Chapter 200

They knew that the enfeoffment system mentioned by Chun Yuyue had a great relationship with them, related to their future, and even their descendants.

this moment.

How can they bear it.

“You damned rotten scholar, I didn’t expect you to be so sinister, that you would shake the foundation of Da Qin’s unification. You want our children and grandchildren to suffer the scourge of war again.”

You, an old thing, can’t die.

“I didn’t know what enfeoffment system you mentioned before, but now His Royal Highness has said that the enfeoffment system you mentioned is to seal a large part of the king, and then the world will be in chaos again. You are unfaithful and unrighteous. Old things, go to death.”

“Kill him this old thing.

“These unfaithful and unrighteous scholars will also be killed.”

“They are sinners who have harmed the country.

“They deserve to die.”

“Kill them….

Pause time.

The sentiment was surging, all the people onlookers pointed angrily at the Confucian scholars, and Chunyu scolded, full of anger.

No matter what era.

Benefits come first.

If it is not related to their own interests, perhaps they will not be moved, and most of them will stand on the sidelines, but if it is related to their own interests, they will definitely bite to the end.

For the decision of the court.

The enfeoffment system, the system of prefectures and counties, depends on the choice of Yingzheng.

However, if the Great Qin Dynasty is to be stable and to control the power of the world, only the system of prefectures and counties can be achieved.

The hidden danger of enfeoffment system is too great, and it is unstable to the foundation of the rule.

What is obvious is that even ordinary people can get through at all. The enfeoffment system is to seal out a lot of princes and kings. Then there will be chaos in the world again after a few years. This is the benefit of every people.


Seeing Fang Yuan’s crazy yelling, all the people’s anger was expressed, Chun Yuyue’s expression became extremely frightened, and those Confucian scholars who were sitting still on the ground, who were originally very determined, also became uneasy at this moment.

This is completely different from what they imagined.

They came this time to persuade the king to follow the ancestral system and follow the rituals, but how did they become the sinners of Da Qin now?

“It’s ridiculous, actually fighting with me, and also fighting with a fishing boat.

Ying Qi watched this scene coldly, full of mockery at Chun Yu Yue.

The reason why Chun Yuyue convened so many Confucian scholars was that in addition to thinking that the large number of people would prevent the imperial court from being too targeted, and therefore relying on it, another purpose was to gather momentum, attract, and attract the people of Xianyang, so as to use public opinion fishing boats to coerce Ying. Government, coerced the Daqin court.

but now.

After a few words from Ying Qi, the result was completely reversed.

The more Chunyu tried his best to stir and stir, the public opinion became his urging talisman, as well as the urging talisman of these five thousand scholars.

To win Qi to kill them is also to kill in accordance with the name.

The anger of the onlookers continued, and the expressions of Chun Yuyue and the Confucian scholars became more and more disturbed.

At this time.

Yingqi spoke, and raised his hands: “Da Qin people, please listen to your words.

The voice fell.

The scolding outside the palace, the rush of sentiment, slowly calmed down.

Everyone looked at the figure on the palace wall.

“A few days ago, the monarch returned to Xianyang triumphantly, for the great Qin Dynasty, for the peace of the people of the world, and there will be no wars. The system of prefectures and counties has been set by the hundred officials, and today the king has played the role of the father, and the system of prefectures and counties has been established. frame.”

“Chun Yuyue still has these Confucian scholars who violated the Qin law, violated the Qin law, committed infidelity and injustice, and even committed the crime of damaging the great Qin nation.”

“They Antu want to use their own selfish desires to plunge the Great Qin world into extinct land again, and let the people of the world fall into the scourge of war among the nations again.”

“This crime is absolutely incurable.

“My Daqin people.”

“Do you think these rebellious ministers should be killed if they rebelled against the Party? Should they use their blood to tell the world the cost of damaging Da Qin?”

Ying Qi stared at all the people and said prestigiously.

The sound fell.

