.

“Let’s win the prestige.”

“But your appearance is also a catalyst for him to stop by himself.”

“If not, he still wants to help Fusu become a prince, so that he can return to the court again.” Ying Zheng smiled faintly.

In history.

It is indeed documented.

Since Emperor Qin Shihuang wiped out the six kingdoms and unified the world.

The figure of the clan disappeared completely. Even at the end of Qin, there was no clan to turn the tide. Obviously, after the rule of the world, Qin Shihuang had completely suppressed the clan to the extreme, making them completely marginalized.

But none of this may be known.

“Qi Er.”

“You are now the prince, and you are in charge of the country, and you can already be called the rule of the king.”

“Father today wants to hear how you (adbc) use royal power and how to understand royal power.”

Ying Zheng asked with a few points in the school.

My own son is outstanding in all aspects. Originally, he had the authority to hold the army, which made the courtiers afraid of being a small country. He was in awe, but today’s move to destroy Confucianism has increased the reputation of Qi Wei. Any courtier is in awe.

“The kingship is supreme and must not be profaned.

“For all living beings in the world, there are all bounds by the laws established by the court, but as far as the king is concerned, it is to drive this law to control the world.”

“In the eyes of Erchen.”

“After taking over the royal power, whether you are court officials or people of the world, you already have respect for those in charge of the royal power in your heart.

“For the court officials, they respect the king’s power, and they also depend on the king’s power. Everything about themselves is obtained because of their dependence on the king’s power. Then check and balance the world.

“This is the kingship in the eyes of the children.” Ying Qi replied.


A smile appeared on Yingzheng’s face, and he was very pleased: “Ji’er, father doesn’t know what to say. You have a unique understanding of military affairs and kingship. It seems that you have been in the army for many years. Know the root of power, and know the root of royal power better.”

“Can I not know this? When I didn’t know it was your elder son, I myself was in awe of the king’s power, let alone the courtiers, let alone the people of the world.” Ying thought a little tastefully.

“At the beginning, the father and king said to you that the successor to the great Qin royal power will be in charge of a weapon that truly belongs to the royal power.” Ying Zheng said with a smile.

“Black Ice Terrace?” Win Qi did not hesitate to think about it.

have to say.

Win Qi also admitted.

Shadow is much better than the Black Ice Platform under the cultivation of the dark crowd. That is because the elite Shadow Detective is a person who is loyal to the winner, so he can practice “Shadow”, so he has a stronger strength than the Black Ice Detective.

But in terms of background, and even the scale of spy.

Shadow is still inferior to Black Ice Platform.

“Qi Er.

“Come with my father.”

Ying Zheng smiled.

To win Qi beckoned.

Then walked towards the apse of Zhangtai Palace.

Ying Qi followed with doubts.

Zhangtai Gongying has come to Qi many times, but he has never been to the apse or his two children. After all, they play everywhere in the palace and it can be said that there is no one to hinder them.

Followed by Ying Zheng’s figure.

The two came to the apse of Zhangtai Palace.

Came under the word “Qin” painted on a huge stone carving.

“Is this the secret way of the Great Qin Palace? The Black Ice Terrace is among them?” Ying Qi thought secretly.

When the nations were destroyed before.

There are secret escape routes in the palaces of every country, and those are used for the king to escape at critical moments.

In the past, the King of Han escaped from secret roads, but was finally caught by Ying Qi. Ying Qi also completed the first killing of the king in his life.

“Father, this is the secret way of escape for the royal family?”

Ying Qi asked curiously.

“Qi Er.”

“Don’t compare my Daqin royal family with the incompetent royal families of other countries.” Ying Zheng laughed, and his tone revealed a mockery of the kings of the countries.

Great Qin destroyed the six countries.

Among the six kingdoms, half of the kings escaped through secret roads.

The fall of the capital and the escape of the emperor is really a laughingstock to make the world laugh.

“Da Qin doesn’t have a secret way to escape.”

“None of the emperors of the Daqin dynasties wanted to use the secret escape route.”

“My Great Qin King has inherited it since ancient times. If the day when there is really a family ruin, the king should live and die with the country.

“Although the world is now unified.”

Looking ahead, “In the world, Daqin has no enemies except for foreign races, but my father hopes that you can abide by the ancestral motto.”

“The king should coexist and die with the country, not be greedy of life and fear of death.” Ying Zheng said solemnly.


“This is the path that the children adhere to in their hearts.”

The emperor “guarded the gate of the country, and the emperor died.” said Ying Qi Zhengse.

This is what he believes in, and only this is the real emperor standing upright.

If not so.

Talk about the supremacy of achievement?

Talking about how to control the kingship?

Talking about the power to control all beings?

“It’s a good emperor who guards the gate of the country, and the emperor is dead.”

“This sentence is vivid and vivid for my surname Wang Clan.”


