Chapter 197 Winning Qi: The King is the King, and the World

once Upon a time.

Even if Ying Qi became an admiral, even if he had innate realm strength.

There is still a sense of awe for the supreme kingship, especially the kingship held by Qin Shihuang Yingzheng, which is even more awe-inspiring.

The kingship is above the world and controls the world.

Make everyone in awe of the world.

Winning Qishang in the past is awe-inspiring. For the people of the world and the court officials, it is self-evident.

It’s like the current court hall.

Is it true that the Manchu civil and military are truly loyal to Qin Shihuang?

This is simply impossible.

Most of them put their own interests first, but if they want to realize their interests and gain power, they must rely on the great empire of Daqin and surrender to the king’s power.


This can also be reflected in Ying Qi’s hands.

Prince Daqin.

The kingship is already in hand.

Yingqi can tolerate their selfishness, but all selfishness can’t override Daqin, and can’t override themselves.

after all.

People will have selfishness.

In the army, Yingqi can subdue arrogant Titans, let alone these Xianyang officials.

“Words from the Lord.”

“Subordinates understand.

Li Qing has a sense of awe and awe.

Just then.

From outside the hall, dozens of people in Daqin official robes walked in, ranging in age and young. These are the many officials in charge of the clan.

“For ministers, see His Royal Highness.

All the clan officials entered the hall and bowed to win Qi Yibai, with strong awe on each face.


Win Qi Qingen gave a cry, and then said: “Flat body.”

“His Royal Highness, Prince Xie.

All the officials said in unison.

“Edict from the Heavenly King.”

“From today onwards, the clan officials are all assigned to the prince, and the ministers must act for the prince.

The head of a clan official said respectfully.

“What’s your name? Any position?” Ying looked at the official Qi who spoke.

“Returning to His Royal Highness, Chen Yingkuan, who used to assist the clan affairs of the head of the clan.” The official immediately replied respectfully.

“From now on, you will be the head of the clan, and you will directly take orders from this monarch.” Ying Qi Wei said.

“His Royal Highness, Prince Xie.” Ying Kuan said respectfully.

“What is the clan’s control now?” Ying Qi asked again.

“Back to the prince.

“Currently, there are records of royal family heirs in the clan’s control, and the identification is drawn up and recorded in the genealogy.” Ying Kuan respectfully said.

“It seems that the father’s suppression of the clan has reached the deepest point. Except for the clan affairs, they have no chance to touch any government.

Hearing this, Ying Qi smiled from the bottom of his heart.


This is also worthy of this family crime. In the past, like those powerful, they had forgotten their roots, their roots, and forgotten that they were also the royal family with the winning surname. They actually went to the end to deal with the king, and the sword against the enemy was used on the king’s body. , Put the cart before the horse.

No wonder Yingzheng will treat them this way.

In fact, this can only be said that Yingzheng is too benevolent, and that he is a blood relative, and he did not continue to suppress it.

If Yingqi’s character is used, it will not only be such a suppression, it will even cause them to lose even the family affairs.

For the betrayers, Yingqi has never been soft.


Now Yinghuai is dead. One of the culprits who separated his parents in the past is dead. As the Daqin royal family, although the clan is lonely, there must be many talents among them. With Yingqi’s skills, it can be subdued.

“Since it is the clan, it is my Daqin royal clan, and I am also blood relatives to this monarch. Naturally, I can’t be limited to clan affairs, or it would be too inferior.

Ying Qi spoke slowly.

The words fell off.

Dozens of clan officials in the main hall showed a touch of excitement and expectation, staring at Ying Qi.

Their clan has been suppressed for so long, except for the clan’s own affairs, there is no chance to make meritorious promotion. The titles of these people have been in the original title for many years.

Now the words of Ying Qi gave them some hope.

“The minister is waiting to swear allegiance to His Royal Highness the prince.

All the clan officials bowed their heads and shouted in unison.

“Go back and sort out the list of clan officials, as well as everyone’s situation, and submit it to the East Palace tomorrow. This monarch will select capable people for each position.” Ying Qi said calmly.

“His Royal Highness, Prince Xie.

Although the clan officials all thanked him in unison.

“All right.”

“Get out.””Come back tomorrow, don’t let me down.”

Ying Qi waved his hands to everyone.

“The ministers retired.”

The clan officials respectfully retreated from the hall with a kind of expectation.

Until they leave.

“Now, do you understand?” Ying Qi looked at Li Qing beside him.

“Subordinates understand.”

They “fear the Lord, so they don’t dare to mess around, and they know that if they become an enemy, they will definitely die.” Li Qing replied respectfully.

“So, I don’t care whether they are really loyal, but only whether they have the ability, because if they can’t pay true loyalty and get the true trust of the Lord, how can they really be reused by the Lord?”