The scene was silent for a moment.

“Kill, kill, kill.

“Kill, kill…

All the people onlookers went crazy and roared out frantically.

Inside and outside the entire palace.

The sound of shouting to kill was all aimed at Chun Yuyue and the five thousand scholars.

Inside the palace.

Palace of the King of Qin.

Such a majestic shout of killing also spread into the hall.

The courtiers’ revelations also ended one after another, and they all saw outside the hall by appointment.

Chunyu Yue made such a big disturbance, and naturally attracted the attention of all courtiers. After all, this matter was not handled well, and it would have a great impact on Daqin.

Outside the palace, “The sound of killing does not seem to be a Confucian student?”

Yingzheng has a slightly different way.

“The King.”

“Absolutely something has changed in the palace.”

“Such a loud cry for killing, could it be that His Royal Highness aroused the failure of the people’s uprising?”

Wang Xiao’s expression was a little worried.

The words fell off.

The faces of many courtiers suddenly changed.

If that’s the case, then something really happened.

Popular anger aroused, but it was difficult to calm down, and the impact was too great.

Up to now.

Even Meng Yi, Han Fei and their faces also showed concern.

But only Yingzheng, sitting firmly on the throne, without any worries.

“All right.

“Continue to discuss matters.”

“When the outside affairs are over, someone will come to report it.” Ying Zheng said calmly.

In his tone, his trust in his son was revealed.


Hearing Ying Zheng’s words, the court officials could only suppress their worries about the outside of the palace and continue to discuss matters, but naturally everyone’s mood could not be calmed down.The matter is indeed too big.

Look back.

With these frenzied shouts, Chun Yuyue and five thousand scholars were almost overwhelmed by the shouts.

Their faces all turned pale too.

They wanted to argue, but they were so powerless.

“Public opinion, fishing boats, are so used.”

Ying Qi laughed in his heart.


The prestige shouted: “Where is the Great Qin Guards?”

Xin Sheng immediately walked out of the palace gate,

The palace gate opened.

A line of guards immediately rushed out of the palace from the gate of the palace, and the torrent of black armor immediately surrounded the thousands of scholars outside the palace, with bows, spears, and long battles, they were all right and allowed them.

Only to win Qi’s order.

These rampant scholars can be wiped out.

“Chun Yuyue.

“And those of you who are unfaithful and unrighteous, who have brought trouble to the world, listen to my lord.”

“You triggered Qin Fa and committed the crime of gross infringement.”

“My Lord wants to kill you, and the people of Daqin also want to kill you. This is the will of the people.”

Ying Qi drank coldly.

Chun Yuyue’s face turned pale.

A public opinion wanted to kill them, leaving him speechless. Originally, he wanted to use public opinion to fight against the court, but now it is reduced to nothing, and he has to be killed by public opinion.

This spreads out.

According to historical records in other days, he will not have any clear name, and will always bear the reputation of a rebellious official, and he will gather so many Confucian disciples, and will also destroy Confucianism.

Thought of this.

Chunyu became more and more frightened.

“Take these rebellious officials to this monarch.”

Winning Qi raised his hands and waved violently, and that was where the order was.


Thousands of Janitors swarmed up, started directly, and began to take people.


Those calm Confucian scholars were terrified.

“Don’t catch me.

“I am admonishing for Da Qin, not an adversary.”

“His Royal Highness, I am not an adversary, I am for Daqin.

“I was called by the head. We dare not refuse to listen to the orders of the head. We ask His Royal Highness for forgiveness. We will never dare anymore.

“Please forgive the prince, we dare not”

Countless scholars shouted in horror, full of despair. ,

Maybe there are those who are not afraid of death, but at the moment they are carrying the name of a rebellious minister, which is contrary to what they are pursuing.

They don’t want to die like this.

Of course, most of them are afraid of death.

These so-called Confucian scholars are just chess pieces.

Under the power of the Janissaries.

