Chapter 198 Five Thousand Scholars Break the Palace Ban, Win Qi’s Wrath!

A few days later.

The North will open.

Daqin Palace.

It still stands on the top of the world and is respected by countless people of Qin Dynasty.

Today’s Palace of the King of Qin.

It has become the only court in the Central Plains, and also the only kingship in the Central Plains.

Inside the Palace of King Qin.

The gathering of civil and military officials is different from usual.

In today’s court, Wu Anjun is still there, but he has another identity, the prince of Jianguo.


The scenery of the court has changed.

As the prince of Donggong, Yingqi is no longer standing in the line of courtiers, but standing on the ladder, second only to the throne.

The main hall is full of civil and military personnel under his overlook.

This is the beginning of kingship.

Today’s Yingqi does not wear Daqin’s official robes, but belongs to the crown robes of the prince of the East Palace. It is similar to the royal robes but lacks specifications. He wears a golden crown on his head to show his identity.

The majesty of a kingship appeared in Ying Qi, and this kingship was different from Ying Zheng’s hegemony. What Ying Qi showed was not only hegemony, but also a kind of heart-pounding killing intent.

Qi, Wei Mo was born.

After joining the army, I don’t know how many enemies have been killed, and the commander-in-chief has no idea how many enemies have been slaughtered.

If the killing domain burst out, the whole hall would show a breathtaking scene.

“The future court and Daqin will change.

Chaotang Wenwu looked at the win with awe, and many of them showed a kind of complexity.

A few days.

Da Qin has fundamentally changed.

Just a few days ago, they originally thought that the ownership of the crown prince would arise between Fusu and Hu Hai, but the final result made them shocked. A person that they hardly thought of was also the best in Da Qin. Powerful people have taken this position.

If Yingzheng can decompress the court and control the world.

Then his son won Qi will never lose to Yingzheng, and will be more cruel than Yingzheng’s methods, because although he is the prince, but has not yet ascended the throne, he does not need to do things like Yingzheng’s scruples, care about courtiers. Influence, care about the views of people in the world.

Therefore, many courtiers are more in awe of Yan Qi than to win the government.

“Han Fei, you have known that Zhao Qi is the eldest son.

“That’s why you are so unscrupulous. Li Si” is full of regret and fear.

When he chose to support Hu Hai, the words Han Fei quietly told him whirled in his mind until the day when Ying Qi regained his identity and recognized his ancestors and returned to the clan, Li Si truly understood.

It turns out that the clown has always been himself.

“Is this the kingship?”

“It feels really good.

“The existence I was most in awe of is now under my control.”

Yingqi’s eyes swept across the court hall, and all the courtiers dared to look at him, all with a kind of panic from the bottom of his heart.

This is the power that Yingqi has now.

“Or 660 Xu.”

“Brother Yingqi is the most qualified successor to the father. I don’t have the bravery and courage of the elder brother, nor the knowledge of the elder brother. If I were the prince of Daqin, can I be so calm and self-assured as the elder brother?

Looking at the overbearing figure of Ying Qi, Fu Su couldn’t help but sigh.

There is no contrast.

There is no harm.

Of course.

This is also for Fusu, the gentleman of Qianqian. His disposition is not so narrow. The reason why he was disliked by Ying Zheng is that the clan gave him the wrong teacher.

However, he is still young. If he really has the intention to play for Da Qin, Ying Qi can also force him to come.

But for Hu Hai.

He stared at Ying Qi’s figure, intense jealousy flashed deep in his eyes, not reconciled.

“Damn it to win Qi, all this should have been mine.”

“Enjoying the awe of courtiers, those who are awed by the world should also belong to me.”

“All of this has been taken away by you.”

“You wait.

“I will never end here.

Hu Hai’s eyes were full of hatred.

Just then.

“The king is here.”

With a scream from the houdian temple, it resounded through the court.

Follow closely.