“My master employs people. Those who are truly powerful are those who are loyal to my master. Those who are unfaithful will never be able to reach high positions.

“My master employs people, loyalty comes first, and ability comes second.

Ying Qi Weisheng said.

This made Li Qing shocked all over, bowed and bowed: “The Lord is wise.

“Go ahead.”

“In the name of the monarch, let Han Hanfei, Meng Yi, and Feng Quji move all the household registration statistics, population statistics of each city, taxation, and Daqin military strategy to the East Palace.”

“And let Meng Yi come here in person,”.

Win Qi Wei said.

“Let’s take the lead.

Li Qing walked out of the hall quickly and took orders to do it.

“in history.

Qin Shihuang “after the dominance of the world, he divided the six kingdoms into 36 prefectures, and later annexed Baiyue, and the territory of the Xiongnu was added to forty-eight prefectures.”

“Now I am going to determine the division of counties and counties. I can also divide them and name them based on the counties and cities recorded in my mind.

“In my previous life, I never thought that Qin Shihuang’s great cause of dominating the world was almost always my participation, even in counties and counties.

“After that, there will be abandoning the languages ​​of various countries, the cars will be the same track, and the books will be the same.”

“However, these still need to wait for the implementation of the system of counties and counties, so that Daqin can completely consolidate the control of the world before implementing it.

“Waste writing, these are not easy tasks, they will inevitably cause a great earthquake in the world, and it still needs to be done step by step.”

Win secretly arguing in my heart.

After all, I was born again, with an extremely advanced awareness of this era. The cars are on the same track, the books are the same, and the world is unified. This is the key to Daqin’s unity of the world.

Only by accomplishing these feats can Da Qin truly control the world.

“I now have the method of papermaking, and the method of ironmaking, as well as various knowledge of later generations that I know, as well as high-yield grains of sweet potatoes and potatoes.”

“Relying on these enough will allow Da Qin to completely condense this world.”

“The future can be expected.

Ying Qi smiled in his heart.

Originally, these things could only be taken out after the end of Qin and after winning Qi to seize the world, but now there is no need to wait that long. This world must belong to Win Qi, and these things can also be taken out gradually.

And with the emergence of these cross-age products.

The identity of the Son of Win Qi’s Destiny will be more widely circulated. The so-called remnants of the Six Kingdoms want to restore the country, it is an extravagant hope.

For this era, for the Yan and Huang ethnic groups, being able to live peacefully and have enough food and drink is the day they most look forward to. At this time, it is difficult for anyone to give them such a life.

Even if thousands of years have passed, the food crisis still looms over the central plains.

Time gradually passed.


Lu Buwei came and sat on the left side of Yingqi.

Didn’t wait long.

Han Fei, Meng Yi, and Feng Quji also brought their subordinates to the main hall of the East Palace.

“For ministers, see His Royal Highness the Prince.”

When several people came, they immediately bowed to win Qi Yibai.

For Meng Yi and Feng Quji, they both have a deep friendship with Yingqi. Now that they are crowned prince, it is also of great benefit to them. As long as they play for Yingqi, their family can Prosper another generation.

For Han Fei, that is even more self-evident, he is truly a confidant of Ying Qi.

“Flat body.

“Sit down.

Win Qi smiled slightly.

“His Royal Highness, Prince Xie.” Several people immediately thanked them.

When seeing Lu Buwei.

Several people also saw the ceremony: “I have seen Wen Xinhou.”

“My lords, you are polite.” Lu Buwei smiled.

Although he is no longer a minister, he still has a great influence in Daqin Chaotang, and no one dares to disrespect him.

“Have you brought all the catalogues I wanted?”

After watching a few people take their seats, Ying Qi asked.

“Back to the prince, all the catalogues have been moved over.”

“The minister can report the current rough statistics of Daqin’s population to the prince vote.” Han Fei respectfully said.

“En.” Ying Qi nodded.

“As it is today, take control of Da Qin.”

“We have a population of 12 million in the Great Qinyuan Territory, Han You has a population of 5.8 million, Wei You has a population of 6.85 million, Zhao You has a population of 9.65 million, and Yan has a population of 756. Ten thousand, Qi has a population of 7.36 million, and Chu has a population of 8.75 million.”

“The total population is more than 57 million.”

“This is before the Qin Dynasty annexed the countries, the population was counted by the household registration of the countries, but obviously there is a big error. No matter what era, the population can not be too accurate, and the error will be at least two or three million. .”

“And after the Great Qin eradicate the six countries, the war to dominate the world.”

