Chapter IX wins Qi shot and suppresses Confucianism

Outside the palace.

Take a look.

At least five thousand Confucian scholars, all gathered in the palace gate, each dressed in white Confucian robes, sitting quietly on the ground, while Chun Yuyue sat at the forefront, with an awe-inspiring appearance.

And at the moment.

Confucian scholars made such a momentum.

Outside the palace, people who didn’t know how many onlookers had gathered, everyone looked at this scene with great curiosity, and they didn’t know what happened.

But they are all gathered together to watch the excitement.

And from time to time, people gather from foreign exchange.

In front of the palace gate.

Although many sharp men watched indifferently, their expressions were also very flustered, as if they had never thought that they would encounter this situation.

After all, the leader was the teacher of Fusu Young Master, and there were so many Confucian scholars who tried to expel them, but Chunyu Yue refused to retreat, making the scene anxious.

Chunyu Yue waved his hand.

More than five thousand scholars raised their arms high as if they had heard the command, and screamed loudly again.

The entire palace could hear their voices, and even more attracted countless people from Xianyang to come and watch.

And at this moment.

Fusu ran out of the palace quickly, looking at Chun Yuyue who was kneeling on the ground, Fusu was anxious.

“Teacher, what are you doing?”

Fusu ran over and said helplessly.

“The son.”

“The crown prince has no relationship with you, but it should belong to you, and the teacher must help you win it over.”

“You are the teacher’s most outstanding disciple. The key to promoting Confucian etiquette in the future, the teacher will never allow you to lose nothing.”

“As long as the enfeoffment system is restored, you may be able to entrust the king as you.” Chun Yuyue looked at Fusu and smiled.

This is his purpose.

Bring five thousand scholars gathered here.

The fundamental purpose is to restore the ancestral system, and with the help of such a powerful movement, to provoke public opinion to force victory in the government and have to succumb.

For the world.

He Chunyuyue persuaded him for the sake of the country, for the courtesy and the ancestral system. If Yingzheng kills him, even for his Confucianism, this will inevitably be notorious in the “sixty-six-zero” world, and for Yingzheng The world is unfavorable.

This is Chun Yuyue’s sinister intentions.

Of course, what he said to Fusu just now was half-truth.

“Teacher, the enfeoffment system is no longer possible, the father has already decided, and the eldest brother today also proposed the implementation of the system of prefectures and counties, and the father has approved it.” Fusu said.

“Ying Qi, the county has formulated a national policy in just a few days. It is really amazing. He is really the most like a king, and a more outstanding son than the king.

Hearing the news from Fusu’s mouth, Chunyuyue’s old face also appeared in shock.

But soon.

He came back to his senses.

“My son.

“As long as the system of prefectures and counties has not been implemented, everything can be reversed. You must remember that only the system of enfeoffment can give you the opportunity to practice Confucian benevolent governance. You have the opportunity to become a king.”

“Teacher is going to risk his death today.” Chun Yuyue’s eyes were firm.


“You go quickly.”

“Father is angry, he will kill you, and these disciples, he will not let go of any of them.

“Furthermore, the eldest brother is right. If the enfeoffment system is implemented, it can indeed stabilize the world in a short time, but in the long run, Daqin will be like the week of the past, the world will collapse, and the princes will not be ministers, and the world will continue to be caught in the flames of war.”

“The enfeoffment system was originally the ancestral system, but it is not suitable for today’s era.” Fusu said in an imploring tone.

“My son, maybe the king is right to win, but the reason I didn’t tell you, I knew you would stop it.”

“But for the revitalization of Confucianism and Taoism in my heart, why not die?”

Chunyu Yue smiled.

After all.

The reason why he was so crazy about supporting Su ascended to the throne was probably just seen as a pawn to revitalize the so-called Confucian etiquette. What he cared most about was his Confucianism, not Fu Su.

Follow along.

He closed his eyes and stopped paying attention to Fusu.


The five thousand scholars shouted again.

See here.

Fusu was helpless.Time for a stick of incense.

It is also passing quickly.

Inside the Palace of King Qin.

“Chun Yuyue.”

“At the beginning, the clan family really found a good teacher for Fusu, and he was such a rebellious minister.”