The look of Manchu civil and military in the court became more awed, tidying up his clothes.Wearing a dangling robe and a crown on his head, Ying Zheng is boundless.

All face to the high position, bowing.

“For ministers, see the king.

“May the Great King Wannian and the Great Qin Wannian.”

Manchu dynasty civil and military shouted in unison.

Yan Qi also turned around and bowed to Yingzheng.

Yingzheng is in front of the dynasty, and its power is boundless.

When looking at Yingqi, who was wearing the crown prince’s mian robe, a smile appeared on Ying Zheng’s face under the mian’s robe.

“Zhuqing, flat body.

Ying Zheng was seated on the throne, and his hands stretched out in a prestigious voice.

“Xie Dawang.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu dynasty said in unison, and then they sat down to the left and right of the hall according to their ranks.

Fusu and Hu Hai are naturally in the first position of civil servants. They currently do not have official positions. The Shang Dynasty was also because the previous princes played deliberately by winning the government. Their role in the Shang Dynasty was to listen, or to say like the censorship officer. Just a few comments.

But they do not have any authority.


Perhaps they can make Baiguan follow orders without authority, because they are potential princes, and those courtiers who support them dare not be disrespectful.

But now it’s naturally changed.

With Yingqi, he became the prince of Donggong.

Da Qin has changed the sky.

The prince has been decided.

In the past, those courtiers who supported Fusu and Hu Hai naturally wanted to move away. If they were targeted by Yingqi, it would not be a good thing for them.

“There is this play.

“Retreat without a foundation.”

The temple man who served next to Ying Zheng shouted loudly.

“Enlighten Father.”

“Erchen has this play.

Ying Qi turned around and bowed.

“Qi Er, what’s your original play?”

Ying Zheng’s words are gentle.

The grace of Ying Qi can be seen in his tone.

“With regard to the implementation of the system of prefectures and counties, the four lords, the minister and the magistrate, Meng Yi, Han Fei, and Feng Quji have already agreed.

“Father, please read it.

Ying Qi held a bamboo slip in his hand.

“Qi Er, have you agreed on the implementation of the county system so soon?”

Ying Zheng said with a kind of surprise.

How long is this?

Just five days.

Actually agreed on the implementation charter?

This speed is too fast.

In Ying Zheng’s view.

It will take at least one or two months for the implementation of the rules of the county system to take shape, and then it will take time for him to win the political review and hand it over to the DPRK Council to decide.

If the system of prefectures and counties is fully implemented in the Daqin world, it will take at least two years or more.

“Present it.”

Seeing the self-confidence on his son’s face, I can’t wait to win the government. The implementation of the county system is related to Daqin’s better control of the world. Now the control of the world is governed by the army, which consumes a lot of money and food, but if the county system is implemented, It can definitely solve a big dilemma for the Treasury.

The monks serving on the side immediately took over the memorabilia from Yingqi and presented it to Yingzheng.

Ying Zheng opened it immediately.

Pause time.

A look of surprise appeared on his face.

After reading the melodies.

Ying Zheng looked excited and laughed: “Qi Er, did you propose this policy for implementing the county system?

“Go back to the father.

“Although it was proposed by the son, the four adults also helped a lot.” Ying immediately replied.

“Haha, Qi Er deserves to be my winner Junjie, really.

“The four Aiqings also contributed a lot.” Yingzheng laughed loudly, obviously agreeing with the state policy of the county system.

Otherwise he wouldn’t be so excited.

“The king has a good reputation.

“This is all the work of His Royal Highness.”

“The division of counties and counties, as well as the framework regulations, are all proposed by His Royal Highness, the ministers and others only play a supporting role.” Han Fei said immediately.

“The minister seconded.”

“The system of counties and counties was proposed by His Royal Highness.” Meng Yi and Feng Quji also agreed.

Look at their expressions.

He seemed to be in awe of winning Qi, and he was obviously completely impressed.


“You really didn’t let the father down.”