These Confucian scholars were easily taken down like ants.

Chun Yuyue was also directly taken by two sharp men and turned to the ground.

“Using public opinion to deal with the court, but in vain the public opinion.”

“Chun Yuyue.

“After you die, Qing History will record that you are the first adversary after the Great Qin ruled the world. These Confucian scholars are your partisans of the adversary.

“You are the sinner of Da Qin, and even the sinner of Confucianism.”

“After you die, your ancestors created by Confucianism will not let you go.” Ying Qi said coldly, revealing a kind of irony.

These words fell in Chun Yuyue’s ears, making his face flush, and his heart was extremely desperate and fearful.

“No, your Royal Highness.

“The minister was wrong.”

“The minister should not threaten the will of the people for his own selfish desires. All this is done by the minister. These disciples are innocent, and they are all persecuted by the minister.”

“From beginning to end, the minister did it all.”

“If you want to kill, kill me alone, don’t anger Confucianism, let alone anger them.”

“The minister is wrong, please forgiveness from His Royal Highness.

this moment.

Chun Yuyue was finally scared. His arrogance that he thought to be aloof and obey the rites of the world was completely gone at this moment.

“You can take one sentence wrong?

“You don’t put Qin Fa in your eyes too much.”

Ying Qi glanced, completely indifferent.

Follow along.

Looking at the more than 5,000 scholars who were captured.

“Those who participated this time are all rebellious, unforgivable, and the public will not be fierce.”

“Passing this rule.

“All pit kills.

“Give it to the historian.”


“Confucianism violated the prohibition and intended to usurp the foundation of the Great Qin State and become a great rebellion.

“Qin’s law punishes rebellion, and public opinion punishes rebellion. There is absolutely no way to save it.

Ying Qi coldly shouted.

The words fell off.

The sky of murder congealed.

“No, don’t kill me.


“Prince, please spare my life, I am wrong.”

“I don’t dare anymore.”

“Please forgive your Royal Highness…”

Win Qi gave an order, and in an instant, countless crying voices came from the mouths of the scholars, despair, panic, and enveloped them.

But under the crown.

They are all gone.

None of their prayers and despair caused Ying Qi to make any waves.

A fire burned out hundreds of thousands of vitality, winning Qi has done it.

Win Qi has done this by overturning a city of hundreds of thousands of people with the water of the Yellow River.

Killing these thousands of scholars can only be said to be plain to Ying Qi.

They asked for all this.

Da Qin had just unified, and the hearts of the people were complicated. Since Chun Yuyue was about to come out and come out, he would just use him and these five thousand Confucian scholars to create power, and kill chickens and monkeys.

“My son.

“You plead with the prince.”

“Only anger me, don’t be implicated.

“The son,

Chunyu, who was kneeling on the ground, became more afraid, looking at Fusu, full of pleading.

Now he regrets very much, why he didn’t listen to Fusu’s words before and took people away, that life was easily buried by him.

Because he meant it alone.

Five thousand scholars will fall.

And his Confucianism will no longer be in the Great Qin world.


Fusu watched this scene, even though he was unwilling in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

He has no reason to ask to win Qi.

Because his father and eldest brother had already given Chun Yuyue a chance.

Seeing that Fusu didn’t speak, Chunyu Yue was completely desperate, and his whole body collapsed on the ground, extremely helpless.

And at this moment, all the guards directly acted.

With two people as a group, escorting these scholars to the outside of Xianyang City, slay the scholars.

“Shou Ni Chun Yu Yue.”

“Unpardonable sins.

“According to this emperor’s order, he will be sent to jail, and the car will be cracked in the execution ground at three noon tomorrow. All the people of Xianyang can come and watch.”

Win Qi waved.

The two sharp men directly escorted Chun Yu Yue and dragged them off forcibly.

A Confucian crisis that was enough to make Yingzheng frown, and the Confucianism crisis that made the Manchu civil and military helpless, easily collapsed in Yingqi’s hands.