Ying Zheng said coldly, revealing a palpable anger.


Next, “Leave it to your son.”

Ying Qi said to Ying Zheng, slowly stepped down the stairs, and walked out of the Palace of King Qin.

“The King.”

“Although His Royal Highness is a hero, after all, he is young and energetic. Chun Yuyue has gathered thousands of Confucian scholars and popular opinion. In the final analysis, he is using public opinion to persecute the king. If the crown prince orders them to act on them, he fears that public opinion will have an impact on the king.

“I also ask the king not to let His Royal Highness use swords and soldiers.

Wang Shu’s face changed, and he said with a sense of caring for the overall situation.

Yingqi had already mobilized the Janitor before, and his meaning was probably that the Israeli army suppressed the Confucian scholars.

I’m afraid this will be the worst result.

“The ministers seconded.”

“If these Confucianism are treated with swordsmanship, the people of the world will be sickened by the king and even the imperial court.”

The ministers stood up and asked to play, very solemnly.

“Since the prince is going to take care of this matter, hand it over to the prince.”

“No matter what he does, everyone supports it.”

“All right.”

Continue “The court meeting, Zhu Qing will continue to play state affairs.”

Ying Zheng had no worries at all, and said to the officials.

How does his son behave? Does he even know if he wins politics?

For so many years.

Even if he didn’t recognize each other at the beginning, Qi Er has never let himself down once, and this time is absolutely no exception.

To have such an outstanding son, it is enough to be the support of the father, and think so much about what to do.


There is also a killing intent in Ying Zheng’s heart.Chun Yuyue and the Confucian scholars who have gathered want to gather public opinion to fight against the king’s power. They violate the Qin law to gather, and the set is already a great rebellion. What if it is killed?

People in the world don’t care about winning politics.

Tyrants, benevolent princes, these Yingzheng do not care.

Winning the government is all about the stability of the world without war.

See Yingzheng so.

Wang Guan and other ministers were not right again, which also made them once again understand what position Yingqi is in Yingzheng’s mind, which is unmatched by anyone.

Outside the palace.

More than five thousand Confucian scholars roared with all their strength, making their voices resounded inside and outside the palace. Tens of thousands of people had gathered in the periphery of the palace, all watching the excitement.

And at this moment.

On the palace wall.

Ying Qi’s figure appeared.

“Chun Yuyue, do you know that you are rebelling?”

The voice of Ying Qi resounded like thunder, resounding outside the palace.

This sound.

Fusu’s face changed, and his eyes looked at the win with some awe.

he knows.

My eldest brother is here.

Things may not be good anymore.

The more Chunyu slowly opened his eyes, stood up, and looked at Yingqi on the palace wall, but his expression was very calm, because the sooner Chunyu knew what he did today and any consequences.

The worst result this time was undoubtedly that King Qin was furious and gave him to death.

For the appearance of Yingqi, Chunyuyue also has hatred in his heart.

In his view, the abandonment of the enfeoffment system and even the position of Fusu’s prince were all because of winning Qi. If not, the enfeoffment system may have been implemented.

“Win Qi.”

“Wu Chunyuyue represents Confucianism, on behalf of the ancestors of Qin Dynasty, making rituals and begging to meet the King of Fa, why did you come?” Chun Yuyue said coldly.

This statement.

It seems ordinary, but it has a hidden irony, which means that Win Qi is not worthy to come.

“My Lord.

“Great Qin Wuanjun.”

“Prince Daqin.

“You, what kind of east or west? What contribution did you do for Da Qin?” Ying Qi said in an unceremonious irony.

One sentence.

Immediately, Chunyu Yue’s face showed iron blue.

What’s the merit?

This Chun Yuyue really didn’t know.

He really didn’t seem to have made any achievements for Da Qin.

“It turned out to be His Royal Highness.”

“His Royal Highness is famous in the world, to destroy the six kingdoms for the Great Qin Dynasty, and to set the world.”

“His Royal Highness is right. What kind of Confucian Chun Yuyue is too ignorant. He is such a shit. He didn’t make any contribution to Da Qin, so he dare to question His Royal Highness?”

“His Royal Highness condescending to see him has already given him a lot of face, and he is so presumptuous.