“Originally, my father thought that you might have missed your government affairs, but he didn’t expect you to be so brilliant and easy to implement the national policy of the county system.

“Widows are proud of you.” Ying Zheng laughed loudly.

“Father is too rewarding.

“For the sake of Da Qin, the children should be serious.” Ying Qi said modestly.

“Dare to ask the king, I wonder what the prince’s policy of the system of counties and counties is?” Wang stood up and asked respectfully.

Manchu dynasty civil and military are also looking forward to it.

It is absolutely extraordinary to be able to make Yingzheng be so excited.

“The implementation of the system of prefectures and counties is related to the great Qin Dynasty, and there will be no internal troubles anymore.”

“If it is an ordinary method, it will take at least two or three years for the system of counties to take shape. However, the implementation of the law agreed to by counties and counties by Qier, as long as it is implemented, will be effective within one year.” Ying Zheng said with a gratified smile.

Then he handed the memorial notes to the temple people beside him: “Read out.


The monk accepted the memorial, and after opening it, he said loudly: “The system of prefectures and counties is the foundation of the world, and Daqin holds the foundation of the world.”

(adbc) “The rules for the division of prefectures and counties are agreed upon by Erchen and Qi as follows, dividing the Daqin territory into thirty-six prefectures, of which…

The announcement of the temple people sounded in the main hall.

I heard that the county is divided into national policies.

Many civil servants showed shocked expressions on their faces.

For the military minister, there are few things that can be understood, after all, from ancient times to the present, there has been a specialization in the art industry.

When this memo has been read out.

Almost all the officials looked at Ying Qi with awe.

The prince’s “county-county system” state policy is really clever.

“The minister admires it.” Wang Shu couldn’t help but said.


Wang Guan also seemed to have figured it out in his mind: “I originally thought that the prince was only proficient in martial arts, but now it seems that this is not the case at all. It means no learning and skill. Only the prince can control Da Qin and let Da Qin inherit it from generation to generation.”

“Prince State Policy.”

“The ministers admire it.

The Manchu civil and military also opened their mouths one after another.


See here.

A smile appeared on Ying Zheng’s face.

On the court.

Regarding the state-based state, there are few that can be passed by a hundred officials, but the state policy of the county system mentioned by the winner can be passed unanimously. It is conceivable how applicable this is.

“in this way.”

“This county can implement the national policy by implementing the system.”

Ying Zheng smiled slightly and looked at Ying Qi softly: “Who do you think can be the chief officer of the county system?”

“Back to Father King.”

“The minister recommends Tai Fu Lu Buwei.”

“He was originally Daqin Xiangbang, with outstanding ability, and now he will serve Daqin again, which is enough to implement the state policy of the county system.” Yingqi did not hesitate and directly recommended Lu Buwei.


Win Zheng did not hesitate and agreed directly.

“The imperial edict.

“The prince Tai Fu Lu Buwei was appointed as the chief official to implement the system of prefectures and counties, and to implement the system of prefectures and counties in the world in accordance with the constitution of the system of prefectures and counties drawn up by the prince.

“To avoid obstacles in the implementation process.”

“Qi’er, you have commanded the world camp, if there are obstacles, grant the Taifu the right to suppress it.” Yingzheng said prestigiously.

“Children lead the edict.”

Winning Qi Xinran took the lead.

“Congratulations to the host for implementing the county system, completing the hidden task of the dungeon world event, and rewarding “moving type printing.” The system prompt sounded in Ying Qi’s ears.

“Even this is also a hidden mission?”

“That car is on the same track, and the book should be the same, right?”

Ying Qi was shocked in his heart, and then thought of it excitedly.

“It can be expected to become stronger.” Ying Qi smiled with satisfaction.

at this time.

“Please follow the rules of etiquette, follow the rule of the ancestors. Respect the system of the great Qin ancestors and ancestors.””Otherwise, the Great Qin Dynasty will be chaotic, the community will collapse, the world will collapse, and the Great Qin will be gone.”