“For eight years, the war has enveloped the entire Central Plains. The war has continued and the fields have been barren. Therefore, the population has been greatly damaged. According to the minister’s estimation, the population of Daqin should now be less than 50 million.” Han Fei speculated on him. The value of advertised towards winning the Qi table.


“Xing, the people suffer, and the people die, the people suffer.”

“For the world, once a war starts and taxes increase, for ordinary people, it is forcing them to die. Once they encounter the kind of mediocre king who is greedy for pleasure, it is also a catastrophe for the world.

“However, if I were the king, all this could be avoided.

Win secretly thought of it in my heart.

“How about taxation?”

Ying Qi nodded and looked at Feng Quji again.

“Back to your Royal Highness.

“In terms of taxation, due to the war, the taxation of various regions has not yet been unified.”

“For example, due to the war, taxes have increased to seven in the territory of Daqin. The taxes in the territory of the original countries are more than those in the territory of Da Qin, and there are eight taxes and nine taxes.

“Only the State of Qi, who has never encountered war, directly surrendered to Daqin, is a little better. It is ten taxes and six taxes.” Han Fei sighed and said helplessly.

“Tax now.

“It’s true that the people of the world have been under too much pressure, they can’t eat enough, and the people starve to death one after another.”

“This matter must be resolved.” Feng Quji also said, with a sense of sorrow.

“This matter is too difficult.”

“Da Qin has just experienced unification, and many local government affairs have not yet been fully controlled, and the local powers and the remnants of the immortal heart of the restoration of the country are obstructing. Among the countries, the land is in the hands of those powers. move.”

“Reducing taxes does not bring much benefit to the people all over the world.”

“It’s really hard to handle this matter.

Meng Yi said in a deep voice, also extremely sad.

The matter of taxation is a major matter of the foundation of a nation.

If you want to reduce it directly, perhaps it is to make the dignitaries of those countries cheaper.

after all.

The countries are not Daqin, they have already taken the fields back from the powerful and powerful at the time of the reforms. Only by gaining military exploits and titles can they get the fields.

But the countries have not yet implemented it.

It’s been pretty good to set the world in eight years, so Daqin hasn’t really used the sword for those powerful and powerful.

But once the knife is used, it will shock the world.

Therefore, the matter of taxation and the survival and death of the people in the world is not simple.

Even Yingzheng has no solution at this moment.

Hear the words of the three.

Ying Qi frowned slightly, but he was already thinking about it.

“Taxation is indeed too much.”

“The foundation of the country lies in the social grass, and the foundation of the social grass lies in the people of the world.

“Since this monarch is the prince of Daqin and has the right to supervise the country, this matter will definitely be resolved.”

“However, before that, the system of prefectures and counties must be fully implemented, so that Daqin can completely control the world, so that we can proceed with the next plan for the survival of the world.” Ying Qi said in a deep voice.

“His Royal Highness Shengming.

Several people said in unison.


“Now I will tell you a few thoughts on the system of prefectures and counties, let’s see if you have anything to add.”

Seeing that everyone is getting serious, winning Qi will not waste time.

There are still a few days before the meeting, what Yingqi needs to do is to draw up a plan for the division of counties and counties.

“Does the prince already have an idea of ​​the system of prefectures and counties?

“But yesterday, the king gave the prince the task of arranging the system of counties and counties. Did the prince think of it in one night?” Lu Buwei thought in surprise.

The reason why he invited orders to participate this time is to help win a better planning system of counties and counties. After all, Lu Buwei is not a vain name, and he can definitely play a big role.

Moreover, Lu Buwei has many ideas in mind about the system of prefectures and counties.

“Look at the thoughts of His Royal Highness. I have heard from the King before that His Royal Highness also has a unique understanding of government affairs. If there is something wrong, I can correct him.” Lu Buwei thought secretly.

“The minister waits and listens respectfully.

Meng Yi and they all pricked their ears, ready to listen to Ying Qi’s thoughts.

“I have a vast territory in the Qin Dynasty. Today, the governance of the territories of the countries has not been divided, and the land of the countries is also named after the countries.”

“My Lord intends to divide the Daqin territory into thirty-six prefectures and cities.

“How many counties are planned for each county based on the size of the land and the number of people.” Ying Qi said Shen.

The prince meant that there was no need to divide the prefectures and cities by the number of populations. The county seat can be handed over to the local government. ”

Lu Buwei immediately understood the meaning of Yingqi’s words, and his eyes lit up.


Ying Qi smiled slightly and nodded: “If all counties and towns need to be divided into Xianyang, the required classics and records need to be transferred from the world, which will take several years, but if you use the method of the Lord, Xianyang Draw up the framework of thirty-six counties for the center, divide the world into counties and cities, and then divide the county with the prefecture as the main

“Of course.”