“King Confucianism.

“Unexpectedly, it was done in my hands.”

“Maybe soon, I will burn the book.

“Burning books to confuse scholars.

“Trajectory passed down for thousands of years in the original history.”

“History is already in my hands, and I have become history.”

Seeing those Confucian scholars who were being escorted away, Ying Qi also had a sigh in his heart.


Ying Qi once again looked at the people who had gathered in front of the palace and had not left. All of them looked at him.

“Da Qin people.


“You are not unfamiliar with this person.

“Although I am now a prince, he was born in the end of the Wei Dynasty before acknowledging his father and king. He grew up in a small mountain village in Yongcheng.

“For the people of Old Qin, unification is the greatest, the world is peaceful, and the world is stopped. Now this great aspiration is finally fulfilled, the six nations will be destroyed, and the world will be peaceful. Eat and wear warm, there will be no more wars.

“to this end.

“My Lord takes advantage of today.

“Promise to you, to all Da Qin territory, all Da Qin citizens.”

“This monarch supervises the country and must exercise benevolent governance in the world.”

“This monarch supervises the country and will impose taxes on the people of the world.

“This monarch supervises the country and will give all the people of the world enough food and clothing.”

“The principle of the monarch to supervise the country is to establish the heart for the heaven and the earth, to establish the life for the living and the people, for the sacred and to continue to learn, and to establish peace for all generations.”

“This is my promise to the people of Great Qin in the world.

“If I disobey, I won’t succeed to the throne if I win Qi, and I won’t be grandiose to the world.”

Ying stared at all the people and shouted with prestige.

Invisible, blessed with true energy, the voice resounded throughout the palace.

“Establish a heart for the heaven and the earth, establish a destiny for the livelihood of the people, for the sacred and inherit the best knowledge, and for the peace of all ages.”

When Fu Su heard this, his eyes widened and he was shocked. The blood in his body was flowing fast and his heartbeat increased.

this moment.

He seems to have found his way.

He looked at Yingqi who was shut in the palace wall, his half-brother, the current prince.


Fusu watched his eyes change and became more awe-inspiring, as well as a kind of worship that originated from the soul.

“It turns out that benevolent governance is what the elder brother wants.”

“Da Qin has an elder brother in charge of the country, and Da Qin will prosper in the future.

“Although I’m very talented in Fusu, if I can follow my elder brother and create peace forever, there will be no regrets in this life.” The shocked thought in Fusu’s heart, a firmness that I had never had before emerged in his heart.

Win Qi this sentence.

Let Fusu wash away the sadness that the teacher was about to die, after all, what his teacher did was against the foundation of the Great Qin State.

This sentence.

Let Fusu find the goal in life again.

And hearing the promise of Yingqi, the promise to the people of the Great Qin in the world.

Regarding the profound words, for Wu hundreds of people, they may not understand the deep meaning, but they have heard the other promises of giving the people of the world lower taxes and letting the people of the world eat and wear.

this moment.

Countless eyes of fanatical awe all looked at Ying Qi.

They are excited, they look forward to it.

After a moment of silence inside and outside the entire palace.No hundreds of people uttered a deafening roar.

“Great Qin Wannian, His Royal Highness Wannian.”

“Great Qin Wannian, His Royal Highness Wannian.”

Prince “His Royal Highness Shengming…”

“Caomin is willing to swear to defend His Royal Highness the prince.”

Wu Bai screamed frantically, expressing their respect for Ying Qi.

this moment.

The hearts of the people have been seen, and the hearts of the people are attached.

Daqin has a prince, and it is fortunate for Daqin. ”

“It is Xin Sheng’s blessing to be able to serve as a minister under His Royal Highness, Xin Sheng.”

Xin Sheng watched win Qi, respected by hundreds of people, and his eyes flashed with enthusiasm.


He quickly calmed down.

660 quickly walked towards the palace.

