Chapter 201 The Crown Prince’s Prestige Is Founded, The World Is Awesome!

“My lord.

“His Royal Highness’s disposal of Chunyuyue and even the five thousand Confucian scholars was killed by the will of the people.”

Xin Sheng started loudly.

“Commander Xin, what was killed by the will of the people?” Wang Shu asked differently.

Didn’t the Xiangbang and the adults hear the people’s meaning boiling outside the palace? Didn’t they hear the screaming for killing? Those are all the people’s opinions on the disposal of Confucian scholars,

“His Royal Highness punishes Confucian scholars and punishes such unfaithful treason, one is to uphold the Qin law, and the other is to uphold the people.”

Xin Sheng said in awe.

Then he reported all the circumstances outside the palace.

Hear this.

Qunchen was shocked again.

This is such a tricky forced palace, with the will of the people to persecute, it was so easily solved by Win Qi.

“Chun Yuyue is indeed smart, and threatened the king with the will of the people, so that the king would not dare to kill him, but now that the prince shot, he directly let the will of the people dispose of Chun Yuyue and even the Confucian scholars.”

“In the world, the kingship is supreme, and the society is the most important thing. The meaning of the people is the foundation of the society. The people want to kill Chun Yuyue and those who ban Confucianism. Homecoming.”

“His Royal Highness’s kill was wonderful.”

“The whole world is in awe of the court.”

Hearing Xin Sheng’s explanation of the cause and effect, the officials suddenly felt a sense of awe.

It can be said that they were really shocked by the skill of winning Qi.

In the past, courtiers and even the court had no way to deal with this intimidation of the people. There was no other way but to disperse them. Perhaps they could only make some changes in accordance with the so-called will of the people.

But today.

Win Qi set a precedent.

This also shows that winning Qi as the prince, the strong wrist, makes people feel cold.

“Win Qi.”

“Unless the palace is forced to seize the throne, the crown prince will be as stable as Mount Tai.”

“Furthermore, even if you win Qi is a real palace, maybe the king will not be angry and will give him the throne. After all, winning Qi is really too good.”

The Manchu civil and military thoughts with awe in their hearts.

And at this moment.

There were bursts of shouts outside the hall.

“Great Qin Wannian, His Royal Highness Wannian.


The roars of no hundreds of people resounded inside and outside the palace. It is conceivable that this is how much people’s hearts have been won to have such people’s vassals.

Listening to the cause and effect, as well as the shouts of the earth-shaking people, Yingzheng also had a gratifying smile on his face.

“My son, a real unicorn.”

Yingzheng thought very proudly in his heart.

Look back.

The palace is closed.

Looking at the meaning of the people that had been ignited by him, Ying Qi’s face was also moved.

This is completely different from the former army.

in the past.

On the side of the unification army, conquest is the basis, the expansion of territory is the basis, and the enemy is the basis.

but now.

He is the prince of Jianguo, the king is in control, and the people of Daqin are his people, whether they are military lieutenants or ordinary people.


Yingqi’s promise to the people of the world is not vain.

But it is definitely deliberate.

Such a great opportunity to win the hearts of the people, how can you miss it if you win Qi?

Today’s matter will inevitably spread widely and spread to all parts of the world. This will make Yingqi leave a very deep impression in the hearts of people all over the world. Such a heavy oath, if you don’t complete it, you will not succeed. This is a big ambition.

Perhaps many people in the world will laugh at it, but for the people at the bottom of the world, they will remember to win this man, Prince Daqin.

Lihong hopes to open the world for peace and let the people eat their food.

“The Great Qin that my lord wants, and the world my lord wants is a completely stable world, enough for me to conquer all empires.”

“I will personally create such a world and such an empire.”

“Based on the empire, compete for the world, annex the world, and then use the heavens and the world as the chessboard to conquer the heavens and the world.

“Only the countless enemies of Ten Thousand Realms will make me a god.” Ying Qi is full of longing and hope for the future.For everything in the future, Yingqi has confidence that no one has ever had.

Ying Qi glanced at the boiling people outside the palace, without saying anything, turned around and went down to the palace gate.

To be in charge of the king’s power can express benevolence and righteousness to the people of the world, but the key lies in the majesty. The king’s power is high and fearful. If you do too much, it will compromise the authority of the king.

“Eldest brother,”.

Just as Yingqi walked down, Fusu walked up to meet him quickly, but his expression was flustered and a little twisted, but there was no disguise for the awe of Yingqi in his eyes.

“What’s the matter with you?”

Seeing Fusu coming, Yingqi said with a calmer expression.


Strictly speaking, they are Fusu, and even Hu Hai and their eldest brother, but they have no feelings.

And in the end.

I’ve faced each other tit-for-tat before.

Although Yingqi has never suffered, the ghost knows what Fusu thinks in their hearts.

“The words of the eldest brother are thunderous.”

“Fu Su Ming realized it.

“I also know what I can do for Daqin and the world in the future.”