“Please follow the etiquette,

A round of unison voices spread from outside the hall to the hall.

Hear this voice.

Yingzheng, who was originally planning to implement the state policy of the county system, frowned, and immediately looked outside the hall: “Who is making noise?”


Xin Sheng hurried to the hall and bowed: “Lord Qizhui, Young Master Fu Chunyuyue led thousands of scholars to gather at the gate of the palace, clamoring that he would restore the ancestral system and follow the rules of etiquette.”


Ying Zheng stood up abruptly, with a hint of anger on his face.

What is ancestral system?

Naturally, it is the enfeoffment system that has been passed down since ancient times.

At that time, most of the Baiguans fell to the enfeoffment system, but Yingzheng naturally didn’t want Da Qin to follow the old path and eventually collapsed. Then he returned from winning Qi and directly criticized Baiguan and let the enfeoffment system be completely abandoned.


Someone even dared to mention it.

Moreover, Fusu’s teacher Chun Yuyue gathered thousands of scholars to use fishing reels to force the enfeoffment system.


“What about him?”

Fusu’s expression changed, and his expression became flustered.

He had completely given up fighting for the position of prince. Suddenly his teacher was like this, and Fusu was very different.

“Fu Su.”

“Chun Yuyue is your teacher and belongs to the minister in your residence. What does he want to do, or… a coldness flashes in Ying Zheng’s eyes: “Or what do you want to do?”

“Father, calm down.”

“I don’t know what the teacher did.”

“Erchen is willing to go out to persuade the teacher and let the teacher leave.”

“This must be the teacher’s mistake, and the son immediately went to persuade him.

Fusu’s expression became horrified.

“Widow will give you a stick of incense time and blast him away.” Ying Zheng said coldly.


With a panic, Fusu ran quickly to the outside of the hall.

he knows.

If Chun Yuyue makes trouble no matter what, it will definitely not end well, Ying Zheng will not tolerate it, and winning Qi will not tolerate it.

If you want Chunyu Yue to survive, you must stop his teacher from continuing.

“Xin Sheng.

At this moment, Ying Qi suddenly spoke.

“The minister is here.”

Xin Sheng responded immediately.

“Assemble the imperial guards.” Win Qi Wei said.

The order to win Qi is also like Wang Zhao in Xin Sheng’s heart, because Ying Zheng once said to him that the order to win Qi must also be implemented.

“His Royal Highness.”

“No need to fight, right?”

“Young Master Fusu has already tried to persuade him, and I believe it will be resolved soon.

Seeing that Ying Qi was like this, Wang Shu’s expression was somewhat solemn.

“It seems from here that Fusu has no knowledge of Chunyuyue’s move. Chunyuyue has gathered thousands of Confucian scholars. Could it be that Fusu can persuade him to leave?”

“Gathering Confucian scholars, ignoring Qin Fa, vainly attempting to use folk fishing reels to fight against the king’s power.”

“He Chunyuyue has a good calculation.

Ying Qi said coldly, revealing a way to see through everything.

“If he can listen to persuasion and leave the palace, this monarch can still give him a chance.”

“If he doesn’t leave, then don’t blame this monarch for being ruthless.

“The kingship is not to be desecrated.

Win Qi Leng said coldly.

A terrifying coercion enveloped the entire hall, making all courtiers look at each other in awe.

this moment.

They only understood that Ying Qi’s skill was not weaker than Ying Zheng, and even stronger.

“Qi Er is right.

“Kingdom, no blasphemy is allowed.”

“Threatening public opinion to threaten the king’s power.

“So courageous.” Ying Zheng also said angrily.

Regarding Yan Qi’s approach, winning politics can only be gratified. This is his son, the person who will inherit the Great Qin Dynasty in the future, so courageous, is his true son who won the government.

PS: I beg my brothers for a monthly pass, thank you very much.

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