Hearing this sentence, Yingzheng’s face was full of expression.

I agree with this statement very much.

“Qi Er.”

“Today, my father will give you the greatest secret of the emperors of the Daqin dynasties.

Yingzheng smiled.

A shot at the stone sculpture Qin Yu in front of him.



The stone sculptures were separated directly, and a road to an unknown place appeared.

“Qi’er, come with my father.

Yingzheng smiled.

Slowly walked into this secret passage.

Ying Qi also walked in with a kind of surprise.

This secret path is very long.

After walking for about a mile or two, it seems that this secret road leads to the depths of the earth.


This secret path has not known how many years it has existed. Perhaps this secret path existed when the ancestors of the Great Qin Dynasty built the capital of Xianyang.

When you reach the deepest part of the secret path.

Take a look.

Brightly lit.

There are bright torches everywhere, and countless night pearls are inlaid on the walls, making the ground appear bright.

“This is not the place where the black ice platform is trained?”

Win Qi took a look.

At the end of this secret road, several portals appeared.

It seems that every portal leads to a secret belonging to Da Qin.

“Qi Er.”

“The ancestors of the Da Qin dynasties took the rule of the world as their great aspiration. Each generation of emperors tried their best to strengthen Qin’s power and lay the foundation for Da Qin to annex the world.””In addition to the national power accumulated by the ancestors of the past dynasties for the Great Qin on the surface, in the dark, each generation of the ancestors will store a lot of the national power accumulated during the reign in this underground.”

“This door.”

“By going, it is the gold and silver stored by the ancestors of the Daqin dynasties.”

Ying Zheng pointed to the first doorway.

“This second gate is the iron and weapons stored by successive kings for the descendants of Daqin.”

“Of course, copper and iron weapons will decay, so each generation of emperors will secretly send people to re-smelt the decayed weapons and remake them.”

“The third gate is the various classics stored in Daqin, including astronomical astrology, scenery of the world, weapons, hidden weapons, water and soil of various countries, and all kinds of classics are recorded in it.”

Ying Zheng pointed to the first three portals in front of him and said.

“The legacy of the ancestors of the Great Qin Dynasty.

“Give the heritage of descendants.

“This is Da Qin.

“There is no faint king, no king of pleasure.”

“This has the foundation for Da Qin to dominate the world.

Listening to the introduction of Yingzheng, Ying Ziqi was also horrified.

The foundation accumulated by the ancestors of the Daqin dynasties is absolutely unimaginable.

“Originally, these details were prepared for Da Qin’s dominance of the world.

“If you use all of it, it will be large enough for Qin to fight for at least ten years of gold and silver, and there will be weapons loss.”

“But with your father and king, Da Qin took less than eight years to unify the world, and even the foundations of the ancestors of the past have not taken out.

Ying Zheng said with a smile.

That’s it.

He also sighed.

The emergence of wins invisibly reduced Da Qin countless money losses.

In Ying Zheng’s expectation.

It takes at least twelve years for the great power of Qin to destroy the six kingdoms to rule the world, and this is rarely the case of failure.

But the appearance of Yingqi shortened this time by nearly five years.

Five years.

What is the loss of money?

How much is this reduction in national power?


When Ying Zheng said this, he also had strong compliments and gratification.

Throughout the Daqin dynasties, only his son who won politics was the most brilliant.

But after doing the math, Ying Qi is also their descendant.

It should be said that the ancestors of the Qin dynasties are worthy of pride.

“Qi Er.”

“The war resources saved by the ancestors of the past dynasties for Daqin are more abundant than the national treasury.

“As for when to use it, and what purpose it will be used for, the father will give you the right to decide.”

Ying Zheng smiled, pointing to the three portals in front of him and smiling.

“Father, this is too important. Erchen has just become a prince, but he hasn’t become a king yet. You don’t need to hand it over to him so early. You are now in your prime of life. Everything is still early.”

Winning Qi was touched in giving such a reward to Winning, but looking at Winning as if he was going to explain the funeral, giving everything to himself, Win Qi still feels a little bit savage in his heart.

after all.

It is not yet time to win Qi Ke to ascend the throne.

How rich is the heritage stored by the ancestors of the Great Qin Dynasty?

Ying Zheng said that it was more abundant than the current state treasury, and that was to say it was getting smaller. After all, the state treasury is almost exhausted now, and the world is settled, and money is needed everywhere.

Win Qi can think of it.

The resources behind these three portals will definitely make him shine.

It is hard to imagine the achievements of the resources reserved by a generation of ancestors throughout their lives, let alone the preservation of at least five generations of the ancestors of the Qin Dynasty.

“You brat.

“Does it feel like you, Laozi, are telling the story?”

Seeing Ying Qi’s tasteful expression, Ying Zheng laughed and cursed.

PS: The update is up, old guys, asking for a monthly pass, it will be exploded, I am grateful. ,

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