“Really looking for death.

Hear what Yan Qi said.

The people onlookers immediately showed awe and fanatical gazes, and they started talking.

These voices reached Chun Yuyue’s ears, and it was a bit hot and dry.

Fighting exploits in Daqin are fundamental.

Without military exploits and no titles, there is no way to shine in Daqin.

Even being in a high position will be criticized.

No merit can be conferred, this is the iron law of Da Qin.

“I, Chunyuyue, represent Confucianism and the ministers who have contributed to the world. I asked the king to impose the ancestral system and implement the enfeoffment. This is the foundation of the stability of the world. Only by following the ancestral system can the Great Qin prosper and pass on forever.”

“If the king is unwilling to restore the ancestral system, he will implement the enfeoffment.

“I Chunyuyue still has five thousand Confucian disciples who will not leave the palace and die without regrets.”

Chun Yuyue immediately changed the subject and said loudly.

His voice fell off.

All the five thousand Confucian scholars shouted in unison, all with a firmness, as if they came to their ambition to implement Confucian justice: “If the king does not restore the ancestral system, respect the rituals, and enforce the enfeoffment, I will never leave the Confucian students. Half a step at the palace gate, no regrets in death.”

The voice resounded inside and outside the palace.

“Who do you think you are?”

“The official is not the young master or the young master, and the noble is in the body, and the ineffectiveness is in the body.”

“Why do you represent a minister of merit in the world?”

Winning Qi is still cold.

“Win Qi.”

“You are sophistry.

“Even if I have no merit or merit, but I am also the people of Da Qin and the foundation of Da Qin forever, can’t I just die for Da Qin’s loyalty?’

Chun Yu Yue cried out a little crazy.


“Since you are admonishing on your own behalf, I will ask you a few words.

“Since you want Da Qin to respect the so-called ancestral system and implement the enfeoffment system, the monarch asks you how the enfeoffment system is beneficial to Da Qin and the world?” Ying Qi stared at Chun Yuyue and asked in a cold voice.

The “system of ancestors, the legacy of the ancestors, the enfeoffment system has been passed down since the early summer, and it is the foundation for me to rule the world.”

“If the ancestral system is implemented, the ministers with merit can be conferred knights or even kings.”

“To entrust the princes to make contributions to the Great Qin Dynasty, and to be naturally loyal to the Great Qin Dynasty, it will be the rule of the Great Qin Dynasty, and the world will be determined.”

“This is the benefit of enfeoffment.

“One is to reward Daqin’s meritorious officials, to show the vastness of King Longen, and the other is to make the world stable and there will be no more wars.”

Chunyu Yueyi’s righteous words.

“This is your answer?” Ying Qi jokingly looked at Chun Yuyue 0…

Today, he suddenly gathered, gathering Confucian scholars in trouble. Ying Qi thought he could have some new tricks, but he didn’t expect it to be a few old excuses.

The reason why he gathered so many Confucian scholars, thousands of people, relied on gathering, gathering the people, and thinking that Yingzheng would not kill him.

This is his last support.

Just don’t kill him.

He has been making noise all the time, even if he did not succeed in allowing Da Qin to implement the enfeoffment system, but under such a big influence, his reputation of risking his death will spread, so that his Confucianism can also be heard throughout the world.

This may be his plan.


“In Daqin, in the world.”

“The king can only keep the world stable if he follows the ancestral system and implements the enfeoffment.” Chun Yuyue raised his head and said with a serious face. Under the gaze of so many people in Xianyang, his speech and expression are all righteous.

“good.Ying Qi sneered: “The Lord Ben will ask you.”

“Do you know the old business? Do you know the old week? Where did they end up?”

Chun Yuyue’s expression changed, and he immediately said, “Tonight only talks about Daqin’s entrustment of enfeoffment. What does it have to do with the Shang and Zhou Dynasties in the past?”

“You want to follow the ancestral system, isn’t it that the Shang and Zhou dynasties are not the ancestral system?” Ying Qi Leng said coldly.

“The death of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties was because the king was in power, causing the princes to rebel and the country to perish.” Chunyu said through gritted teeth.

The words fell off.

Ying Qi smiled: “Okay, well said.”