“Fusu wants to follow his eldest brother and do his meager efforts for Da Qin and the world.”

“Also please elder brother to complete.

With a firm expression on his face, Fusu bowed to win Qi Yibai.

“Are you serious?”

Seeing Fusu like this, winning Qi was also shocked.

“Fusu’s words are from the heart and soul, and I also ask the eldest brother to complete it. Please give Fusu a chance to do his best for Da Qin, and to work with the eldest brother to open up peace for Da Qin forever.” Fusu Bend, and said seriously again.

“This Fusu’s disposition is really the same as historical records. It is not the kind of person with a narrow disposition. His talents are indeed not weak, but he has met the wrong teacher. If he can be corrected in the future, he should also be a good government official.

Ying Qi stared at Fu Su for a moment, and thought to himself.

At this moment, Fusu is like this.

If it were Hu Hai, then winning Qi would be a mouthful, and it would be sucked up.

“I ask you a question.” Ying Qi suddenly said.

“Eldest brother, please, Fusu knows everything.” Fusu stood up straight and said with a serious face.

“What do you think of Chun Yuyue?” Ying Qi asked, staring at Fusu.

Heard this question.

A touch of complexity appeared on Fu Su’s face.

After all, after so many years of getting along, how could Fusu have no feelings.

But today’s matter.

Fusu really didn’t blame Yingqi’s disposition, because his teacher asked for it.

“Teacher, he may be too persistent.”

“However, he was sincere to Fusu, thinking of forcing his father to make concessions. The enfeoffment system was also for me.” Fusu sighed and replied.


Hearing Fusu’s answer, he immediately said to win.

Fusu raised his head blankly: “What does the eldest brother mean?”

“From the beginning to the end, Chunyu Yue didn’t treat you sincerely, just for him to achieve his own goals. If you are not the identity of the son, he will not support you like that.

“Before the king became the prince, Chunyu Yue was so crazy? Dare to help the people to threaten the father?”

“I tell you.

“From start to finish, he is using you.

“He has become your teacher, assisting you in name and teaching you, but secretly he is cultivating people who belong to him. If you hadn’t used your reputation, how could he mobilize so many Confucian scholars to commit crimes in just a few days? ”

“If you become a prince, he can grow again. With your previous belief in him, if you don’t show up, even if you get lucky to become a king, Da Qin will be trapped by what he calls Confucianism. Suddenly, this so-called The rituals and laws will prevail over the king’s power, and will eventually cease.”

“This time he is so intimidating the will of the people to instigate enfeoffment, not for you, but for himself, for his so-called Confucianism.”

“As long as the enfeoffment system is implemented, you may be able to get a fief as your son, and he will be able to flourish Confucianism in your fief in a short time. From beginning to end, he will treat you as a pawn.”

Ying Qi stared at Fusu and said in a deep voice.

These words heard Fusu’s ears.

Makes his expression trembling.

Father, like son.

If there is no point broken, Fusu will never think about it, and he will never know that the people he has been using as a teacher have been using him.

“He… is he really so?”

Fusu’s voice trembled a little, which seemed unacceptable.

He regarded Chun Yuyue as a mentor and put his heart to his heart, but in the end he was actually used as a pawn by his so-called mentor. How did Fusu accept it?

“My word, you can choose to believe it, or you can choose not to believe it.”

“It’s all about you.

Ying Qi smiled faintly, and said nothing more.

Turned around.

He was ready to walk towards the Palace of King Qin.

“The eldest brother’s words.”

“Fusu believes.

The moment Yingqi turned around, Fusu spoke, with a sense of relief in his tone.


Ying Qi’s footsteps were stopped, the corner of his mouth was winged, and a smile appeared.

This support for Su, and some rescues, are not too rigid.


“You are the son, the son of the father and king, don’t condescend too much, don’t trust others too much. There is no good for no reason or bad for no reason. There are also many purposes.”

“There are countless people in this world who are selfish, and countless people who use all means to achieve their goals.

“I’ll give you a word, you must not be harmful, and defensive.

“That’s it for you to call me the eldest brother, the eldest brother gave you the teachings.

Ying Qi smiled, said a few words, and left directly.

Fu Su Leng stayed in place, seeming to understand the meaning of Ying Qi’s words.

After a long time.

Yan Qi’s figure was about to disappear from Fusu’s sight.

Fusu bowed and said loudly: “Fusu, thank you elder brother for his teachings.”

Inside the Palace of King Qin.

Ying Qi walked in slowly.

The figure walked into the hall.

Every courtier’s eyes are the same, awe, not disrespectful.

Win Qi as the prince.

All kinds of skills let them know that Win Qi is not bad in terms of the ability to command the troops, but also to the ability of government affairs.

“Erchen did not disappoint his father.

“Chun Yuyue and the chaotic party under his command have been dealt with.”

Yingqi bowed to Yingzheng and started.

“Qi Er.”

“You did a great job.”