The matter here must be reported to the Great King Liang, the tactics of the prince to dissolve Chun Yuyue’s conspiracy, and the veneration of the prince.

Inside the Palace of King Qin.

The North Korean meeting has ended.

Winning politics sits on the throne without saying anything.

All courtiers are waiting.

This time, with such a big incident, they have no intention of being in politics at all, and only care about whether the affairs outside the palace have been resolved.

After all, the sound heard from outside the hall at this moment was a bit too strange.

First there were countless shouts of killing.

Then countless people cried again, and then suddenly fell silent.

And at this moment.

“My Lord takes advantage of today.”

“Promise to you, to all Da Qin territory, all Da Qin citizens.”

“This monarch supervises the country and must exercise benevolent governance in the world.”

“The principle of the monarch to supervise the country is to establish the heart for the heaven and the earth, to establish the destiny for the living and the people, for the sacred and to continue to learn, and to establish peace for all generations.

“If I disobey, I won’t succeed to the throne, and I will never take control of the Great Qin Dynasty.


Ying Qi’s voice reached the palace of King Qin.

Hear this voice.

The officials were shocked.

“This is the voice of His Royal Highness.”

“He seems to be making a promise to the people.

“Establish a heart for the heaven and the earth, establish a destiny for the livelihood of the people, for the sacred and inherit the best knowledge, and for the peace of all ages.”

“This, this sentence.”

“Too, that’s great.

“Is this the great wish of His Royal Highness?”

“Such a great wish, such a great virtue, who has owned it for the ages?”

“This, this is my Royal Highness of Da Qin.”

The voices heard by the civil and military officials were all shocked, especially, not the words, like thunder, blasted into the depths of his soul, making their blood boil and their souls trembling.

As a courtier of Great Qin, those aspiring courtiers.

Isn’t this a big wish for the world.

“Qi Er.”

“He had such a big wish.

“Establish a heart for the heaven and the earth, establish a destiny for the livelihood of the people, for the sacred and inherit the best knowledge, and for the peace of all ages.”


“This sentence expresses a great aspiration to the world, to the world, and to the people of the world.

“Qi Er can do this.

“I am the blessing of winning politics, the blessing of Daqin.”

“I win politics and have a son like this. What can I do for my husband?”

“Qi Er, you really surprised the father.”

When Ying Zheng heard the sound, waves appeared on his calm face, from shock to ecstasy, which showed Ying Zheng’s profound understanding of this sentence.

There is also a strong expectation for his son.

It is this time.

Xin Sheng hurried in from outside the hall.

Baiguan returned to his senses in shock, and looked at Xin Sheng.

“The minister sees the king.”

Xin Sheng bowed directly.

Outside the palace, “what’s the situation? How did Qi Er deal with Chun Yuyue and those Confucian scholars?” Ying Zheng also recovered and asked with concern.

“Back to the king.

“Chun Yuyue was imprisoned by the prince, and five thousand scholars were killed by the prince’s orders.”

Seeing Ying Zheng asked how to deal with Confucian scholars, Xin Sheng immediately replied.

The words fell off.

Qunchen’s complexion changed in shock.

“It’s not good. After all, His Royal Highness still didn’t stop the killing, killing. With this killing, something happened to the killing.” Wang sighed and said helplessly.

“It’s okay to kill a Chunyu Yue, but it kills five thousand scholars. This is bound to cause an uproar in the world.

“This is not a good thing.”

“The mouth of the people is better than Fangchuan, and it is impossible to prevent it.

“This matter must find a way to suppress it, otherwise there will be endless troubles. After all, Da Qin has just taken control of the world.

Hearing Xin Sheng’s words, many civil and military men in the Manchu dynasty couldn’t help but sigh.

Some words impulsively kill Confucian scholars in order to win Qi, and some are blamed.

See this for Xin Sheng.

Immediately speak again.

PS: Old folks, I am grateful for a monthly pass.

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