“The decision to divide the county is still in the hands of the monarch, and the county needs to coordinate the division and present it to Xianyang, and then determine the right and wrong for the monarch.”

Hear this.

Meng Yi, Feng Quji, and Han Fei all shined.

They are the great officials of Daqin, one of the Jiuqing.Naturally, I understand that the method mentioned by Yingqi can quickly implement the system of prefectures and counties. Perhaps it does not take a year for the system of prefectures and counties to be truly implemented in the Daqin world.

The prince’s “satisfactory opinion, the old ministers admire it.”

Lu Buwei originated from his inner admiration.


Meng Yi and several people also admired.

“Using the framework of thirty-six counties, and then letting the county seat re-designate the county seat, it seems that there is nothing wrong with this method.”

“Sure enough, thousands of years of knowledge is still useful.”

Looking at the expressions of these officials, Ying Qi smiled from the bottom of his heart.

“Prince, since you have established 36 counties as a framework, do you already have a specific division method?” Lu Buwei asked respectfully.


Ying Qi nodded.

“My lord, have you ever brought a map of the world?”

“Just ask the prince to plan the thirty-six counties framework, and then the implementation will be much simpler.” Lu Buwei immediately looked at the three men of Meng Yi and said.

“Take it.”

Han Fei immediately took out a map from the strategy behind him, which was a piece of seven maps.


These maps are obtained from the countries after Da Qin destroyed the countries, and they are more detailed than the maps drawn by Da Qin secret investigation.

Of course.

Compared with the world map owned by Yingqi, it is far inferior.

However, the world map cannot be taken out yet. After all, Daqin still needs to stabilize its national strength.

It is easy to fight the world, but difficult to guard the world.

This sentence is not false.

In the past, winning Qi was only a courtier and only needed to manage the battle. Naturally, he would not think so much, but now he is the Prince of the East Palace, supervises the country and Daqin, holds the royal power, food and grass, and military resources. These are all under his control.

Can’t do it indiscriminately.

The world he wants is not a country with poor soldiers and armed forces, but a truly powerful country that can provide unlimited logistics for the victory and upgrade of the enemy in the future.

Han Fei respectfully held the map to Ying Qi’s table.

Lu Buwei and several people also surrounded him one after another. They wanted to see how Ying Qiju (Wang Li Zhao) divided the world’s thirty-six counties.


“The system of prefectures and counties was first divided from the territory of Daqin.”

“The native territory of Daqin is composed of the land of Bashu, the land of Guan, and the land of Longxi.”

“The land of Bashu is divided into two counties, one is Ba county, and the other is Shu county.

“The land of Guanzhong is designated as Beidi County.

“The land of Longxi is designated Longxi County.”

“The surrounding area of ​​Xianyang does not belong to the division of prefectures and cities. It is the capital of Qin Dynasty, surpassing the 36 prefectures in the world.”

Ying Qi pointed to the mainland territory of Daqin and said in a prestigious voice.

The voice fell.

Lu Buwei, Meng Yi, and Han Fei all nodded in unison, agreeing with them.

Then continue to listen to Ying Qi’s plan for the world.

As for “Han territory, it is divided into three counties, this is Xinchuan County, this is Sanchuan County…

Time is also in this process, gradually passing by.

But no one knows.

The rudimentary form of the Daqin county system has been gradually formed under the leadership of Yingqi. It will only be implemented by the government after the approval of Yingzheng at the time of the court meeting.

Fusu Mansion.

In a side hall.

Chunyu Yue sat in the main seat with a cold face, and in front of him were a few men in Confucian robes.

As the contemporary head of Confucianism, Chun Yuyue was also the teacher of Fusu. All Fusu’s mansions became the foundation of Confucianism in Xianyang.

It is not surprising that the Confucian disciples are in the mansion.

“Are you all ready?”

Chun Yu Yue looked at the disciple in front of him, and said solemnly.

“Back to teacher.”

“It’s all ready.”

“Everything is in accordance with the teacher’s instructions.

Several Confucian scholars respectfully said.


“In order to be foolproof, you should tell all the disciples that for the Confucian etiquette, for the world’s etiquette, my Confucian must overthrow all my strength, even if I die without regret.” Chunyu Yue said in a deep voice.


Several Confucian scholars bowed their heads and retreated from the side hall.

“The son.”

“You and I are a master and apprentice. You gave up the fight for kingship. I don’t blame you. After all, the prestige of winning Qi is unmatched by the master. What should belong to you, it should be yours.”

“These should not be deprived.”

“This time, the teacher will give you the last fight. Maybe you will be able to pull down Win Qi in the end, so you have a chance to become a prince.”

Looking at the backs of a few Confucian scholars, Chunyu Yue’s eyes flashed with madness, but there was also determination.

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