“Chun Yuyue forced the palace with the will of the people, and intended to disrupt my Daqin national policy. If this matter is dealt with by a real person, you may not know what to do, but you can kill the rebellion with the will of the people.

“The widow is proud of you.”

Ying Zheng smiled comfortedly, without concealing his praise for his son.

The prince “The power of your Royal Highness in dealing with matters, the ministers and others respect and obey.”

“Da Qin has a great king and a prince, and it will be prosperous.”

Manchu dynasty civil and military shouted in unison.

At this time.

A guard general came outside the hall.

“King Qizou, Prince.

“More than five thousand Confucian scholars were born outside of Xianyang, all of them were killed, and none of them survived.”

“Please show me the king and prince.

The general respectfully said.

“Chun Yuyue gathers Confucian scholars, this palace triggers the Qin Law, that unforgivable sin.”

“It’s impossible to end this matter.

Ying Zheng said coldly, the court officials in the hall could hear the killing intent.

Daqin law.

It’s not just knowing the first evil, but sitting continuously.

One person commits a crime and the whole family is linked.

To commit the crime of treason is to imprison the whole clan.

“Great King Shengming.””Chun Yuyue is the head of Confucianism. Five thousand Confucian scholars are all accomplices. This matter should link the entire Confucianism.”

“This is to shock the world and the price of conspiracy to force the palace.

Li Si stood up and echoed loudly.

As a Tingwei, he is also a rare opportunity to perform at this moment, and he will naturally not let it go.

“According to you, how should you deal with Confucianism?” Yingzheng’s gaze shifted.

“When the roots are uprooted and all corrupt Confucians are killed, Confucianism warns the world that royal power cannot be violated.” Li said immediately.

“Qi Er, what do you think?” Ying Zheng turned his attention to Ying Qi.

In the world.

Tens of thousands of Confucian scholars are living and dying to win Qi Yi Nian.

“It’s too cheap to kill them.

Smiled slightly.


Ying Zheng came to be interested: “Qi Er, do you have other ways to deal with it?”

“Doesn’t Confucianism always use ritual and law as its argument, and treat everyone with ritual and law first and treat it with benevolence and righteousness? Isn’t it the basis of loyalty to the emperor and serving the country?”

“In Yierchen’s opinion, just give them this opportunity.”

“All the Confucian scholars in the world will be escorted to the border, and the soldiers stationed on the border will work, repair, and make the Great Wall so that they can deal with foreign races.

“Their Confucian autism rule is the first. Then I will see how they can face those alien races who have no mercy.”

Ying Qi sneered and said.

Searching and killing Confucian scholars in the whole world is indeed a way to punish them, but for Yingqi, it is too cheap for them. Let them go to the border to know what is bitter cold, and let them know what is suffering at the border, they know it. Alas, it’s useless.

What Yingqi wants is to make them perish forever, and it is more painful to live than to die.

In dealing with Chunyuyue this time, Confucianism is the enemy who has won Qi (the king’s). As always, for the enemy, winning Qi will never leave any hands.

Either don’t do it, or do it thoroughly.

Hear Ying Qi’s disposal method.

The scalp of many civil and military men in the court was a little numb. Obviously, sending these dignified scholars to the border for hard labor, repairing, working on the Great Wall, and dealing with foreign races. This is more painful and painful than killing them.

“Prince means.”

“It’s really horrible.”

“Don’t get angry with the prince in the future, otherwise it will be hard to die.”

Many people looked at Ying Qi with horror.

“Qi Er is right.”

“It’s too cheap to kill these chaotic parties.”

“Then do what Qier said.”

“Search for Confucian scholars in the world, and distribute them to the bitter and cold places on the border as hard labor, demoted to slaves, and will never be liberated.”


“This time, all the Confucian scholars who participated in the forced palace outside the palace should not be let go. They ransacked their homes into the treasury, went to jail, and were demoted to slavery.” Ying Zheng said immediately.

Directly define Confucianism.

In the future, there may be no more Confucianism in this world.

This is a warning to the world.

Enemy with kingship.

This is the result.

Not only the kingship wants to kill you, but even the will of the people wants to kill you.

For Ying Zheng’s decision.

Without any hesitation, the civil and military officials of the Manchu dynasty said in unison: “The king Shengming, the ministers and others seconded it.”

Chun Yuyue forced the palace with his own cleverness and the intention of helping the people.

It was planted in the hands of Ying Qi.

Today’s move to confuse Confucianism and demote Confucianism.

It was the first silent killing of Ying Qi as the prince, but it also established the prestige of Ying Qi in the hearts of the court officials, letting them know their fear and awe.

For Daqin.

This is a good thing.

And this time.

Yingzheng was originally to give the opportunity of motivation to Yingqi, let Yingqi take action, shock all officials, and more, shock the world.

Lay the prince’s prestige, and establish the prince’s position is unshakable!!!


PS: The old folks are grateful for monthly tickets.

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