“A good Shang and Zhou dynasty is a faint king in power, a good faint king in power makes the princes have to rebel, and the country has to perish.

“If this monarch is to put it another way, the Shang and Zhou dynasties are destroyed, is it because the princes dominate, thinking, want to oppose the king?” Ying Qi Leng said coldly.

Chun Yuyue’s face changed suddenly.

The discussion among the surrounding people is also intensifying, pointing to Chunyu Yue.

“Chun Yuyue.”

“My Lord tells you.

Since ancient times, “The king’s power is supreme, the emperor lets the minister die, and the minister has to die, don’t you understand the truth?”

“Your Confucianism is not based on loyalty and filial piety.”

“But from your words, I can’t tell you how much you respect Da Qin, you don’t have the slightest respect for Da Qin, and the slightest loyalty to Da Qin and Da Qin. Is this the manner of etiquette you respect?”

“Above the court, on the land of national policy, but you are in vain of Qin’s law and gather so many people for no reason to block the palace gate, which is unfaithful.”

“This is Confucian loyalty and filial piety?”

“Furthermore, you know that both Shang and Zhou dynasties were destroyed by enfeoffment, and that you knew the drawbacks of the ancestral system and enfeoffment, but you violated the will of the king and gathered so many Confucian scholars to commit crimes. Do you want to perish Daqin? Or do you want to seek rebellion?”

Ying Qi asked coldly.

“No, you, you are

Chun Yuyue’s face turned pale, thinking that he wanted to refute, but his heart was shaken and he didn’t know what to say.


Hearing this, he looked at Chun Yuyue’s expression again, Fusu’s eyes widened, and he looked at Chun Yuyue strangely.

this moment.

He felt that his teacher was very strange.

“Chun Yuyue.

“The death of Shang and Zhou dynasties was caused by the ambitions of the princes. The so-called ignorance following the ancestral system is self-defeating.”

“If our Daqin implements the enfeoffment system, broadly seals the world, so that the world is everywhere, it is the monarch and the king.”

“Within more than ten years, the world is indeed peaceful.”

“But dozens of years? Hundreds of years?”

“Isn’t it another troubled world? Isn’t it another same race?”

“What you call the enfeoffment system is to give birth to one after another ambitious princes, and ultimately the root cause of the chaos in the world.”

“Is this your loyalty to Da Qin?”

“You clearly want to destroy Da Qin, and you clearly want to make Da Qin’s tens of millions of people fall into the flames of war again, once again precarious, the people will not live, and once again fall into the war of various countries, let the war once again cover the world for thousands of years?”

Ying Qi coldly shouted.

Then he looked at the onlookers of Wu Hundreds: “Da Qin people, the world has just been peaceful, there will be no more wars, no more killings and slaughters among the same clan, Da Qin will be benevolent, and the world will be enlightened, and the people will be gracious. ”

“Only the system of prefectures and counties can enable Daqin’s decree to be implemented, and the whole world is one.”

“And the rule of enfeoffment will give birth to another troubled world. You may not see this shortcoming in a short time, but your sons, your grandchildren, and the descendants of your descendants will eventually see it.”

“You know the cruelty of war, do you want your children and grandchildren to be shrouded in the same room and fight against each other again?

Ying Qi Wei shouted.

This statement.

All the people onlookers were shocked.

In troubled times, how can they not know?

Because they were all born in troubled times, countless of them also saw with their own eyes, through wars, saw, killed, and slaughtered, and they knew the cruelty of it.

If they let their descendants and grandchildren bear the flames of war again, and once again fall into boundless despair, precarious, they really don’t want to see it.

For ordinary people.

They don’t know too much.

Perhaps there is not much knowledge about dealing with the system of enfeoffment and the system of prefectures and counties.

But they knew from His Royal Highness that the system of enfeoffment was to entrust kings and marquises all over the world. Wouldn’t it be the chaos of the nations? All the efforts of Lao Qin people have become a vain?

Enfeoff princes.

Even if they won’t fall into the chaos of war now, what about their children and grandchildren in the future?

Thought of this.

They were angry, looking at the Confucian scholars and Chun Yuyue with angry eyes, choosing people and devouring them.

At first they just watched the excitement, but now it’s different…

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